About Evangelism

“In your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reasonĀ for the hope that you have” (1 Peter 3:15)

One of WELS’ objectives is “to foster a sense of urgency for the lost and to seize every opportunity the Lord provides to evangelize lost souls.”

The Commission on Evangelism exists to assist congregations to seize every opportunity the Lord provides to evangelize lost souls. Our service to WELS is to develop and promote evangelism resources that faithfully proclaim the truth of Scripture to the lost; to promote evangelism attitudes, structures, and programs consistent with Christian doctrine and the situation into which God has called a church, its pastors, and its people; and to promote the “equipping of the saints” for organized congregational evangelism and individual Christian witness.


This commission assists congregations to seize opportunities the Lord provides to evangelize lost souls by developing and promoting evangelism resources and by promoting evangelism attitudes, structures, and programs consistent with Christian doctrine.

Want to share the gospel with someone who doesn’t know Jesus? Point them to What About Jesus, a website that presents basic belief topics in an easy-to-understand format for those who aren’t familiar with God’s Word.

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What We Do


To the Ends of the Earth Movie

To the Ends of the Earth follows Paulā€™s remarkable visit to the city of Philippi, recorded in Acts 16. It shows how Paul connected with people from all walks of life,Ā demonstrating that the good news of Jesus is indeed for all peopleā€”to the very ends of the earth.

My Son, My Savior Movie


My Son, My Savior is about the coming, life and ministry of Jesus told from the perspective of his mother Mary.

Come Follow Me Movie

The Come Follow Me DVD is a tool to help local churches with outreach.


Road to Emmaus Movie

The Road to Emmaus DVD is a tool to help local churches with outreach.

School of Outreach

WELS Commission on Evangelism offers the School of Outreach for WELS congregations.

Online Certificate Program


The WELS Commission on Evangelism offers evangelism courses through the Martin Luther College continuing education program.

Evangelism resources for called workers and congregational leaders are available onĀ the WELS Resource Center.


WELS EvangelismĀ provides resources for individuals and congregationsĀ nationwide. Consider supporting these ministries with your prayers and gifts.


Contact WELS Evangelism for more information.