Tag Archive for: Africa

Becoming a One Africa Team missionary

Coming out of Martin Luther College (MLC), I was initially planning on becoming a high school history teacher. In history teacher fashion, hereā€™s a crash course of the last eight months of my life: I was informed that I was being considered for an international call; I accepted that international call; I graduated from Martin Luther College; I announced my call to my family, who were shocked (understatement of the year); I got married to Maddie Hockenbery on June 1, 2024; and we shipped off to Zambia in August. Ten days after arriving in Zambia, my wife and I left for France to begin our French-speaking journey. We stayed in a town called Strasbourg and went to French school every day, starting from scratch. Quickly came Thanksgiving when we left France to meet with another missionary family in Douala, Cameroon, for more French and learning about West African culture. We are now soon to return to Zambia and settle down in our own place.

The work that I have been able to do as a missionary with the One Africa Team is awesome, to say the least. I have been able to work with and teach multiple outreach groups that may be potential partners in the future. Four seminary teachers from West Africa came to Douala, Cameroon, and I was able to teach and help with educational strategies for the future. I have also gotten to teach online TELL classes with people all over Africa who may be studying the Bible in-depth for the first time.

There have been some challenges with being away from family, learning a new language, and learning a new culture. However, it has led me to grow in my faith as well as work in a team. Although we are far away from our families in the States, we were instantly met with new families coming into World Missions. There has not been a lack of support from anyone, and for that I am truly grateful.

The past five months away from home have been a whirlwind. Never in a million years did I ever think I would be a missionary. I was so certain, in fact, that I would joke with Maddie for years before Call Day about going abroad to annoy her. It was so far off my radar because I had never heard of a World Missions call from Martin Luther College. People always say that God hears plans and laughs. Well, that was absolutely true in my case. Within a year God has allowed me to graduate from MLC, receive and accept a World Missions call, get married, learn a new language, and live on three different continents.

God truly blesses ministry, and I pray that he blesses my and the One Africa Teamā€™s work here in Africa.

Written by Missionary Jake Vilhauer, world missionary on the One Africa Team.Ā 

CAMM February 2025 Newsletter

The hypertension program started when the clinic saw the need. Patients were traveling to hospitals in Lusaka (the capital of Zambia) for drugs refills. This is about 50 miles from the Mwembezhi area. Due to lack of funds, most of the patients were unable to travel to Lusaka. In 2004, we had seven patients who suffered strokes in our catchment area; of those, three of them died the same month because of hypertension. Seeing the need, we began the program for those who were not able to go to Lusaka for treatment and medications.

The program began with only ten patients. The number has kept on increasing so much that now we have 561 hypertensive patients. To make sure we attend to patients in line with the Ministry of Health policy, members of staff sat and started a special blood pressure clinic one Saturday per month. Since Saturday is not a working day, it helped members of staff to decongest patients on treatment days. On Blood Pressure day, all members of staff report for work at 8:00 a.m. Blood pressure check-ups are done. We have essential hypertension (the diastolic blood pressure between 90 to 99mmHg) and crisis hypertension (the diastolic blood pressure above 100mmHg). All patients with essential hypertension are given their monthly drugs refill. Patients with crisis hypertension are admitted for observations. They can only be discharged when their blood pressure stabilizes. If it fails to stabilize, we refer to the hospital for investigations and further management.

However, hypertension has no signs and is not painful. As a result, it is very difficult to convince patients to take drugs for life. Some older people still believe in witchcraft. In 2019, we lost one Village Headman who came to clinic because of an abscess. He was also found to have hypertension. He was given drugs for the abscess and hypertension, but when the abscess healed, he refused to take the hypertension drugs. He said he cannot continue taking drugs. After four months, he was brought to the clinic with a stroke. We referred him to the hospital, but the hospital could not help. After his death and burial, Mr. Kalekwa called for a meeting with the Village headmen to explain his death. Headmen who believed in witchcraft saw the need for taking hypertensive drugs. The senior headman told other headmen to stop believing in old beliefs. He said they should always work hand in hand with health personnel to avoid disease complications. All the headmen promised to educate their citizens.

Drugs for hypertension are purchased by our clinic administrator, Mr. Banda, through the help we get from CAMM. The clinic staff work hard to provide good quality health services to all hypertensive patients. We start every morning with devotion and a prayer, followed by health education. All hypertensive patients are happy with and appreciate the services we provide.

May the almighty God bless you all in helping the poor in Zambia.

Written by Jackson Kalekwa, clinical officer in charge

CAMM January 2025 Newsletter

Greetings in the Name of Christ!

As we enter the beautiful season of Christmas, we reflect on the joy and hope that it brings to our hearts and communities. We are reminded of the words from Isaiah 9:6: ā€œFor to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.ā€ This verse serves as a reminder that we can find solace and direction in Christ. As we continue to celebrate His birth, let us reflect on the profound impact He has on our lives and strive to share His peace and love with others.

Climate Changes Impacting Farmers

December has traditionally been a rainy month, crucial for our local farmers in Malawi. However, this year, we are facing an unexpected heat wave that poses a serious threat to their livelihoods. Many farmers who have already planted their crops are now watching them wilt under the relentless sun, this has caused huge devastation with the current cost of agricultural supplies which has skyrocketed, making it even more challenging. Just two years ago, the price of fertilizer was around 20,000 Malawi Kwacha ($20), but now it has risen to an alarming 120,000 Malawi Kwacha ($70). This steep increase strains our farmersā€™ budgets and limits their ability to sustain their crops.

The implications are dire, if this heat wave continues, we may face a significant drop in yields, leading to potential food shortages and increased hunger in our communities. The combination of wilting crops and high input costs paints a troubling picture for the coming months for many Malawians.

Gratitude for Support

Despite these challenges, we find strength in our community. We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to CAMM and our generous donors who through your donations, made this year impactful in the communities Lutheran Mobile Clinic serves. As a token of thanks to

our dedicated staff we organized a wonderful early Christmas dinner for our general staff and a festive lunch for our professional staff just to appreciate them for their tireless work during 2024. The teamā€™s commitment and efforts on behalf of the Lutheran Mobile Clinic and CAMM are truly appreciated.

We also extend our thanks to our generous donors who have contributed various donations, including monetary gifts, baby clothes pill bottles etc. Your support plays a vital role in helping us serve those in need, bringing comfort and joy during this season of giving. Thank You to Our Donors.

Closing thoughts
As we celebrate this season of giving and joy, let us remember the true spirit of Christmas. May your days be filled with peace, hope, and love.

Thank you for being a part of our community. Wishing you all a blessed and joyous Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

Written by Lusungu Mwambeye, Clinic AdministratorĀ 

Tanzanian Treasures

Leia Foxen is six years old and lives in Africa. Listen to her firsthand account of moving to Tanzania with her parents, who serve as WELS World Missionaries. You can also read her dad’s blog at wels.net/communicate-the-gospel.

Learn more about WELS mission work in Africa at wels.net/africa.

Early stages of fellowship work in Liberia

At the end of October, Pastor Paul Hirsch (St. Paulā€™s Congregation in Norfolk, Neb.) met me, One Africa Team missionary, Dan Kroll, at Roberts Airport near Monrovia, Liberia. We traveled about an hour to Buchanan with Pastor Toye Barnard who leads a small congregationā€”Lamb of God Lutheran Churchā€”of about 50 people.

Small study groups review material

After a review of what was needed to complete stage one (of four ā€“ the One Africa Team program for those who want to come into fellowship), we agreed that we should review the Ministry of the Keys and Baptism. Pastor Hirsch was slated to teach the Ten Commandments and managed well while Pastor Kroll gave a review of the Ministry of the Keys and practical applications of Baptism.

While we were there, we also considered a piece of land that the congregation would like to buy. It would be big enough for a school, but not quite enough for much expansion thereafter. We are still praying about the idea. The One Africa Team is hesitant to make big financial commitments in places where we have not yet been able to confirm a unity of teaching and practice. We expect that to happen in 2025.

The One Africa Team is blessed to work with this group after they had separated themselves from a Pentecostal group in 2022, confident that the Lord will bless this work in Buchanan Liberia.

To Godā€™s glory!

Written by Missionary Dan Kroll, world missionary on the One Africa Team.

Communicate the gospel!

Finding the best ways to communicate well is always something WELS missionaries are thinking about. Thatā€™s why, in mid-October, my family landed in Arusha, Tanzania. We planned to spend about two months in the country to learn to communicate in Swahili.

Old and young learners communicate
I enrolled in two courses at MS-TCDC, a college focused on teaching Swahili to foreigners, for five weeks. Outside of class, there were plenty of opportunities to practice Swahili with people. We bought groceries, asked for directions, flagged down bijajis (three-wheeled taxis), and just said: ā€œjamboā€ (hello)! The official languages of Tanzania are both Swahili and English. However, much more emphasis is placed on Swahili in Tanzania. Itā€™s common to find people who speak very little or no English. This made using the language a must in day-to-day interactions.

