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WELS is supporting the Ukrainian Lutheran Church, especially with emergency needs as their country is torn apart by war.

In 1991, the Ukraine claimed independence from the Soviet Union and the Ukrainian Lutheran Church (ULC) declared fellowship with WELS. The Ukrainian Lutheran Church continues to face increasingly difficult challenges and an uncertain future in a social climate where the majority of Ukrainians are heavily influenced by the Eastern Orthodox Church and traditions from Slavic mythology. While Lutheranism has a long history in Ukraine, the ULC in its present form had its origins in the efforts of Thoughts of Faith, a mission organization affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Synod. In spite of challenges, the ULC continues to work faithfully to proclaim the saving gospel and to be a voice for confessional Lutheranism in Ukraine. Today, WELS is the primary ministry partner of the ULC, as a result of an agreement with the Evangelical Lutheran Synod.

Fast Facts

  • 650+ baptized members
  • 14 congregations
  • 12 national pastors

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Praying for Ukraine

Dear Lord, enthroned in heaven and ruler of every nation on this earth, in your infinite mercy, we ask your favor upon Ukraine, a country now engulfed in war. Look in mercy on those immediately exposed to peril. Comfort the prisoners, relieve the sufferings of the wounded, and show mercy to the dying. Keep our brothers and sisters of the Ukrainian Lutheran Church close to you by the power of your Word in these trials of life and death. In the midst of this conflict, grant that sin may be exposed and true repentance achieved by the power of your gospel even in this dark time. Limit the reach of selfish ambition and thwart those who overlook the suffering of others. According to Your good and gracious will, stop this war and restore peace among the nations; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.


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