Impact of TELL teaching

Where will my mission ļ¬eld be? As I sit in class in my last year at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, sometimes my thoughts drift toward the end of the year. A place. Faces waiting. People who need to hear about Jesus. But for now, waiting.

Or at least thatā€™s how I thought I would feel.

As my wife, Grace, and I made the move back to Mequon after my vicar year, I learned that the TELL Network was looking for teachers for their live courses. I decided to sign up, thinking it might be a good way to practice teaching while I wait for parish ministry.

I underestimated the impact teaching for TELL would have on me.

Logging on for my ļ¬rst lesson, I was greeted by 25 names, faces, and voices. Separated by half a world, here were a couple dozen people who wanted to gather, learn, and grow in the word of God. An instant mission ļ¬eld. Bingo. I was excited to teach these eager students from South Africa, Uganda, Kenya, and even Pakistan.

Once again, I underestimated the way this would impact me.

As we studied the stories of persecuted prophets and Godā€™s faithfulness to the exiles, my faith was strengthened as I learned about Godā€™s hand working through the lives of these ambassadors for Christ Jesus.

Like Isaac, a student who faced considerable danger. As we studied Daniel in the lionā€™s den, he boldly shared, ā€œEven if Daniel had died, God wins. That is comfort for me.ā€ Isaac and his classmates were committed to the study of the word in mission ļ¬elds ļ¬lled with danger. They live like modern Daniels, committing themselves to prayer and witnessing despite the obstacles.

Or Emmanuel, who would ļ¬nd a shady place under a tree to park his truck in the heat of the day. Taking a break from his commute to join live class. He is like that ā€œtree planted by streams of waterā€ as he thirsts for the Word of God.

Or Joseph, who recently gave me a reminder about witnessing to any mission ļ¬eld. As the class discussed the fears and apprehensions we have when sharing the Word of God, I reļ¬‚ected on failed opportunities and fears that Iā€™ve had. I couldnā€™t help but think ahead, knowing that those fears will be there in the future. Thatā€™s when Joseph spoke up, sharing the verse he recalls whenever he has a witnessing opportunity: Luke 12:12, ā€œThe Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.ā€

I pray that this is my conļ¬dence and yours, too. That wherever the mission ļ¬eld might be, that God the Holy Spirit gives us the words to speak through his Holy Word.

Written by Seminarian Jacob Ungemach, senior at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary.Ā 

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