Tag Archive for: discipleship
Kids Connection celebrates 30 years
/in News, TogetherNearly 30 years ago, Kids Connection was born out of a desire to encourage young children to “stay connected to Jesus.” Modeled after its adult counterpart WELS Connection, this monthly video gives school children a glimpse into interesting ministries, stories, people, and programs from around the synod—with the goal of illustrating how kids too can live lives of faith in Jesus.
A ministry of WELS Discipleship, Kids Connection is produced by Mr. Steve Boettcher and Mrs. Kris Snyder, each of whom has been with the program since the very beginning. When they were just getting started, Snyder explains, “we wanted to provide a way for kids to see other kids serving Jesus by serving others and to use the gospel to connect them to each other, to others in WELS, and, most importantly, to Jesus.”
Together with Rev. Tony Schultz, who has been creating and sharing memorable Scripture lessons on-screen since the very beginning, the Kids Connection team has reached kids across multiple generations. Now, as this unique children’s ministry embarks on its milestone 30th season, the team is eager to continue encouraging kids in their walks of faith.
The newest season of Kids Connection introduces two new teen hosts—Ty and Erika. Both are looking forward to acting as role models for their younger peers. “I am most excited about the fact that I get to share God’s Word with students through humor and videos,” says Ty. “It is an awesome opportunity to let my light shine and share the good news with others.” Erika adds, “Having the opportunity to be a role model for Christian kids brings me so much joy just thinking about it. To know that the work that I am doing will help kids connect to their Savior is so special to me.”
While the program currently reaches about 95 percent of WELS schools, the producers ultimately hope to be in every WELS church, school, and early childhood center. They share multiple ways this seven-minute video can be used:
- Play it during an all-school chapel.
- Play it in each classroom or at the early childhood center during lunch.
- View it in church on a different week from WELS Connection.
- Share it with families with young children who do not attend a WELS school.
- Share it with homeschooling families.
- Keep a copy in the church or school library for families to check out for home use.
- Watch it in after-school programs and youth group gatherings.
Says Snyder, “We pray our audience is using Kids Connection to share the love of Jesus, to inspire each other, to learn, to produce fruit of faith, to grow in faith, to be encouraged, and to ‘stay connected to Jesus.’ ”
Learn more and subscribe at wels.net/kidsconnection.
Kids Connection wants to connect with you!
The production team is compiling a video to celebrate 30 years of ministry. Whether you’ve seen all 30 seasons or just discovered it recently, what is your most memorable Kids Connection moment? How has Kids Connection impacted you, your school, your students, or your ministry? Send your one-minute video, photo, or e-mail to [email protected] by Dec. 31, 2024.
Teens gather for 2024 WELS International Youth Rally
/in News, TogetherFrom June 25-28, WELS teens had the opportunity to worship together, learn and study God’s Word together, grow in faith and fellowship with one another, as well as enjoy recreation and entertainment at the 2024 WELS International Youth Rally. Around 2,200 teens and 600 adults convened at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colo. This was the second largest rally ever, second only to the 2005 rally in Orlando, Fla.
The rally started Tues., June 25, with an opening worship service in the evening. Wednesday and Thursday were packed with keynote speakers, small group workshops, and excursions. After closing worship on Friday morning, it was time for everyone to head home.
Rev. Donn Dobberstein, director of discipleship, the area of ministry that holds the event, said, “Keynotes and breakouts were practical and relatable. To sum up what I heard from others regarding the two keynotes—the speakers, their stories, and the Scriptures on which their presentations were based connected with our heads and hearts. Most importantly, they pointed to and connected young hearts and heads with Christ.”
Rev. Dr. Phil Huebner, campus pastor at Wisconsin Lutheran High School, Milwaukee, Wis., along with a panel of high school students, presented the first keynote, titled You Are Not Alone! The teens who joined him shared their own journeys filled with mountains and valleys and how God, Christian friends, and family supported them.
“I was really looking forward to speaking to WELS teens because I know how much they are hurting and suffering in very challenging times, and I viewed it as an absolute privilege to be able to encourage them with the message that they are not alone,” says Huebner. “I hope that the teens clearly understood that, most importantly, they are not alone in what they are going through because Jesus is with them every step of the way. Secondly, in Christ we have a family of brothers and sisters, and there are many teens who are going through the same things they are. We can look for opportunities to encourage one another as we find strength in Christ and fellow Christians.”
Rev. Alex Groth, Beautiful Savior, Cincinnati, Ohio, presented the second keynote, titled Certainty from the Mountaintop. Groth says, “When I accepted the invitation, it struck me how important it would be to put a spotlight on God’s grace to this giant gathering of young people. Our culture is pulling them in a million directions, and most of those directions are dangerous. Having a chance to talk about Jesus and the means of grace felt like both a great privilege and a serious responsibility.”
He continues, “I pray that those who heard my presentation first understood the importance of clinging to the means of grace and, second, grasped the reality that our time on earth can be so short. We aren’t guaranteed a certain amount of time on this earth. Therefore, let’s focus on both hearing God’s Word for our own eternal benefit and sharing it with those who haven’t heard it yet.”
Throughout Tuesday and Wednesday, the attendees had a variety of small group workshops to choose from, with topics ranging from tips on how to study the Bible, apologetics, outreach through creating a community and relationships, and Christian vocation.
While in Fort Collins, attendees had the opportunity to enjoy optional recreational activities, including the popular whitewater rafting option, hiking, horseback riding, or the Fort Collins museum.
Mrs. Kris Snyder, event organizer, says, “The comment I hear over and over is how incredible it is to be with so many teens who face the same struggles but have the same hope in Jesus—that WELS teens from around North America get to be with so many other teens who all believe the same thing.” She adds, “Worship in that setting with 2,800 people is incredibly powerful. When do you get the chance to do that? When I heard the musicians, assembly, and choir all join to sing ‘Praise to the Lord, the Almighty’ at closing worship, it was overwhelming!”
View more photos from the event.
2024 humanitarian aid grants approved
/in TogetherIn May, WELS Christian Aid and Relief announced humanitarian aid grants totaling $490,154 for Fiscal Year 2024-25. WELS Home Missions will receive $64,258 in assistance, and WELS World Missions will receive $425,896.
WELS home and world missionaries develop humanitarian aid projects to reflect Christ’s compassion to the people of their communities and to build relationships that lead to opportunities to share the gospel.
Each year home and world missionaries, in conjunction with their mission boards and administrative teams, submit applications for grants to help them carry out humanitarian aid projects in their mission fields. These grants help to supply basic needs like water for the thirsty, food for the hungry, medical care for the sick and dying, mosquito netting for people who live in areas where malaria is a problem, school supplies for underprivileged children, and many other needs. At a spring meeting, WELS Christian Aid and Relief meets with representatives of WELS Home and World Missions to review these requests and designate funding for approved projects.
