
WELSā€™ relationship with the Lutheran Church of Portugal (ILP) began in 1991 with a contact from Rev. Dr. Artur Villares, a graduate of a Lutheran seminary in Brazil and a professor at the University of Porto. The Lutheran Church of Portugal has two congregations: Holy Trinity in Porto and Savior in Lisbon. The Lutheran Church of Portugal provides devotional materials and encouragement to a network of contacts via Facebook and the internet throughout the Portuguese-speaking world.

The Lutheran Church of Portugal received Rev. AntĆ³nio Canoa into fellowship in 2012. They also operate a mission arm in Dom Cavati, Brazil, where lay leader DenĆ­cio Godoy works alongside a group of Lutherans to spread the gospel in their community. New contacts from individuals and groups interested in confessional Lutheranism find their way to the Lutheran Church of Portugalā€™s web presence from Brazil, Europe, Africa, and elsewhereā€”faster than the Lutheran Church of Portugal, with its limited manpower, can keep up.

Fast Facts

  • With around 260 million native speakers, Portuguese is the eighth most-spoken language in the world, ranking ahead of German, Japanese, and Korean. Most Portuguese speakers live in Brazil, but it is also the tenth most-spoken language in Africa.
  • Brazil is larger than the continental U.S. by about 300,000 square miles. The Lutheran Church of Portugal literally has contacts in four corners of the country.
  • The roughly 1 million Lutherans in Brazil (out of a total population of 216 million) are heavily concentrated in the countryā€™s three southernmost states. The Lutheran Church of Portugal is reaching persons in places where the Lutheran presence is minimal.
  • Guinea-Bissau is a Muslim-majority nation in West Africa. Several years ago, a group here contacted the Lutheran Church of Portugal and asked, ā€œPlease send us some Lutheran teachers!ā€ At the time, the Lutheran Church of Portugal was simply not able to respond.
  • Rev. Ken Cherney from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, a Portuguese speaker, stays in touch with the Lutheran Church of Portugal and represents it to the WELS Europe mission team.

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Praying for Portugal

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the wonderful fellowship we share with the Lutheran Church-Portugal. Give us the vision, manpower, energy, and resources we need to share the good news of your unconditional love and forgiveness throughout the Portuguese-speaking world, all for the glory of your name and the well-being of immortal souls. In your name we pray. Amen.


Consider supporting mission work in Portugal with your prayers and gifts.


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