Tag Archive for: Europe

Update from Ukraine: March 31, 2022

Rev. Roger Neumann serves as the WELS liaison to Ukraine. He has been able to maintain regular contact with the leadership from the Ukrainian Lutheran Church (ULC) and is providing regular updates about how our brothers and sisters in the ULC are doing. WELS has decided to share Neumann’s updates. Please keep the people of Ukraine in your prayers.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. One of the pastors, and his family, who were in a dangerous situation have gotten out of area. It wasnā€™t without a great deal of tension though, as their bus was stopped and detained for an extended period of time. A one hour and 15 minute drive turned into 6-8 hours. But news came earlier this afternoon, late evening for them, that they have reached their destination safely. Wonderful news, thank you Lord.

Today I asked about the work of distribution of goods to refugees. This will give you an idea of what they are doing on a daily basis. Refugees can get food and help at certain designated locations, or things can be delivered to homes where refugees are staying. Both methods and locations of delivery are being made. Two days a week people will go to purchase supplies. This would include flour, pasta, buck wheat, preserves, fish, pork or chicken, and chocolates for the children. Treats for the children bring smiles to their faces and reminds them of happier days. Then the goods are sorted and taken to places where they are needed. Sometimes prayers are spoken in the homes; people ask for them. Medicine and food is also taken to hospitals. No one anticipated so many people, so there is a massive effort by churches and local organizations to meet all the demands. This seems to be going quite well and efficiently.

Something that they are becoming more and more aware of, is that there are refugee families who are too shy, or scared, to ask for help, thinking no one cares about them. Bishop is going to encourage pastors to actively search for these people so that goods can be taken to them.

There are many people who come with little or no possessions. They only have the clothes that they are wearing. To help them, trips are being made to used clothing stores to purchase more clothing. Something one wouldnā€™t think of is that some of the homes, who take in refugees, donā€™t have enough cooking utensils to make meals. They ask for extra pots and pans, plates, table settings, etc. It makes me realize how many things in our lives we simply take for granted.

I hope that this gives you a little better idea of how the people are managing, and how they help one another. And how there is always work to do, and opportunity to do it, to help someone in need.

Tomorrow, the mayor of a nearby city has invited Bishop Horpynchuk to come and give a devotion and pray with the people. More and more, people are asking for spiritual support. Once again, what a wonderful opportunity to speak of the gospel message of salvation in Jesus Christ. May God bless Bishopā€™s devotion and prayers, and that by hearing the Word, peopleā€™s hearts can be filled with peace and hope.

We continue to pray for the people of Ukraine and ask God to guard and protect them.



WELS is supporting the Ukrainian Lutheran Church with emergency needs as their country is torn apart by war.



Prayers for a church

In 2010, Caroline McCatty prayed that God would help her and her husband Lawrence to find a really good church. At the time, the couple was in the process of moving from England to the United States. Caroline knew the transition would take them to a new place, and she didn’t have any connections in the area to which she could reach out and ask for a church recommendation. As they settled in the East Coast of the United States, God led the McCattys to a small WELS church. The pastor there taught from the Bible, and focused on Jesus as the Savior of the world. Previously, the McCattys had attended a church in England, but not one that clearly preached the truths of Scripture. At the WELS church in the United States, they learned messages from the Bible that they had never heard before–and quickly grew to love.

Five years later, the McCattys returned to their home country as WELS members. Upon their return, they lifted up a different prayer – one that requested Scripture-based worship and instruction. The couple observed a different scene in England than what they had witnessed at the WELS church in the United States. They asked for that same Christ-centered gospel message to come to England: they wanted the solid meat that WELS offers, rather than a watered-down version of Scripture they saw throughout England. They prayed for six years; then God led WELS to start up mission work in England. Missionary Michael Hartman is leading the effort and is working with the McCattys and others in England to coordinate services and ministry.

The McCattys serve as an example to us of an existing core group of WELS and CELC members living in England. Thus far, members of the CELC church bodies on four continents are known to live in England. The goal is that this core group serve as a starting place for gospel outreach to the country. If you know a member or contact currently living in England, please contact Missionary Hartman. (Email:Ā [email protected]Ā / WhatsApp: +13058900560 or +447360712166.)

