Communication Services and Technology

WELS Communication Services coordinates the various WELS communications platforms so they have a recognizable look and feel and layers communications across those platforms. Some of those platforms include Forward in Christ, WELS’ official monthly magazine; “Together,” a bi-weekly e-newsletter and a bi-weekly video update; WELS’ Facebook page,; and, WELS’ official website.

Communication Services also coordinates synodwide events such as the biennial synod convention and WELS’ annual night at Miller Park (pictured), which was attended by more than 2,400 WELS members in 2018.

In 2018, WELS released a new version of the WELS mobile app. This version replaces WELS Mobile. Now called WELS App, this progressive web app still offers a quick and easy way to get WELS news, devotions, and information but also now includes expanded content and new features like sharing and favoriting. Find the app at