Kids Connection

Subscribe to Kids Connection

Kids Connection is a video news magazine featuring interesting and spiritually uplifting stories about people, places, and programs around WELS. Its mission is to illustrateā€”through example and examination of Christian livesā€”the purpose, excitement, and joy of a living faith in Jesus Christ.
Each episode encourages viewers to ā€œStay connected to Jesus.ā€

Happy 30 years of Kids Connection!

Kids Connection is a video news magazine featuring interesting and spiritually uplifting stories about people, places, and programs around WELS. Its mission is to illustrateā€”through example and examination of Christian livesā€”the purpose, excitement, and joy of a living faith in Jesus Christ. Each episode encourages viewers to “Stay connected to Jesus.”

Implemented by the WELS Commission on Discipleship, Kids Connection was born out of a desire from teachers and pastors who wanted a WELS Connection-style video with a message targeted to kids. Nine episodes are made each year, one for each month of the school year.

Producer Steve Boettcher says, “We want to connect Christian kids to other Christian kids, showing there are other schools like theirs and other Christians like them across the nation in WELS.” The goal, he explains, is to highlight young Christians as much as possible in the videos, including the high school-aged hosts of each episode.

How can your congregation use Kids Connection?

Try these ideas:

In your Lutheran elementary school or early childhood center

  • Show it in an all-school chapel.
  • Pass it among the classrooms for lunchtime viewing.
  • Keep past copies in the library for kids (and adults) to check out.
  • Use the subscriber letter and discussion questions as a discussion starter (our synod’s missions, worker training schools, stories of faith, etc.).

In your church

  • Use it in Sunday school.
  • Show it in adult or family Bible class.
  • Watch it at a youth group gathering.
  • View it in church in the opposite week from WELS Connection.
  • Take along on shut-in visits.
  • Share with homeschooling families.
  • Allow families to take it home for home devotions or discussions.

To help the youth at your school or congregation stay connected to Jesus, fill out the online subscription form. Contact the Discipleship office with questions.

Sample Kids Connection video

Leader Resources

Find the Kids Connection leader guides on the Resource Center.

Kids Connection presents ā€œMy Schoolā€

Every school is unique. ā€œMy Schoolā€ is a contest where Kids Connection will come to your school and film a story about the unique ministry at your school.

It could be a grade school, a high school, a prep school, a Sunday school, or an early childhood ministry. All you have to do is send Kids Connection an e-mail with your unique story idea!