My wife, Becky, and two youngest children, Katya (9) and Leia (6) joined me for the experience. Becky homeschools the girls, so temporarily relocating from our home in Lusaka, Zambia, to Arusha didnā€™t interrupt their learning. Becky integrated quickly into the local homeschooling scene, and she and the girls made new friends quickly.

Connecting with local Christians
I also interacted with Africa Mission Evangelism Church (AMEC), a Lutheran church body based in Tanzania. After carefully working through One Africa Teamā€™s Four Stage Process, WELS will declare fellowship with AMEC at this summerā€™s synod convention, God-willing.

Our normal practice is to visit one of our mission partners for about two weeks. After two months in Tanzania, we visited many churches on Sundays and deepened our relationships with church leaders. I also met with leaders from the Community of Evangelical Lutheran Churches of Central Africa (CEELAC). CEELAC is a new partner based in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). We have been meeting in Tanzania due to security concerns in the DRC.

Both AMEC and CEELAC use Swahili in their worship services. Attending worship was a great opportunity to put into practice what I had learned in my classes. Two months isnā€™t enough time to communicate like a native Swahili speaker. I was excited to see that I could understand much more and even teach a little in their language. Iā€™m thankful for the opportunity to communicate the gospel no matter where I live!

Listen to Leia Foxen communicate in her way about what she saw in Tanzania in this video posted on the One Africa Teamā€™s YouTube Channel.

Please pray for those working in fields that are ripe for harvest. Share their story, engage with future news, and receive updates.

Written by Missionary Ben Foxen, world missionary on the One Africa Team.

CAMM December 2024 Newsletter

Partnerships are everywhere in our Christian faith: partnerships with our fellow believers, partnerships with our home churches, partnerships with the pastors that guide us, and most ultimately our partnership with God. In Philippians 1: 3-6 we are reminded by God that partnerships are necessary to share the good news of the gospel.

The Central Africa Medical Mission (CAMM) started as a partnership; the Lutheran missionaries used the Central Africa Medical Mission to provide healthcare to the local community and because the communityā€™s physical needs were being taken care of, doors were opened for the missionaries to share Godā€™s spiritual love and healing with those visiting the clinic.

Today, CAMM operates with many partnerships. We partner with the missionaries through the Board of World Missions and the One Africa Team, with local national staff, with local African pastors, and with supporters all across the United States and abroad.

The Board of World Missions and the One Africa Team help support CAMM by providing spiritual support, marketing support, and help to lead CAMMā€™s mission. WELS Christian Aid & Relief (CAR) provides CAMM with financial grant support. CAMM has been extremely blessed by CAR with their grants to purchase medicine, fuel, and vaccinations. They are a key financial supporter for the short-term medical camps that were held in Kenya in 2024 and the camp that is planned for February of 2025.

While today we have all national staff at our clinics, originally CAMM employed an American nurse-in-charge and an American clinic administrator in both Zambia and Malawi. The individuals who held these positions moved far away from their families and lived in Malawi and Zambia for three years or more. They helped lead the national staff and relayed communication on clinic operations back to the CAMM stateside committee, even though communication was slow due to limitations in phone and mail service, especially from our start in 1961 through the late 1990ā€™s. CAMM relied on the leadership and professional background of the American nurse-in-charge and American clinic administrator at each clinic to ensure the clinics ran smoothly, and their partnership was essential to the success of CAMM, especially in those early years.

In 1994, the Lutheran Rural Health Centre in Zambia was turned over to national staff to run the clinic. The same followed for the Malawi staff in 2022. Where would CAMM be now without the knowledge, commitment, and integrity of the Malawian and Zambian staff? CAMM relies on them to ensure devotions are held each morning and to treat each patient that arrives at our clinics with empathy and professionalism. The staff is the face of our clinics and through the love and compassion they share with each patient, they are reflections of Godā€™s compassion to them. The local pastors of the Lutheran Church of Central Africa are also key partners with CAMM, as they have an important role to further develop the spiritual welfare of each staff member and patient.

Finally, all of our supporters are key partners with CAMM. Schools, churches, and womenā€™s groups, including LWMS, help spread the word about the work of CAMM with even more individuals across the country. And this in turn has caused an outpouring of support, in the form of prayers, monetary donations, assembling and mailing parcels to the clinics, and special projects such as a CAMM baby shower, chili potlucks, special mission Sundays, and school mission projects, which help fund building projects and new vehicles. The CAMM stateside committee members are filled with gratitude when we see photos of these activities or learn of all the assistance that is being provided. Since CAMM is supported solely by donations, we would not be able to carry out our work without the partnership of all of you, our supporters.

God has truly blessed the work of the Central Africa Medical Mission for over 60 years, beyond what we ever could have imagined. May he continue to use all of these partnerships to guide and bless our work in the future to provide Christ-centered health care and to share the gospel with all those who come to the clinics.

Have a blessed Christmas season as we celebrate the joyous birth of our Savior!

Written by Angela Sievert, Central Africa Medical Mission chair


Just to date myself, Iā€™m a fan of Oklahoma rock group Flaming Lips. One time they released an albumā€”actually four discs (dated again!)ā€”meant to be played simultaneouslyā€”called ā€œZaireka.ā€ They wanted a name that evoked chaos and joy . . . and Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo, or DRC) was the ultimate byword for chaos.

Not so, on the One Africa Team’s travels to Lubumbashi, a busy, thriving mining city in the southeast of the DRC. We need the governmentā€™s permission to go there and offer workshops to the confessional Lutheran church groupā€”the Evangelical Lutheran Mission to The Congo (MELC) ā€”with whom we are exploring the possibility of fellowship. The intelligence officers monitor One Africa Team missionariesā€™ visits closely, both for their good and for ours. We have heard that they are happy to have us visit, so that we can spread the word that Lubumbashi is safe, orderly, and open for business.

But weā€™ve also heard that they like what weā€™ve been teaching. As theyā€™ve read reports of our pastoral training workshops, theyā€™ve mentioned that they think the contentā€”which has been the small Catechism of Luther, so farā€”is wonderful. The gospel Word is spread, sometimes in surprising ways.

In November, One Africa Team Adjunct, Pastor Joel Seifert, and I presented a second training workshop for the pastors and evangelists of theĀ  MELC who came to Lubumbashi from as far away as Kinshasa in the west and Manono to the north. On Wednesday evenings, I continue to hold French-language doctrinal studies on Zoom with the leaders of MELC.

Thank you for whatever ways youā€™ve been supporting this new mission field! Congo-reka! And soli deo gloria. Peace.

Written by Missionary Keegan Dowling, world missionary on the One Africa Team.

CAMM November 2024 Newsletter

The Lutheran Mission Rural Health Centre (Mwembezhi) in Zambia has been providing both physical and spiritual help to both the clients and patients in its 63 years of existence. It is the hand of God that has brought us this far. God established this work through His missionaries and their wives who were serving this area at a time when it was most difficult to live in Africa. Today the clinic stands tall with its ever-increasing population which has grown significantly since the 1990ā€™s. The area has witnessed growth in both population and infrastructure since the area was declared a district in 2011 by the President at that time. There would have been even more growth in population and infrastructure had the President lived to see his vision through.

The clinic serves eight separate areas within our catchment and was seeing about eighteen thousand eight hundred people per year. In 2023 The Zambia government built two new health posts within our catchment area. These health posts were designed to provide people with a clinic closer to their homes rather than travel to Mwembezhi. The Mutombe health post is located about eight kilometres from our clinic and the Shikatende health post is about twelve Kilometres from Mwembezhi. Each health post was given a population of around five thousand people to serve thereby lowering the population served at Mwambezhi by around 10,000. However, it did not work out that way. People prefer coming to Mwembezhi over the health posts for reasons such as ā€œat the Mwembezhi clinic they pray to Godā€ and ā€œoffer Bible readingā€ (devotion), they have drugs and at the centre there are ā€œDoctorsā€ available (Doctors in this case meaning medical staff in white coats). True to the peoplesā€™ words, we are vessels of God sent for the sake of providing physical and spiritual help to our brothers and sisters in that area. As a team, we believe that the clinic is a Christ-centered facility. We treat, but Jesus Christ heals.

I am grateful to hear how people in the area praise God and mostly I hear them saying ā€œLeza alelekwe pakutupa chibadela cha Lutheranā€ meaning that ā€œMay the name of God be glorified for giving us the Lutheran clinicā€. Hearing of the nice comments reminds me of the favour of God in our lives and how we ought to be grateful to Him. We are grateful for everything that God allowed us to see and do this year and remain grateful to all who pray for and support the Clinic. Letā€™s encourage each other to live for God and be grateful to Him, especially around this time.

