Walking together in the Great Commission through mission trips

WELS Mission Journeys provides an opportunity for all WELS members to walk together in the Great Commission. Through service opportunities in WELS mission fields at home and abroad, members can engage in Christian service. While volunteering, the learning and sharing of outreach ideas will allow individuals and teams to explore how they can use their God-given abilities to engage in outreach activities in their local communities upon their return home. With the Lordā€™s blessing, these trips will inspire a lifelong journey of service and outreach for all who volunteer.

“I was changed. I have never done anything so spiritually fulfilling, and the Mission Journeys program provides the opportunity for that same experience to many more people.”

“It was an honor as well as humbling to be sent as an ambassador to a world mission congregation. Standing barefoot on a Sunday morning, worshiping with Christian brothers and sisters singing a song I knew in a language I didn’t. . .Ā  It was a small glimpse of whatā€™s to come in heaven!”

“Our Mission Journeys trip fanned the flame for all of us on the trip as well as those surrounding us. As we returned home, we were all invigorated to do more in our own congregations and continue to serve the Lord in our everyday lives.”

“They kept thanking us overĀ and over for sharing the message of Jesus with them. The lookĀ in their eyes is unforgettable.”

“My trip has given me a new zeal to share the gospel.”

ā€œI plan on taking this experience and utilizing what I learned to interact more with those I know who donā€™t understand the joy we have in Christ.ā€Ā Ā 

“A Mission Journeys trip will definitely change your life for the better.”

ā€œThese trips teach you how to engage others and instill a heart of service. For those of you considering a mission trip, I strongly encourage you to go.Ā There is nothing like it! You donā€™t have to worry that you are too young, too inexperienced, too nervous, etc. God will use you!ā€ā€ÆĀ 

“Our entire group agreed – we came back to our homes learning much more and growing in our faith in more ways than we could have imagined.”

“It was the best decision I think Iā€™ve ever made.”

“I recommend (12 out of 10!) participating in mission trips. Not only will you see the wonders that he has made, but God might also use and inspire you in an unexpected yet wonderful way.”

Mission experiences

Get involved in mission work locally! One-day mission experiences can be coordinated for your church or small group to volunteer closer to home. Develop meaningful relationships with your team, the host congregation, and even members of the community to whom you witness.

Short-term mission trips

Volunteer anywhere from 3-14 days during a short-term mission trip at a WELS home mission congregation or world mission field. Gain a new perspective on the urgency of sharing the gospel!

Long-term service opportunities

You can make a difference as a bold servant leader by volunteering for up to a year at home or abroad. Long-term service opportunities could work well for retirees, students looking to take a gap year, and any other individuals who have a month or more to volunteer in a mission setting.


  • Short-term trip to Ellensburg, WA

    June 22-29
    Aug. 3-10

    Looking for groups of 4-6 people to connect with the community and explore planting a church

  • Short-term trips London

    8-10 days
    Fall 2025

    Looking for groups of 8-10 people to attend two Sunday services, volunteer at various charities, and help with outreach events

  • Short-term trips to Latin America

    5-7 days

    Assist and encourage Academia Cristo students in local outreach

  • Local volunteer opportunities

    One day

    Help out a local home mission congregation at some of their events

  • Short term trip to a home mission church

    3-7 days

    Help a home mission with outreach, events, or improvement projects

  • Short term trip to Apache reservations

    2-4 days

    Maintenance projects around church and school properties on the Apache reservations in Arizona

  • Long-term service in London

    1-3 months

    Work alongside the missionaries to build outreach efforts

How do I get involved?Ā 

  1. Fill out the Team Member Application form below.
  2. Shannon Bohme, Mission Journeys coordinator, will contact you.
  3. Work directly with Shannon to start building a mission trip team (when applicable) and connect you and any potential team members with prospective mission trips/service opportunities.
  4. GO and serve!


Faces of Faith ā€“ Jake, Gary, and Michelle

WELS Mission Journeys provides an opportunity for all WELS membersā€¦

Mission Journeys: Connecting with cultures in the U.K.