While many of the humanitarian aid efforts are ongoing, new projects are approved too. This year, Christian Aid and Relief is providing funding to Cross of Life, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Cross of Life is located across from a motel used by the Canadian government as a shelter for international refugees. Though the government provides some basic supplies, the refugees still need more assistance. This grant will help Cross of Life supply basic needs like clothes, cases of water, and baby supplies like formula and diapers.
Intown, Atlanta, Ga., is also receiving funding for a new effort to provide transportation assistance. One of the greatest needs for low-income families in Atlanta is transportation. Many low-income families struggle to attend worship, Bible study, and other church events. This grant supplies Uber or Lyft rides for these families so they can come to church to worship their Savior and study God’s Word.
Rev. Dan Sims, director of WELS Christian Aid and Relief, says “Most of us in America are spoiled. We flip a switch, and the light comes on. We turn the handle, and the water flows. Many in our world lack the basic needs that we tend to take for granted. Our humanitarian aid grant program allows our home and world missionaries to supply basic needs to people who are struggling and show them the compassion of Christ. This, of course, leads to many conversations about our Savior.”
The following Home Mission congregations are receiving grants:
- Hope, Ontario, Canada
- Living Hope, Commerce City, Colo.
- Christ, Denver, Colo.
- Christ the Rock, Farmington, N.M.
- Cross of Life, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
- Intown, Atlanta, Ga.
- Living Hope, Chattanooga, Tenn.
- New Mission, Bentonville, Ark.
- Amazing Grace, Amarillo, Texas
- Christ Our Refuge, Hewitt, Texas
- Christ the Rock, Hutto, Texas
- Abiding Savior, Killeen, Texas
- Divine Peace, Rockwall, Texas
- Our Savior, West San Antonio, Texas
- St. Peter, Milwaukee, Wis.
- Hope, Deerfield, Wis.
- Bethlehem, Richland Center, Wis.
The following World Mission fields are receiving grants:
- Africa—Malawi, Zambia, Nigeria, and Uganda
- Asia—Indonesia, Nepal, and Pakistan
- Europe—Albania and England
- Latin America
To learn more about the work of WELS Christian and Relief or to support its ministry, visit wels.net/relief.
(mis)Understanding Mental Health | A Christian Look at Today’s Epidemic webinar
/in WM NewsWELS Women’s Ministry hosted a webinar on (mis)Understanding Mental Health | A Christian Look at Today’s Epidemic on Thursday, May 2, 2024, from 7:00-8:00 p.m. (CST). Included below is a list of the resources referred to in the webinar by the panelists.
(mis)Understanding Mental Health | A Christian Look at Today’s Epidemic
There’s been a lot of focus on mental health in recent years. Current generations are growing up using vocabulary that expresses this reality while older generations aren’t used to discussing something they grew up thinking was taboo. This webinar will be unique in that we will be hearing from licensed professional counselors from Christian Family Solutions. Guided by their insight, we’ll get an overview of what is going on, what we can do, and when and where to get help.
According to the statistics, one out of five adults in the U.S. will experience a mental illness during any given year. This means that if you know more than five people, chances are that you are rubbing shoulders with people experiencing some form of mental illness. As a church, you can expect that roughly 20 percent of your membership is currently experiencing some form of mental illness as well. It also means that if you are suffering with a form of mental illness, you are far from alone! In the webinar, we will explore the following topics:
- Finding a healthy and God-pleasing balance to self-care. We will learn how we can best help and encourage someone to get the help they need. We will try to lessen the stigma attached to mental illness and replace it with compassion, understanding, and love.
- Understanding our responsibility as parents to provide for our children in all aspects of life—physically and spiritually. How are we providing for their mental health
- Looking at depression, which has been referred to as the “common cold of mental health.” If that’s true, why do we feel so isolated, and what can we do about it?
Our prayer is that this webinar will shine a light on and bring awareness to the subject of mental health so that the body of Christ continues to minister to the needs of each other in all areas of life. We encourage you to attend the live webinar, where we’ll provide amazing resources and continue to do fun giveaways to participants.
- Discuss as a church how you can be more open and inclusive to those with mental illness.
- What was your takeaway from the webinar? How does that affect you going forward?
- Challenge yourself to learn more about mental health from the list of suggested resources.
Reviving Relationships Through Biblical Hospitality webinar
/in WM NewsWELS Women’s Ministry hosted a webinar on Reviving Relationships Through Biblical Hospitality on Thursday, January 18, 2024, from 7:00-8:00 p.m. (CST). Included below is a list of the resources referred to in the webinar by the panelists. Women’s Ministry is currently working hard to put together a free Bible study resource specifically for this webinar on hospitality.
Based on Scripture:
- Share with the Lord’s people who are in Practice hospitality (Romans 12:13).
- Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling (1 Peter 4:9).
- Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it (Hebrews 13:2).
- Now the overseer is to be . . . hospitable (1 Timothy 3:2).
- At that hour of the night the jailer took them and washed their wounds; then immediately he and all his household were baptized. The jailer brought them into his house and set a meal before them; he was filled with joy because he had come to believe in God—he and his whole household (Acts 16:33,34).
Purpose: Hospitality can be used as a way to reconnect church members and can also be used as an evangelism tool.
People are still navigating the post-COVID era, trying to figure out how to reconnect as some people switched to online-only church attendance, others decreased their church attendance, some members drifted away, and some people became members during COVID and have not integrated completely into their churches. Hospitality can be the springboard to help members become more involved and connected at church. In this webinar, we’ll hear how one couple has been strategic in their hosting of cocktail parties in an effort to lay the groundwork for future small groups.
The Christian church has been gathering in community since its beginning. Believers in the early church clung to one another for protection, strength, and encouragement. They met in each other’s homes, shared what they had with one another, and helped in any way they could.
What does your church community look like today? Do you feel disconnected? Do you spend any time with members of your church family outside of church? Is that even important? How do guests feel when they walk through your church doors?
Our panelists will speak on the importance of hospitality in the home, at church, and even in public. We’ll discuss the differences between biblical hospitality and Instagram entertaining. We’ll explore some of the challenges that keep us from reaching out to others, inviting them over, or offering them our help. What is it about southern hospitality that gives them such a reputation for bringing people together? We’ll hear from a southern sister for further insight!
How do we bring a church family together that’s multicultural, diverse in background, or spans generations so we see each other and function as one body in Christ? We’ll hear how the church in Toronto has done that and continues to welcome people from all over the world.