Read the rest of the McCatty’s story in theirĀ Forward in ChristĀ article.

Written by Rev. Michael Hartman, world missionary in London, England.

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Update from Ukraine: March 27, 2022

Rev. Roger Neumann serves as the WELS liaison to Ukraine. He has been able to maintain regular contact with the leadership from the Ukrainian Lutheran Church (ULC) and is providing regular updates about how our brothers and sisters in the ULC are doing. WELS has decided to share Neumann’s updates. Please keep the people of Ukraine in your prayers.

I had mentioned that Bishop Horpynchuk was asked to have a brief devotion, to be taped and aired on National Radio. This recording will be heard throughout the country and replayed multiple times over the next few days and weeks.

These are some of the thoughts that he shared with the nation. Beginning with Psalm 45, he said that God is our refuge and strength. God is on our side. During these difficult times of need God is sending them help thru their Western friends, and many are praying for them. He read John 3:16, and spoke of the forgiveness of sins that is freely given thru Jesus Christ our Lord. He emphasized that Jesus Christ is the most precious gift that we possess. He prayed that God would provide victory so that there could once again be peace in the land. Finally he encouraged the listener to put their trust in God, because he will not forsake us.

ā€œCome, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song.ā€ Ps 95:1,2 Today was another day of worship for the Lutheran Churches in Ukraine. I will keep the names of the pastors, and their locations, hidden for the present time.

Bishop Horpynchuk wanted to make a few calls on people today so we will wait until tomorrow to talk again. He did comment that people are starting to come out again for worship in bigger numbers. Understanding that many have left these areas, who may not be back for some time.

He did want me to express to all of you his profound thanks for all of your support and prayers. This thanks is extended to you from their pastors and congregations as well. They appreciate your prayers and support.

I, too, thank you for reminding me, by your expressions of support and prayer, of Davidā€™s words in his Psalm; ā€œHow good and pleasant it is when Godā€™s people live together in unity!ā€ Ps 133:1. The Christian family is strong because of our love for one another, in Christ. May God be with you, may he bless and keep you today and always. And may God bless the people of Ukraine and grant them peace.






WELS is supporting the Ukrainian Lutheran Church with emergency needs as their country is torn apart by war.



Update from Ukraine: March 25, 2022

Rev. Roger Neumann serves as the WELS liaison to Ukraine. He has been able to maintain regular contact with the leadership from the Ukrainian Lutheran Church (ULC) and is providing regular updates about how our brothers and sisters in the ULC are doing. WELS has decided to share Neumann’s updates. Please keep the people of Ukraine in your prayers.

Today Bishop Horpynchuk was able to give a devotion that was recorded on their National Radio. What a blessing to be able to reach out with the gospel message of Jesus Christ crucified, for the forgiveness of sins, to what should have been a very large audience in Ukraine. The gospel message will not be silenced, nor will God have his witnesses be silenced. If one takes the time to look, we can see clearly how Godā€™s hand is at work, especially in times of deep and dark distress. What immediately came to mind, when I heard of this opportunity, were the words of Isaiah, ā€œso is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.ā€ Is 55:11

Bishop was able to contact the Pastors in areas of danger, pray with them, and encourage them. We still wait for their evacuation and pray that God keeps them safe. But for now they are alive and we thank the Lord for this.

Many prayers are needed and many prayers are being heard. Thank you for taking time to read these updates. It means a great deal to the people in Ukraine that you are thinking of them and keeping them in your prayers.

Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. Ps 90:1,2 AMEN





WELS is supporting the Ukrainian Lutheran Church with emergency needs as their country is torn apart by war.



Update from Ukraine: March 23, 2022

Rev. Roger Neumann serves as the WELS liaison to Ukraine. He has been able to maintain regular contact with the leadership from the Ukrainian Lutheran Church (ULC) and is providing regular updates about how our brothers and sisters in the ULC are doing. WELS has decided to share Neumann’s updates. Please keep the people of Ukraine in your prayers.

