Online Friendship Evangelism Course
Scheduled dates:
Summer 2024
Around us everywhere are people with whom Jesus wants us to share his message of love and salvation.Ā In striving to help Christians with this vital mission, the WELS Commission on Evangelism is offering this course on Friendship Evangelism through the Martin Luther College online continuing education program: THE9103.
This course is designed to enable learners to confidently share the faith they are already publicly sharing at worship in a personal, transparent, and informed approach.Ā Participants in this course will . . . .
- Understand the connection between their regular confession of faith in Jesus at public worship and opportunities to confess that faith in private with friends.
- Experience the joy that comes in sharing a gospel witness.
- Appreciate the opportunities to grow fuller and deeper friendships where natural and gradual faith-sharing can take place.
- Learn to confidently deal with Satan’s attempts to prevent, hinder, or halt witnessing.
- Become familiar with a multitude of helps that are available today and practice using them.
- Become significantly involved in their local congregation’s outreach ministries, helping to develop evangelism as a natural part of its culture.
Teaching Methodology
The course will be taught online utilizing the Moodle course management system. Weekly lesson guide sheets will guide participants through each lesson. The content material for the course will be obtained through readings in reference books, related online articles and web sites, and instructor provided information.Ā The course is designed to be completed in 6 weeks with approximately a six to seven hour time commitment each week.
Tuition and Fees
Tuition for a one-credit course is $295.Ā Additionally, there is a registration fee of $10 and a technology fee of $25 per course.Ā Financial Assistance – The Commission on Evangelism is offering a $75 grant to students when they complete this online evangelism course.Ā At the conclusion of the course, the instructor will provide information for receiving this grant.
> Learn more about tuition and fees
Contact: Pastor Eric Roecker, Director ā Commission on Evangelism: [email protected]