Tag Archive for: TELL Network


If youā€™ve never played Telestrations, you can think of its counterpart, Telephone. You have a sentence; you pass it on to someone, who in turn passes it on to someone else. You just hope that in the end, it turns out the same! The difference? In Telestrations, you alternate between writing sentences and drawing pictures. What can be lost in translation, even within your own family, is incredible!

Asia Lutheran Seminaryā€™s new roll-out of TELL sometimes reminds me of Telestrations. TELL doesnā€™t just teach the Bible; it trains people how to share it. We have a message, and weā€™re trying to pass it down like Paul. ā€œAnd the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.ā€ (2 Tim 2:2). If Paul were the first one to draw on his Telestrations sheet, there would have been four people involved in that game! We are teaching others, to teach others, to teach others.

This doesnā€™t come without difficulty! Challenge #1: Even though our studentā€™s English levels put any of my second languages to shame, it is still not their heart language. Challenge #2: The sheer diversity in our classes. This game has players throughout Asia. One is trying to gather a small collection of house churches in a predominately Muslim country in South Asia, and another is a police officer in the Philippines. Yet another is a chieftain of an indigenous tribe. Another is a cancer survivor turned Christian from India who has read through the book of Romans over 500 times without formal training. Everyone comes from different cultures and backgrounds, so you better believe they will draw different pictures!

And thatā€™s a good thing.

While language and culture barriers occasionally cause misunderstandings in the classroom, these are precisely where the TELL program shines. Each culture has its own picture of what things like love, honor, and forgiveness look like. One of the most beautiful things about TELL is that we train and entrust ā€œlocal artistsā€ to draw the message more clearly.

What is our message? The Word came down to Earth and gives us the words of eternal life (Jn 1; Jn 6:68). Scripture perfectly draws that message for us. The Message (the Word) became flesh to explain and live out our salvation. Christ, the Word made flesh, is the message we hold and want to hand down.

With a message that important, we want to make sure itā€™s handed down well. We work hard to ensure that the message remains the same despite the picture looking different. We give feedback between ā€œeach roundā€ as students submit the Bible study they have created. Sometimes, we receive videos of students using their final project to teach others. This has been one of the most remarkable moments as a teacher! Also, after completing eight courses (1ā€“2 years), students may work with a counselor to deepen their training and work towards fellowship.

Weā€™ve only started working with TELL in Asia in the past few months. Still, itā€™s humbling to see how eager students are to refine their understanding and improve their ā€œcomprehendingā€ and ā€œdrawing skillsā€ for sharing the gospel. I am humbled to be able to teach the students who join our classes.

Please pray for TELL in Asia. Pray for the handing down of the Word from culture to culture and from generation to generation. Pray that this handing down and drawing of the message would bring a lot of joy, not because the picture looks different, but because it matches the face of our Lord when he comes again.

Written by Rev. Justin Steinke, world missionary for the Asia Oceania Team based in Manila, Philippines.

TELL: Connecting East Asia to the Philippines

The TELL program was designed with flexibility in mind. Its framework is made to be used in many countries, by many cultures, by many ages. Perhaps this is best displayed by Peter. Peter is a Ugandan, living in Hong Kong, training believers in the Philippines.

A few years ago, while living in Hong Kong, Peter was introduced to Asia Lutheran Seminary (ALS). He was interested in furthering his Biblical education when a pastor he knew in Canada encouraged him to study through ALS. He enrolled as a student and began completing classes regularly. This connection with ALS also led him to begin studying with the TELL program.

Peterā€™s church in Hong Kong has a strong membership of Filipinos working in Hong Kong. As some of the members returned to the Philippines, they brought their worship life with them. They soon saw a need for small group leaders and for training. Peter took the opportunity to put his own Biblical training into practice. He uses the TELL method to regularly meet online with eleven small group leaders from the Philippines. He chose to use the TELL method because: ā€œI have been exposed to quite many Bible study methods, but I find TELL method cutting across all scenarios and levels, ages, and categories, a very easy way to administer Bible study. Also, for learners, no matter how much prior knowledge of the Bible they have, through TELL they will always learn something easily.ā€

The TELL program is working with ALS and will soon be implemented more widely by our Asia One Team. We pray that God blesses the use of this program to reach and equip more leaders like Peter, leaders who are willing and ready to pass on their training and knowledge of the Bible to others!

Learn more about the TELL Network from WELS Multi-Language Productions.

