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Blessings through war—an update from Ukraine
It has been nearly three years since Russia first invaded Ukraine…
In 1991, the Ukraine claimed independence from the Soviet Union and the Ukrainian Lutheran Church (ULC) declared fellowship with WELS. The Ukrainian Lutheran Church continues to face increasingly difficult challenges and an uncertain future in a social climate where the majority of Ukrainians are heavily influenced by the Eastern Orthodox Church and traditions from Slavic mythology. While Lutheranism has a long history in Ukraine, the ULC in its present form had its origins in the efforts of Thoughts of Faith, a mission organization affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Synod. In spite of challenges, the ULC continues to work faithfully to proclaim the saving gospel and to be a voice for confessional Lutheranism in Ukraine. Today, WELS is the primary ministry partner of the ULC, as a result of an agreement with the Evangelical Lutheran Synod.
Fast Facts
- 650+ baptized members
- 14 congregations
- 12 national pastors
Consider supporting mission work in Ukraine with your prayers and gifts.
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