Partnering Ministries

Central Africa Medical Mission

With Godā€™s help, hundreds of thousands of patients in Zambia and Malawi have been touched by the work of the Central Africa Medical Mission (CAMM). CAMM is a non-budgeted mission of WELS. Financial support is received from womenā€™s groups, schools, church groups, and other friends of the medical mission.

Mission Statement

The Central Africa Medical Mission serves as the supportive branch to the gospel mission by communicating Christā€™s love and by caring concern for the physicalneeds of our fellow man.

Lutheran Mission Rural Health Centre – Zambia

Commissioned by the synod convention in 1957 to address the physical needs of the African people being served by WELS missionaries, the Lutheran Mission Rural Health Centre serves a large surrounding area. Our clinic, originally known as the Mwembezhi Clinic, was established in 1961 and is located about 50 miles northwest of Lusaka, the capitol of Zambia. The property consists of clinic buildings, Martin Luther Church, and housing for workers. Since 2007, the clinic is operated by national staff and is under the direction of a Chief Clinical Officer. Medical services include preventive health care for children and expectant women, as well as treatment of patients with illnesses such as malaria, HIV/AIDS, parasitic infections and tuberculosis. Extended services include community outreach and home-based care. Our clinic has a trustworthy reputation of treating all patients in a Christian manner with respect and dignity, and continues to be recognized by the Zambian government for exemplary care.

Lutheran Mobile Clinic ā€“ Malawi

The Lutheran Mobile Clinic was established in 1970 and operates from Lilongwe, the capitol of Malawi. A Land Cruiser serves as the clinic ambulance and transports the medical staff and supplies to four different clinic sites ranging from a 20 minute to 1-hour ride from Lilongwe. Sites include Suzi, Mwalaulomwe, Thunga, and Msambo. Each clinic site has a one-room building, which conducts clinic one day a week, and serves as a church site on Sundays and for other gatherings during the week. The clinic focuses on preventive health care, but also tends to those that need medical attention. An infant wellness program that includes immunizations is provided for children birth to age 5. A formula program for orphans addresses the needs of infants being raised by extended family. Antenatal care is provided to expectant women; all sick patients receive examinations and treatment from a trained clinician. Nutrition classes and health lessons are also provided to those attending. The Lutheran Mobile Clinic national staff is under the direction of an American Nurse-in-charge and Clinic Health Administrator who each serve a 3 year term. Together, the clinics in Zambia and Malawi serve over 80,000 patients a year. Each clinic day begins with devotion so that all in attendance can hear the Good News of their Savior.


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