Hey students!
The world is your oyster! New horizons, new opportunities, so many doors open for you. How exciting to go off to college and finally become a grown up and begin YOUR life!
Make sure to take your faith with you! There are campus ministry programs and contact pastors around the United States and Canada that want to help you navigate the twists and turns of college life.
Sign up with Campus Ministry
If you are entering college or are in college already, please sign up with WELS Campus Ministry so we can share your information with your local campus pastor and send/e-mail you free copies of Meditations devotions and Forward in Christ magazine.
Find Your Campus Ministry
In college? Don’t leave your faith life at home. Find a campus ministry program or contact pastor at your college or university.
Online Bible Study for College Students
Don’t have a WELS congregation or campus ministry program nearby? WELS Campus Ministry is partnering with Awake and Alive, a ministry for young adults affiliated with St. Paul’s in Muskego, Wis., to offer Sunday evening Bible studies online. Connect with this Bible study group and learn more at awakealive.com.
Campus Ministry, a ministry ofĀ WELS Home Missions, provides resources for college studentsĀ nationwide. Consider supporting Campus Ministry with your prayers and gifts.
Browse through and share pictures of WELS Campus Ministries.