Written by Rev. Tony Barthels, world missionary on the Asia One Team

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Faces of Faith ā€“ Elijah

Elijah Adongo is a TELL student from Nairobi, Kenya. In March 2023, he attended a special TELL event in Nairobi. Some students had studied together online for years, but this was the first time seeing one another in-person. Baptism was the topic for the Bible study. In Africa, immersion is considered the only valid form of baptism in many churches, and infant Baptism rarely happens. ā€œThis is our belief and practice concerning Baptism because this was the mantle that was passed to us from others.ā€ Thatā€™s the repeating theme I often hear. Gathered around a table and Godā€™s Word, the Holy Spirit lifted that mantle and replaced it with a clear understanding of Godā€™s gift of Baptism.

Two days later, Elijah invited me to his home where he asked if his four-year-old daughter could be baptized. After a devotion and assuring Mikayla that she wasnā€™t going to be immersed, the angels in heaven rejoiced as another precious child was brought into Godā€™s family through Baptism. By Godā€™s grace, Elijah continues his studies with TELL and shares what he has learned with others.

From Joel Hoff, TELL missionary in Africa

Faces of Faith ā€“ Opiew

Iā€™m Opiew Okugn Adiew from Gambela, Ethiopia. I was raised in a Christian home. My parents were faithful believers and instilled a love for Christ in me, but by the time I was 30 years old, I began reading Scripture more critically and openly questioning some of the doctrines I was taught. I became dissatisfied with false teachings among my church and many churches in my community. My concerns became large enough that a few friends and I decided to start our own church based solely on Scripture. One of my friends had a little theological education, but we all desired more training. I contacted WELS and was directed to the One Africa Team, which got me connected with TELL. Fast forward to today, and I have become a more confident church leader. When you share the gospel, you need to understand the grace of God. That is what I understand from the TELL program because they understand the Bible well.

I shepherd a congregation, leading worship and Bible study. I share the TELL method of training with other pastors, teachers, and lay workers in the local dialect but continue studying with TELL in English. If you want to become a strong preacher, you need to use the TELL program. . . to think, evaluate, and learn the Scripture, and finally to lead a church to understand the Scripture. You can establish friendships with many pastors around the world!

Go TELL it…

The hymn refrain harmonizes it best : “Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills, and EVERYWHERE!” This tremendous task from the Lord of the highest heights and the deepest depths is the privilege of every rescued soul, including yours and mine.

ā€œEverywhereā€ is one of those words that we know what it means but true comprehension eludes us ā€“ like the word “eternal”. We can define it ā€“ but do we truly grasp it? To be everywhere is to be with every zipping tuk tuk through every African town, with the lone woman in Nepal picking in the rice fields, child at her side; with the soldier standing guard on the frontlines of sinā€™s most devastating symptoms in our world; and with the grandmother in Jamaica prepping kids for school and heading to a dayā€™s work ā€“ at the same time. Johnny Cash once crooned, ā€œIā€™ve been everywhere, man,ā€ but that is entirely different than being everywhere, man.

Rev. Jim Douglas teaching a live course

We sing ā€œGo tell it . . . everywhere.” And, while it is impossible for us as humans to be everywhere at the same time, sometimes a lot of ā€œeverywhereā€ comes to us. Iā€™ve had the privilege of seeing this as a teacher in the TELL Network. TELL is an online learning program that teaches the simple truths from Godā€™s Word to people all over the world (everywhere) so that they can share the good news with others. In military parlance, TELL is a force multiplier for our global commission as believers to ā€œGo tell itā€¦everywhereā€! We tell students from around the globe and those students tell their neighbors, friends, family and even total strangers the good news. Iā€™ve never zipped along an African street in a tuk tuk, havenā€™t stood on any front lines, never picked a grain of rice and havenā€™t set foot in Jamaica (sadly). But I have had the privilege of sharing Godā€™s Word with people from almost all those places (and a few more) as a teacher in the TELL Network.

TELL gets its name from the method that teachers use to teach Bible truths to students. When we study a text we Think Evaluate Learn Lead with the text. The goal is to prepare students to seek situations where they can share the truths from the lesson with others. Yes, the truth is that we can share these truths with everyone and everywhere but each text can be especially beneficial to share with certain individuals in certain situations.

I have to say that the students are not the only ones learning. It sounds clichĆ© but as a teacher I find I do a lot of learning when the Lord graciously brings everywhere to me. Iā€™ve preached and taught about the three men in the fiery furnace, but nothing prepared me to teach that lesson and find out that one man sitting in the late-night quiet of his sewing shop in a predominantly Muslim country in South Asia was the death penalty simply for attending our class and confessing his faith that Jesus was the true God and Savior of humanity.

