Tag Archive for: Hmong Ministry

An open door to the gospel

Dear Friend,

When I first heard that WELS had been invited to communist Vietnam to train church leaders in the truth of the gospel, I was surprised. Yet, God had opened the door, and WELS members responded with generosity and faith. God continues to surprise us all around the world.

There are over two million Hmong people in Southeast Asia, but it was the opportunity in Vietnam, and our work with the Hmong Fellowship Church (HFC), that provided us with a direct path to share the good news about Jesus. In 2011 WELS missionary Rev. Bounkeo Lor began by training 55 HFC leaders, preparing them to return and serve rural congregations. In July 2023, these 55 men graduated as fully trained pastors. Their graduation photo, taken with President Schroeder under the communist hammer and sickle, serves as a powerful reminder of how Godā€™s gospel can work in ways we can hardly imagine.

Now 120 more men have begun their pastoral studies, a theological training center was built and dedicated in Hanoi, there are 1,400 rural church leaders ready to be trained in the truths of Godā€™s Word, and 700 of them have begun training. This group has the potential to become an army of evangelists, spreading the gospel not only to their 400 congregations but also to Hmong communities throughout Vietnam and neighboring countries. The door remains open, and God continues to surprise us.

The door is open. The manpower is ready. The gospel is powerful. God is providing us with opportunities all around the globe. New work in Australia, London, New Zealand, Tanzania, and the Congo has been launched over the last two years. Dozens of house churches have been opened in Latin America and Africa. We ask for your prayers and offerings to keep these gospel doors open.

Your gift to this work is vital for WELS to continue carrying the gospel through the open door in Vietnam and around the world. Contributions to WELS World Missions help open and support these missions. Your gift can enable this gospel-driven growth to multiply because we expect God to continue surprising us.

Since we began working with the Hmong Fellowship Church, it has grown from 55,000 to 146,000 members. What will God use us to do next? Christians who have heard the gospel for the first time are moved by our Lord to reach out to others who still need to hear it. The leaders we train and equip are reaching hearts, and the Holy Spirit is granting a harvest.

This work could not have been accomplished without the prayers and gifts of Godā€™s people. We thank our Father in heaven for the generous support given to WELS World Missions. If you are looking for a way to extend the reach of the gospel, now is the time. We have extraordinary opportunities to train hundreds more church leaders, who will, in turn, share the Word with their communities. Please consider giving to WELS World Missions.

In Christ,
Rev. Jonathan Schroeder
Chairman, Board for World Missions

Prayer: Lord Jesus, you have richly blessed our synod by allowing us to reach and serve so many souls worldwideā€”even entire church bodiesā€”and by continuing to open doors to further gospel proclamation. Our world missions efforts are now on every inhabited continent and impacting people in nearly 100 countries. Help us to thank you for our many blessings and to use them to support the gospel ministry of our brothers and sisters across the world. According to your gracious will, multiply our work so that those we train will touch the lives of others with your saving message and, in the next ten years, our fellowship outside of North America can reach one million people. Amen.

Multiple home missions under one roof

St. Johnā€™s Lutheran in St. Paul, Minn., is an old congregation established by German immigrants over 150 years ago. It was the second WELS congregation started in the Twin Cities area.Ā In the 1980s, the neighborhood demographic started to change. Asians and African Americans moved in while Caucasians moved to the suburbs. Throughout the 1990s and in the 2000s, the change continued as Hispanic immigrants moved into the area.

In 2005, St. Johnā€™s opened their facility to Immanuel Hmong, a WELS congregation focused on reaching out to the local Hmong community. As the neighborhood around St. Johnā€™s changed, so did the congregation. By 2015 the membership had decreased to about 300 souls. Enrollment in the school continued to decline throughout the years. In 2017, St. Johns made the difficult decision to close the school.

Over the next three years, St. Johns considered merging with other area congregations or closing their doors as they could no longer completely support a full-time pastor. Then, in 2020 a member of the church passed away and left a large bequest to the congregation. With the help of District President Rev. Dennis Klatt and Rev. Tim Flunker, Hispanic Outreach Consultant, the members of St. Johnā€™s ā€œopened their eyes and looked at the fieldsā€ around them and decided to move forward in a new direction. They decided to ask WELS Home Missions for some financial help to call a bilingual pastor with the goal of starting a Hispanic ministry in addition to the English-speaking community.

In spring of 2022, St. Johnā€™s installed Rev. Tim Otto to serve as pastor to focus on outreach to the Hispanic community. What a joy to see God answer in a greater fashion than we could ask or imagine: the building now hosts worship in three languages every weekend!