Just a short while ago, one of the pastors and his family, who I asked you to pray for yesterday, has reached their destination safely. Their journey was a long one. The first day they traveled approximately 200 miles which took them 12 hours. Checkpoints congest traffic. At each checkpoint they need to show identification and have their vehicle searched. Saboteurs sometimes steal vehicles and infiltrate cities. Today their trip was equally as long, but they are safe. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

The other pastor, I asked you to pray for yesterday, is still in a dangerous area as plans to leave yesterday did not happen. They will try again, and Lord willing get to safety.

Right now there are three Pastors in areas of great danger. Iā€™ve been asked to be vague about who and where these are. Prayers are asked for them, our Lord knows for whom you are praying.




WELS is supporting the Ukrainian Lutheran Church with emergency needs as their country is torn apart by war.



Update from Ukraine: March 22, 2022

Rev. Roger Neumann serves as the WELS liaison to Ukraine. He has been able to maintain regular contact with the leadership from the Ukrainian Lutheran Church (ULC) and is providing regular updates about how our brothers and sisters in the ULC are doing. WELS has decided to share Neumann’s updates. Please keep the people of Ukraine in your prayers.

Today I ask for special prayers, for two of the Pastors in the Ukrainian Lutheran Church. These pastors, along with their families, are now no longer safe where they are at. In one situation bombing has come very close to their home and the family is very fearful. They have chosen, for their safety, to leave. They are driving and have found, what for now, seems to be a safe route out of the area. I pray that continues to be the case. They will encounter a number of checkpoints on their journey. It may take days to get where they are going. They are keeping in contact with Bishop. When they reach their destination, there are people who will take them in.

The other situation is one in which FSB operatives are now arresting political leaders and deputies in that city. As they are in other cities too. There is grave concern that religious leaders would be the next to be arrested. In this situation the family is leaving by bus. Driving a private vehicle may be too dangerous. Those on the bus are allowed to bring only two packages with them. All the rest of their possessions will remain at their home.

I know that you will be praying for these families; thank you very much! Pray that God will keep them safe and that he will bring them to their destinations without incident. As Bishop keeps me informed of their welfare, I will relay that on to you was well. On a personal note, these pastors are friends Iā€™ve worked with over the past few years. They, and their families are faithful leaders in their communities. I, as I know you do too, entrust them into Godā€™s care and keeping.

Germany is now welcoming more refugees and our sister synod there is offering to house more families. Bishop Horpynchuk wished for me to once again extend his thanks for their care. Other church bodies in the CELC are offering the same; thank you as well!

May God continue to look with mercy and love upon his precious souls who are enduring this dreadful ordeal.




WELS is supporting the Ukrainian Lutheran Church with emergency needs as their country is torn apart by war.



Update from Ukraine: March 18, 2022

Rev. Roger Neumann serves as the WELS liaison to Ukraine. He has been able to maintain regular contact with the leadership from the Ukrainian Lutheran Church (ULC) and is providing regular updates about how our brothers and sisters in the ULC are doing. WELS has decided to share Neumann’s updates. Please keep the people of Ukraine in your prayers.

It was good to have a conversation again today with Bishop Horpynchuk. Thanks be to God!

News today comes from Malyn that the Russians are attempting to seize the city. Why Malyn? What threat is there in this city? Pastor Didkivski has been actively helping with refugees. When life returns to some sort of normal, I truly believe these pastors and their congregations will be remembered by the people, in their towns and cities, as people who lived their faith, who truly cared for and helped others in their times of need. May God continue to bless their faithful labors of love and compassion.

Perhaps I need to write a few words about what it means to be helping with the refugees. Most of these refugees have left behind practically everything they own in their homes and have fled with little more than the clothes they are wearing and some meager possessions. Also, they left in haste with little time to separate needed things from desired things. I canā€™t imagine leaving everything in my home and fleeing with the real possibility that nothing will be left if, or when, I ever return. So when they come after days of traveling on the crowded roads they have run out of food, are in need of clothing, shoes, jackets, soap, medicine, and money to purchase fuel. Our pastors and churches try to help these people. Iā€™m told that each day the churches deal with, on average, 15-30 families. Some are just stopping to sleep, get some food, clean up, and then go on. Others wish to stay longer and shelters or homes are found. But some places are already overflowing, still they try to find some room.