As children of God letā€™s remember what He has given us despite the many challenges we face. There is an example of two people travelling in a public bus, one passenger (a woman) accidently spilled something on a smartly dressed passenger (a man) who was seated next to her and his clothes became dirty. It was expected that this smartly dressed man would get angry at the woman. But to the surprise of everyone the man smiled and said, ā€œItā€™s okay my sister, I will be dropping at the next station and home is near.ā€ The point is, let’s not
stress too much on the issues beyond our control, rather we hand over everything to God and be grateful for what He has given us.

With prayer and believing in God’s promises it was possible to establish the clinic that does His work now as it did 60 years ago. The God our forefathers served is the same God today. The clinic serves as a ready platform to extend Godā€™s grace to His people, showing the love of Jesus to all who come. Our hope is that more will praise God for his salvation through Jesus as well as being grateful for the medical care given at our clinic. Thank you for your time.

Written by Alisad Banda, CAMM Clinic Administrator in Zambia.

Finding the true cross

Meskel, or “cross” is the name of a holiday that the Ethiopian Orthodox Church celebrates. The full name of the festival is “The Finding of the True Cross.” According to their tradition, God spoke in a dream to a woman named Helena, who was the mother of Constantine, the first Christian Emperor of Rome. In the dream, God instructed Helena to light a fir tree on fire. The smoke from the burning tree miraculously led Helena and her friends to a certain place on the ground. When people dug into the ground at that place, they found the true cross on which Jesus died.

Itā€™s just a legend, not a true teaching of the Bible. But many people in Ethiopia celebrate this festival. When the day comes, thousands of men, women, and children stream out into the streets and public squares, dressed in colorfully embroidered white robes. They build a huge teepee-shaped bonfire that is intended to look like a fir tree. Everyone joins the celebration. Many of them are not members of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, and many of them are not even Christian at all. Many of them do not understand the true meaning of Jesus and his cross. They just want to have a party.

New Contacts from Sudan and Ethiopia
When WELS missionaries Dan Kroll, Howard Mohlke and I visited Ethiopia a few weeks ago, the Meskel celebration was underway. We had several exciting reasons to make that trip to Ethiopia. First, we wanted to meet with leaders of the Lutheran Church of Sudan (LCS). The LCS is an Arabic-speaking Sudanese group that claims to have 16,000 Lutheran members. Over the past year, we have been communicating with this group via the internet. We have shared some Arabic printed materials so they can study the Scriptures in their own language. But we have never been able to meet them in person. Sadly, our plan to meet them in Ethiopia was not successful. The leaders of the LCS were not able to get the proper passports and visas.

Thankfully, other goals were more successful. My colleague, Dan Kroll, focused on meeting with a group called the Gambella Evangelical Lutheran Church (GELC). (Gambella is a region in western Ethiopia). The members of this group number about 150 and most of them belong to the Anuak tribe. Together with Missionary Kroll, about 35 leaders of this group were blessed to study what the Bible says about the Church and its ministry.

South Sudanese Refugee Work
Meanwhile, Howard Mohlke and I were more focused on another group, the Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ethiopia and South Sudan (CELCESS). This group ā€“ also located in the Gambella region of Ethiopia ā€“ claims to have 28 congregations and about 14,000 members. Many of the members belong to a tribe of people called Nuer.

Especially, we met with a man named Lam Nhial Luak. Lam himself has been very well trained in Lutheran teachings. He holds a Bachelor of Divinity degree given by our sister synod, the Lutheran Church of Ethiopia. WELS missionaries also participated in Lamā€™s training. Every month, WELS provides funding for Lam to teach a three-day workshop on Christian doctrine to 15 Nuer pastors. The pastors take what they have learned from the Bible and share it with their members. During our visit, we attended one of Lamā€™s workshops. On the following Sunday, we were privileged to observe Lamā€™s official installation into his teaching role and the ordination of four new pastors.

To be clear, WELS is not yet in fellowship with any of these groups ā€“ neither the LCS nor the GELC nor the CELCESS. I do not know what will happen with these groups in the future and if God will bring them to a full understanding of the Scriptures and into fellowship with WELS. But I do know this: These people love their savior Jesus Christ. They are eager and excited to receive instruction from Godā€™s Word. They know that God has saved us, not because of any good thing that we have done, but by the perfect life and innocent death of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Through their study of the Scriptures, they have found the true cross, and that is a reason for us to celebrate.

Learn more about our mission fields in Africa and how the Holy Spirit is working faith in peopleā€™s hearts at wels.net/africa.

Written by Missionary Mark Panning, world missionary in Malawi, Africa.

CAMM October 2024 Newsletter

I recently traveled to Malawi and Zambia and was looking forward to sharing some updated information and news about the field. My wife Beth and I recently gave a presentation about CAMM for the Grand Canyon Circuit of LWMS (Lutheran Womenā€™s Missionary Society) at a retreat at a camp outside of Prescott, Ariz. There were about 80 women attending and three Arizona pastors who helped with devotions and worship. We were glad to see our former Malawi Mission Liaison, Rev. John Holtz, and a former pastor in Zambia, Rev. John Hartman and his wife, Sharon.

At the retreat we had the opportunity to learn about the mission work to the Native American Mission, including the school in Peridot. We also heard about the mission to the children in Mexico and its Spanish ministry to Mexicans in Tucson.

We shared our slides about the Lutheran Mobile Clinic in Malawi, the Lutheran Rural Health Center in Zambia, and the medical camp that was run in Kenya last February. We enjoyed answering questions and feeling so much support for the ongoing work of CAMM. We knew these women would be praying for our African staff and supporting the mission with their prayers and offerings. It was apparent that many of them also had ministries in their churches and with other mission organizations. We give thanks for these brothers and sisters in Christ, who love Jesus and want to help spread the gospel around the world!

In other news, in Malawi we have recently completed the construction of two private consultation rooms at our clinic at Thunga Village. We have seen that outpatient numbers have been growing at this clinic, which has caused crowding and even less privacy. We decided that it was it about time that these patients were provided the same degree of privacy as the patients at our other clinics, hence the new consultation rooms were built. Now all outpatient consultations at all four of our clinics are conducted in private.

Also, in Malawi, after a few months of wondering why we have not received many parcels, we have just received 40 parcels of pill bottles and other supplies. Supplies were getting low and we were beginning to worry. But the Lord provided. We suspected that something was amiss either at the post office or customs, but only recently discovered that parcels were being held by the Malawi Revenue Agency (MRA) for possible customs duty. Lusungu Mwambeye ā€“ our administrator in Malawi ā€“ was able to work with the MRA and get the parcels released to us without duty. She also obtained a letter from MRA giving us customs clearance for three months. While our stocks are looking good today, it can take up to three months for a parcel to arrive, so please keep the parcels coming so that we always have a ready supply of pill bottles, blankets, hats, onesies, etc. for our patients.

Written by Mr. Gary Evans, CAMM Field Director.

Sing a New (Old) Song to the Lord

In the closing days of August, Rev. Dr. Terry Schultz from Multi-Language Productions (MLP) and Rev. Ben Foxen of the One Africa Team traveled to Uganda.

The goal? Fulfill a request made by our brothers and sisters in the Obadiah Lutheran Synod (OLS) to help them create new songs with Christ-centered lyrics.

Thanks to funding provided by MLP, we were able to gather about 20 musicians from the various districts of the OLS in one place for 5 days of training, encouragement, and hands-on work composing and performing songs. MLP also provided funds for the purchase of some equipment that will be used by the OLS to train future musicians in their church body.

In the time spent in this workshop, we were continually amazed at the musical talent and creativity that had been assembled. In a short time, these men and women composed and recorded 68 new songs that showed incredible diversity. Since the composers came from different parts of the country, they composed in no less than seven different languages. The musical styles differed as well, ranging from traditional Ugandan beats, to more of a hip-hop style, to chants and chorales. It was eye-opening to witness how the people of OLS sought to incorporate all these different styles, showing that all of them are now a part of their cultural heritage.

The content of these songs also differed, some focusing on themes of praise and thanksgiving (among them my personally favorite melody, ā€œNebaza Musumba Wange,ā€ or ā€œI thank you, my Shepherdā€); others focusing on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus; others on sin and repentance; and others a recasting of the timeless songs of the liturgy.

One of the goals of this workshop was to preserve any music that was produced. So, a handheld recording device was used to capture the compositions as they were performed for the group, and handwritten lyrics were transcribed into a Microsoft Word document. Both were then transferred to SD cards that can be shared with all the congregations of the OLS, so that the entire church will be able to benefit from what was produced at the workshop.

OLS leaders have plans to take this project further. They want these composers to continue their work in producing new melodies and lyrics, focusing their talents on the various seasons of the church year, so that in time an entire OLS hymnbook might be produced and digitally recorded. Itā€™s an ambitious project, but one they certainly have the talent to accomplish.

