WELS continues to encourage and support a small group of Bolivian members who separated in fellowship from the Federation of Evangelical Lutheran Churches (FIEL) and want to continue being instructed in sound biblical and confessional doctrine. This new Lutheran church, theāÆChristian Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Church (ICELC), is in full confessional agreement with all the doctrines of the Bible and with the Lutheran Confessions.
While there are no longer expatriate missionaries serving in Bolivia, the church continues to thrive and is self-supporting. It is actively collaborating with Academia Cristo to train future leaders and find ways to start new groups. For example, two Academia Cristo students are currently gathering new groups in different parts of the country. One of these groups in Cochabamba recently joined Iglesia Cristo WELS Internacional and enjoys fellowship with the ICELC. We praise God that the gospel continues to be extended in Bolivia!
Fast Facts
- Baptized national members: 48
- Number of congregations:Ā 2
- Preaching stations: 2
- Called workers serving in Bolivia: 4
- Students being trained for service to the church: 8
Consider supporting this mission field with your prayers and gifts to the Latin America special projects fund.
Browse through and share pictures of Bolivia, taken by WELS missionaries and national workers.