Parents and Family
Man, You Can’t Fix It!
Alison Wolf is a parent of two children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. She shares her insights on the sensitive topic that deals with the question, When is enough, enough? When do I stop trying to fix my child and enjoy the child God has given to me?
Are you Crazy?
Dr. John Juern discusses the clinical problems that can occur from a difficult parenting situation as one might experience raising a child with developmental disabilities. John applies Christian principles to support psychological therapies.
It’s about time
Martin Spriggs takes us through a specific system that allows one to get in control of their time in keeping with good stewardship principles.
WELS Special Ministries provides resources for individuals and familes nationwide. Consider supporting these ministries with your prayers and gifts.
This ministry-by-mail program provides Christ-centered, simplified letters, seasonal cards, and Christian items throughout the year for those who are developmentally disabled.