Check out below some of the recent activities happening at St. Johnā€™s facility.

Hispanic Services in St. Paul, Minn.

Over the past year, St. Johnā€™s has started up Hispanic services and held various local community events under the name of Iglesia Lutherana San Juan.

In September, San Juan had a table at Fiesta Latina. It served to create a prospect list of around 100. The group gave away over 100 Bibles and a lot of flyers advertising their Hispanic ministry. This event was held by CLUES (Comunidades Latinas Unidas en Servicio) at a building next door to the church.

In January, San Juan started an evangelism program to the community called Kicks and Conversations (Patear y Platicar). They invited the community to come out of the cold and to play soccer or basketball in the gym. Attendees could also practice their English on Wednesdays in January and February leading up to Ash Wednesday. There was good participation and attendance from the community varied from 10 to 30 people.

In summer 2023, San Juan started a summer evangelism program partnering with Raices y Ramas, a Hispanic pregnancy counseling organization. The program is called Community Thursdays (Jueves en comunidad) and ran for six weeks over the summer. San Juan opened the gym and volunteers organized and ran crafts for the moms.

For more information on St. Johnā€™s/San Juan, please visit their website at stjohnev.net

Celebrating Thanksgiving & Hmong New Year in St. Paul, Minn.

In November each year, the congregation of Immanuel Hmong Lutheran in St. Paul, Minn., welcomes friends and guests to a special Thanksgiving and Hmong New Year celebration. This is a yearly celebration that includes members dressing in traditional Hmong attire. The celebration includes a special worship service followed by dinner that includes many Hmong dishes.

In addition to the annual Thanksgiving and Hmong New Year celebration, Immanuel Hmong also hosted various other activities such as marriage retreats, vacation Bible studies, summer fun festivals, family camping, and many different choirs.

God has truly blessed Immanuel Hmong, and we pray that God would continue to bless this home mission!

For more information on Immanuel Hmong, please visit their website at immanuelhmong.net

Written by Daryl Schultz, Minnesota District Mission Board member.

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Is your church a success?

How do you measure the success of the church? Do you base it on the membership, weekly service attendance, weekly Bible study attendance, or stewardship?

Since Grace Hmong was established as a mission congregation in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) in Kansas City, the leaders of Grace Hmong have contemplated this question. ā€œIs Grace Hmong a successful church or not?ā€ In the end, only God knows the answer. But itā€™s an answer that God shares in His Word. ā€œā€¦My word that goes out from my mouth: it will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sentā€ (Isaiah 55:11).

This is exactly what the pastors and members of Grace Hmong strive to do every day, and God has blessed Grace Hmong and its ministry work abundantly.

Even though Grace Hmong is a small mission church with small membership in an area where many of the Hmong people already call themselves Christians, every Sunday the Word of Christ is still preached to its members and new souls are regularly brought to our services. Many Hmong people around the community come to the services at Christmas and New Yearā€™s to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ preached. Here the seed of the gospel is planted inside their hearts waiting to sprout sooner or later. Each year, babies are baptized into faith, and adults are baptized and confirmed into the family of God. Every Sunday morning, no matter how many people attend the service, the gospel is preached. Through the word of Christ that is preached every Sunday morning, the members have grown so much in their faith. In the past, they were not sure about their salvation because they based their salvation on good works. But now, they are confident of their salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.

As Jesus told his disciples to go out to the world to be his witnesses and teach what he has taught them to the world, so the members of Grace Hmong go out to the world. They go out to the Hmong community with a helping hand while sharing the good news of Christ. For some, this is the first time theyā€™ve heard about Jesus. Others call themselves Christians yet sill base their salvation on good works. We get to share the Word in its truth and purity with them.

By Godā€™s grace and blessings, the word of Christ has not only been preached in Kansas City, but in Vietnam too. When Pastor Bounkeo Lor was still the pastor of Grace Hmong, God used him to extend the word of Christ to another corner of the world ā€“ to the country of Vietnam, where Christians are often persecuted in the rural areas. Grace Hmong and its members knew that God wanted Pastor Lor to travel to Vietnam to share the love of God to both the Hmong brothers and sisters in Vietnam who called themselves Christians and to the unbelievers. When WELS called Pastor Bounkeo Lor to be the Hmong Asia coordinator, he accepted the call. And when the time came for Pastor Bounkeo Lor to be the Hmong Asia coordinator, Grace Hmong still continued to be part of the Vietnam mission. The ministry of the church is to nurture and equip the members of the church to be ready to share the gospel.