Through it all, we rejoice in the amazing gifts that God has given to his people. Throughout the ages, new songs have always been created to praise and glorify our God and teach people about his amazing deeds and love. The OLS may be singing some new songs to the Lord now, but theyā€™re also singing the same song that Godā€™s people have always sungā€”Christ for us, and Christ in us. All glory and praise be to his name, in whatever melody you sing it!

Written by Rev. Benjamin Foxen, world missionary on the One Africa Team.

Subscribe to future Missions Blogs at wels.net/subscribe.

CAMM September 2024 Newsletter

As you read blogs, self-help books, and Facebook posts, they seem to have one common theme: How do you find your joy and happiness in life? You may look around and joy seems to be missing in so many areas of your life. There may seem to be less smiles and less laughter. Work is hard and tedious, relationships are difficult to maintain, and healthcare is expensive and time consuming. We go to church and surround ourselves with the gospel, but is the joy we feel truly displayed? In Romans 15:13, Paul wrote, ā€œMay the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.ā€ Are we overflowing with hope?

This past month, I traveled to Mwembezhi Lutheran Rural Health Centre in Zambia along with Gary Evans (Field Director) and Alisad Banda (Clinic Administrator). While all of us had been there many times in the past, we were not expecting to see the joy displayed as we drove past Martin Luther Church, which is adjacent to the clinic. Hundreds of people were camped out for a five-day Lutheran Church of Central Africa campout.

What a surprise! Kids were running and playing, adults were socializing and getting ready for the day and the singing. . . nothing can truly impact you like the sound of an African choir! The harmony, smiles, and joy that we saw and heard is my version of the singing I hope to hear when I arrive in my home in heaven. To hear a sample of the choir singing, visit our Facebook page. What a blessing to hear and see the fellowship as we ventured down the road to tour the clinic buildings and see the clinic at work.

The joy did not stop at the campout. You could see the smiling faces of the clinic staff, the moms as they weighed their babies, the village residents greeting us and thanking CAMM and clinic staff for being there. Some of you have experienced these sights first-hand, but for those that havenā€™t, I pray the videos and photos that CAMM shares help bring you joy and give you a sense of the joy that is displayed at the clinic.

Your support, whether through prayer, shipped donation boxes, monetary donations, or sharing the work CAMM does, brings me joy and helps us share your joy with the patients that visit the clinic in Zambia as well as the clinics in Malawi.

Whether it be from seeing the photos and videos CAMM posts, or the joy that surrounds you in your personal life, we pray that God continues to bless you and bring you joy. CAMM humbly thanks you for your continued support that helps to spread joy to so many within our organization.

Written by Angela Sievert, Central Africa Medical Mission (CAMM) chairwoman

The road to new opportunities

The mindset of so many is ā€œWhatā€™s next?ā€ or ā€œWhatā€™s the next goal in my life?ā€ The Central Africa Medical Mission (CAMM) has also been considering that same question: Whatā€™s next for CAMM? There are endless opportunities for CAMM to provide healthcare to those in need in Africa and even possibly outside of Africa. We know CAMM will never put our current clinics at risk in Malawi and Zambia, and we are staying true to our mission that CAMM is providing healthcare in support of gospel ministry. Therefore, new opportunities we consider in other countries must be supported by the local Lutheran churches in those countries.

This past week, I had the opportunity to travel to a potential new clinic site in Malawi. The drive was long, the road was bumpy, bridges were out and looked treacherous, but due diligence was needed to see if the site was feasible. While this location showed great need, CAMM needs to evaluate it considering the distance to nearby health clinics (government run or private), the distance our staff would need to travel to the location, cost, government rules to operate and how the local church would support the clinic (available water, Chimbudzsis aka bathrooms, and a covered building with adequate light).

The opportunities are endless when it comes to providing healthcare internationally. The need seems to always be there. While visiting we were in constant awe, especially in the remote villages, of the need for healthcare. We were told there are over 40 patients who have epilepsy who travel over 40 kilometers to the Msambo Clinic in Malawi to access the medications CAMM can provide on a monthly basis. We saw our staff treat a little baby struggling to breathe due to pneumonia. We saw a woman suffering from asthma that came to our clinic for a steroid shot that she may need on a monthly basis. Earlier this spring, we saw an additional 400 patients in one day for malaria because the nearby government clinic ran out of medications. The need is constant.

In February 2025, the Central Africa Medical Mission, along with the Board of World Missions, One Africa Team, Christian Aid & Relief, and the Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ-Kenya will once again host a short-term five day clinic just outside of Nairobi. Although this isnā€™t a new clinic opportunity, for the first time we plan to take five volunteers from the United States who are not part of the CAMM committee, but who have previously applied as volunteers to help run the short-term medical clinic. These volunteers will assist local medical staff with diabetes screening, blood pressure screenings, and outpatient care. CAMM would love to continue to look at the possibility to take volunteers to future locations.

The opportunities for CAMM to serve are endless, and the path that CAMM should take next seems to have many different routes, but in Proverbs 16:9 we hear, ā€œThe heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.ā€ We must trust in the Lord that he will lead us down the right road to serve Him. We will continue to pray and look for Godā€™s help as we evaluate these new requests from the local churches in other countries in Africa. We know God will point us in the right direction and support us as we serve Him.

Written by Angela Sievert, Central Africa Medical Mission chair.

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CAMM August 2024 Newsletter

The Lutheran Mission Rural Health Centre-Mwembezhi has a come a long way since it began in 1961, and I can indeed say this far that the Lord has brought us. The Clinic that started as a drug dispensary is today one of the Zambia missionā€™s success stories, not by human efforts but, by God alone. One of the many positive changes that has happened over the years has been the extent to which the government has recognized the Lutheran Church in Zambia through the clinic.

The recognition of the health centre is attributed to the members of staff who have put in their best effort in the delivery of the health care in the Shibuyunji District. The big motivation comes from serving Christ our Savior. The Central Africa Medical Mission, through its leadership (CAMM) and its supporters, provides the means that enable success such as salaries, medications, maintenance and everything that requires monetary help for the facility. In the past five years, the clinic has seen a face lift in many areas of the centre and uplifted the status of Lumano village. The clinic leadership appreciates the Field Directorā€™s regular visits. The article cannot be complete without mentioning our supporters who have generously given the finances, material help and for some, even coming to visit the clinic. Every donation, in all forms is appreciated, even baby blankets, hats and clothes which are given to newborns and act as a motivation for expecting mothers to come and deliver at the facility.

As the clinic nears the end of the financial year, we can say yes, this far the Lord has brought us, but one thing is so loud to my ears and that is to stay faithful, as the clinic is founded on Christ-centered love and compassion. It is very important to remember that God has sustained the clinic. He has sent people to the centre for numerous reasons, for all it is to hear about the love of God, for many it is for healing and health maintenance, and for our staff who gain expertise and experience through the variety of patients they see.

Today, the clinic has twenty-six members of staff, sixteen are on the CAMM payroll and the rest from government and non-government organizations. A lot of them are young people and sometimes this age group comes with its own pressures. These are part of our Christian battles, but the call is to remain faithful to our God despite the situations that may come our way. This far, indeed the Lord has brought us. The clinic is a reliable source of healthcare and sometimes this can cause us (the members of staff including management) to forget that God has created the facility for His own purpose and that is to demonstrate Godā€™s love to humanity. This love must first be seen in the members of staff before it can be demonstrated to others. Indeed it is particularly important to remember that the clinic is not only a source of medical expertise and medications, but is primarily a place where Christ is the centre of all our activities.

In conclusion, the Lutheran Mission Rural Health Centre in Mwembezhi is a family, and by the grace of God, we continue planning as a family for the future and pray for each other. It is important to pray for our leadership at CAMM, well-wishers, and members of staff at the clinic.

Written by Alisad Banda, CAMM Clinic Administrator

The Obadiah Lutheran Synod expresses its thanks

Last January, I had the privilege of attending a special worship service of the Obadiah Lutheran Synod (OLS) in Uganda. Nearly 1,000 members of the Obadiah Lutheran Synod, some traveling for hours, attended this special service celebrating the fellowship that had been declared between our two church bodies at WELSā€™ 2023 synod convention.

Our synod does not provide operational support for the Obadiah Lutheran Synod. But thanks to special gifts received from WELS members, we are able to help with pastoral training, church building projects, and other special programs.

As you might expect, travel in Uganda can, at times, be very difficult due to bad weather and roads that can become nearly impassable. Since Pastor Makisimu Musa, the president of the synod, spends much time visiting the various congregations and pastors of his synod, reliable transportation is a vital necessity. Thanks to generous gifts from WELS members, the Obadiah Lutheran Synod was able to purchase a used Toyota Land Cruiser.