Then thereā€™s a man who tells us that he had visited a school to share the good news about Jesus. Some students sat and listened while others found an opening in the building above the man and began pouring hot water on him. Itā€™s good that we are able to connect them with the One who is indeed everywhere!

But even more than the stories are the questions – questions that display burning hearts that desire to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ so that they can go . . . go tell it on the mountain, over the hills, and everywhere.

Please continue to keep the students of the TELL Network, the administrator and staff, the teachers and their work in your prayers as we together with you “go tell it on the mountain, over the hills, and everywhere.”

Written by Rev. Jim Douglas, TELL Network teacher based in Monroe, N.C.Ā 

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A growing faith leads to a growing group for TELL student

On a recent trip to Africa, Joel Hoff, TELL Missionary to Africa and I were visiting many TELL students in Kenya. One remarkable student is John Omondi. ā€œI built a patio onto my house so we would have room for my group to meet, worship, and study the Bible,ā€ says Omondi. Omondi is already leading a group and preparing to plant a church, following the TELL multiplication plan.

It is in the heart of Kenya, amidst the bustling city life in Kisumu, that Omondi is leading a Bible study group in his home. There is no WELS presence in his neighborhood ā€“ yet. But, by way of TELL Network, for the first time, Omondi is getting real gospel training online with the goal of sharing the saving message of the gospel with others. Omondi found TELLā€™s unique online training platform through Facebook during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. His story is a testament to the power of Christian faith and the impact of TELL around the world.

John Omondi and Rev. Nathan Seiltz

ā€œIt was during the pandemic that we first started to meet, and I had to get permission from the local leaders so we could gather together,ā€ says Omondi. Despite some challenges, he gathers 50 to 70 people together weekly, all eager for deeper study of Godā€™s Word and fellowship. Imagine colorful matatus (minibuses) whirring by with graffiti painted on the sides, loud music from all directions, and sidewalks lined with vendors selling street food. Omondiā€™s home is more than an escape from the clamor; itā€™s become a sanctuary where people gather every Sunday to worship and learn from the Bible.

But Omondiā€™s ministry is not limited to Sundays. Every Thursday, spiritual life is breathed into various homes among his group members. These get togethers are intimateā€”a blend of worship, prayer, and sharing the Word of God, culminating in a shared meal. Teaching his brothers and sisters in Christ is all part of Omondiā€™s journey to grow closer to the Lord and encourage others to do the same. His path, however, is not without obstacles.

John Omondi with Rev. Joel Hoff, TELL Missionary to Africa

The transient nature of new Christians, the lack of resources like cell phones and internet access in rural areas, and the language barrier with materials that require translation from English into Kiswahili and Masai present significant hurdles. Yet, Omondi remains undeterred, committed to continuing study and leading his group.

As an advanced student, Omondi was paired with Missionary Joel Hoff as his personal TELL Counselor. Based in Lusaka, Zambia, some of Hoffā€™s time is spent mentoring TELL students who complete at least eight courses and making personal visits throughout Africa to continue guiding students as they organize groups of their own. Hoff says, ā€œI was Johnā€™s teacher for several of his online TELL courses, and I finally got to meet him in person last month in Nairobi, Kenya. It was such a pleasure to see him and hear about his ministry and how TELL has motivated and impacted his life and his ministry.ā€

ā€œTELL has been such a blessing to me and my ministry. I know the Bible so much better, and I know how to teach the Bible to others. TELL is different because it focuses on the Bible, not on peopleā€™s opinions,ā€ says Omondi. Omondi has now come into doctrinal agreement and has met leaders of the Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC), one of the national church partners of WELS.

Please pray for our brother John Omondi. That he continues to grow in his faith and in his leadership, that his group may grow in number and in faith, and that it may multiply to plant a new church to serve his community. And, pray that many will hear and be inspired by the precious gospel message he shares.

TELL instructors continue to teach and encourage students like Omondi in Africa, Europe, Asia and places in-between. If youā€™re a trained WELS pastor, or teacher, and would like to become an online TELL instructor, visit, teach.tellnetwork.org

Written by Rev. Nate Seiltz, director of Multi-Language Productions and TELL Network.Ā 

Rev. Nate Seiltz and Rev. Joel Hoff took time during their travel to visit with Rev. Davison, the national pastor and president of the Lutheran Church of Central AfricaĀ -Zambia. His choir performed a few of their songs at Malembo Onse in Chongwe, Zambia.

