Womenā€™s Ministry Bible Studies

The opportunity to grow spiritually through Bible study is a tremendous blessing. Women’s Ministry has produced Christ-centered and scriptural Bible studies for use individually or in a group. Resources to help start a study group or evaluate Bible studies from other sources are also provided. These free resources are available for download on the Women’s Ministry resource center. God’s blessings on your study of the his Word!

Find women’s Bible studies on the resource center.

Find practical information for starting your study, evaluating Bible studies, and prayers for opening your study in the Women’s Ministry resource center.

Prayers To Open Bible Study

Heavenly Father, as we gather together to study your Word, we pray that you would send your Holy Spirit to be with us. Clear our minds from the distractions and concerns of the day and open our hearts to receive the truth of your Word. Guide our study and discussions that we may grow closer to you in all we do and say. Strengthen our faith according to the promises in your Word and bind our hearts to one another in fellowship and love. May the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, our Rock and Redeemer, Amen.


WELS Women’s MinistryĀ provides resources for individuals and congregationsĀ nationwide. Consider supporting these ministries with your prayers and gifts.


Contact WELS Women’s MinistryĀ for more information.