Pastor Musa would like to express thanks from his entire church body for this gift. He wrote, ā€œIt is my pleasure again to say thank you, brother, for your gift of the vehicle to the OLS. This is helping us a lot to do church ministry work in Uganda. Please extend our heartfelt appreciation to the brothers and sisters in WELS for the gift. The gift (vehicle) reminds me of the day you visited us in Uganda to attend our celebration of fellowship and unity in the faith. Thank you for blessing our ministry of the Word in this region of Africa. May the Lord of the church Jesus Christ continue blessing you all for your generous support to the OLS.ā€

We pray that the gospel ministry being carried out by our brothers and sisters in Uganda will continue to be blessed richly by the Lord.

Serving with you in Christ,
WELS President Mark Schroeder


View a short video from the service.


CAMM July 2024 Newsletter

June was a sorrowful month in Malawi, as the country mourns the demise of its vice president, the Late Dr. Saulos Klaus Chilima. The vice president along with eight other high-profile delegates, including the former first lady Shanil Muluzi, were killed in an aircraft crash in the Chikangawa forest while on their way to the burial ceremony of the Late Ralph Kasambala, the former Attorney General. According to reports, the late vice president’s jet flew off the radar shortly after takeoff and crashed in the Chikangawa forest due to bad weather. The Chikangawa Forest is in Malawi’s northern region and is about a 40-minute flight from Kamuzu International Airport in Lilongwe, the country’s capital.

We also mourn the demise of the Late Lucious Banda who was the country’s presidential advisor on youth and art. He was a legendary musician who started his career in the early 1990s and released 20 albums to date. He was dubbed ‘soldier’ due to his music genre, which advocates for the betterment of the poor and fights for their rights. In these terrifying storms, we rest our hope, peace, and comfort in Christ. Matthew 11:28-30 – “Come to me, all who labor and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

On the same sad note, as reported in our May newsletter, the Lutheran Mobile Clinic supports children with disability to access physiotherapy treatments at Children of Blessings. Unfortunately we have lost one child, Tamara, who died following continuous convulsions and was also found with low blood sugar. She was admitted to Kamuzu Central Hospital and passed away a few days later. The remaining four kids who are still under Lutheran Mobile Clinic transport fund to get physiotherapy are progressing well with their sessions. We thank God!

As temperatures drop in Malawi and concerns rise relating to the impact of cold weather on communities, we have had our physicians educate our patients and guardians about pneumonia, cough, and colds throughout this cold season. The unprecedented surge in patient numbers strains resources but demonstrates the critical need for healthcare services in most areas. The last week of June, I had the opportunity to chat with some patients mostly to know why they would rather spend more on transport to come to our clinic when they can use the same funds to access private or government hospitals close to where they reside. One patient said, “In addition to the availability of medications at Lutheran Mobile Clinic, the staff treats the patient with respect and empathy, unlike the public or private hospital”. The other patient stated, “The physicians do not listen to all the concerns of patients but instead immediately send them to the pharmacy to get the medications or refer them to buy, whereas Lutheran Mobile Clinic physicians take their time with patient consultations”. Another patient stated that “when tested with malaria rapid diagnostic test, before the blood clots, the nurse/lab assistant at Lutheran Mobile Clinic provides cotton swabs to patients whilst at the public hospitals, sometimes they are advised to rub the blood in their hair and the blood will clot quickly which to a patient comes off as rude nurses”. These are some of the reasons why people prefer our healthcare provision to other hospitals/clinics on top of almost the free service provision and availability of medications.

Despite the rough roads that hurt the backs of our staff members from consistently driving in bad conditions, the Lutheran Mobile Clinic has been tirelessly serving the communities, providing critical medical assistance to those in need. I would like to applaud my team for always showing up for the clinic to serve the communities in need.

On behalf of the Lutheran Mobile Clinic staff team and the communities we serve, I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your generous donation towards the purchase of our new ambulance. Your support and generosity have made a significant impact on our ability to provide critical emergency services to our community. The 2023 Toyota Landcruiser/Ambulance is admired by many as a new model but also its great off-road performance. Despite the bumpy roads, this new ambulance has great shock absorbers that make the effect of the bumpy roads less noticeable. Thank you once again for your generosity and commitment to the Lutheran Mobile Clinic’s cause. We are deeply appreciative of your support and donations; it makes our work possible and easy to manage. May God bless you all and give you good health. 1 Thessalonians 1:2, “We give thanks always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers”. Amen!

Written by Lusungu Mwambeye, Clinic Administrator for the Lutheran Mobile Clinic in Malawi


Faces of Faith ā€“ John

John Michoro, a member at Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ-Kenya, strives to bring more people to Jesus by being a shining example of a servant leader. As a son of a Kenyan pastor, John has always had Jesus as part of his life. He dedicated his efforts this past year to bring the Central Africa Medical Mission (CAMM) to Karima, Kenya, as an outreach tool for their church. He worked closely with CAMM, the Kenyan Kirinyaga County government, and the church to organize the logistics, financials, and communication required for the medical camp in Kenya that was held in February 2024. They served close to 1,500 patients during the four-day camp. With only one percent of the population in the surrounding community professing the Lutheran faith, John has high hopes this clinic has not only served these patientsā€™ physical needs but will also be a way to touch their souls by hearing the love of Jesus. The impact of love and teamwork he has seen during the planning and running of the medical camp solidifies his faith even more. He observed many different groups of varying backgrounds from the community come together and share their love for each other, just as Jesus showed his love for so many. Johnā€™s face lights up in a huge smile as he talks about his faith and shares it with others!

From Angela Sievert, Central Africa Medical Mission (CAMM) committee chairwoman

Faces of Faith ā€“ Elijah

Elijah Adongo is a TELL student from Nairobi, Kenya. In March 2023, he attended a special TELL event in Nairobi. Some students had studied together online for years, but this was the first time seeing one another in-person. Baptism was the topic for the Bible study. In Africa, immersion is considered the only valid form of baptism in many churches, and infant Baptism rarely happens. ā€œThis is our belief and practice concerning Baptism because this was the mantle that was passed to us from others.ā€ Thatā€™s the repeating theme I often hear. Gathered around a table and Godā€™s Word, the Holy Spirit lifted that mantle and replaced it with a clear understanding of Godā€™s gift of Baptism.

Two days later, Elijah invited me to his home where he asked if his four-year-old daughter could be baptized. After a devotion and assuring Mikayla that she wasnā€™t going to be immersed, the angels in heaven rejoiced as another precious child was brought into Godā€™s family through Baptism. By Godā€™s grace, Elijah continues his studies with TELL and shares what he has learned with others.

From Joel Hoff, TELL missionary in Africa

Faces of Faith ā€“ Opiew

Iā€™m Opiew Okugn Adiew from Gambela, Ethiopia. I was raised in a Christian home. My parents were faithful believers and instilled a love for Christ in me, but by the time I was 30 years old, I began reading Scripture more critically and openly questioning some of the doctrines I was taught. I became dissatisfied with false teachings among my church and many churches in my community. My concerns became large enough that a few friends and I decided to start our own church based solely on Scripture. One of my friends had a little theological education, but we all desired more training. I contacted WELS and was directed to the One Africa Team, which got me connected with TELL. Fast forward to today, and I have become a more confident church leader. When you share the gospel, you need to understand the grace of God. That is what I understand from the TELL program because they understand the Bible well.

I shepherd a congregation, leading worship and Bible study. I share the TELL method of training with other pastors, teachers, and lay workers in the local dialect but continue studying with TELL in English. If you want to become a strong preacher, you need to use the TELL program. . . to think, evaluate, and learn the Scripture, and finally to lead a church to understand the Scripture. You can establish friendships with many pastors around the world!

Praying dangerously in Africa

Have you ever heard people use the phrase, ā€œPray dangerously?ā€ It means to ask God for things that he will almost certainly grant, but that will also probably mean challenging times for the person praying.

For example, you could pray each day that God would bring challenges into your life so that you would be drawn closer to him. You could pray each day that God would you give an opportunity to witness about Jesus with somebody. These could be considered ā€œdangerousā€ requests because God will likely grant those requests, but it might mean hard or uncomfortable times for us.

In the outreach group for the One Africa Team, we often pray the prayer, ā€œLord, present us with more opportunities to reach more people with your gospel in Africa.ā€ You could call that a dangerous prayer. What if God actually granted that request? What would we do with all the opportunities?

By Godā€™s grace, thatā€™s exactly the position we are finding ourselves in. We find ourselves high in opportunities and low in the ability to take advantage of them all in the way we would like. In addition to the eight partners weā€™re already in fellowship with in Africa, we are currently actively working towards fellowship with another eight church bodies! These are located in Tanzania, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (two church bodies there), Liberia, Benin, Burkina Faso, and Ethiopia (two church bodies here, different from the Lutheran Church of Ethiopia). We are also offering support to two of our sister churches as they reach out to establish fellowship with other churches in their areas. In addition, at any given time we usually have around 40 individuals who come into contact with us online that we are trying to get to know better to see if we can work together in gospel ministry. Finally, many of the churches and contacts we are beginning to work with are in countries where the predominant language is French, so we find ourselves in need of more people who are capable in this language.

