The Christian Church

As I closed my laptop for the night, I found myself sitting in awe of what had just happened. Students from across Latin America had gatheredā€”virtuallyā€”for the final session of The Christian Church, a month-long journey through the book of Acts. Faces lit with joy, hearts filled with gratitude, and words of thanks filled the digital space. It was more than a class; it was a glimpse of Godā€™s work unfolding before my eyes.

And as I reflected on the experience, I couldnā€™t help but wonder: Who is more thankfulā€”the students, or me? How many people get to study Godā€™s Word with students from 13 different countries? How many people get to share the love of Christ as their job? The truth is, though, itā€™s not my job just because I was called to be a missionaryā€”itā€™s my job because God called me, and all Christians, throughout the world, to go and be witnesses, to make disciples, to share Christā€™s love.

Thatā€™s really the point of the course The Christian Church, which I had the privilege of guiding over 50 students through this last month. We are all commissioned to ā€œgo.ā€ You donā€™t need to be a pastor to share Godā€™s Word; you donā€™t need to have a church building to worship; you donā€™t need to be an Israelite to be a part of Godā€™s family. The Christian Church is made up of believers across the world, and Jesusā€™ command to us all is to keep on sharing the gospel message!

This course also serves as a beautiful summary of our work within Academia Cristo. In the course, we study the book of Acts, where we see Paul working alongside believers throughout the ancient worldā€”sharing both the law and the gospel, and encouraging them in their study of Scripture. He wasnā€™t aloneā€”leaders in the cities he visited and fellow missionaries traveling with him were doing the same. Our work as a team of missionaries serving Latin America follows this same pattern. We have the privilege of sharing the teachings of the Bible with students throughout Latin America and encouraging them in their study of Scripture. We also get to support leaders living in a variety of countries to do the same. What a privilege! What a joy!

Over the next two weeks, Iā€™ll be receiving final projects from about 50 believers, each one commissioned by God to share his Word with others. Some will begin immediately, eager to share everything theyā€™ve learned. Others will gain more confidence with each passing course. Some may continue their ministry within their own church, but now equipped with a deeper understanding of the truth of Scripture. And, God willing, some will join us in planting new confessional Lutheran churches in their neighborhoodsā€”becoming vital partners in the gospel.

We are the Christian Church, called by God to carry his message of salvation to the world. What a privilege and responsibility we all share! May we all find joy and purpose in the special work that God has entrusted to each of us, wherever he has placed us in this world.

JosĆ© MarĆ­a, one of my students, messaged me after the last class, asking if I thought he could be a missionary. My answer for JosĆ© is really Godā€™s answer. And itā€™s Godā€™s answer not just for JosĆ© MarĆ­a, but for each of us: Yes! Go, tell your family about Jesus. Go, share the gospel with your neighbors. Go, into all the world and be Christā€™s witness.

Acts 1:8 – ā€œYou will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.ā€

Written by Missionary Luke Beilke, world missionary and Dean of Students for Academia Cristo.