Military Resources

WELS Ministry to the Military provides resources for military service members, military families, congregations and schools, and Military Contact Pastors.

For Military Service Members

These resources are designed to keep military members close to Jesus.

Downloadable Resources

Access resources and videos that will assist military members in staying close to God while in the military and provide guidance about witnessing to their faith.

Christian Service Membersā€™ Handbook

Military members and families who sign up with theĀ referral formĀ can get a FREE copy of theĀ Christian Service Membersā€™ Handbook. Sign up today!

PCS Information and Support

Take these steps for support and to keep us up to date:

  1. Fill out our service member referral form to continually update your contact information.
  2. View Military Contact Pastor locations and nearby WELS congregations and schools.
  3. Connect with your nearest WELS military services contact:
    National/Pacific: [email protected]
    European: [email protected]

Military Service Member FAQs

There are several applicable biblical principles. First, God himself establishes governments to punish evil, protect the good, and preserve the peace (Romans 13:1-4 and 1 Peter 2:13-14). In addition, John the Baptist advises soldiers not to extort money, not to accuse people falsely, and to be content with their pay (Luke 3:14). Government has been established by God, and service in such matters is noble for God-fearing Christians.

Although service in the military is an honorable profession, your specific conflict and your individual actions need examination. A war to preserve the peace or in self-defense is a war in which you can engage according to Godā€™s will. Rebellions are against Godā€™s will. The Bible does not specifically address the morality of every type of conflict, and reasons for military actions are often complicated. Therefore, if you know a war or your specific command in the war is wrong, you must fear God rather than men and refuse to serve (Acts 5:29). However, if the war is moral or if you cannot determine if the war or specific action is moral, then you should assume the best of your superiors and follow commands with a clear conscience (1 Corinthians 13:7).

Luther wrote a letter, ā€œWhether Soldiers, Too, Can Be Saved,ā€ in which he addresses questions of conscience surrounding military service. Luther also gives this specific advice to soldiers:

ā€œBefore God he should be discouraged, fearful, and humble, and commit his cause to him that he may dispose things, not according to our understanding of what is right and just, but according to his kindness and grace. In this way he wins God to his side with a humble, fearful heart. Toward men he should be bold, free, and confident because they are in the wrong, and smite them with a confident and untroubled spirit.ā€

It is important that you take the initiative to receive ministry. The military will facilitate access to WELS ministry to the military if you request it yourself according to protocol. Every situation is different, but here are some easy first steps:

  1. Sign up at When you sign up, you will receive a Spiritual Deployment Kit with a Bible, a Lutheran book for private worship, and military-specific devotions. You will also receive regular devotional e-mails written by our National Civilian Chaplain. Parents, you can sign up your children as well!
  2. Talk with your local pastor. Explain how long you expect to be gone and the best way to get in contact with you while you are away. Ask him to pray for you and to keep in touch with spiritual encouragement for you.
  3. If stationed in the United States, follow this link to find and contact your nearest Military Contact Pastor. If stationed in Europe, follow this link to contact the European chaplain.
  4. If you have any questions about receiving spiritual care while serving anywhere in the military, especially when you are deployed, please contact our national civilian chaplain at [email protected].

You put your faith in danger whenever you separate yourself from Godā€™s Word and sacrament. The military will not provide regular reminders to hear Godā€™s Word. Remember to pray. Make sure you have a plan to stay close to Godā€™s Word while in the military. Perhaps for the first time, you will need to take the initiative and reach out to hear Godā€™s Word and receive the sacrament. We are here to help!

The WELS has a network of Military Contact Pastors (MCPs) that are listed online. MCPs are congregational pastors at congregations close to military installations in the United States. Contact your nearest MCP and develop a plan to hear Godā€™s Word and receive the sacrament. You can find the MCP closest to your base by following this link. Depending on the situation, you may be able to travel off base and worship with the congregation. In other situations, the MCP will come on base to serve you. For more information, please read ā€œHow to have religious services on base.ā€

Yes! Absolutely!

You will be living among many people who have never heard the gospel. Your words, attitudes, and actions will be noticed and may prompt questions about your beliefs. Point them to Jesus. WELS Ministry to the Military has prepared a helpful resource on sharing your faith while in the military. Follow this link to learn more.

Please contact Pastor Paul Horn, national civilian chaplain, at [email protected] for more information.

Our Partners

Lutheran Military Support Group is a non-profit organization providing Christ-centered support to WELS/ELS military service members, veterans, and their families.

Military OneSource provides support for military personnel and families.

For Military Families

Do you know someone serving in the Armed Forces? These resources support military families and those with loved ones serving in the military.

Video Resources

These videos provide guidance for military members and for those who love and serve them.

This video discusses religious accommodations and practicing religious freedom while in the military.

This video addresses 1. common spiritual temptations while in the military and 2. specific ways to stay close to God’s Word while in the military.

This video provides ways for your congregation to minister to those in the Armed Forces, veterans, and their families.

