Ministerial Education

“And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others” (2 Timothy 2:2).

The continuing scriptural purpose of Ministerial Education is the preparation of candidates for the public ministry of the gospel to proclaim Christ’s love in the congregations, schools, and mission fields of our fellowship. A special emphasis of the last biennium has been to identify and meet the continuing and changing needs of our church body at this point in the history of the holy Christian Church. Our report gives you an overview of the efforts to coordinate that work. The reports from the four ministerial education schools demonstrate how they are carrying out their mission on your behalf.


WELS Ministerial Education works to provide workers for the more than 1,200 churches and 750 schools in the synod. WELS provides this education through a system of four schools: two high-school-level preparatory schools, a college, and a seminary.

What We Do


Staff Ministry

Staff ministry gives men and women an opportunity to pursue full-time ministry in an area where their gifts can be best used to further Godā€™s kingdom in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS).

Training for the Ministry

The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod supports four schools that equip students to serve as pastors, teachers, or staff ministers.

Pastor Partners

Pastor Partners is an initiative of Grow in Grace that seeks to provide a system of support and encouragement for pastors from ā€œseminary to sunset.ā€

Latest News

Ministerial EducationĀ resources for called workers and congregational leaders are available on the WELS Resource Center.


WELS Lutheran Schools and Ministerial EducationĀ provides resources for individuals, teachers, and schoolsĀ nationwide. Consider supporting these ministries with your prayers and gifts.


ContactĀ WELS Lutheran Schools and Ministerial Education for more information.