How do we cultivate a church culture that visitors are drawn to? How do we take relationships to a deeper, spiritual level that enriches the kingdom of God?
We were designed for connection and relationships. Women especially tend to have God-given gifts that make us more aware and sensitive to the feelings of those around us. We tend to be nurturers—whether we’re giving a needed hug, lending a listening ear, or loving our people with a plate of brownies. Ultimately, we want to be able to share Jesus and his Word in all of our relationships, but how do we do that? Is it easier for some, or have they worked to be intentional in their friendships? How do you keep that from becoming weird and insincere?
This webinar will inspire you to rethink your relationships. It will get you thinking about your own church culture with new eyes. It will hopefully inspire you to step outside your comfort zone for a worthwhile reason!
Tip: Don’t watch it alone; in the spirit of the theme, get a group together and watch this one with friends!
New 2023 Advent by Candlelight Resources
/in WM NewsAdvent by Candlelight is an event to help women focus on Christ during the busy holiday season. It can be designed as an outreach to the community or an opportunity to encourage believers. Through narration, readings, prayer, and music, Christ will shine as the Savior. Enjoy creating a beautiful ambiance, but know that the power is in the message of the Gospel.
New for this year: “The King Shall Come”
We are in the season of Advent, which means “coming.” When someone is coming over, what do you do? It depends on who is coming and why they are coming. If it’s a good friend popping in for a quick visit, you don’t worry too much about how the house looks or serving a meal. But imagine the governor is coming over for an evening to give you some sort of citizen’s award. That’s a big deal. There is work to be done: deep cleaning, planning a menu, getting the yard looking its best, and so on.
So, is Advent a big deal? It depends on who is coming and why they are coming. During Advent, we get the answer to that question. We see that our King, Jesus, is coming. We see why King Jesus came on that first Christmas and why he will come again on judgment day. In this season of Advent, we also cherish the way King Jesus comes to us today in his Word, establishing his reign in our hearts.
This corresponds with the worship planning resource in Year B of the Foundation Resource provided by WELS Congregational Services.
Fostering Faith in the Next Generation
/in WM NewsProverbs 22:6—Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
This webinar is motivated by Deuteronomy 6:7, “Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you get home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up”, with the purpose to offer encouragement and ideas to Christian parents as they endeavor to pass on their faith to the next generation. And whatever our age or life situation, we can all be working to encourage faith in those younger than us.
How can each of us work to foster faith in the next generation?
We’ve heard the statistic that a massive amount of young people are leaving the church as they enter into adulthood. We personally know some of them and wonder how this could be when they were raised in a family that believes in Jesus and goes to church. If it’s true that 60% of those young adults fall away from the faith, will my child be included in that statistic?
We can lament the degradation of moral values in the culture around us, but we have the ability to create a culture within the home that seeks what God values—that which is true, right, noble, pure, lovely, and admirable (Philippians 4:8).
Our panelists are real parents in the trenches of discipling their children for a lifetime of spiritual growth and following Jesus. They speak to the challenges that come with this desire to live counter culture in a world that is so good at keeping us distracted and busy.
What are they doing to build faith in the home across the spectrum of ages? How do they maintain regular time in the Word when schedules are so hectic? What does devotional time look like as a family? And how are children taught to incorporate individual time in the Word to grow this spiritually healthy lifelong habit?
This webinar offers encouragement to single parents, those spiritually single (without a Christian spouse), and families with kids of all ages!
We speak to the objections Satan wants you to believe. I don’t know enough doctrine to teach my kids! What if I say the wrong thing? I don’t have time. I don’t know where to start. They learn enough in Sunday school or youth group. It’s too late—my kids are too old. I’m too overwhelmed with everything else I’m responsible for.
Are you a grandparent, godparent, Sunday school teacher, or youth group leader? How can you work with families to nurture the faith of their children and help them to fulfill their God-given role in teaching the next generation about Jesus?
We’ll also offer resources that will help you get started right away. Don’t wait for the perfect game plan or the perfect time. Your goal is not to have perfect kids. You want your children in heaven with you someday! All you need is Jesus and the work of the Holy Spirit through God’s Word and sacraments. You have the promises of God who wants all people to be saved—that includes your family—and he has given you everything you need to impress his truths on the hearts of your children.
Find out more by listening to the webinar.
The relationship between anxiety, fear, and worry
/in News, WM NewsBy Karen Fischer, M.S., Ed., LPC, BC-TMH, Christian Family Solutions Counseling Care & Services
The word “anxiety” is used often in conversation today. Many people are dealing with it. Even if your situation has not reached the clinical definition for anxiety, the term bounces around a lot as we discuss life situations with others.
Let’s clear up a few things about anxiety. First, it’s important to know that clinical anxiety is not an emotion. It is a condition.
The emotion related to anxiety is fear. And what we do with that emotion produces a number of things, one of which could be anxiety.
Worry is the action related to fear. It’s a thought process that says, “I’m going to take that fear and think about it.”
It’s OK to tend to fears when they arise. Fear is supposed to be there and God created it to help you be mindful and safe. Your brain is designed to look forward and backward and provide you with that information in hopes that it informs the now. While your brain may be doing its job, your it is not always doing you a favor in this. Be careful not to let fear run too far.
There are things we can do to address our fears and prevent them from growing into anxiety:
- Question whether your fear is reasonable. Discern which are normal, reasonable fears you should attend to, and which ones are starting to dominate your thoughts.
- Recognize what unchecked fear does to your body. Physical Symptoms include headaches, stomachaches, rapid heartbeat, tension in your muscles, shortness of breath. Then there are emotional symptoms, such as irritability, impatience, mood swings. Behavioral symptoms include becoming withdrawn, losing your temper, restlessness, over-sleeping, or avoidance.
- Use and practice skills that reduce those symptoms in the moment. Mindfulness exercises help you take control of your thoughts, either ahead of a situation or when you’re in the middle of a fear-inducing situation. (Find examples of these exercises in the full article linked here.)
- Take care of yourself. We know that God created us body, mind, and spirit, and these are all connected. Taking care of ourselves helps prevent anxiety.
If you (or someone you know) needs counseling services, please contact Christian Family Solutions at 800-438-1772 or visit ChristianFamilySolutions.org. CFS is a WELS parasynodical organization with more than 100 mental health clinicians who provide evidence-based care that is integrated with the healing power of the Gospel.
This is an excerpt from a longer article on the Christian Family Solutions website. Read the whole article here.
View a video: Karen Fischer talks with Pastor Bill Limmer about the relationship between Fear, Worry, and Anxiety.
