WELS National Teen Bible Study

What is it?

WELS National Teen Bible Study is an online opportunity for teens across the country to digitally connect with each other around the Word.

The online Bible study is not intended to replace local ministry efforts but complement existing ministries like the WELS International Youth Rally and area WELS Youth Nights. The goals are:

  1. To encourage greater spiritual growth during critical teen years.
  2. To encourage greater relational connections with other WELS teens locally and across the country.

Why an online teen Bible study?

The idea originated with a teenager.

After attending a WELS Youth Rally, Oliva came away with immediate friendships and connects with other teens across the country. But how do you keep spiritual engagement and relationships going in a culture that makes it easy for teens to disconnect from church and faith? Oliva’s idea was to harness the youth rally strengths of relationships and faith and continue it for WELS teens who may feel alone in their faith or be isolated due to distance.

How does it work?

  1. Teens will be able to sign up using their phones to register for an upcoming one-hour Bible study that will be zoomed quarterly.
  2. Bible study topics will be relevant and led by various WELS pastors.
  3. Teens will be able to interact with one another through breakout rooms.

When will the first one be?

Sunday, September 8, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. (Central)

Description of the next Bible study:

Found in Jesus—An Extraordinary Story of God’s Love

Have you ever felt lost? Felt like you’re going down the wrong path? Felt like there’s no way God could love you or forgive you, or that you’re so alone God must have forgotten you?

It’s common not only for teens but for all of God’s people to feel this way. That’s why you need to join with other teens for a meaningful and heartfelt study of the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32). Join fellow WELS teens from around the country for a special online Bible study September 8, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. (Central). The 45-minute Bible study will have opportunity to connect with other teens, study and discuss the Word, and apply it specifically to your teen lives today. The Bible study will be led by Pastor Phil Huebner, the campus pastor at Wisconsin Lutheran High School.

Sign up now to connect with other teens and with your Savior in this new special event!