Events in a Box

We hope these ideas will help you with the details of planning your event!

Please feel free to share your ideas with us, we’d love to hear from you!

There are organizational tips at the bottom of the page to help things go smoothly and keep you focused on Christ. Let his grace be the guide and motivation for all you do!

EVENT PLANNINGĀ can be fun as you realize that the powerful Word of God will make anything you plan successful – his Word will not return void! Ā Include fun events, music and time for women to chat. Events that promote participation will be well received. Here are some themes and ideas for your events!

Clothed in Christ

  • Invite a closet organizer to give a presentation to your church and community about organizing closets.
  • Include a devotion or bible study on being clothed in Christ or cleaning your spiritual closet!
  • Consider a fun fashion show or race to see who can get the most silly clothes on!
  • Follow up by sending women home to clean their closets and donate items to a charity

Planning for the Future

  • Invite a Christian giving counselor to talk about wills and estate planning
  • Include a devotion or bible study on our confident hope as Christians or end of life issues. Find passages or hymn verses that are especially helpful.
  • Have your pastor talk to the group about planning your funeral texts and hymns.
  • Encourage or train women to make visits to nursing homes or hospice patients. Make a list of people in your church to pray for. Ā Send cards for encouragement.

Mission Focus

  • Invite a mission speaker to talk about the Gospel work of Christ being done somewhere else. This could include home or world missions. It might include a student from MLC whose parents are missionaries.
  • Spend time in bible study looking at God’s call for us to share Christ and support missions
  • Do a craft project or service project that will benefit a mission (quilts, bookmarks, baptism napkins, etc.).
  • Write letters or send card to missionary families. Jump start evangelism work in your area!

Sisters in Christ theme

Proverbs 31 Woman theme

  • Study the woman in Proverbs 31
  • Break out sessions could focus on the verses about family life, relationships, business and faith
  • Find activities or games that deal with balancing things or fitting things together.
  • Honor some of the women who have been an example for you; send cards and share their story

Scripture themeĀ (these are endless, but here are some ideas)

  • Rejoice in the Lord always ~ Philippians 4:4
  • Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power ~ Eph. 6:10
  • Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts ~ Col. 3:15
  • Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also ~ Mt. 6:21
  • Lord, teach us to pray ~ Luke 11:1
  • You are a chosen people, a holy nation ~ 1 Pet. 2:9
  • Be still and know that I am God ~ Ps. 46:10

1 day schedule options:

Friday Evening
6:30 – Appetizers & Fellowship
7:00 – Welcome & Singing
7:15 – Keynote Presentation
8:00 – Table Talks
8:45 – Closing & Prayer

-OR –

Saturday Day
8:30- Registration &Ā Welcome
9:00 – OpeningĀ Devotion
(devotion services are in the front of the hymnal)
9:20 – Break
9:30 – Keynote Presentation
10:30 –Ā Small Group Breakouts
11:45 – Lunch
12:30 –Ā Group Activity (fun, service project or craft)
1:45 – Break
2:00 – Small Group Breakouts
3:15 – Break
3:30 – Closing Devotion & Prayers

2 Day Schedule

Friday Evening
6:30 – Appetizers & Fellowship
7:00 – Welcome & Singing
7:15 – Keynote Presentation
8:00 – Table Talks
8:45 –Ā Break
9:00 – Entertainment (music, skits, games)

8:00-Ā Breakfast & Bible Reading
(Assign readings, provide questions)
9:00 – OpeningĀ Devotion
(see the front of the hymnal)
9:20 – Break
9:30 – Keynote Presentation
10:30 –Ā Small Group Breakouts
11:45 – Lunch
12:30 –Ā Group Activity (fun, service project or craft)
1:45 – Break
2:00 – Small Group Breakouts
3:15 – Break
3:30 – Closing Devotion & Prayers

3 Day Schedule

Friday Evening
6:30 – Appetizers & Fellowship
7:00 – Welcome & Singing
7:15 – Keynote Presentation
8:00 – Table Talks
8:45 –Ā Break
9:00 – Entertainment (music, skits, games)

8:00-Ā Breakfast & Bible Reading
(Assign readings, provide questions)
9:00 – OpeningĀ Devotion
(see the front of the hymnal)
9:20 – Break
9:30 – Keynote Presentation
10:30 –Ā Small Group Breakouts
12:00Ā – Lunch
12:45 –Ā Free Time
(suggest activities)
5:30 – Banquet
7:00 – Entertainment

8:00-Breakfast & Bible Reading
9:00 –Ā Bible Study w discussion
9:45 – Break
10:00 – Worship
11:00 – Closing & Evaluations

  • Publicity

    Talk about it!
    Newsletters & Bulletins
    Social Media
    Invite People!

  • Timing

    Timing is everything!
    Check other calendars to avoid conflicts
    Plant the seed early so people can plan

  • People

    Get people involved

    Even if it’s little things give people jobs
    (decorating, bringing food, etc.)

    Welcome outsiders!

  • Christ Centered

    Keep Christ at the center ofĀ your event
    Share God’s Word in as many ways as possible
    Involve your pastor in the spiritual planning

  • Prayers

    Teach women to pray in different ways
    Provide written prayers to pray together
    Sing prayers
    Lead them in prayer and provide pauses Ā for silent prayer

  • Speakers

    Ask your pastor for ideas about speakers.
    Contact Women’s Ministry Speakers.

    Speakers have prepared materials but some may also be willing to work with your group and theme to create a new presentation.


WELS Women’s MinistryĀ provides resources for individuals and congregationsĀ nationwide. Consider supporting these ministries with your prayers and gifts.


Contact WELS Women’s MinistryĀ for more information.