Welcome! – Two new members to the Executive Board
/in News, WM NewsWELS Women’s Ministry is blessed to add two new members to the Executive Board. Professor Joel Russow from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary will serve as our Seminary Pastoral Advisor. He is replacing Professor Paul Wendland who is retiring this year. Meredith Bitter will serve as Secretary and manage communication.
We look forward to the perspective, insight, and wisdom they bring to the work of nurturing, encouraging, and equipping woman to use their gifts for service in God’s kingdom. Find out more about them below and make sure to say, “Hi!” on social media!

Prof. Joel Russow
Joel Russow began his pastoral ministry in 2010 at Faith Lutheran Church in Tallahassee, Fla. In 2022, he began serving as a professor at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary where he teaches courses in counseling, doctrine, and pastoral theology. He holds two master’s degrees (M.Div., STM in Pastoral Care) and is pursuing a third in clinical mental health counseling.
He has been married to Jill since 2006. Together they are blessed with four children: Jude, Elijah, Rachel, and Isaiah. The Russows love Jesus, sports, traveling, camping, and delicious cheesecake.
Meredith Bitter
Meredith Bitter, (nee Koltz) was born in Madison, Wis. and attended Eastside Lutheran for elementary school and St. Matthew’s, Oconomowoc for middle school. She graduated from Luther Preparatory School in Watertown, WI and then went on to earn her Bachelor’s Degree at Martin Lutheran College in New Ulm, Minn., with a double major in elementary education and secondary Spanish education.
Upon graduation, Meredith taught Spanish for 1 year at Shoreland Lutheran High School before moving with her husband, Pastor Lucas Bitter, to Georgia. Meredith and Lucas have served in Georgia for the past 10 years – four years at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in Marietta and six years at Intown Lutheran Church in the center of Atlanta.
During her 10 years in Georgia, Meredith has worn many hats including substitute teacher, public school HS Spanish teacher, and stay-at-home mom to 6-year-old Elijah and 4-year-old Gabby. She currently serves in a part-time role as worship coordinator and tech admin at Intown Lutheran Church and feels so blessed to be part of WELS Home Missions and urban ministry.
Meredith is excited for the privilege of serving on the Women’s Ministry Executive Team. She has always been passionate about encouraging women in their many vocations, both in and outside of church. Raising a daughter has especially inspired Meredith to equip and encourage women from many generations to be filled up in the Word so they may go out and reflect his love in their homes and communities.
Prayer Chains in the 21st Century
/in WM NewsEphesians 6:18 tells us, “Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion.”
Our latest webinar interviewed four women to find out what that looks like today.
Here are our takeaways:
The Benefits of Praying Together
Praying together connects us with God and with each other. It builds intimacy with one another as we learn about each other’s needs. During the intimacy of prayer time together, God aligns our thoughts and words with his. Time with others in prayer unites us, as it shows us we share a purpose and we don’t need to struggle with one another. Instead, we become prayer warriors for each other against the schemes of the devil. When we praise and give thanks in prayer for all the good things happening in our lives, we can also rejoice with others in their blessings.
The Challenges of Praying Together
Praying together can be uncomfortable for some people, especially at the beginning. Some people don’t feel empowered or equipped to pray out loud with others. There are many ways to help people grow in confidence and enjoy this beautiful experience of praying together. For example, it can be helpful to use God’s Word and hymns as a basis for prayer. Try writing prayers ahead of time and then reading them out loud. A guide you can use is the A.C.T.S prayer model (adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication).
Another challenge is the fear of gossip. Because we bring heart matters to the Lord in prayer, one can feel vulnerable “exposing” their private life. It takes time to build trust. When people share their personal struggles in prayer, everyone should know and agree that private information stays within the group.
Prayer Group Logistics
Many factors play into how often and in what way a prayer group meets. If members live in the same area, they can meet at someone’s house, a coffee shop, a library, or a church. If the group members live far apart, they can use apps like Google Meet or Zoom. Another effective way to get more people involved in praying is by setting up a prayer chain using text or email.
Who Are You Talking to When Praying?
We have many terms of endearment when we speak to loved ones. It is the same with God—our Father and Creator of the universe. When we sin, we humbly address our Savior. When we recognize the countless spiritual and physical blessings, we thank and praise the Giver of all good things. When we are broken, we can call him Daddy, Abba, knowing he will never leave nor forsake us. We talk to God as our best friend and brother, praying he will provide the opportunity for us to introduce him to others. Praying to God in this way with others helps us see the nature of God in a way we wouldn’t see all on our own.
Taking advantage of the blessing of prayer with others is God’s blessing to us. Find out more by listening to the webinar.
Thank You! – Kathie Wendland
/in WM NewsThank you for your service, Kathie Wendland!
This January 2023, Kathie Wendland stepped down from the WM Executive Team. Since the formation of WELS WM in 2007, Kathie has served as a mentor, advisor, and conference liaison.
Over the years, Kathie has worked diligently to ensure women have resources and access to doctrinally sound, biblical content. Her fervent prayer is that these would deepen their understanding of Scripture, propel them to spiritual maturity, and give them the confidence to boldly share the message of Jesus with those outside the church walls.
Kathie has also served as a confidant and personal mentor to many women throughout WM. Her input on doctrinal discussions, Bible study materials, WM conference themes, and her sense of humor will be missed.
As much as WM is blessed by her service, we know that the ripple effect of her godly character, servant’s heart, and bold adherence to Scripture will continue to be felt around the world and for generations to come.
All is not lost. We are thankful Kathie will continue to put these gifts to use on the teaching team of WM (Titus 2 Team) and as an influence on the WM conference in 2024.
Join us in thanking God for using the gifts of Kathie Wendland to bless many from the foundational years of WELS Women’s Ministry until now! To God be the glory!
Kathie’s Background
Kathie Wendland grew up on a farm in Wisconsin. She has served in various capacities in three countries on two continents, ranging from secular positions such as US Navy Officer (Nurse Corp); Frontier Nursing Service in Hyden, KY; ICU nurse at Milwaukee County General Hospital; night administrator of nursing at a large hospital in Milwaukee; home health nurse in Milwaukee; in a nurse practitioner role (without the degree and before a degree was required) at both the Canadian High Commission and American Embassy in Lusaka, Zambia; to serving in WELS ecclesiastical positions such as Central Africa Medical Mission assistant “sister in charge” with the Salima Lutheran Mobile Clinic in Salima, Malawi, Africa; relief nurse at Mwembezhi Lutheran Rural Health Centre, Zambia; nurse recruiter and advisor on the WELS Central Africa Medical Mission Committee; and currently as parish nurse for her home congregation in Mishicot, Wis.
Presently Kathie is employed taking care of little calves, about 60-80 of them, on a dairy farm. She’s been privileged to lead women’s Bible studies for over 20 years.
