Ministry of Christian Giving

WELS Ministry of Christian Giving works on behalf of the Conference of Presidents to encourage every WELS member to “excel in the grace of giving.” To do this, we assist with the gathering of Congregation Mission Offerings (CMO). We also work to encourage direct gifts to WELS, or individual mission offerings, above and beyond congregational offerings. We do this through mailed appeals, coordination of special offerings, and with the help of WELS Christian giving counselors.


WELS Ministry of Christian Giving encourages members to excel in the grace of giving and assists them in making planned gifts to support the gospel ministry of their congregations, synod, and WELS agencies.

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Grace of Giving Newsletter

How We Serve


Support Our Ministries

View the latest opportunities to support WELS ministry communicated to members through mail or e-mail appeals.

Assisting Your Charitable Goals

Each of the 12 WELS districts has Christian giving counselors who know well the principles of Christian stewardship and can assist you making gifts to support WELS gospel ministry.

WELS Endowment Funds

Giving is an act of worship, another way to offer your Lord a thankful response for his never-failing gifts. By giving to one of the WELS endowment funds, you are creating a lasting legacy and helping do the Lord’s work.

Ministry of Christian Giving resources for called workers and congregational leaders are available on the WELS Resource Center.


Thank you for considering a gift to help WELS proclaim the life-changing, soul-saving gospel of Jesus Christ to the world.


WELS has Christian Giving counselors all over the country that can help you meet your Christian giving goals.