I hope these few sentences give you a glimpse of what our brothers and sisters in Christ are doing to help people in Ukraine.

The atrocities continue each day as more and more reports of evil and senseless acts of violence are perpetrated upon innocent people. It will be difficult to erase from peopleā€™s memories what they see, and what they have lost. It will take generations to heal, but we trust that our Lord not only can but will heal the brokenhearted.

Through this all, God has been with them and he continues to sustain them. As the Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians, ā€œTherefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.ā€ 2 Cor 4:16

May God bless and keep them in his loving care.




WELS is supporting the Ukrainian Lutheran Church with emergency needs as their country is torn apart by war.



Update from Ukraine: March 16, 2022

Rev. Roger Neumann serves as the WELS liaison to Ukraine. He has been able to maintain regular contact with the leadership from the Ukrainian Lutheran Church (ULC) and is providing regular updates about how our brothers and sisters in the ULC are doing. WELS has decided to share Neumann’s updates. Please keep the people of Ukraine in your prayers.

All the Ukranian Lutheran Church (ULC) pastors are alive and as far as can be told all the members of the ULC are alive. But more and more stories are coming out of friends and neighbors of our fellow Christians who have been killed and homes that are damaged or totally destroyed. There is active shooting near Tokmak and Bereznehuvate, and daily bombing and shooting in Kharkiv. Food and water in these areas, which are located in eastern Ukraine, are still available but prices are rising rapidly. Please keep Pastors Khaustov, Feschenko, and Tytski, along with their families and their members in your prayers. Along with all of Ukraine.

In Western Ukraine our churches continue to help the increasing numbers of refugees who are coming there. More sets of blankets, pillows and primitive mattresses are being purchased so that children and families can have something soft to sleep on.

There are many stories of personal suffering, and situations that people are forced to deal with. Medicines, doctors, and nurses are needed, it seems, almost everywhere. These stories are repeated over and over again, by many different people.

But there are also heart warming stories as well. Bishopā€™s music director and organist has arrived in Germany. She has been taken in by a family from the German Lutheran Church(ELFK). Iā€™m told they have a piano and some of the family play violins. What wonderful music must now adorn that home. I know this because Iā€™ve heard her play a number of times for services. Thank you to Pres. Michael Herbst and people in the Evangelical Lutheran Free Church in Germany for your help with people fleeing to your country.

With so many refugees in western Ukraine, our churches there are beginning to hold classes for the children. Most schools are closed right now due to the sirens going off numerous times each day. Efforts, such as this, are an attempt to re-establish a sense of normal for the children in such frightening times. Thank you to Pastors Serhiy Somin, Roman Anduntsiv, Taras Kokovsky, also to Nina and Vasul Andreychuk, and to the workers involved with The Gift of Life. Your efforts are being noticed and are appreciated. May God continue to bless your labors.

Thank you again for reading this and thank you for keeping Ukraine in your prayers.



WELS is supporting the Ukrainian Lutheran Church with emergency needs as their country is torn apart by war.



Update from Ukraine: March 13, 2022

Rev. Roger Neumann serves as the WELS liaison to Ukraine. He has been able to maintain regular contact with the leadership from the Ukrainian Lutheran Church (ULC) and is providing regular updates about how our brothers and sisters in the ULC are doing. WELS has decided to share Neumann’s updates. Please keep the people of Ukraine in your prayers.

Bishop and I were not able to talk today. There is a lot of activity, near and in the city of Kiev. The fighting is intensifying. I know heā€™s very concerned about many of his members who havenā€™t yet been able to leave the city. He tries to work with them, in making arrangements for them to find ways to get out of the city. Bishop told me that one train with refugees, coming out of Kiev, was bombed today by Russians. It has to be emotionally draining, and time consuming for him. We pray for their safety. We pray for this to stop.

I was happy to hear that there was a public worship service in Tokmak today and that the service went very well. This despite the fact that Russia now occupies Tokmak. Itā€™s so encouraging to hear that Word and sacrament are still being administered. Especially in such conditions and times.

