Board of Directors
WELS Investment Funds is governed by an independent board whose directors are members of WELS congregations and who are elected by the Synodical Council. The Lord has blessed WELS with a talented group to serve on this board as indicated by the brief introductions that follow:

Joel Luehmann is retired and previously served as director, Enterprise Risk Management, for Compeer Financial in Mankato, Minn.

John Wenker is retired and formerly a managing director at Nuveen Asset Management, a wholly owned subsidiary of TIAA-CREF.

Ronald Schmitz is retired after a 34-year career as a financial consultant for AXA Advisors (formerly Equitable Life, N.Y.).

Rev. Charles Degner formerly served parishes in Prior Lake and St. Peter, Minn. He served as district vice president in Minnesota for 16 years and as district president for 10 years.

Dustin Schwobe is currently finance digital transformation manager at Schreiber Foods, Inc., in Green Bay, Wis., and has served in various roles in FP&A and Treasury in his 15 years with the company.

Max Wenck is a co-owner of MorganMyers, Inc., a multi-million dollar communications consulting firm.

Kyle Egan serves as WELS chief financial officer and treasurer. He formerly served as assistant treasurer & director of investor relations at Quad/Graphics, Inc. (Quad).
Please follow the instructions carefully and mail completed forms to:
WELS Investment Funds
N16W23377 Stone Ridge Drive
Waukesha, WI 53188-1108
If you have any questions, please call us at 877-888-8953.