Faces of Faith – John
John Michoro, a member at Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ-Kenya, strives to bring more people to Jesus by being a shining example of a servant leader. As a son of a Kenyan pastor, John has always had Jesus as part of his life. He dedicated his efforts this past year to bring the Central Africa Medical Mission (CAMM) to Karima, Kenya, as an outreach tool for their church. He worked closely with CAMM, the Kenyan Kirinyaga County government, and the church to organize the logistics, financials, and communication required for the medical camp in Kenya that was held in February 2024. They served close to 1,500 patients during the four-day camp. With only one percent of the population in the surrounding community professing the Lutheran faith, John has high hopes this clinic has not only served these patients’ physical needs but will also be a way to touch their souls by hearing the love of Jesus. The impact of love and teamwork he has seen during the planning and running of the medical camp solidifies his faith even more. He observed many different groups of varying backgrounds from the community come together and share their love for each other, just as Jesus showed his love for so many. John’s face lights up in a huge smile as he talks about his faith and shares it with others!
From Angela Sievert, Central Africa Medical Mission (CAMM) committee chairwoman
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