I also saw that Rev. Taras Kokovsky posted, that toward the end of their service at St. John/St. James in Ternopil the siren went off causing people to leave and seek shelter. May God guard and keep them in his care.

I know that today, in many of our churches here in America, prayers were raised to God for the people of Ukraine. I know this because you have told me this through the many people who have communicated with me. Thank you and please continue to pray for the people of Ukraine.

I hope and pray that the Lord blessed your worship today. May God be with you all. The Lord strengthens us through each otherā€™s prayers and support.




WELS is supporting the Ukrainian Lutheran Church with emergency needs as their country is torn apart by war.



Update from Ukraine: March 11, 2022

Rev. Roger Neumann serves as the WELS liaison to Ukraine. He has been able to maintain regular contact with the leadership from the Ukrainian Lutheran Church (ULC) and is providing regular updates about how our brothers and sisters in the ULC are doing. WELS has decided to share Neumann’s updates. Please keep the people of Ukraine in your prayers.

Todayā€™s conversation was earlier than most days. A number of western cities have been bombed today. Where there was no fighting yesterday changed dramatically today. There is a growing sense of desperation among the people in Ukraine that other countries arenā€™t doing enough to help. They plead, help is needed now.

Another fear, that people have had, is that Russians will capture and arrest political leaders. This has become a reality in certain cities. Bishop [Horpynchuk, head of the ULC) fears that after the political leaders they will then come for the religious leaders. Bishop is particularly concerned for Oleksandr Feschenko in Tokmak. He asks our prayers for him and his family.

A comment that sticks with me is when Bishop said that itā€™s as though he is living in the times of Jeremiah, the Old Testament prophet. Lamenting over what is happening to his people and his country. Which presented a good opportunity for both of us to be reminded that God is still in control. That in this world there will be suffering, but we have a greater hope, made certain for us by our Savior, Jesus Christ. Man can disappoint us, hurt us, and even kill us, but man cannot take our Savior from us, nor remove the hope that we have in Christ.

Our conversation today was a mixture of sadness, disappointment, frustration, and even anger. But when our discussion turned to Christ, it was as though there was a sense of peace and calm, and even a joy that interrupted and took over our conversation. The good news of salvation in Jesus Christ our Savior can and does calm troubled hearts and does give to us a peace that goes beyond all understanding. In the midst of everything that is wrong in this world, Jesus is the One that is always right. His words can do what armies and powers canā€™t, they bring comfort to hurting hearts.




WELS is supporting the Ukrainian Lutheran Church with emergency needs as their country is torn apart by war.



Update on WELS relief efforts for Ukraine

Please feel free to share this latest update with you congregation.

  • The situation for our brothers and sisters in the Ukrainian Lutheran Church (ULC) remains very dire. Thankfully, we have learned that none of the pastors or members have lost their lives, but at least some members report that their homes have been destroyed. Some of the pastors and members have relocated to places that are relatively safe and removed from the heavy fighting, but others remain in areas where military activity is taking place every day. We continue to pray for their safety.
  • WELS members have already been very generous with gifts intended to support relief and humanitarian efforts both for members of the ULC and for the refugees and local citizens in need of help. We thank you to all those who have given gifts for Ukraine relief. Those gifts are being channeled through WELS World Missions, which remains in contact with the ULC and is still able to transfer funds to where they are most needed. To date, $25,000 has been sent, with additional funds to be sent in the coming days and weeks as long as the banking system remains intact. Individuals can give a gift by going to wels.net/give-ukraine or by sending a check payable to WELS and designating ā€œUkraineā€ in the memo line to WELS Attn: Gift Processing, N16W23377 Stone Ridge Drive, Waukesha, WI 53188. (Organizations may donate via check but not online.)
  • Currently, collecting physical relief items (blankets, water, canned goods, diapers, etc.) to send to Ukraine is not the best option for assisting those impacted by this war. The expense and logistical complexity of getting such items to those who need it make such an effort impractical. We will let you know when and if such efforts become possible.
  • In addition to gifts through the Ukrainian Lutheran Church, some have made gifts to WELS Christian Aid and Relief (CAR). With those funds, CAR has made grants to Direct Relief (directrelief.org) to get aid to those who need assistance, especially for Ukrainian refugees in Poland. To date, WELS Christian Aid and Relief has sent $50,000 to Direct Relief. This highly rated disaster relief organization specializes in providing medical assistance and supplies where they are needed most. They have both the inventory and infrastructure to bring medical aid to an area quickly. We have worked with this organization for many years and trust their work.
  • Pastor Roger Neumann is the WELS liaison to the ULC; he is in almost daily contact with Bishop Horpynchuk, head of the ULC, and keeps us informed of the latest news and challenges. There are periodic Ukraine updates on the WELS website at wels.net.