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A community of digital disciples

The screens slowly appear one by one. Some cameras are focused on faces, some cameras remain off. Living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens, stools, couches, bare walls, windows, the backdrops vary. I count nine screens. Nine people who clicked an ad on their phone. Nine people who entered their names and phone numbers. Nine people who watched a few hours of video lessons and learned about Jesus. Nine people who clicked to learn more. Nine people in whom the Holy Spirit is hard at work.

It is my first night teaching a TELL class to a group of students throughout Asia. I offer a prayer of thanksgiving that God has given me the opportunity to learn the Bible with these nine people.

These students have completed the first level of TELL self-study courses. The course I am teaching is ā€œWork of the Savior.ā€ It is their first live class as well as mine. Two of my students are new to faith. One young man from Pakistan lets me know that he has been reading the Bible for a month and is excited to learn more and grow in his faith. Four men introduce themselves as Pastors: two from India, two from Pakistan. They too share the excitement of having found an opportunity to learn and grow so that they can better lead their small congregations. One camera remains off, the microphone remains silent. Another young man from Pakistan lets me know that he has been a Christian his whole life. He is currently working on a masterā€™s degree but believes God might be leading him to study at a seminary instead. The final picture is a young woman. Although she is the only female in the group, she confidently shares her faith throughout the night, proclaiming Godā€™s power to heal our sin sick souls as we learn about Jesus healing the paralyzed man.

We talk, we listen, and we learn. I can see the joy in peopleā€™s faces as they relish the opportunity to study the Bible with fellow believers. I can see the light in their eyes as they hear about Godā€™s plan of salvation. As we close our evening class, the screens disappear one by one. Nine screens, nine strangers, nine brothers and sisters were able to meet together in Godā€™s Word. I am humbled to have had this incredible opportunity. I canā€™t wait until the next night where I will turn my computer on and find nine of Godā€™s children ready to hear his Word.

Written by Mr. Jeremy Seeger, missionary on the Asia One Team and TELL teacher in Asia.Ā 

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Impact of TELL teaching

Where will my mission ļ¬eld be? As I sit in class in my last year at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, sometimes my thoughts drift toward the end of the year. A place. Faces waiting. People who need to hear about Jesus. But for now, waiting.

Or at least thatā€™s how I thought I would feel.

As my wife, Grace, and I made the move back to Mequon after my vicar year, I learned that the TELL Network was looking for teachers for their live courses. I decided to sign up, thinking it might be a good way to practice teaching while I wait for parish ministry.

I underestimated the impact teaching for TELL would have on me.

Logging on for my ļ¬rst lesson, I was greeted by 25 names, faces, and voices. Separated by half a world, here were a couple dozen people who wanted to gather, learn, and grow in the word of God. An instant mission ļ¬eld. Bingo. I was excited to teach these eager students from South Africa, Uganda, Kenya, and even Pakistan.

Once again, I underestimated the way this would impact me.

As we studied the stories of persecuted prophets and Godā€™s faithfulness to the exiles, my faith was strengthened as I learned about Godā€™s hand working through the lives of these ambassadors for Christ Jesus.

Like Isaac, a student who faced considerable danger. As we studied Daniel in the lionā€™s den, he boldly shared, ā€œEven if Daniel had died, God wins. That is comfort for me.ā€ Isaac and his classmates were committed to the study of the word in mission ļ¬elds ļ¬lled with danger. They live like modern Daniels, committing themselves to prayer and witnessing despite the obstacles.

Or Emmanuel, who would ļ¬nd a shady place under a tree to park his truck in the heat of the day. Taking a break from his commute to join live class. He is like that ā€œtree planted by streams of waterā€ as he thirsts for the Word of God.

Or Joseph, who recently gave me a reminder about witnessing to any mission ļ¬eld. As the class discussed the fears and apprehensions we have when sharing the Word of God, I reļ¬‚ected on failed opportunities and fears that Iā€™ve had. I couldnā€™t help but think ahead, knowing that those fears will be there in the future. Thatā€™s when Joseph spoke up, sharing the verse he recalls whenever he has a witnessing opportunity: Luke 12:12, ā€œThe Holy Spirit will teach you at that time what you should say.ā€

I pray that this is my conļ¬dence and yours, too. That wherever the mission ļ¬eld might be, that God the Holy Spirit gives us the words to speak through his Holy Word.

