God has richly blessed the spread of his gospel message in Colombia. The Colombian national church has now extended its mission efforts to the cities of QuibdĆ³, IbaguĆ©, Cali, and Santa Marta. Through collaboration with Academia Cristo, the online outreach tool used by the Latin America mission team, work in Colombia has also expanded to the cities of BogotĆ”, PopayĆ”n, Armenia, Zaragoza, FusagasugĆ”, Buenaventura, and Ovejas.
As students from Colombia advance through the Academia Cristo program and are equipped to start groups, they are connected to leaders in the Colombian national church who also serve as Academia Cristo professors and mission counselors and partner with Latin American missionaries to visit the most promising Academia Cristo students in the country. The Colombian national church also uses Academia Cristo to train and equip existing members to conduct evangelism and serve in the church.
The Colombian national church hosted a meeting for the founding of a new synod, Iglesia Cristo WELS Internacional, in 2021. This synod consists of members from Colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic. Churches planted through the efforts of Academia Cristo also have the potential of joining Iglesia Cristo WELS Internacional. Members of the Colombian national church are currently serving in leadership roles in this new synod.
The Latin America mission team is responsible for maintaining contact with Colombian leaders, fostering fellowship, and facilitating collaboration with Academia Cristo.
Fast Facts
National membership: 280
Congregations: 4
Preaching stations: 8
National pastors: 2
National evangelists: 9
Academia Cristo mobile app finishers:Ā 242
Academia Cristo active students: 39
Academia Cristo students gathering groups: 7
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