Lord God, in this world of darkness and evil, the light of your saving gospel continues to shine. Through that good news you have brought people around the world from the darkness of sin and death into your marvelous light. But evil exists, and Satanā€™s work in this fallen world continues. As many in Ukraine are experiencing unimaginable hardships and suffering, we ask that you would be with them. Protect them, provide for them, and, above all, strengthen their faith and trust in you and your promises. We commend them to your gracious care, knowing that you have promised to be with them always. Even though they are now walking through the shadow of death, enable them to fear no evil. We ask you, in your love and wisdom, to restore peace and safety to those now enduring the horrors of war and bloodshed and to continue to let your gospel message be the comfort and hope that so many desperately need. In Jesusā€™ name we pray. Amen.

Serving you in Christ,
Rev. Mark Schroeder
WELS President




Update from Ukraine: March 10, 2022

Rev. Roger Neumann serves as the WELS liaison to Ukraine. He has been able to maintain regular contact with the leadership from the Ukrainian Lutheran Church (ULC) and is providing regular updates about how our brothers and sisters in the ULC are doing. WELS has decided to share Neumann’s updates. Please keep the people of Ukraine in your prayers.

Today Iā€™ll begin with some quick updates on pastors and congregations in the Ukrainian Lutheran Church (ULC), our sister synod. All are alive and well at this time. Thanks be to God.

Bishop talked with Pastor Victor Khaustov who moved with his family to a safer location in Kharkiv. Moving about in that city is dangerous now because one could easily find themselves in a crossfire situation between Russian and Ukrainian troops. So they make very limited trips out of their homes, only to get needed food or medical supplies.

Pastor Oleksandr Feschenko reports that the internet has been cut off in Tokmak. Each day, people bravely protest in the city, the occupation by the Russians. These actions let the Russians know they are not welcome there.

Pastor Dmytro Didkivski says that the city of Malyn continues to be bombed. The areas where this is taking place are mostly residential areas. The Russian actions show an undisciplined, almost degenerate mindset, harming and killing innocent, defenseless people, and needlessly destroying homes and buildings.

In Kyiv, itā€™s reported that their church building is unharmed from bombings. Praise be to God. Plans are being made to use the church to store some food in the event the city comes under siege. Members of the church are helping an elderly member who needs assistance getting food and water. Just one example of so many that happen every day.

Other pastors who arenā€™t in the immediate conflict areas continue to help with refugees. They assist people, who left everything behind to flee, to purchase shoes and clothing if needed, in addition to food and water. In Riven, sets made up of a primitive mattress, pillow, and blanket sell for about $40.00. These are being purchased so people have something more comfortable to sleep on as they stop for rest on their long, slow journey to the border.

The efforts of the pastors, and leaders in the church, are wonderful to hear about. People are naturally most interested, each day, in how go things on the battlefield. Yet when one starts a prayer, or begins reading some Bible passages, people pause to listen and are comforted and encouraged. It reminds them that in the midst of death, there is life in Christ. Sometimes pastors are torn by the desire to be helping in the conflict but they also know how important it is for people to hear the word. They preach, have short Bible studies, pray, and encourage daily readings. For a few brief moments, it takes people’s minds off what is going on around them and they find peace in Christ. This teaches us both the value and the need for those who preach and teach Godā€™s Word. We thank them for their efforts, and want them to know that their efforts are not in vain.




WELS is supporting the Ukrainian Lutheran Church with emergency needs as their country is torn apart by war.



Together Video Update – March 8, 2022

Rev. Mike Hartman recently began serving as a missionary in London. Learn more about his ministry there and all the opportunities that are available for sharing the gospel in this multi-cultural area.