Admittedly, these are great challenges for us to have to face! We thank God for his grace in leading us to all these opportunities. Now we ask that he also give us the capacity to overcome the challenges facing us. Please join your prayers to ours about these things! Pray that God would send us more workers to fill the three empty positions on our team. Pray that we can excel in language learning so that we can better communicate the truths of the gospel in different countries. Pray that these new groups would have a love for the pure word of God and that we would find ourselves in agreement with them on doctrine so that we can work together for the sake of the gospel. And yes, pray that we would have even more opportunities for gospel outreach in the future! It may be a ā€œdangerousā€ prayer, but is one filled with Godā€™s blessing!

Written by Rev. Ben Foxen, world missionary in Lusaka, Zambia.

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CAMM May 2024 Newsletter

Greetings in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. It is April and people have started harvesting their maize fields. The harvest has happened a little bit earlier this year as people are trying to protect their crops from theft. These theft cases have risen because a lot of people have empty fields due to the prolonged dry spell that Malawi experienced in January and February. This dry spell has really affected this country and the harvest is worrisome to the point that the Malawian President declared Malawi in a state of disaster.

Newa Amos

The Lord has been faithful to the Lutheran Mobile Clinic and all its staff. He is keeping us healthy so that we can continue serving his people. However, we are still experiencing a huge number of patients in all the clinic sites. The top diagnosis at all these sites remains malaria. For the past weeks, our Mwalaulomwe Clinic has seen a huge turnout of patients. So much so that we ran out of medication during clinic hours and had to send our ambulance back to our pharmacy in Lilongwe for restocking. This is happening because the government hospitals have a low supply of malaria commodities, includes malaria testing kits and medication. We hope that the supplies will be available soon and that God brings healing upon his people.

I would like to tell you about our disabled kids at Msambo Clinic; the Lord has been so faithful in their lives. Newa Amos is a four-year-old little boy. In 2022, at two years old, Newa suffered cerebral malaria and was admitted to Kamuzu Central Hospital in Lilongwe. This malaria affected him such that he lost developmental milestones. He could not sit, stand, or walk. He lost speech and started drooling. After he was cured of malaria, the boy was discharged through the physiotherapy department and the mother was told to visit three times a week. Due to transportation problems, the mother was unable to visit the hospital as required and was just staying at home with the little boy. After a few weeks, this mother together and her boy came to our clinic at Msambo to find out if we could help in any way. Our clinic was able to help with money for transport and the boy started getting physiotherapy sessions at Children of Blessings Hospital which is a little bit closer to her home.

2024 marks two years since Newa started his physiotherapy sessions at Children of Blessings. He visits the hospital two times a week. The mother was taught how to do the physiotherapy at home. Both the physiotherapists and the mother play a great role in making sure that Newa gets back on his feet. Today, Newa is four years old, and he can sit, stand and walk alone without support. He is now in a speech class, and he can utter a few inaudible words, but there is hope that he will be able to talk.

Currently, our clinic supports five kids with transportation money so that they get their physiotherapy at Children of Blessings. There is a great improvement in all four kids, and there is hope that they will be able to live normally. The mothers and the kids’ families are very happy and thankful for the help they receive.

The medical mission’s work in fighting disease and malnutrition in children, especially the disabled ones, helps to prolong their lives and gives them and their parents a chance to hear the gospel and be saved. We are so very thankful for all who give to the Central Africa Medical Mission to make it possible. May God continue blessing you.

Written by Violet Chikwatu, Nurse in Charge for the Lutheran Mobile Clinic in Malawi


CAMM April 2024 Newsletter

The Central Africa Medical Mission (CAMM) mobile clinic in Malawi depends on having reliable ambulances for our daily trips to our clinics. While the Toyota Land Cruisers we use are rugged and tough, after a few years they start to require more and more maintenance. So, if we are going to use them on a daily basis, we cannot have them sitting in the shop waiting for repairs. For that reason, we replace them every five years.

Unfortunately, if we want to buy a new ambulance in Malawi, we cannot go down to the local dealer, pick one off the lot, pay for it, sign the paperwork, and drive it home that day.

Instead, we use a company called Toyota Gibraltar. They are named after where they are located, on the rock of Gibraltar, the British Overseas Territory and city located at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula in Spain. Toyota Gibraltar specializes in providing vehicles to non-governmental organizations, such as ours, who operate in third world countries within South America, Africa, and Asia. The advantage of using them is we see significant cost savings over the local Malawian Toyota dealer. The bad news is that it takes a while for the vehicle to arrive, and we (CAMM) must deal with all the local customs and vehicle registration issues instead of the dealer. As clinic administrator, Lusungu Mwambeye handles these challenging details with help and guidance from me.

We ordered and paid for the vehicle in September of 2023. It arrived in Lilongwe on March 30, 2024. To get here, the vehicle traveled from Japan to Gibraltar. There, it was put in a container where it left Gibraltar by ship in late December enroute to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, via Oman and Jakarta. Once in Dar es Salaam the container was put on a truck for the 1,000-mile overland trip to Lilongwe. The ambulance is now at the clinic house/office in Lilongwe, but it will be a while before we can put it on the
road. Lusungu still needs to get final customs clearance before we can begin the registration process. As we use the vehicle as an ambulance, we can import it duty free. A savings of $35,000, but duty-free status requires a lot more paperwork.

For registration, the vehicle first needs to be checked by Interpol to make sure it is not stolen. Then it must be inspected by Malawi Road Traffic to check the engine and chassis numbers match the paperwork, then it can be registered. Visits to the road traffic office are not for the faint-hearted; your local DMV is a haven of efficiency and serenity by comparison. Once registered it will go to Toyota Malawi to complete the delivery inspection and installation of the roof rack and any other remaining parts. Finally, it needs a government safety inspection called a Certificate of Fitness, throw in some insurance and we are ready to go. Iā€™m praying that it will be ready for the road by late April. Then we can worry about selling the old ambulance.

It is getting toward the end of the rainy season in Malawi and Zambia. Malawi had a period of three weeks with no rain in the middle of their growing season, but rains had returned to the central region by early March. Unfortunately, a little too late. People are not expecting a good harvest. In Zambia this year, rains have been very sparse. The government has already declared a state of emergency and began scheduling power cuts because of low water levels in the Zambezi River ā€“ the country depends heavily on hydroelectric generation for its power needs. Normally by this time of year the fields are lush with freshly grown maize. I am no farmer but much of the maize I saw when I visited Zambia in March looked brown, stunted, and poor. Very likely, this is not going to be a good harvest, and hunger could be a very real possibility.

Thank you to everyone who made our new ambulance a reality and please pray for our brothers and sisters in Malawi and Zambia. They are going to need a lot of prayer and support this year.

Written by Gary Evans, CAMM Field Director

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CAMM March 2024 Newsletter

Almost three years ago, Pastor Mark Anariko Onunda from Lutheran Congregations in Missions for Christā€”Kenya approached the One Africa Team (OAT) and the Central Africa Medical Mission (CAMM) with a proposal to hold a week-long medical camp at a Lutheran congregation near the town of Sagana, Kenya. These medical camps are common in Kenya, and the government approves of them to reach people in rural areas with free screenings and medical care.

The CAMM committee prayerfully considered and agreed to this, knowing that nothing should be done that would detract from the work we are doing at the Lutheran Mobile Clinic in Malawi or the Lutheran Mission Rural Health Center in Zambia. OAT was in favor, because Pastor Onundaā€™s main goal was to bring patients to the church by providing evangelists to lead devotions and share the gospel of Christ with people coming to the camp. With a generous grant from WELS Christian Aid and Relief, the cost was covered. After almost a year of preparations by our Field Director Gary Evans, Pastor Mwangi, John Michoro, and other leaders of the congregation at Karima Lutheran Church, together with the Kirinyaga County Health Department, the four-day camp became a reality from February 26-29.

Six volunteers from the CAMM committee arrived four days early to complete the work of sorting and organizing supplies and medications in the storage room and setting up the camp in a large field near the church, joining Gary and Pastor John Roebke. They met with key government staff to confirm what supplies were still needed and which services would be provided. Tents and toilets had already been installed. Volunteers from the congregation were available to help set up chairs, tables, handwashing stations, and rope lines. Everyone worshiped together under one of the tents on Sunday prior to the start of camp. There was a sense of unity of faith and joy in the mission ahead.

The government staff included clinical officers, nurses, nutritionists, laboratory technicians, a pharmacist, pharmacy techs, and record keepers. There was a truck in which women could be screened and even treated for cervical cancer. American volunteers assisted wherever they could, whether taking blood pressures, checking blood sugars, doing triage, weighing patients, finding equipment, running to the storeroom to bring medications to the pharmacy, placing garbage and sharps containers, and monitoring the overall workflow. The church volunteers registered and numbered patients, directed them where to go, answered questions, emptied garbage, cleaned, translated the Kikuyu language, spent time talking with patients, and led Bible studies, and hard-working women made traditional African food lunches for 70 people each day!