Even though Grace Hmong is a small mission church, it continues to partner with the Vietnam mission. Through the ministry work in Vietnam, God has blessed the Hmong Fellowship Church (HFC) with grace upon grace. The HFC has grown from 55,000 to 145,000 members in the last 9 years. More than 350 pastors and leaders are seeking training from WELS. Currently, WELS pastors and professors are conducting training to 120 church leaders quarterly. The 55 students that graduated from the theological education program in Vietnam are also training more than 1,400 members twice a month in the rural areas. More and more church leaders are seeking WELS training. Since receiving training from WELS, their faith has grown so much in the Word of God. Many thousands of children have also been baptized in the last several years. They are confident in their salvation through faith in Christ. The power of the gospel has done great things in Vietnam, and a lot of people have put their hope in Christ.

ā€œIs Grace Hmong a successful church or not?ā€ In the end, only God knows the answer. But itā€™s an answer that God shares in his Word. ā€œTherefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20).

As the church fully embraces Jesus’ command, we will understand that this is what it should be all aboutā€”being faithful to God by sharing the gospel in Word and sacrament.

Written by Rev. Ger Lor, missionary at Grace Hmong Lutheran Church in Kansas City, Kan.

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True love, God’s love

As couples prepared to buy chocolate, candies, teddy bears, cards, and roses for each other on Valentineā€™s Day to express their love for each other, Faith Hmong in Alaska uses this time of the year to gather couples for an evening of food, relaxation, photos, and Godā€™s Word on the message of true LOVE.

“This is real loveā€”not that we loved God, but that he loved us.” – 1 John 4:10a

The message that evening focused on Genesis 2:17, ā€œThey become one flesh.ā€ This reminded couples that marriage doesnā€™t stop after the wedding ceremony, having their first child, or being able to accomplish some of their goals. Couples must be intentional with their marriage. They canā€™t just show love or affection towards each other once a year on Valentineā€™s Day; they must show love for each other and serve each other every day to continue to strengthen a marriage, which is built on the foundation of Christ. It was great opportunity for couples to gather together and experience an evening filled with Godā€™s Word, great conversations, and time to reflect on each other.

Faith Hmong in Alaska uses this kind of event as an outreach opportunity to invite friends, family, and neighbors to the Faith Hmong community. We also have events for kids and parents to spend time together, such as a family paint night, which is planned for next month. Coming to worship services can be a little intimidating for some, but with events like these, believers and friends can come and relax and hear about their Lord. Itā€™s a fun way for the church members to do outreach in the community.

We have been serving the Hmong community of Anchorage since 2009 and have established a beautiful relationship with our Anglo brothers and sisters at Faith Lutheran Church. Every Sunday, our doors are open early in the morning for an English service, followed by a Hispanic service preached by Pastor Chris Ewings and Pastor Nathan Wagenknecht. Then, we end our Sunday with a Hmong service starting at 3:00 p.m., followed by Hmong Sunday School. We designate the first Sunday of each month as a fellowship Sunday for the opportunity to invite friends, families, and neighbors to attend and enjoy some snacks and conversations.

Faith Hmong continues to focus its ministry on the Hmong community in Anchorage, and God continues to bless us. We look for opportunities to share what so many people in the world are still seeking ā€“ LOVE. A love the world cannot give, but rather true love that comes only from our Savior, Jesus.

Learn more about our ministry at faithhmongalaska.org.

Written by Pastor Pao Moua, Home Missionary at at Faith Hmong Lutheran Church in Anchorage, Alaska

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ā€œOne Faith, One Family.” – Hmong National Conference 2022

What would lead people to pack into three vehicles at 11:30 p.m. and drive through the night from Kansas City to Wisconsin or catch the 2:00 a.m. red eye flight from Fresno to Milwaukee? The answer is the Hmong National Conference hosted by Trinity Hmong in Manitowoc, Wis., this past July 29-31. After canceling the last two national conferences due to COVID, about 170 Hmong brothers and sisters were finally able to gather together to celebrate with food, fellowship, and the Word of God.

The theme for the gathering was, ā€œOne Faith, One Family.ā€ Separate breakout sessions were held in English for the teens and in Hmong for the adults.

