Ministries Serving You

Visit the Congregational Services resource site for free tools and training resources available for all WELS congregations.


Special Ministries


Special Ministries offers spiritual and practical guidance and training to congregations and individuals as they share Godā€™s love to those with special needs or in special circumstances.

Womenā€™s Ministry


The Women’s Ministry Committee serves under Adult Discipleship to assist our congregations in nurturing, encouraging, and equipping women to faithfully and fully use their God-given gifts to glorify God.

Military Services


This committee provides spiritual services to WELS members and others who serve in the U.S. Armed Forces. The committee carries out its mission through a ministry-by-mail program, a full-time civilian chaplain in Europe, and a national civilian chaplain and liaison to the military.




This commission guides and assists congregations in advancing the gospel of Jesus by providing resources, training, and personal assistance for starting and strengthening WELS schools.

Youth and Family Ministries


This ministry encourages and assists congregations and parents as they nurture our future church leaders in the Word from birth through high school by providing resources, encouragement, and training.

Adult Discipleship


Adult Discipleship assists congregations and called workers in helping individuals grow in their relationship with Jesus and become better equipped to use their unique gifts to bring Christā€™s love and the gospel message into all their daily relationships and activities.




This commission assists congregations to seize opportunities the Lord provides to evangelize lost souls by developing and promoting evangelism resources and by promoting evangelism attitudes, structures, and programs consistent with Christian doctrine.

Campus Ministry


This ministry helps WELS college students grow in their faith so that they can reach out to other college students with the gospel. Campus Ministry also supports full- and part-time campus pastors, and provides helps for WELS congregations as they reach out to college students in their area.

Northwestern Publishing House


Since June 23, 1891, Northwestern Publishing House has served the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod and its members with a variety of products and programs.Ā The Mission of Northwestern Publishing House is to deliver Biblically sound Christ-centered resources within the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod and beyond.



The Commission on Worship exists to help parishes in their central activity of worship that glorifies God and strengthens his people.

Congregational Counseling

The Congregational Counseling Commission was established by the Conference of Presidents to provide short-term assessment and advice to congregations seeking to identify ways to improve their ministry.


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Whether you’re thankful or you’re hurting, the Lord is ready to hear your prayer. Need help getting started? These prayers might help.