Hispanic Ministry

Around 57 million people speak Spanish in the United States and about 500 million speak Spanish around the world. WELS continues to reach out to those who live in this language and culture! As we consider reaching more Spanish-speaking families in the U.S., we encourage congregations to look at their communities, react to the language and cultural barriers, and take the gospel in the most direct path possible to members of the community. WELS invites you to start by promoting Academia Cristo in your area.

Academia Cristo

Academia Cristo is the program currently used in Latin America to thoroughly educate Spanish speakers in the Word of God and prepare them to start group ministries and plant churches. A large emphasis is placed on gathering a group of people to share the gospel message they learn in classes. You can learn more about the program at wels.net/latinamerica.

Every WELS congregation can promote this program! Academia Cristo can be a great tool to bring the gospel to Spanish speakers in your community. Even if there are no Spanish-speaking workers in your midst, this program is designed to help WELS congregations develop a Hispanic ministry, led by men trained through Academia Cristo, with no initial cost to the congregation or additional time demands on current ministry. If you are interested in learning more about how Academia Cristo can help you share the good news, please contact Rev. Larry Schlomer, Hispanic diaspora ministry facilitator, at [email protected].

Home Mission Enhancement

Hispanics living in the U.S. often express a desire to learn more about the community in which they live and participate in local congregations. Using English language classes, community events, and activities at the local congregation, bridges can be built across cultures. Through these bridges, ministry can be designed to assist in welcoming others into the local congregation.

WELS Home Missions has a full-time Hispanic outreach consultant, Rev. Tim Flunker, who is ready, willing, and able to provide Home Missions resources to help congregations reach the Spanish speaking community nearby. You can contact him by calling 920-217-2704 or by emailing [email protected].

Fast Facts

  • Hispanic Souls: 2,375
  • Congregations serving Hispanic people: 193
  • Academia Cristo students in the U.S.: 145
  • Academia Cristo students that have completed self-led courses and are signed up for live classes: 16
  • Spanish worship services held every weekend: 19
  • Weekly Spanish Bible classes (in congregations that do not have Spanish worship): 15
  • Congregations receiving Home Missions financial subsidy for Hispanic outreach: 8

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Prayer forĀ Hispanic ministry

Please pray for all people who live and work with neighbors who live within the Hispanic culture. Ask the Lord to give them boldness to share the gospel clearly and constantly. Please pray for the work of the Home Missions Hispanic outreach consultant who desires to help many congregations explore ideas and plans to reach Hispanics. Please pray for Hispanic diaspora ministry and the many connections made through Academia Cristo. Ask the Lord to add many Hispanic brothers and sisters to the over 30 pastors who currently engage their community in Spanish every day. Pray that the Lord of the Harvest continues to shower blessings on these endeavors and that many more Hispanics are led to him.