Our dwelling place

The foundation is poured. The walls are up. The roof is on.

Dry wall is fastened. Doors and windows are in place.

The building? A side-by-side duplex.

The builders? A faith-bound band of brothers and sisters known as Builders For Christ.

The location? Peridot, Ariz. on the San Carlos Reservation.

Not everyone gets to enjoy living in a house that Builders For Christ has built, but some fortunate ones already have, and soon, two more families will be moving into the duplex in Peridot, Ariz. This side-by-side duplex is intended to house two teachers and their families. Itā€™ll be a place for each of the families to call home.

ā€œUnless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vainā€ (Psalm 127:1).

Itā€™ll be their dwelling place.

A place to kick off their shoes and enjoy family life. The teachers who will be moving into this duplex will be teaching at Peridot-Our Saviorā€™s school which stands just a literal stoneā€™s throw away.

The foundation was poured in November 2022 and the building started taking shape in January 2023. And look at it now! The pictures tell the story much better than I can. The people working on projects are a wonderful crew of kind-hearted, hardworking volunteers who have a passion for building and a heart for Christ. Especially a heart for Christ. So if you donā€™t find them on the roof, a ladder, or in the house, youā€™ll likely find them in the nearby church. Singing. Praying. Studying. Enjoying fellowship. Hearing the word.

The Lord is building this house. These builders are not laboring in vain.

Yes, itā€™s the fingers, hands, arms, and backs of the Builders For Christ volunteers that are digging, lifting, measuring, framing, plumbing, and painting; but the Lord is the One behind it all. He not only gives the builders the strength to build, but the motivation to do so. Whatā€™s better than the gospel of Jesus Christ to do that? The building is going up and so is glory and praise to the chief cornerstone. The Builders For Christ people have reminded me by their own humble witness and their own servant attitude: it pays to pay attention to Godā€™s blueprints.

After all, isnā€™t Jesus Christ, the Jewish carpenter, the ultimate and expert home builder? Iā€™m not referring only to the home that he is preparing in heaven. That eternal home is magnificent, has many rooms, and one of those doors has your name on it. What a home to anticipate.

Jesus replied, ā€œIf anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.ā€ (John 14:23).

Quite something to think about, hey? We almost miss it. God making His home with us. We think of God as our Redeemer and our Savior, our father and our brother ā€“ which he is ā€“ and so much more – but heā€™s also our home. He desires to be the very one in whom ā€œwe live and move and have our being.ā€ (Acts 17:28).

Our Dwelling Place.

Moses regarded him as such: ā€œLord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations.ā€ (Psalm 90:1). This burning bush prophet believed that statement until his dying day and he wanted us to believe it, too. So just prior to his climb up the mountain and his impending death, Moses, from the inspired script, assured everyone who would read his words:

ā€œThe eternal God is your dwelling placeā€¦ā€ (Deuteronomy 33:27a).


Make God your dwelling place and youā€™ll discover that you truly lack nothing. Youā€™ll find nourishment provided. Youā€™ll find protection. Youā€™ll find comfort in Him. Even if your own house now is not a place of safe refuge, his is. Even if you lack peace in your house, youā€™ll enjoy it in his. Even if your house does not feel like a home, his is the home youā€™ve always been hoping for.

Trust him. Enjoy the stay. His foundation doesnā€™t crack, His roof doesnā€™t leak, and his walls wonā€™t buckle.

Now thatā€™s a home and by only Godā€™s grace, heā€™sā€¦

Our Dwelling Place.

Written by Rev. John Holtz, Native Christians Counselor for the Native American Mission

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