Kathie’s husband, Ernst, served as a missionary in Zambia for 21 years and she was with him for 5 of those years. They were married just short of 25 years when the Lord took Ernst to heaven.
Of the above activities, only the medical mission nursing in Malawi was part of “her plan” for her life and that only sort of. She would say the Lord opened doors and shoved her through them. Some days were great, but most were filled with challenges of some sort. Many days ended in tears. Some started that way.
Kathie knew the world says to put me first and demand my rights, but Paul wrote to the Romans, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.” Putting this passage into practice has been a life-long challenge for her. One that, by the grace of God, was eased by Christian mentors.
Kathie said, “I’ve always looked for mentors and was richly blessed whenever I found them. Now I’ve come to realize I’m at the age where I am one and need to closely examine Paul’s words, ‘Follow me as I follow the example of Christ’, (1 Cor. 11:1) for guidance in being a Christian mentor—who by the grace of God will be a blessing to others.”
A year in review for WELS Women’s Ministry
/in WM News2022 has been an exciting year for Women’s Ministry. To begin, over 2,000 subscribers are receiving our newsletter! That’s double last year’s number at this time.
Enjoy walking through a review of the year with us!
Connection Call
Connection Call (formerly Talk on Tuesday) is an opportunity to talk through your ministry questions and ideas. Check it out!
We continue to restructure our teams and workflow in order to make better use of resources and create opportunities for women to get involved serving the synod through Women’s Ministry. E-mail us if you are interested in finding out what serving with Women’s Ministry looks like.
Social Media Presence
By adding dedicated personnel to social media, we’ve been able to make a better connection with all of you. Over 1,000 followers are connected on Instagram alone! Make sure to like, subscribe, and share on Facebook and Instagram.
Advent by Candlelight Webinar
We hosted our first webinar on Advent by Candlelight. It was very well attended and received. (Watch the recording.) Make sure to tune in to our next one on Thursday, January 26, at 7:00 p.m. CST. We are talking about encouraging personal and corporate prayer among believers.
Advent by Candlelight
“Come, Lord Jesus,” based on the theme for Church Year A in The Foundation, was developed for use throughout the synod. Look for a new Lent by Candlelight coming soon!
Advent Devotions
Almost 1,000 subscribers are enjoying the Advent devotional series “Come, Lord Jesus.” You can subscribe to receive this edifying e-mail in your inbox through this link.
Online Classes
Bible Basics for Bible Study Teachers (a 401 course to Equip Women to Teach the Word) and Heirs Together were offered online this year. Look for new sessions starting in 2023.
Bible Study
An Ephesians Bible study used as resource material for the 2022 Women’s Ministry Conference was updated and made available in September. Check out our Bible studies.
WELS Women’s Ministry Conference
We hosted our fifth triennial Women’s Ministry Conference! Over 300 women gathered in July to be encouraged with the message we are Won to be One from the book of Ephesians. Three days of God’s Word, inspiring speakers, engaging breakouts, joyful worship, and uplifting encouragement from Christian sisters left us nurtured, encouraged, and equipped to bring grace and peace to the world we live in.
New Advent by Candlelight Resources
/in WM NewsAdvent by Candlelight is an event to help women focus on Christ during the busy holiday season. It can be designed as an outreach to the community or an opportunity to encourage believers. Through narration, readings, prayer, and music, Christ will shine as the Savior. Enjoy creating a beautiful ambiance, but know that the power is in the message of the Gospel.
New for this year: “Come, Lord Jesus!”
The season of Advent. Some may wonder what’s so important about this time. Many consider the season following Thanksgiving to be “the Christmas season” already. They don’t know the importance of these precious weeks leading up to Jesus’ birth.
The word Advent literally means “coming” or “arrival.” When related to Christmas, it has to do with the coming of Jesus Christ. During Advent, we eagerly wait and prepare our hearts for the celebration of his birth AND the time when he comes again.
Jesus is our King . . . our Judge . . . our Messiah . . . and our Immanuel. He needed to be all of these things to guarantee our salvation. He needed to be true God capable of accomplishing these things and also true man able to experience them as one of us. Because he became all of these, we know what to expect when he returns. Our triumphant King will gather all those he loves, saved, and who believe in him as Savior to be with him forever in heaven.
Because of this, we can confidently and joyfully say, Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!
This corresponds with the worship planning resource in Year A of the Foundation Resource provided by WELS Congregational Services.
Advent by Candlelight Planner’s Forum
/in WM NewsOur recent Advent by Candlelight Planner’s Forum offered a variety of fantastic ideas and a wealth of wisdom from seasoned ABC planners from a variety of churches. They answered questions many of us have wondered and tackled those challenges most of us have faced. We learned there’s not just one right way to run this special evening. We also were inspired by their heart for Jesus and desire to serve their community of believers and offer opportunities to connect women outside of the church to the Gospel message of Advent and Christmas. This webinar was recorded and is available to watch anytime you need some inspiration and ideas!
They offered their responses to questions like:
What’s the purpose of Advent by Candlelight?
Yes, Advent by Candlelight is an event to help women focus on Christ during the busy holiday season. Our conversation included how to include those members of all ages that aren’t always heavily involved in other church-based activities and ways we can help them feel valued and loved! We went beyond that and discussed opportunities for evangelism and how unique ABC is in its non-threatening environment that makes it the perfect event to invite our unchurched friends, family, and neighbors.
And that was just the beginning!
- Do you have a budget?
- How long does your program last?
- What time of day do you have it?
- How do you keep it fresh if you’ve been doing it for years?
- Do you have assigned seating?
- Do you allow kids to come?
- How do you keep the hostesses from turning it into a competition of who has the best decorated table? (Yes, we went there!)
And more you do NOT want to miss!
Together Video Update – August 23, 2022
/in TogetherRegistration is now open for the second National Conference on Lutheran Leadership, which is taking place January 16-18, 2023, in Chicago. Learn more about what topics will be featured and why this conference is so important. For more details, visit lutheranleadership.com.
Teens learn, grow, worship, and serve at latest youth rally
/in TogetherMore than 2,200 teens and youth leaders traveled to Knoxville, Tenn., for the 2022 WELS International Youth Rally June 28–July 1 at the University of Tennessee.
The theme for the rally was “Here and Now,” inspired by Esther 4:14. Rev. Aaron Robinson, English professor and cultural diversity coordinator at Martin Luther College, New Ulm, Minn., and Rev. Jon Bare, who recently accepted a call to be president of Asia Lutheran Seminary, presented the two keynote addresses, which highlighted “Why not us?” and “Why not now?” Additional workshops addressed the challenges young Christians face in today’s world.
