Print, Music, & Art
Multi-Language Productions promotes, supports, and coordinates the development of confessional Lutheran materials for outreach in many languages. Currently, more than 800 publications are available in 56 languages. Many are available for free download at While digital outreach is a large part of MLPās work, there is still a large need for print materials in regions of the world where Internet connection is limited or nonexistent. MLP continues to translate materials used for outreach in South Asia, Africa, Indonesia, the Philippines, Russia, and East Asia. Popular publications include The Promise, as well as Doctrine in Pictures and Who is Jesus, both of which teach the saving message of the gospel through illustrations to those with low literacy.
MLP has full-time Artistic Development Missionary, Rev. Dr. Terry Schultz, who is dedicated to creating culturally appropriate worship music and art to be used in sharing the gospel across WELS world mission fields. Current projects include producing music appropriate for Latin American, Asian, African, Pakistani, and Apache cultures. You can listen to examples of some of this work on theĀ Academia Cristo SoundCloudĀ account and theĀ TELL website.
MLP Artistic Development Missionary Rev. Dr. Terry Schultz is partnering with the Bethany Lutheran College Fine Arts department to produce illustrations of Bible stories and Catechism lessons for use in world mission fields. The first project in this effort is a Sunday school picture book for children in Zambia.
Consider supporting mission work through Multi-Language Productions with your prayers and gifts.
View and download free, confessional Lutheran multi-media resources in 56 languages through Northwestern Publishing House.