All patients were screened for hypertension and diabetes and received nutrition advice, health education, and medications as needed. Over the four days, 1,400 patients were seen. One 12-year-old girl with a very painful ulcerated rash on her ankles for two years was finally treated with the correct antifungal and antibiotic medication, and follow-up was arranged. A woman who had dangerously high blood sugar but had not been taking medication for diabetes was treated with IV fluids and insulin. She could go home with oral medication and was taught how to change her diet to help keep her glucose levels down and to follow up at a local clinic. ā€œAsante sanaā€ (thank you very much) was heard often. We were told the community had benefited greatly from the camp, and the church leaders knew that there would be many new visitors to church the next Sunday.

Although the volunteers were tired, dirty, and sensory overloaded at the end of each day, it was gratifying to know that it was mainly the Kenyan peoples’ initiative and efforts that made the camp happen. We were watching Godā€™s plan unfold for people to hear about their Savior as well as have their health needs met. Will there be more Lutheran medical camps in Kenya? God willing, yes. Meanwhile, our clinics in Zambia and Malawi continue to thrive.

Thanks be to God!

Written by Beth Evans, CAMM Nurse Advisor

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CAMM helps address healthcare challenges in Africa

The need for affordable and adequate healthcare is a hot topic for all countries. The Central Africa Medical Mission helps alleviate the need in Malawi, Zambia, and most recently, Kenya. Why is this need so great? Is the healthcare need the same in every country?


There is minimal free healthcare in Kenya. If you are sick, the cost for a general consultation is about $14. If surgery or more treatment is needed, and the patient cannot pay, then they may go without care or try and raise funds from their community and family. Recently, CAMM held a four-day medical clinic just outside of Nairobi, Kenya, to do basic health screenings including blood pressure, blood sugars, cervical and breast cancer screenings. We saw many chronic conditions that patients had been suffering through due to the expensive healthcare in the country. With CAMMā€™s help, the care we provided was free and the cost to CAMM and our Lutheran partners during our short-term medical was about $17 per patient. We pray that those afflicted with illness and disease can find some healing with the therapy and medications received.


Thunga Clinic in Malawi

CAMM has been operating the Lutheran Mobile Clinic in Malawi since 1970. Staff travel to four rural villages for a day of clinic each week. The clinics focus on providing Christian counseling and education, HIV testing and treatment, malaria treatment, wellness checks, immunizations for children, prenatal care, and treatment of other minor injuries or illnesses. The cost to each patient is about 60 cents, and the cost to CAMM to provide care is about $2.92 per patient. A huge challenge for Malawian patients is medications. One of the main reasons patients visit the CAMM clinics is that they have the medications readily available. Most medications, including antibiotics and blood pressure meds, cannot be found at government run pharmacies. What a blessing that God has provided CAMM with the care and medications the Malawian patients need at an affordable cost.


Lutheran Mission Rural Health Centre

The CAMM Lutheran Mission Rural Health Centre, a permanent clinic in Zambia, has been in existence since 1961. It provides preventive health services and outpatient care as in Malawi. In addition to those services, the clinic staff deliver babies, treat patients for HIV and tuberculosis, and do home visits. CAMM is also able to provide the care for the many diabetic patients in the region who cannot receive treatment at the government clinics. The care CAMM offers to each patient arriving at Mwembezhi is free, costing CAMM about $4.94 per patient.

With Godā€™s blessing and healing hand, the clinics in Zambia and Malawi saw over 70,000 patients in 2023 and saw over 1,400 patients in Kenya during the four-day medical camp in February 2024.

Written by Angela Sievert, Central Africa Medical Mission chair.

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CAMM January 2024 Newsletter

Originally appears on the Central Africa Medical Mission website. Learn more and follow updates at camm.us.

As I write this letter, it is late December and itā€™s amazing how it feels just like yesterday that we were celebrating the beginning of 2023. Now that we are just a few days away from ending 2023, there is so much to be grateful forā€”especially the gift of life that the Lord has granted us throughout the year.

Here in Malawi, December always comes with heavy rains. Itā€™s the time when all the farmers plant their fields knowing that the rainy season has arrived. However, this December was different because a lot of districts had not received any rain until mid-month. This brought so many worries to farmers as they had no hope on when the rains would start. But because our Lord is good, by December 20, Lilongwe and other districts received heavy rains. People were happy and ready to work in their fields.

Despite being happy about the rains, during this rainy season the clinic faced challenges in so many ways. December 20 was a clinic day at Suzi, and because it had rained heavily we had difficulty traveling to the clinic site. The road was bumpy and very muddy making it hard for driving. Despite all these difficulties, we still made it to the clinic as our land cruisers are good, even on bad roads.

Upon reaching the clinic, we found a large crowd of peopleā€”men, women, and childrenā€”sheltering under the roof of the clinic and some under the trees as it was still raining. The people were happy seeing us as they thought we wouldnā€™t make it due to the bad road. When our staff were setting up the clinic, our clinicians had already started seeing the patients that were triaged by the village staff before we arrived. These people were very sick and the complaint that presented the most was malaria.

Malaria is a condition that worsens during the rainy season and is one of the leading causes of death in Malawi. From the month of October on, our clinic started registering an increase in malaria cases that worsened in November and December. Not only has this malaria affected children under five, but it is also affecting adults. As a clinic, we are always prepared for this as we carry enough malaria testing kits and medication for uncomplicated malaria. Not only that, but we also carry with us medication for complicated malaria, which we give to patients before we refer them to hospitals for continued management. As always, our staff, who are hardworking and team players, did an outstanding job in dealing with the large number of patients we saw that day. When a staff member sees that a colleague needs help, they can be relied on to jump in and assist without being told to do so. We thank God for this and may he continue blessing all of the staff.

Written by Violet Chikwatu, nurse in charge at the Central Africa Medical Mission Lutheran Mobile clinic in Malawi.Ā 

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Celebration in Uganda

Last summer, our synod declared fellowship with the Obadiah Lutheran Synod (OLS), a small confessional Lutheran church body in the African nation of Uganda. On Jan. 13, the OLS held a synodwide worship service celebrating its fellowship with WELS. Members of the OLS traveled from towns and villages through southeastern Uganda to attendā€”some for more than six hours. More than 800 people attended the special worship celebration. Missionary Howard Mohlke and I were blessed to attend as the representatives of WELS.

The morning began with heavy rains. Because the celebration was to be held outdoors and the dirt roads leading to the location were impassable, the service was delayed for several hours until the rain stopped. But the weather did not dampen the enthusiasm of those who came to worship. The service began with songs by the youth choir and with the robust singing of many hymns by the worshipers. The service also included the ordination of a new OLS pastor, an address by OLS President Makisimu Musa, and words of encouragement from many of the OLS pastors in attendance. The celebration also included words of greeting from the WELS representatives as well as encouraging words of congratulations by local and national Ugandan government officials.

Just as the delegates at our WELS convention last summer were overjoyed to establish fellowship with the OLS and thanked God for the blessing, so the people of the OLS shared in that joy and thanks.

The OLS is planting new congregations in towns and villages throughout Uganda, and it is being blessed with a growth in membership. Along with that growth comes challenges, especially when it comes to the need for all-wheel drive vehicles that can negotiate the bumpy and muddy roads to enable contact with remote congregations. And while the synod builds its own churches with locally made mud-fired brick, it is in need of funds to provide roofs for those buildings.

WELS members have been generous in their support for these projects, and the OLS is very grateful for what has been received. But additional funds are needed to complete the necessary projects. If you would like to support the OLS in the gospel ministry it is faithfully carrying out, you can send your gift to WELS World Missions, designated for the OLS in Uganda, or donate online.

Serving with you in Christ,
WELS President Mark Schroeder

Learn more about the work in Uganda.




A picture is worth a thousand words

Originally appears in the One Africa Team blog. Subscribe to future updates from Africa at oneafricateam.com.

A picture is worth a thousand words ā€“ in any language. Members of the Obadiah Lutheran Synod (OLS) in Uganda speak English, Luganda, Lusoga, and many other Bantu dialects. It is a challenge to communicate Scriptural truths across linguistic and educational barriers. Itā€™s even more challenging to explain abstract concepts like justification, redemption, and Christā€™s humiliation and exaltation to students in confirmation class. But a well drawn picture can tie timeless truth to a tangible target.

Rev. Dr. Terry Schultz is an experienced WELS missionary who creates print and music materials for WELS Multi-Language Productions. Schultz supports WELS mission work around the globe. OLS President Maksimu Musa requested One Africa Teamā€™s assistance in training Sunday school teachers. One Africa Team turned to Schultz, who has graphically portrayed the Apostles’ Creed with full color illustrations. He and Missionary John Roebke engaged 35 Sunday school teachers and OLS pastors with the task of translating these illustrations into lessons.