Worship was a highlight of the rally, with full opening and closing services and daily devotions. “There are no words to describe the feeling you get listening to over two thousand teens sing their praises to Jesus,” says Anna Gilgenbach, who served as a rally youth leader for the teens at St. Peter, Fond du Lac, Wis., a group that included her daughter, Natalie. “I attended the WELS International Youth Rally when I was younger, and I wanted Natalie to experience this as well,” she says.
The sheer number of people at the rally taught the teens an important lesson—that they are not alone. “It’s very encouraging to see so many other people who believe in Jesus and are part of your synod all together and just celebrating the love of Christ,” says Lydia Smith, teen rally attendee.
“It was a perfect experience to learn about God and create really great memories with your friends,” says Jordan Shepler, who came with the teen group from Holy Word, Austin, Texas.
Teens also appreciated the opportunity to serve. WELS Christian Aid and Relief offered a way for teens to get involved right at the rally by putting together care packages for kids in need, first responders, and the homebound. “I’m amazed at the response from our youth. Don’t sell the next generation short of what it can do now,” says Rev. Donn Dobberstein, director of WELS Discipleship. “We need to tap into the teens’ energy and faith and give them greater permission to act upon the faith that God has given them.”
He continues, “There is real concern about the increasing disinterest in church among youth, but then all of a sudden you get this light-bulb moment where God gives you hope. How can you look at an arena filled with 14- to 17-year-olds and not be hopeful? When God says my Word will endure and the gates of hell will not prevail against it, he’s talking about teens and the faith that he already has instilled in the hearts and minds of the next generation.”
WELS Discipleship plans to take more than half a dozen of the rally’s workshops and turn them into resources youth leaders can use at the local congregational level. Sign up to receive updates.
The next WELS International Youth Rally—the 50th—will be held in 2024 at Colorado State University.
New program for teen ministry
/in TogetherWELS Discipleship has released a new teen ministry program—WELS Youth Night, a series of youth-focused events for high school students and youth leaders from local WELS congregations.
“God created us to be in community with each other. We belong to him. We belong together. That is the idea of WELS Youth Night—to bring teens and youth leaders from area churches . . . together,” says Rev. Donn Dobberstein, director of WELS Discipleship.
The program was introduced for the first time at the WELS International Youth Rally earlier this summer. While the WELS International Youth Rally provides an opportunity for youth from all over the country to grow in their faith together, it happens only every other year and is difficult to replicate. WELS Youth Night is meant to create that community at a local level, offering area teens and youth leaders a way to encourage and support one another in their faith on a more consistent basis.
“[These events] are meant to supplement the youth ministry that is happening at the local level,” says Dobberstein. “It’s about building relationships, creating a community, experiencing faith together.”
WELS Discipleship provides all the resources for congregations to hold a series of three WELS Youth Nights, with suggested dates of mid-October, end of January, and post-Easter. At each event, teens from the area’s churches can experience an evening of games, music, prayer, a keynote address, small group discussion, and fun with other high school youth. Resources include a keynote address video presentation, small group discussion guides, training for youth leaders, a planning timeline and guide, a promotional media kit, as well as ideas for music and games.
Learn more about WELS Youth Night and download resources for the first event.
Sign up for youth leader resources updates.
Read about a Martin Luther College student who is part of the WELS Youth Night Committee and his commitment to reaching out to the next generation.
Show your youth rally excitement
/in TogetherGet ready for the WELS International Youth Rally by sharing your excitement with anyone who sees you! For the first time ever, WELS International Youth Rally apparel and items are available to purchase online prior to the event. Items include a hoodie, long-sleeved tee, rally hat, socks—including WELS-logo socks—and more!
Haven’t registered yet? There’s still time to get a group together and register. The youth rally will be taking place June 28–July 1, 2022, at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
The rally is open to all WELS teens heading into their freshman year of high school through seniors graduating this spring. Youth from around North America will gather for group worship, small workshops, and recreation and fellowship.
Together Video Update – March 22, 2022
/in TogetherThe WELS International Youth Rally is taking place June 28-July 1 in Knoxville, Tenn. Learn more in this Together video update featuring Rev. Donn Dobberstein, director of WELS Discipleship. Visit wels.net/youthrally for all the details and to learn how to register.
2022 WELS International Youth Rally registration underway
/in TogetherRegistration has opened for the 2022 WELS International Youth Rally, June 28–July 1, University of Tennessee—Knoxville. Usually held every other year, this will be the first rally since 2018, as the 2020 event was canceled due to COVID-19.
The rally is open to all WELS teens heading into their freshman year of high school through seniors graduating this spring. Youth from around North America will gather for group worship, small workshops, and recreation and fellowship.
The first ever WELS youth rally was in 1974; in nearly 50 years there has never been a four-year gap between events. “This is the longest we’ve ever gone without a rally,” says Rev. Donn Dobberstein, director of WELS Discipleship.
Dobberstein says this rally is going to be really important for two reasons. First, it’s bringing together teens to help them realize the church of God is so much larger than individual WELS congregations—where the average weekly worship attendance is at 70. Second, it’s an opportunity for the youth leaders to connect and share ideas.
Jennifer Wockenfuss will be attending as a youth leader for a group of 17 teens from Messiah in Nampa, Idaho. She says, “We are in the heart of Mormon country so most of our kids are constantly surrounded by kids of other religions and have never been around many other kids that believe the same thing. I am excited for them to grow as a youth group and grow in their faith as they worship and fellowship with so many other Lutherans their age.”
The theme for the 2022 rally is “Here and Now,” inspired by Esther 4:14. Dobberstein says, “Esther probably isn’t the first name you think of as a biblical hero; her story isn’t as well known. But when you read it, it’s powerful. It’s a story of how God can choose someone out of obscurity and use them for his purpose. God doesn’t have a use for our youth only in the future or down the road. Like a young Esther, you don’t know what God’s timing is for you, but he does have a plan for you. I believe God has a plan for you here and now.”
Two keynotes will be presented to the attending teens based on the theme. Rev. Aaron Robinson, English professor and cultural diversity coordinator at Martin Luther College, New Ulm, Minn., will present “Why Not Us? Royal People,” focusing on how Christians should be asking “Why not us?” instead of “Why us?”. Rev. Jon Bare, professor at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, Wis., and director of the Pastoral Studies Institute, will present “Why Not Now? We Serve at a Momentous Time with Momentous Purpose,” which will examine how God places his people right where he needs them right when he needs them to serve.
Additional workshops address the challenges young Christians face in today’s world, with topics such as “Superhero Training: Bystander Intervention Strategies,” “Where’s God When . . . Responding to Faith Challenges,” and “Creating Mental Health Resilience: Strategies for Thriving in a Stressful World.” Dobberstein says some of the workshops will be recorded so they can be used as resources for youth ministry in the future.
