Lutheran missionaries from Sweden began working in Kenya in 1948. The Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ – Kenya (LCMC–Kenya) was formed when the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Kenya began to tolerate false teachings. A group of Kenyan pastors broke away and began searching for a confessional Lutheran church body. In 2015, Rev. Mark Onunda of the LCMC–Kenya met at length with the Doctrinal Committee of the Lutheran Church of Central Africa–Zambia Synod (LCCA–Zambia), a former WELS mission and now our sister synod. The LCCA–Zambia synod declared formal fellowship with the LCMC–Kenya in September 2018, and WELS followed suit at synod convention in 2019.
WELS is partnering with LCMC–Kenya in the areas of worker training and publications. LCMC–Kenya is exploring various options for preparing future pastors with support from the Confessional Lutheran Institute (CLI), the theological training arm of the WELS One Africa Team. One Africa Team missionaries maintain contact with LCMC–Kenya pastors to provide encouragement and support.
In addition, God has opened doors of opportunity for outreach work among Nuer refugees from South Sudan living in camps located in Kakuma, Kenya. This work is a ministry of the LCMC–Kenya. This work is coordinated by the Global Sudanese Committee, with support from LCMC–Kenya President Mark Onunda, the Pastoral Studies Institute, and One Africa Team missionaries. We pray that God further strengthen the bonds of fellowship within this new church body, and that he may guide the LCMC Kenya’s ministry planning as they continue to expand their mission work in East Africa.
Fast Facts
- Baptized national members: 3,850
- Organized congregations: 48
- National pastors: 22
- National evangelists: 11
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