Ways to Support WELS Ministry to the Military

WELS Ministry to the Military serves the brave men and women in the Armed Forces with Godā€™s Word and sacrament. Through a full-time national civilian chaplain, a full-time European civilian chaplain, and more than one hundred Military Contact Pastors nationwide, we provide spiritual support online, via U.S. mail and e-mail, and whenever possible, in person.

WELS Ministry to the Military depends on freewill offerings and grants and receives only modest subsidy from our synodā€™s budget. Please consider supporting ministry to the military with your prayers, gifts, and involvement.

Give online

There are two ways to give online to support the services provided by the national civilian chaplaincy and the European civilian chaplaincy.

Get Involved

Mission projects for your church, school, or group

Is your church, school, or group looking for ways to provide support and encouragement to those serving in the Armed Forces? Contact us or call 414.256.3241 for assistance with any of the ideas in the list below.

Here are just a few ways to get involved:

  • Request brochures or a poster that encourages people entering the military to sign up for military ministry.
  • Arrange for a presentation for your church, school, or group to learn more about military ministry.
  • Send a heartfelt card, letter, care package, or gift to someone as they live and work far from home. This video gives tips for ministering to military members or their families.
  • Access resources to host a special worship service on a military holiday, and designate the freewill offering to WELS Ministry to the Military.


Military members and their families can receive devotions and other spiritual help materials in the mail or by e-mail.


If you are in the military or know a military member who can benefit from the services of a WELS pastor, please contact us.