Assisting you with your charitable goals

Each of the 12 WELS districts has Christian giving counselors who know well the principles of Christian stewardship and can assist you making gifts to support WELS gospel ministry. There is no fee for the services of a counselor. He is qualified to assist you by:

  • Giving you the latest information about WELS ministry opportunities or projects of special interest.
  • Giving you counsel in developing a plan for regular, faithful Christian giving.
  • Providing advice on which gifts are best for family and which are best for ministry.
  • Sharing ways to reduce taxes and increase giving.
  • Helping with putting together or reviewing your Christian estate plan.
  • Providing information about donor advised funds, trusts and annuities and how they can be used to accomplish charitable giving.
  • Helping you find the professionals you need to accomplish your Christian giving.
  • Giving you information about how you can participate in designated giving.
Benefits of a counselor
  • Confidential counsel with a fellow Christian whose only desire is to help you.
  • Continued growth in understanding and living the scriptural principles of Christian stewardship.
  • The joy of generously supporting the Lordā€™s work in your congregation, synod, or a WELS agency.
Where he fits into your gift-making process

WELS Christian giving counselors are not attorneys, and they do not give legal advice. They offer information of a general nature about legal matters and provide counsel regarding Christian principles of stewardship.

However, he is the one you want to talk with before you meet with an attorney. Your counselor can help you get your thoughts and plans in good order before your appointment. He is a fellow Christian you know you can trust to give you good, solid advice.

Contact your counselor


Thank you for considering a gift to help WELS proclaim the life-changing, soul-saving gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.


WELS has Christian giving counselors all over the country that can help you meet your Christian giving goals.