So far, in the first week of registration, hundreds of people have already registered for the rally. Rally organizers are anticipating about 2,000 attendees. Registration runs March 8–May 31. The cost is $375 if groups register by April 30 and $395 from May 1-31.
Learn more about the workshops, recreational excursions, and the rally—and register—at wels.net/youthrally.
Encouraging and equipping congregations and members
/in TogetherWELS Congregational Services’ mission is to encourage and equip WELS congregations for faithful and fruitful ministry. It does this by identifying trends and needs in local ministry and offering free resources to assist congregational ministry. WELS’ global mission of spreading the saving gospel message to all nations begins with healthy congregations.
In addition to the long-term trends the broader Christian church has seen in North America, congregations are also facing the collateral from the past year of pandemic upheaval. Doors are opening again, neighbors are gathering again, and WELS Congregational Services has released a suite of resources to help congregations seize the opportunity for outreach and growth. “These are the kinds of resources that in the coming year, or years, are going to be able to feed a congregational hunger, if congregational ministries have stalled, to get ministry up to speed again,” says Rev. Donn Dobberstein, director of the WELS Commission on Discipleship.
God’s People Gather
Already before COVID-19, some churches were utilizing video and streaming technology for worship and Bible study. The pandemic forced many more congregations to make this pivot. In much of the country, in-person worship was prohibited for months. As lockdowns lift, congregational leaders are wrestling with two key questions:
- How can we encourage our members to return to in-person worship?
- How should we think about virtual worship post-pandemic?
The first is a timely, virus-related question. That second question is timeless, something churches may be asking until Jesus returns.
Dobberstein says, “How do we keep that balance between realizing that while electronic/virtual/digital ministries are definitely a blessing from God, they are not meant to replace God’s good intent for us to be gathered.”
He continues, “God’s People Gather was created to help congregations as they’re coming out of COVID. If congregations are going to make a splash, to celebrate the fact that we have the ability and we can re-gather like we once did, it’s flexible so that congregations can pick the right time to celebrate depending on where they’re at.”
God’s People Gather provides resources that help churches put together a congregation-specific plan that reaches out to the various types of members who have not yet returned. Access videos, elder encouragement, Bible study, worship plan, and event ideas at welscongregationalservices.net/gods-people-gather.
A God-Lived Life
A God-Lived Life is a whole-life challenge to God’s people to live the life to which he has called them. The hope is that being challenged in specific ways will urge members to put into practice a closer walk with God and a life of love toward others.
There’s a double meaning in “God-lived.” God lived for his people. His life is now theirs. And that produces in Christians a life lived for God. When the Word touches people, it changes them forever. It changes how they view everything God gives them. Jesus talked a lot about money, but it was never far apart from a greater conversation about life and things that have a pull on hearts and minds.
The goal of A God-Lived Life is to encourage greater growth in four key areas:
- A life of being a disciple.
- A life of service for others.
- A life of hospitality for all.
- A life lived shrewdly.
“It’s not just talking about money. As we come back post-COVID, it addresses how we demonstrate what God looks like in our lives, how he lives in our lives, and how that shows God to others. I think that’s going to be huge in the coming years,” says Dobberstein.
The program is designed to last four months with a variety of resources to bolster each monthly emphasis. View and download the resources at welscongregationalservices.net/a-god-lived-life.
For WELS Commission on Evangelism, the focus for its latest programs is on personal evangelism. Rev. Eric Roecker, director of the WELS Commission on Evangelism, explains why: : “The number of never-churched people in our country has gone up dramatically in the last 20 years. Because they’ve never been churched, they have zero interest in church; it’s not even on their radar. Because the way the church is portrayed in media a lot of times, it’s a negative. Fewer and fewer people in our culture are churched. Some have never been churched, which means that traditional methods of outreach like corporate outreach events and inviting people with postcards is becoming less effective. At the same time, studies are showing that people in our country don’t trust the church as much as they used to, but they do trust their Christian friends. So, while they probably won’t come to church because of a postcard or an advertisement, they might check it out if a friend brought them, not necessarily because they’re interested in the church, but because they trust their friend.”
Everyone Outreach
Everyone Outreach is designed to help congregations build a culture of outreach so that every ministry and every member is thinking about and participating in outreach. The Everyone Outreach workshops are designed to reveal the unconscious and invisible thought habits people hold and provide participants with unique insights to help begin the journey of transformation.
“Everyone Outreach is a culture-shaping program. If a congregation is not outreach minded, if it’s just not part of who they are, it would be great for them to use this program to shape the way they think so they think more about outreach,” says Roecker. “And then, after that, they can use some of the personal witness training Bible studies, like Let’s Go, so now that members are fired up to [reach out], they can become equipped to do it.”
All members of a congregation are encouraged to attend. Learn more or sign up your congregation to host a workshop at everyoneoutreach.com.
Let’s Go
While Everyone Outreach is designed to develop an outreach culture congregation-wide, Let’s Go is designed to encourage and equip Christians to become more comfortable and confident personal witnesses. The course is divided into seven lessons, each consisting of a video and an accompanying study guide and leader’s guide. The lessons are designed to be used by either large or small group Bible study gatherings as well as by individual Christians. Let’s Go dials in the conversation from “what can the congregation do for outreach,” to “how can I talk to my friends and neighbors about Jesus.” Get the resources at welscongregationalservices.net/lets-go.
The WELS Congregational Services website, welscongregationalservices.net, has a host of additional resources, including National Hymnal Week (Sept. 19-26, 2021) information; Marriage Moments videos; Marriage Maintenance Bible study; One By One personal witnessing Bible study; compassion ministry resources about ministry to military members, learning to be a recovery-friendly church, ministry to the deaf and hard of hearing, and training to identify and respond to child abuse; resources for different aspects of worship and worship planning; and much more.
New videos encourage married couples to “take a moment”
/in Together“Marriage is foundational to so many things in our society, including our congregations,” says Rev. Donn Dobberstein, director of WELS Discipleship. “If we want solid congregations, healthy marriages are so important. Yet biblical marriage is under intense attack in our current culture.”
Rev. Tom Kock, a professor at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary and an advisory member of the WELS Commission on Discipleship, agrees. “Every marriage has its moments,” notes Kock. “Moments of boredom or even some not-so-good moments. So every marriage needs moments of encouragement and refreshment. That’s the thought behind Marriage Moments.”
Marriage Moments is a new series of videos in which one marriage thought is briefly explored and then one question or “for further thought” exercise is added—all in two minutes or less. Kock hosts the videos and uses Scripture to anchor each lesson. One new video is released each week, so couples can focus on that one aspect of their marriage for the week.
