About Christian Aid & Relief

“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers” (Galatians 6:10).

The mission of Christian Aid and Relief is to reflect Christ’s love and compassion to souls suffering from disasters and hardships. Because of what Christ has freely done for us, we eagerly show we care by offering our time, talents, and treasures to those in need.

We carry out this mission of compassion in three main areas: disaster relief, humanitarian aid, and personal relief grants.

  • Disaster Relief ā€“ When a disaster strikes, we work with our congregations and missions in the impacted area to help the congregation and community clean up and rebuild. We do this by providing funding, equipment, and trained volunteer labor when appropriate.
    To sign up as a disaster relief volunteer please to go welsdisasterrelief.net.Ā 
  • Humanitarian Aid ā€“ We partner with WELS Home and World Missions to provide aid and assistance to those in need. This aid takes many forms such as wells for the thirsty, food for the hungry, medical care for the sick and dying, and school supplies for underprivileged kids. These projects not only alleviate suffering, but they help develop relationships between the missionaries and the local people and often lead to opportunities to share the gospel.
  • Personal Relief Grants ā€“ We work with our WELS Congregations to assist members and prospects who are experiencing a major medical or financial crisis. WELS pastors who have a member in need of assistance are asked to contact Pastor Dan Sims ([email protected]).

We are able to carry out this ministry of compassion because of your heartfelt prayers and generous financial support. Thank you so much!

The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod and WELS Christian Aid and Relief are not in any way affiliated with or in cooperation with Lutheran Social Services or Lutheran World Relief.


WELS Christian Aid & ReliefĀ provides resources for individuals and congregationsĀ nationwide. Consider supporting these ministries with your prayers and gifts.


Contact WELS Christian Aid & Relief for more information.