Pastor Sam Lor of St. Johnā€™s, Minneapolis, Minn., led about 50 teens through the topic, ā€œCultural Identity through Baptismal Identity.ā€ Why this subject? Pastoral Studies Institute (PSI) student and cohost, Semson Lor, said, ā€œIn the world today you can identify so many different ways. We wanted teens to see who they are in Christ.ā€

At the same time the teens met, Pastor Pheng Moua of Immanuel Hmong in St. Paul, Minn., was leading the adults in the Bible Study, ā€œHow to Encourage One Another.ā€ ā€œWe are living in the End Times and it is important to motivate each other and build each other up in order to let our light shine to the world.ā€

All the devotions, sermons, and Bible studies of the conference reinforced the theme, ā€œOne Faith, One Family.ā€ Pastor Ger Lor of Grace Hmong in Kansas City, Kans., stated, ā€œUnity of brothers and sisters in Christ was what the Savior prayed among his disciples: ā€˜that they may all be one; as thou Father, art in me, and I in thee, and they may also be one in us.ā€™ The gospel creates a unity of faith with our Father, our Savior and our fellow believers.ā€

Pastor Joel Nitz was also in attendance for the first time since he took the call to serve the Hmong in Vietnam. He reflected, ā€œI had a wonderful experience as I connected with our WELS Hmong members in the U.S., worshiped and learned with them, and practiced my Hmong language skills.ā€

In addition to feeding the soul, there was plenty of food for the body. The meals reflected the different places Hmong people have called home over the decades. Laotian pho was served for lunch one day and all-American hamburgers served picnic style for dinner on another. In order to work off the extra calories, a sports tournament was held on Friday that included volleyball and corn hole.

The highlight of the conference was at the Sunday morning worship service where the group expressed their spiritual and doctrinal unity at the Communion Service.

And why travel so far? Pastor Xing Yang of Faith in Clovis, Calif., shared, ā€œJesus. I tell the people it is about Jesus.ā€ The next Hmong National Conference is scheduled for 2024 in Fresno, Calif.

Written by Rev. Leon Ehlert, Chairman for the North America Hmong Committee

Sharing the power of Godā€™s grace with the Hmong

Julie K. Wietzke and Joel B. Schroeder

Passionate about reaching the Hmong

Julie K. Wietzke

Tong Xing Yang, one of the newest WELS Hmong pastors, is passionate about sharing the gospel with his fellow Hmongā€”so passionate that he began a rigorous Pastoral Studies Institute program, graduating at the age of 59.

ā€œMy wife and I believe that life on earth is too short, and if we do not know Christ, our lives would not have much purpose,ā€ he says. ā€œI have chosen to become a pastor specifically in order to share the power of Godā€™s grace so that others who may not know or serve God will be saved.ā€

For more than 30 years, WELS has been sharing the gospel with Hmong immigrants in the United States. This includes training many Hmong men to be pastors and helping support them in their ministry. Some of these men serve congregations here in the United States, while others have returned to share the gospel in their home countries of Thailand and its surrounding area. A Global Hmong Ministry Committee was developed in 2015 to coordinate the ministry opportunities. Hmong pastor Bounkeo Lor recently accepted the call to serve as the Hmong Asia ministry coordinator.

A look at several U.S. Hmong ministries shows the challenges and blessings of reaching out to the Hmong.

New opportunities

With family, or clan, connections being strong in the Hmong culture, Yang and his wife moved to Fresno, Calif., after he graduated from the PSI program in 2013 to continue sharing the gospel with their seven children and their families. It was also a good area for evangelism with 75 percent of the Hmong population there not truly ā€™s grace.

Yang used his many personal and professional contacts in the Hmong community as opportunities to share Godā€™s message; he also went door-to-door in Hmong neighborhoods. A radio broadcast further widened his outreach. Four years later, Faith Hmong has 93 members and 11 prospectsā€”though the road has not been easy.

ā€œMany Hmong believe that Shamanism is Hmong culture, so when I share God’s message, I am treated as a stranger because I am sharing a religion or culture that is not ā€˜Hmong,ā€™ ā€ he says. ā€œOftentimes, I am challenged, left feeling ashamed, because I have been told that I am not Hmong . . . because I believe in the ā€˜white manā€™s religion.ā€™ ā€

This, however, doesnā€™t stop Yang. ā€œMy goal is to continue to share the gospel with the Hmong community,ā€ he says. ā€œI hope that God will help grow the seeds that I have tried to plant.ā€

Growing faith

Pheng Moua, pastor at Immanuel Hmong, St. Paul, Minn., shares Yangā€™s passion for reaching the lost. While Moua and his 250-member congregation continue to reach out to the largest Hmong population in the U.S., he is also working to make his congregation more independent and self-supporting.