ā€œJohn 3:16 tells us that ā€˜God so loved the world that heā€¦

Mission Journeys opportunities in London

The new world mission field in London has partnered with WELSā€¦

Faces of Faith – Laura

Northcross in Lakeville, Minn., sent six members to Nong Khai,ā€¦

Faces of Faith – Michaela

As most college students headed out to their spring break trips,ā€¦

NEW Long-Term Volunteer Opportunities

Jesus gave the Great Commission to the Church saying, ā€œgo andā€¦


A: Mission Journeys is a program for WELS/ELS members over the age of 13. This program is designed for both lay people and called workers, to give all WELS members the opportunity to experience a short-term mission trip.

A: The focus of the Mission Journeys program is to work with congregations, but we will also work with schools and campus ministries to assist with mission trips. You do not need a team to apply. Mission Journeys will help you recruit a team from your congregation or school.

A: We will try to help you recruit additional team members. There is also potential to pair up with a team from a congregation close by.

A: You will receive an email confirming receipt of your application. Mission Journeys staff will contact you within one week to talk more specifically about the details of a mission journeys trip.

A: Some congregations and schools already work with a specific ministry and consistently send volunteers ā€“ if that is the case, we would encourage you to continue those relationships and enhance volunteer efforts through the Mission Journeys program. For congregations not currently doing missions trips, Mission Journeys will match teams based on the needs of the hosting mission congregation or field.

A: Mission Journeys is looking to send 75% of trips to domestic locations – in home missions or existing, self-supporting congregations – with the rest of the trips being at an international location.

A: Team size is dependent on the request and needs of the host congregation.

A: Types of projects including canvassing, a variety of camps (Soccer, Fine Arts, Coding etc.), and Vacation Bible School.

A: For many domestic trips, you wonā€™t have to worry about a language barrier. While it may be helpful for some members of the team to have some fluency in the local language on international trips, it is not required.

A: Yes – Team training includes developing a resiliency plan, culture sensitivity training, team building activities, devotions, and sharing ideas for fundraising. Most mission journey teams will meet four to five times as a team before departure.

A: Your journey continues with a post-trip team meeting and a presentation to your church. Each team also leads an outreach activity or program in the local congregation/community. This could be an enhanced VBS program, canvassing your community, starting a campus ministry, or finding service projects in your community for your congregation to participate in.

A: Mission Journeys travel expenses are funded by the team and/or their church or school, depending on the situation. The costs will vary for each trip. The Mission Journeys program also charges fees to help offset administrative expenses. Thanks to generous donors, the cost is $25/person. This includes the training materials and a Mission Journeys t-shirt.Ā We recommend that teams work with their church or school on fundraising, especially for those who might need financial assistance.

A: You may be staying with a host family, in a hotel, or in dorm rooms. Housing is dependent on what the host can provide.

A: Host families will be church members of the congregation or mission field you are working with. They have generously offered to share their home and meals to support the ministry. Host families may be a family with extra space to share or a retired couple looking to share their space with you. By staying with a host family, you may be building a life-long friendship. You may share a room with another member of your team, of the same gender.

A: While the focus of the trip with be to walk alongside the congregation or mission field that you are visiting, there may be opportunities to enjoy the area you are visiting. Most hosts are proud to share the beauty and sights of the area in which they live.

A: If your mission journeys trip is international, you will need a valid passport. The amount of time it takes to get a passport varies, and plane tickets cannot be booked without a copy of each person’s passport. Any costs associated with obtaining a passport are solely your responsibility. If you are applying for a U.S. passport, you can download an application and read instructions about obtaining a passport online at travel.state.gov/passport. It is required for your passport to have at least six months of validity past your travel dates.

A: Travel insurance is provided to team members traveling on international trips. Services provided include political and natural disaster evacuation, emergency medical transport as well as other services relating to trip planning and emergency coordination.

A: If your church would like to host a team, there is a Host Request Form available on the WELS Missions Journeys webpage. Hosts and Teams will be matched according to gifts, timing, and needs.

Download flyers, posters, and bulletin insertsĀ from the WELS Resource Center to promote Mission Journeys within your congregation, school, or organization.