Want to learn more about Missionary Mike Hartman and his family’s experiences in the mission field? Watch this “Together” extra featuring Hartman’s wife, Rachel.




WELS Presidentā€™s Comments on the situation in Ukraine

The world has watched in horror as the country of Ukraine has been invaded by neighboring Russia. Entire cities have been decimated. Civilians have become the target of relentless strikes by bombs and missiles. Over a million Ukrainians have been forced to flee to neighboring countries, leaving behind loved ones, homes, and all they possess.

While our attention has been on the conditions throughout Ukraine and the human suffering the war has caused, we also have special concern for the members of our sister church body, the Ukrainian Lutheran Church (ULC). Congregations of the ULC are located in many of the places that you have heard about in the news. Many of their members have been forced to take shelter from shelling or to flee from their homes; some have had their homes destroyed.

The head of the ULC, Bishop Vyacheslav Horpynchuk, has been in regular contact with WELS liaison to the ULC Pastor Roger Neuman. Pastor Neumann has been providing daily updates on the situation in Ukraine, especially relating to how our fellow believers are being affected. Iā€™ve also been in contact with the bishop to hear first-hand about the challenges he and his congregations are facing and to assure him of our synodā€™s continuing support through prayers and offerings.

WELS members have generously sent gifts to WELS World Missions in support of relief efforts. Last week, WELS sent $25,000 to the ULC, with the assumption that this is only the first installment of assistance that WELS members will provide. The funds are intended to provide needed help to refugees and others affected by the war. WELS Christian Aid and Relief also authorized a $25,000 grant to Direct Relief, an organization that is providing medical supplies and support necessary during a time of war. We realize that the ability to send funds to Ukraine may be lost at any time.

Some of the ULC congregations were able to hold worship services last week (most of them virtually). We praise God that his Word continues to provide them with comfort, strength, and renewed faith in Godā€™s gracious promises.

We will continue to look for ways to provide assistance to the ULC and, if possible, to ULC families who have made their way to other countries and need assistance. Our sister church in Germany is also looking for ways to help.

This entire tragic drama is another stark reminder of the wickedness and depravity that infects the human soul. And yet, even in these darkest of days, we remain confident that the Lord of lords is still ruling with his grace and power. We trust that the gates of hell itself cannot withstand the power of the gospel. We pray for a quick end to the war. We ask God for his forgiveness for taking his blessings for granted. And we commit our ULC brothers and sistersā€”and all Ukrainiansā€”to Godā€™s care and protection.

In Christ,
WELS President Mark Schroeder



Ukrainian bishop with sons on front lines shares realities of war

On March 2, FOX19 Now from Cincinnati, Ohio, featured a story on Ukrainian Lutheran Church (ULC) Bishop Vā€™yacheslav Horpynchuk and his two sons who are defending their home country. His one son, Vlad, previously served as a vicar at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in Cincinnati. The ULC is WELS’ sister church in Ukraine.


An update from Ukraine

WELS Ukraine liaison Rev. Roger Neumann has been able to maintain regular contact with leaders from the Ukrainian Lutheran Church (ULC), WELSā€™ sister church body. As of Tuesday morning, Neumann is reporting that so far the members there remain physically unharmed. However, all but 2 of the 17 congregations, comprising approximately 600 members, are in the direct line of the Russian advance. Two of the pastors have been cut off from communication. Many were able to hold online or in-person worship during the invasion on Sunday morning.

Neumann reports, ā€œThereā€™s a lot of fear, mixed with anger and bewilderment, as to why this is happening. They are very encouraged by the international support; very encouraged by the prayers of WELS people that are going out.ā€

According to Neumann, some members have been able to flee the country. However, at this time, all Ukrainian men between ages 18 and 60 are required to remain to defend their country as needed. The people who have stayed are taking shelter at night in the underground subway stations and come out during the day to find food and supplies. So far, limited supplies are still available, but the shelves are getting emptier.