Moua says he has seen much growth in his membersā€™ faith since the congregation started as an exploratory mission in 1999. ā€œA second generation of WELS Hmong Christians have emerged from the older generation that used to worship spirits and ancestors,ā€ he says. ā€œThe young men and women whom the Lord brought to Immanuelā€™s congregation when they were in grade school are now teaching our WELS doctrines to the members and community.ā€

Currently worshiping at the Anglo congregation, St. John, St. Paul, Minn., Immanuel Hmong would like to secure its own church facility. ā€œIf we do not have a place for ourself, it is hard for us to do outreach to the community, and it is hard for our members to take responsibility and ownership,ā€ says Moua. The church has put a building and a fundraising committee in place to work toward that goal.

Moua says Immanuel Hmong hopes to serve as a mother church for future Hmong congregations in the area as well as to partner with neighboring WELS congregations to train Hmong men for the ministry. It is also looking to add English worship services to reach the younger Hmong generation.

Close partnerships

Many Hmong ministries partner closely with an Anglo WELS congregation.

Holy Trinity, New Hope, Minn., found itself in this situation when Bounkeo Lor, then pastor at Grace Hmong, Kansas City, Kan., referred La Xiong to the congregation. Xiong and his extended family went through Bible information class and soon began members at Holy Trinity. Now Xiong is working with Dennis Klatt, pastor at Holy Trinity, and the Pastoral Studies Institute to become a pastor. ā€œI love God and would like to help

others understand the love of Jesus from the gospel,ā€ he says. ā€œI want them to share heaven with me.ā€

Xiong offers monthly worship in Hmong at Holy Trinity as well as weekly adult Bible study. Besides his studies and his full-time job to support his family, he also is reaching out in his neighborhood and workplace. ā€œI am currently helping a neighbor with landscaping in his yard and have had four conversations with him about Jesus,ā€ he says. He also witnesses to his wifeā€™s grandmother in Menomonie, Wis. ā€œMy goal is to get the family elder and his children connected to our WELS church there.ā€

Because he doesnā€™t speak English fluently, he is thankful for Holy Trinityā€™s partnership in reaching out to the second- and third-generation English-speaking Hmong. His and his extended familyā€™s children attend Holy Trinityā€™s English Sunday school, and the entire group attends the English worship services held every week.

His goal once he becomes a pastor? ā€œI would like to go back to Asia to share the gospel in Thailand and Laos. I would like to help them correctly understand the truth about Godā€™s free and full forgiveness in Jesus.ā€

Julie Wietzke is managing editor of Forward in Christ.

Partners in the ministry

Joel B. Schroeder

Mt. Olive, Overland Park, Kan., has benefited greatly from associating with and serving Grace Hmong, Kansas City, Kan., 20 minutes northwest of us.

In 2015 we helped Grace Hmong secure a WELS Church Extension Fund loan to purchase and renovate the building they were leasing from a Lutheran Churchā€“Missouri Synod congregation. We guided them through construction then helped them secure a grant to equip that building. Other grants purchased equipment to carry on weekly Internet radio outreach. Weā€™ve included Grace Hmong in our annual budget. Weā€™ve helped fund Pastor Bounkeo Lorā€™s frequent mission/training trips to Southeast Asia. Weā€™ve helped buy Hmong Bibles and other printed materials he delivered to people begging for Bibles and the gospel. Weā€™ve prayed for and encouraged Grace Hmong. Our pastors preach once a month to Hmong youth to keep them in the saving faith as they become more Americanized. Our pastors helped teach six men in the Pastoral Studies Institute.

Blessings havenā€™t flowed only one way. Weā€™ve been privileged to see the passion of the Hmong people to hear and spread tirelessly the gospel. Weā€™ve rejoiced when Pastor Lorā€™s trips overseas uncovered thousands of people begging for more gospel training. We are learning about another culture firsthandā€”delicious food, unique holidays, bright festival clothing, strong leadership by elders, and respect for the aged.

Grace Hmong has heightened our joy and burden to take the gospel to all nations. World mission opportunities exist down the block or at the next desk. We thank God for helping us see foreign fields near and far white unto harvest through our fellowship with Grace Hmong.

Joel Schroeder is pastor at Mt. Olive, Overland Park, Kansas.

This is the fourth article in a series about cross-cultural outreach in the U.S. and Canada.



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Author: Joel Schroeder and Julie Wietzke
Volume 104, Number 8
Issue: August 2017

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
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