Written by Seminarian Jacob Ungemach, senior at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary.Ā 

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Teach with TELL

TELL Networkā€™s exponential growth has resulted in an immediate need for male instructors to teach TELL classes in English. What is TELL Network? TELL Network is an online leader training program of Multi-Language Productions, providing an in-depth Bible study curriculum in English, Spanish, Mandarin, and Tagalog to students in places where WELS does not have a presence. Learn more about the program at wels.net/tell.

TELL offers a unique chance to connect with believers around the world and support them as they begin sharing the gospel with their community.

What to Expect

  1. TWO 1-hour Zoom classes per week for 4 weeks.
  2. 2 weeks to review Final Projects.
  3. WhatsApp communication with students (sending class materials, sharing Zoom recordings, answering questions).
  4. An honorarium of $300 per course taught.

Course materials, including slides and teacher guides, are already made for you!


  1. A male called worker in fellowship with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod OR a current Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Student in their Middler or Senior year.
  2. Strong organizational and administrative skills.
  3. Above-average digital literacy (or a willingness to learn).
  4. A WhatsApp account (free and easy to set up).
  5. A passion and excitement for training future church leaders around the globe!

If you or someone you know might be interested in this opportunity, learn more and apply at teach.tellnetwork.org.

Faces of Faith – Clarise

Iā€™m from Bamenda, Cameroon. It was hard not to feel abandoned when my mother passed away when I was very young. I not only lost my mother, but soon found myself caring for my siblings as well. Not only has my family experienced tremendous loss, but now many families in Cameroon are suffering due to the unrest. Yet, I trust that God is working in the background and that I have not been abandoned. The following has kept me going and growing since I was a child: “Every disappointment is a blessing in disguise. . . it might not look like a blessing right away, until the Lord’s work is done and you realize how blessed you were to have been through all those moments you thought he had abandoned you.”

I work for Qatar Airways and on a recent flight from Chicago to Doha, I was reminded of that same truth. During that flight, I met several men who were traveling to Zambia for meetings. At 30,000 feet, I was introduced to the TELL ministry. I read my Bible but don’t always understand what it is saying. Since downloading the TELL app, itā€™s crazy how I have learned so much in just the first course. I have been using TELL since the day I landed back in Doha. It has really helped in my relationship with God, helped organize my Bible studies, and has changed my life a lot. I see so many things differently now. TELL is amazing. I canā€™t wait for the virtual classes!

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Faces of Faith ā€“ Dylan

My name is Dylan Munro. I am from East London, South Africa. I had followed many religions, but at one point I had taken an interest in a Buddhist sect. After being initiated and following a guru (master), I became a Buddhist monk for 18 years. However, I could not reach a deep peace or calm my heart. I had a fear of dying, so I practiced 18 hours of meditation a day at times. But when God has a calling in your life, he always wins. The Holy Spirit worked in my heart, and there was a soft voice saying ā€œTry me. Follow me.ā€ It took a while to break away from Buddhism, but God set me free. I have been a Christian for seven years now.

I have been learning the Word of God using the TELL method. It has encouraged me to continue to discover something new in the Bible every day. The TELL Method helps me build up confidence to teach others about the Word of God, and teaching using the TELL method has brought me closer to Godā€™s throne.

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You made a difference for TELL as they train leaders for Christ!

[Jesus] said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.”

Mark 15:15

Multi-Language Productions’ online Bible-based training platform called TELL (Think, Evaluate, Learn, Lead) has been blessed with generous support from WELS members. We thank God for these gifts and pray for his continued blessings!

Your gifts to TELL are bringing the “Word to the World” through devotional videos and digital content. Below are just a few specific ways that your gifts are being used to support the training of English-speaking church multipliers throughout the world:

  • We have 1.4 million followers on Facebook. We leverage this large audience by paying for Facebook ads and inviting them to download our app or go to our website and begin their self-learning courses.
  • We have over 200,000 app downloads by people in over 50 different countries. After completing the three self-learning classes they are encouraged to sign up for live online classes.
  • We have over 200,000 distinct website visitors from 186 countries. These visitors can also complete courses on the website before signing up for live online classes.
  • We have 300 online students who have or are currently taking online classes with TELL pastors. As these students move through the 23-course curriculum, they are equipped to spread the gospel and multiply churches in their communities.

Thank you for your continued support of WELS Multi-Language Productions’ TELL program! There is always more work to be done. Pray for open hearts and many opportunities to share the gospel. Share this exciting update with friends and family. Ask God to bless the work of TELL as we continue to spread the gospel to millions online.

Thank you!

Learn more at wels.net/tell.

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