Military Family FAQs

Yes! The primary purpose of WELS Ministry to the Military is to make Godā€™s Word and sacrament available to our actively serving military personnel and their families. WELS is committed to providing military ministry. You can find information about our ministry in the U.S. and overseas on the webpages.

Everything we have comes from God. He provides for our needs. This is a good opportunity to learn how to be wise in the use of Godā€™s gifts.

When starting out in the military, itā€™s important to watch out for lenders. Some lenders will specifically target military because they know they are under contract and have a reliable income. Some lenders will offer deals on cars or other major purchases with a high interest rate, which will end up costing much more than the upfront cost over the life of the loan. Itā€™s good to avoid debt and beware of slick salespeople, especially in areas frequented by young military members.

The military will pay for many basic expenses such as healthcare, transportation, and lodging. A lot of money passes through a personā€™s hands throughout their military career. Our heavenly Father provides resources to meet our needs, but he also intends for us to pay taxes, to save for our future and for emergencies, and to help people in need. He tells us that he gives us more than we need, so that we can also give back to him to show our thanks. Make a plan to use resources wisely.

Yes. Young people are susceptible to many temptations. Some of these temptations are common in the military. These include alcohol abuse, pornography, using Godā€™s name in vain, using Godā€™s name to curse, sins against the 6th commandment, poor stewardship, and the glorification of violence. Although these temptations may seem daunting, receive comfort from Godā€™s Word!

Proverbs 22:6
StartĀ children off on the way they should go,Ā and even when theyĀ are old they will not turn from it.

Ephesians 6:16
In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all theĀ flamingĀ arrows of the evil one.

1 Peter 3:15
But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared toĀ giveĀ anĀ answer to everyone who asks you toĀ giveĀ the reason for the hope that you have.

As we mature, we learn the wisdom of Proverbs 1:10, ā€œMy son, if sinful men entice you, do not give in to them.ā€ Every Christian needs to learn to use Christian judgment in what we do and who we associate with. If colleagues are a negative influence, it may be time to associate with someone else. Sometimes when a person doesnā€™t join the crowd, they find other friends who donā€™t go along with the crowd. Avoiding temptations allows us to let our light shine and be a Christian witness.

It is important that your child takes the initiative to receive ministry. The military will facilitate access to WELS ministry to the military if your child requests it according to protocol. Every situation is different, but below are some easy first steps for your child. Parents, you can sign up your child as well using the referral link.

  1. Sign up at When you sign up, you will receive a Spiritual Deployment Kit with a Bible, a Lutheran book for private worship, and military-specific devotions. You will also receive regular devotional e-mails written by our national civilian chaplain.
  2. Talk with your local pastor. Explain how long you expect to be gone and the best way to get in contact with you while you are away. Ask him to pray for you and to keep in touch with spiritual encouragement for you.
  3. If stationed in the United States, follow this link to find and contact your nearest Military Contact Pastor. If stationed in Europe, follow this link to contact the European chaplain.
  4. If you have any questions about receiving spiritual care while serving anywhere in the military, especially when you are deployed, please contact our national civilian chaplain at [email protected].

The WELS has a network of Military Contact Pastors (MCPs) that are listed online. MCPs are pastors at congregations close to military installations in the United States. Your child can contact his/her nearest MCP and develop a plan to hear Godā€™s Word and receive the sacrament. Your child can find the MCP closest to his/her base by following this link. Depending on the situation, your child may be able to travel off base and worship with the congregation. In other situations, the MCP will come on base to serve your child.

For more information, please read ā€œHow to have religious services on base.ā€

Our Partners

Lutheran Military Support Group is a non-profit organization providing Christ-centered support to WELS/ELS military service members, veterans, and their families.

Military OneSource provides support for military personnel and families.

Find a Military Contact Pastor near your duty station

When you or a loved one is stationed stateside, a nearby WELS pastor and congregation are ready to serve with Word and sacrament.
More than one hundred WELS pastors serve area military installations as Military Contact Pastors (MCPs).

For Congregations and Schools

These resources contain items for congregations and schools to promote military ministry and support military members and their families.

Military Services brochures are available upon request. E-mail your name, address, and the quantity desired toĀ [email protected].

Congregation and School resources

Military occasions and national holiday resources

For Military Contact Pastors

In addition to a training video, Military Contact Pastors will find downloadable ministry tools: flyers to facilitate ministry to military personnel, a poster promoting referrals for military ministry, a customizable poster that might be used at a military installation (with permission) to promote nearby congregations, and a template that illustrates how the promotional poster could be customized.

Military Contact Pastor resources

Congregation and School resources

Military occasions and national holiday resources


Do you or someone you know serve in the Armed Forces? Family members can receive devotions and other spiritual help materials in the mail or by e-mail. Please complete the online referral form.


If you are in the military or know a military member who can benefit from the services of a WELS pastor, please reach out to us.