The pictures

The 1531 edition of Martin Lutherā€™s Small Catechism contained 23 pictures printed from woodcut images. Like these images, Schultzā€™s drawings help a teacher tell a simple story to explain a complex teaching. A courtroom scene depicts a young man standing before a judge with his accuser to one side and his attorney at the other. The next scene shows him standing before God, flanked by Satan and Jesus.

Another picture unfolds the drama of a kidnapping and payment of ransom. The next scene represents the divine story of Christā€™s redemption ā€“ not with gold or silver, but with his holy, precious blood. A comic book panel of pictures illustrates each of the stages of Christā€™s humiliation.

A composite illustration presents the stages of his exaltation. Schultz carefully crafted each picture to maximize understanding and teaching. A teacherā€™s manual with minimal text supplements each picture, bearing in mind the target audienceā€™s literacy level. WELS Multi-Language Productions has produced three booklets to date ā€“ one for each of the three articles of the Apostlesā€™ Creed. Schultz is finalizing the illustrations for the Sacrament of Baptism, with the other chief parts of the Catechism to follow.

The teachers

Attendees began each day of the workshop with animated singing and dancing. In addition to performing local melodies, the group learned a few African American spirituals from Schultz. OLS pastors delivered inspiring devotional messages in English. Schultz infused his own energy into the workshop as he introduced each picture to the participants.

After this, the Sunday school teachers broke into smaller groups of three to five people. In each group, an OLS pastor walked through the concepts behind the picture. Thirty minutes later, each small group took turns teaching the lesson to the larger audience. Some teachers appeared more confident than others, but by the weekā€™s end all of them had made significant improvement.

Next steps

Unfortunately, time did not allow for Schultz to present all 45 teaching posters the group. The teaching posters and manuals remain with the OLS in Uganda. We encouraged the pastors to work through these materials with their Sunday school teachers. The pastors have a much better grasp on both Lutheran teachings and local culture.

Regardless if Schultz returns to Uganda, the OLS now has a powerful instrument for instructing youth and adults. Can you picture their faces gathered around Jesusā€™ throne some day?

Please pray for those working in fields that are ripe for harvest. Share their story, engage with future news, and receive updates. Learn more about our mission fields in Africa and how the Holy Spirit is working faith in peopleā€™s hearts.

Written by Rev. John Roebke, world missionary on the One Africa Team.

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CAMM December 2023 Newsletter

Originally appears on the Central Africa Medical Mission website. Learn more and follow updates at camm.us.

“Praise the Lord, all you nations! Worship him, all you peoples! Because God’s faithful love toward us is strong. The Lord’s faithfulness lasts forever!” – Psalm 117:1-2

This Bible verse certainly describes the work of the Central Africa Medical Mission (CAMM) in 2023. God’s faithful love has been strong toward both of our clinics in Zambia and Malawi. God’s blessings have reached the staff and patients in countless ways; they have been abounding! And we thank and praise him for his love and faithfulness.

In 2023, we saw over 70,000 patients. The patients came for physical healing or preventative care, and we were able to provide treatment, medications, testing, and health education. At the beginning of 2023 we were challenged with the thought that cholera would continue to spread and possibly create a pandemic. Thankfully, this was not the case and it quickly receded. HIV rates have chronically been high in the past several years. By God’s grace, while testing at our clinic sites has been increasing, the number of positive HIV tests has been decreasing. Staff continues to educate and test visitors at the clinics. At the Lutheran Mission Rural Health Centre in Zambia, the clinic continues to be recognized by the Zambian government for exemplary care.

By the blessing of God, all our clinic sites were remodeled and have been in full use in 2023. The improvements in lighting, privacy, and safety not only help patient care but also give staff a safer and more enjoyable place to work. During the COVID epidemic, CAMM placed hand sanitizing stations at each of the clinics and grass fencing at the Malawi clinic sites. These remain in place for the patients and staff to use because they are good practices to promote hygiene at the clinics. In Zambia, we were blessed with generous donations this year so that we could install permanent metal fencing around our clinic. The fencing was needed to keep livestock and goats out of the clinic buildings. It has now been successfully installed, is effective in banning the livestock from the clinic buildings, and the grass around the clinic has started to grow back.

We are grateful for the staff that CAMM has been able to employ. From the guards and drivers to the nurses, clinicians, laboratory technicians, and midwives, everyone is critical to the work that CAMM is doing. We have 14 employees in Zambia and 17 employees in Malawi. We also have church and government volunteers who help us every day. We are thankful for the care they give to patients, and for treating patients in a Christian mannerā€”with respect and dignity in support of the mission of CAMM to provide “Christ-Centered Healthcare Supporting Gospel Ministry.”

In 2023, we were given the green light to explore expansion opportunities for clinic care. The expansion could include new sites within the countries of Malawi and Zambia or in an entirely new country. There are many factors to consider when looking at a site for expansion. One of the most critical is to have the support of a Lutheran church body in fellowship with the WELS at the site. With the aid of WELS Board of Missions, WELS Christian Aid and Relief, and the Lutheran Church of Kenya, we are making plans to hold a five-day short-term clinic in Kenya in February of 2024. What an amazing opportunity to be able to heal the physical needs of the Kenyan people, while also filling their souls with spiritual guidance!

It would not be possible for the Central Africa Medical Mission to carry out our work for over 60 years without our faithful and generous supporters:

ā€¢ Your interest in staying informed with presentations, requests for promotional materials, and e-mails keeps the mission of CAMM present in your congregations, schools, social circles, and church groups.
ā€¢ The continued monetary support all of you promote by sharing information about the needs of CAMM.
ā€¢ The boxes of medical supplies and clothes you carefully gather, package, and ship to Zambia and Malawi.
ā€¢ God hears your many prayers for the continued success of CAMM, the continued care of our patients and staff, the safety of the countries we are located in, and prayers for the expansion into Kenya in 2024. May God continue to bless CAMM every day!

While reflecting on the past year, we are reminded that God’s faithfulness does last forever! Let us all worship and praise him for our many blessings!

Written by Angela Sievert, Central Africa Medical Mission Chair.

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CAMM November 2023 Newsletter

Originally appears on the Central Africa Medical Mission website. Learn more and follow updates at camm.us.

The Zambian government through the Ministry of Health and its partners is working hard to provide the necessary commodities to end HIV/AIDS by 2030. In Zambia, there are more than 1,190,000 people living with HIV who are on antiretroviral therapy (ART). As of October 2023, the Mwembezhi Lutheran Mission Rural Health Centre services about 892 clients currently on ART, making it the second highest in Shibuyunji Health District.

The facility also offers other services to help eradicate HIV by intensifying identification of new positives, prevention of mother to child transmission, provision of pre-exposure/post-exposure prophylaxis, cervical cancer screening, voluntary male circumcision, viral load monitoring, condom distribution, adult/pediatric nutritional assessment for people living with HIV, and tracking of late clients.

Even though the facility receives support from the Ministry of Health and other implementing partners in the eradication of HIV and AIDS, adult nutrition programs is one area that has not received much funding or support. As the Mwembezhi area is rural and has a high poverty/illiteracy rate, it has been bit of a challenge to implement adult nutrition programs for people living with HIV.

Currently the facility has over 100 clients on HIV treatment with body mass index less than 18, which is below normal rate for an adult. This is mainly related to the non-availability of a nutritious balanced diet in their homes because of they do have the money to purchase adequate food. There is also a lack of understanding regarding the importance of having a balanced diet. Weight, height, and age play a very big role in certain ARV prescriptions and recording such high malnutrition cases hinders and slows boosting of immunity.

After the facility recorded such high numbers of adult malnutrition in many people living with HIV, a staff meeting was held to discuss on how best we can help our clients and some of the interventions than can be put in place before end of December 2023. These measures include:

  1. Continuously give informed information education and communication to not only people living with HIV, but also to the community at large.
  2. Lobby for more height boards and scales to be used during outreach programs so that all client’s height and weight will be assessed regularly to enable early detection of new cases.
  3. To order high energy proteins, an instant porridge fortified with vitamins and minerals for healthy growth
  4. Enforce responsibility in keeping appointments so that monitoring of our clients will be easy and all needs are met on time.
  5. Revamping of the support group for people living with HIV at the facility

As the Zambian government continues adopting tolerated regimens and other models of care with established benefits, our clinic in Zambia,as a health facility and as community health care workers, will continue to put in the effort to meet our patients’ expectations by providing cost effective solutions to help maintain our client’s good health and nutritional status.

Written by Mr. Jackson Kalekwa, Central Africa Medical Mission (CAMM) clinic officer in charge at the Mwembezhi Lutheran Mission Rural Health Centre in Mwembezhi, Zambia