Multi-Language Productions
Multiple languages to multiply Christians around the world
Multi-Language Productions (MLP), a division of WELS World Missions, has created more than 2.9 million video, audio, and print resources for use in global outreach. Educational and devotional materials have been translated into 56 languages to date—all to share the gospel message with people around the world.
MLP continues to expand well beyond conventional ways of reaching the lost, embracing emerging technology trends such as data-driven automation, e-learning, mobile websites, smart devices, and social media. TELL Network, MLP’s online leader training program, uses technology to engage and teach large numbers of Bible study students, group leaders, and church planters around the world, especially in places where WELS does not have resident missionaries. Through these varied resources, MLP assists and enhances outreach and training for all world mission fields and national churches.
Traditional means of reaching the lost have not been forgotten. MLP continues to provide resources in different languages for people who don’t have access to the internet and technology, including ministry resources like The People’s Bible, textbooks, illustrated story cloths and posters, as well as worship and praise music.
What we do
TELL Network
TELL Network provides Bible study curriculum focused on leadership training for students across the globe, preparing them to gather groups, lead Bible studies, and plant churches.
Print, music, & art
Multi-Language Productions produces confessional Lutheran materials in many languages and creates culturally appropriate music and art for sharing the gospel across world mission fields.
Meet the missionaries
Rev. Joel Hoff - TELL Missionary
Missionary Joel Hoff joined the TELL Network team in September 2022 as the TELL Missionary in Africa. He partners with the One Africa Team and serves as an instructor and mentor for TELL students throughout Africa. He assists in their training, walks beside them through their courses, and encourages them as they work toward becoming TELL Bible leaders themselves.
Hoff previously served in WELS mission fields in Cameroon (2010-2013), Albania (2006-2007), and Ukraine. Stateside, he has served as pastor at Divine Peace in Renton, Wash. (2013-2018), and most recently at Trinity in Neenah, Wis. (2018-2022).
Hoff and his wife Kate were married in 2012 and have been blessed with three children: Micah, Caleb, and Josiah. The Hoffs reside in Lusaka, Zambia.
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Rev. Dr. Terry Schultz - Artistic Development Missionary
Rev. Dr. Terry Schultz has served as Artistic Development Missionary for Multi-Language Productions (MLP) since 2019. He and his wife, Mary, reside in Milwaukee, Wis. He encourages and facilitates the use of culturally appropriate art forms (music, art, theater, dance) in service of the gospel among the churches of our WELS world mission fields. He is involved in indigenous music projects and has presented music workshops or pastoral training courses in many countries. Schultz also encourages and partners with local artists in world mission fields to produce pictures and diagrams for teaching biblical doctrines, particularly in cultures with low rates of literacy.
Schultz has a Bachelor of Music with a concentration in Percussion and M.S. in Education in Guidance and Counseling from Eastern Illinois University, a M. Div. from Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary (Evangelical Lutheran Synod), and a Doctor of Ministry in Missions and Evangelism from Trinity International University. From 1996 to 2011, Schultz served through the Evangelical Lutheran Synod in Peru where he taught at the Lima seminary, served as Peru field coordinator, and worked with the Shawi, an indigenous tribal group, in the Amazon jungle. Mary directed a women’s prison ministry at the time. In 2011, Schultz’s moved to the Dominican Republic, where they carried out WELS mission work in Haiti with national Pastor Rona Abraham from their home base in Santo Domingo. The Schultzs moved stateside after accepting the call to his current position in 2019.
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MLP Resources
Visit the WELS Resource Center for additional downloadable information on WELS Home and World Missions.
Download resources
View and download free, confessional Lutheran multi-media resources in 56 languages through Northwestern Publishing House.