WELS is financially assisting two ULC churches in western Ukraine that are setting up refugee centers to welcome Ukrainians who are fleeing from war-torn areas in the east, but space and resources are limited. Hundreds of thousands of people are currently on the move. Money is also being sent to help buy supplies for these refugees. At the time of this writing, banks and supermarkets are still open. The situation is being closely monitored regarding how funds can be safely and effectively sent and used.

ā€œWhen this is all said and doneā€”and Lord willing, itā€™s going to be soon and Lord willing, itā€™s going to be where they will keep their sovereigntyā€”there is going to be a tremendous need for humanitarian aid,ā€ Neumann predicts. ā€œPray for Ukraine; pray for the people. Thatā€™s the number one thing, and the rest God will take care of in his way.ā€

If youā€™d like to give a gift to support these relief efforts, visit wels.net/wmgift and select ā€œUkraineā€ from the dropdown menu.



World missionary commissioned to London

Missionary Michael Hartman was commissioned as a new missionary to London, and Rev. Dr. Jonathan Bare and Rev. David Bivens were installed as part of the Pastoral Studies Institute (PSI) team at the opening worship service of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary’s Mission & Ministry event on February 8. Missionary Hartman and two other World Missions representatives left for his second exploratory trip to London the day after the service.

Plans are being made for ministry, and details such as visa applications, school details, etc. are being sorted out for the family’s eventual move to the country. You can view photos from the service on the Flickr album.

Please keep these missionaries in your prayers as they continue to serve God’s people in their new positions.

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New mission opportunities in Europe

A new mission in London is one step closer to reality. After a trip to England earlier this month, Rev. Larry Schlomer, administrator of the Board for World Missions, is recommending that the board call a full-time missionary to London.

During his trip, Schlomer met with a group of WELS families in London to talk about the possibilities. These members will serve as the ā€œcore groupā€ for this mission and its work. ā€œThey are more than excited,ā€ says Schlomer. ā€œA couple of the members even shared with me that they have been praying for a pastor.ā€

In the past, this group in Londonā€”about 30 peopleā€”has been served with the Word and sacraments by the WELS European chaplain, who travels monthly from Germany where he is based. The chaplain, part of WELS Military Services, ministers to WELS military personnel on large bases in Germany as well as serves civilians and troops in Germany, England, Switzerland, and scattered throughout Europe. Currently Rev. John Hartwig fills that role.

According to Schlomer, besides serving current members weekly with the Word, a new missionary will be able to explore opportunities for reaching out to the many immigrant populations that settle in London. WELS already has connections with several groups, including members and pastors from WELSā€™ sister synod in Hong Kong who have recently relocated to London. Once initial exploration has been completed, a second missionary may be called to work specifically with these immigrant groups. Funding has already been approved for both positions. ā€œRight now our priority is to get someone there with this group of believers, and weā€™ll let the Spirit guide it as the Spirit will,ā€ says Schlomer.

Phil and Sandy Parker, who have been members of this group in London since 2000, are excited about the possibilities. ā€œLondon is such a multicultural area, and we think that the field amongst these immigrant populations will be particularly ripe because we can offer useful services, such as English as a foreign language classes, that can benefit them as they try to integrate into their communities,ā€ says Sandy.

They also recognize the need for their English friends and family to hear the pure gospel message, something that is in short supply in London. ā€œWe know that the Holy Spirit is stronger than even the most stoic Englishman, and so, with a missionary here to help us with these conversations, we might be able to rest assured that our loved ones know Godā€™s salvation too,ā€ says Sandy.

During Schlomerā€™s visit, Hartwig led worship in person for the group for the first time since he arrived in Germany in June 2020. COVID-19 had made it impossible for him to travel to England, so the group had been worshiping through Zoom video meetings.

ā€œIt was such a happy experience,ā€ says Hartwig about the service, which included communion and a baptism affirmation. ā€œAnd on top of that, seeing that we may have an opportunity to have a permanent pastorā€”weā€™re definitely excited about that.ā€

He continues, ā€œThe European Chaplaincy has been thankful to have the opportunity to work with the military and the civilians in the U.K. for many years. Weā€™re excited about the new turn this is taking and want to do everything possible to help that to happen.ā€

London is one of five new world mission opportunities being explored by WELS Missions. Learn more.