Update from Ukraine: April 20, 2022

Rev. Roger Neumann serves as the WELS liaison to Ukraine. He has been able to maintain regular contact with the leadership from the Ukrainian Lutheran Church (ULC) and is providing regular updates about how our brothers and sisters in the ULC are doing. WELS has decided to share Neumann’s updates. Please keep the people of Ukraine in your prayers.

April 17:
Bishop Horpynchuk traveled back to Kiev to lead Palm Sunday worship service today. He assured me that he was safe and where they spent the night was in a safe location. Bishop said that the congregation was very happy to see him, and to be with one another. And they were happy to see each other alive. He also told me that the congregation expressed great thanks to the WELS and many others who are supporting them with their prayers and gifts.

Pastor Serhiy Somin traveled back to Mykolayiv to lead Easter worship with the German congregation he serves. Pastor Somin led the service today in the basement. I suspect they worshiped in the basement, being cautious because of the constant threat of bombings. After their service they had a good German pot luck meal.

April 18:
Today I asked Bishop to tell me about his trip back to Kiev to lead the Palm Sunday worship at his congregation, this past weekend. He said that the trip took twice as long to drive due to the many checkpoints, and detours that were necessary because of road and bridge damage. One bridge he had to use was damaged, but usable, though it was at a fairly steep angle. He made the comment, ā€œI almost slipped into the river.ā€ Most of the major bridges in Kiev are damaged or completely destroyed. He did arrive safely in Kiev and has returned safely. God be praised. Depending upon the intensity of the bombing, he will determine later this week whether or not he will return for Easter worship next Sunday.

April 19:
From Bishop Horpynchuk this morning: ā€œToday I participated in the Ukrainian Church Council with the UN General Secretary Deputy, Mr. Martin Griffith and UN representative in Ukraine, Mr. Esteban Sacco on the request of the UN General Secretary. They asked to support an idea about Easter truce in Ukraine. We certainly supported the idea. Whether Russians agree is a question.ā€

April 20:
Please keep Pastor Serhiy Somin in your prayers. He went back to have Easter service with his congregation in Mykolayiv. Bombing has intensified there in the days since and some of his people have asked if he would drive them to a safer location in the west. He will be going back into a dangerous area, picking them up and driving them out, We pray that all goes well and that the Lord keeps them safe.





WELS is supporting the Ukrainian Lutheran Church with emergency needs as their country is torn apart by war.