Karrie and Dave Balza, members at Divine Savior, West Palm Beach, Fla., have watched several of the videos together. “In our hectic, over-scheduled lives, it’s nice to have a bite-sized piece of God’s Word to place on your heart,” says Karrie. “We think the questions are the best part because they are a great way to dig deeper and really connect with your spouse.”
Although the videos were originally designed by the Commission on Discipleship for individual couples to use at home, Dobberstein encourages congregations to also consider how they could use these videos in their ministry, including as a tool for pre-marriage or marriage counseling or in small group Bible studies.
For more information or to subscribe, visit welscongregationalservices.net/marriage-moments.
New family devotions from WELS Discipleship
/in TogetherWELS Commission on Discipleship has started offering devotions developed for the entire family to use. The devotions will coincide with the previous Sunday’s Bible readings. Each devotion is complete with a set of questions for different age groups, a prayer, and hymn verses that can be sung or spoken. Downloadable printable versions are available as well.
You can subscribe to have the devotions e-mailed to you at wels.net/subscribe, find them on the WELS Facebook page fb.com/welslutherans, or visit wels.net/family-devotions.
“The foundation of the Christian family begins at home. What an opportunity in coming weeks for parents to commit to starting and sustaining a good and godly habit,” says Rev. Donn Dobberstein, director of WELS Commission on Discipleship.
These family devotions will be offered three times a week. Dobberstein says this should more likely set up families for success. “We didn’t want to set up families to feel like they are failing if they miss a devotion. The goal is to create a doable program to help families who may have no devotional life or who struggle to keep it going. With this model, families can use them as they have time throughout the week.”
He says the devotions have been developed to assist parents and children in the spiritual life at home, encourage people to follow God’s instructions for home devotional life, teach families how and when to have home devotions, and encourage congregations in their support of their member families.
“Just a few short weeks ago, family calendars were blissfully filled with future events, meetings, games, and activities,” says Dobberstein. “These devotions can help parents spend spiritual time with their children during this time of upheaval and uncertainty.”
Youth rally registration opening soon
/in TogetherIt’s time for congregations to round up their teens and start planning for the 2020 WELS International Youth Rally. The theme for this year’s rally is “Vision 2020.”
“We want thousands of teens to see Christ clearly, and seeing Christ clearly will be the motivation to serve Christ boldly,” says Rev. Donn Dobberstein, director of WELS Commission on Discipleship. “This rally will position Christ and the cross in front of teenagers for clarity of faith and motivation to boldly serve.”
The 2020 youth rally will be held June 23-26 at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Registration opens March 2 and is $375 per attendee through April 30. Registration from May 1–May 29 is $395 per attendee.
In addition to a wide variety of workshops and fellowship opportunities with more than 2,000 fellow Christians, the rally features two keynote speakers. Rev. Joel Russow, Faith, Tallahassee, Fla., will present “Focused Living” based on Colossians 3:12-14. His address will focus on the characteristics with which Christian’s should clothe themselves: “Instead of stressing over concerns like ‘What will I do with my life?’ or ‘How can I make a difference?’ what if we put on the outfit God has given us to wear and then serve? God has already given you the perfect outfit for a heroic life of faith and for a difference-making life of service. Wear it!”
Rev. Jon Bare, Pastoral Studies Institute, Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, will present a keynote on a Christian’s “Clear Purpose,” based on 1 Peter 2:8,9. His presentation will discuss: “As God’s children, we live with a clear purpose—to praise God! . . . But what about when we face the realities of living in a broken world? What about when all we can see is very real persecution for who we are? What about when our own failures or lacking blur our sight?”
Contact Youth Leaders—the main point of contact between your church’s group and the youth rally office–can preregister their group members starting March 2. After preregistration, members of the group will receive personalized links to complete their registration and payment.
Detailed registration and rally information is available in the youth rally registration book.
Learn more and view videos about the 2020 WELS International Youth Rally.
Lutheran Leadership Conference to kick off 2020
/in TogetherWELS Congregational Services will host the first WELS National Conference on Lutheran Leadership at the Sheraton Grand in Chicago, Ill., Jan. 21-23. WELS Congregational Services works under the Conference of Presidents to help congregations assess, plan, and carry out gospel ministry.
The conference will have five keynote presentations that deal with major cultural challenges before every WELS congregation. Twenty-five breakout sessions will deal with issues specific to certain congregations, including overcoming a consumer mentality in church, Christian apologetics, increasing volunteerism, retaining and gaining young members, fully utilizing the gifts of women in ministry, equipping members for personal evangelism, having a “high-expectations” church, strategic planning, using social media for outreach, operating a financially sustainable elementary school, and more.
“I hope individuals walk away from this conference with three things,” says Rev. Jonathan Hein, coordinator of Congregational Services. “First, I hope they are motivated to throw themselves into gospel ministry in every way: feeding the faithful, reaching the lost, and pursuing the straying. Second, I hope attendees better understand the massive challenges before our congregations but also realize that God will help us meet those challenges. Finally, I hope that they can take home some practical resources from the breakout sessions that they can immediately implement in their mission efforts.”
The National Conference on Lutheran Leadership is open to all: called workers and lay volunteers, men and women, lifelong Lutherans and new congregants. Congregations are encouraged to send multiple participants to the conference.
“A church gets the most out of a conference like this when there is a critical mass of members attending,” Hein says. “They can divide up and hit every relevant breakout. They can present a united, excited voice when they go back to their congregation.”
Travel rebates are available for congregations that send three or more individuals to the event.
Registration is now open, with an early registration discount through Oct. 31. Register online at lutheranleadership.com. There you can also find free promotional materials—including a video, posters, social media graphics, and other digital images.
Learning to be a church that welcomes members home
/in TogetherAs part of its “Welcome Home” initiative resources, WELS Congregational Services released a series of four videos with accompanying Bible studies to address some of the most common reasons Christians stop attending church and how to show love and minister to these members. The videos are meant to be used by congregational leaders and members to guide congregations as they strive to bring straying sheep back to the Good Shepherd. Rev. Nate Bourman, Mt. Lebanon, Milwaukee, Wis., was featured in the videos discussing how to be a welcoming congregation.
Bourman explains that a welcoming church is “a church where no one stands or sits alone; everyone feels comfortable and safe. A place where everyone knows what is going on and feels that they can navigate the facilities or get information about our congregation. A place where parents, adults, and children feel safe to hear God’s Word and can easily participate and are welcomed to participate.”
He says the most common reasons he’s heard that members haven’t felt welcome is because they weren’t greeted, no one talks to them, and they felt like an outsider. “It’s possible to be a stranger in your own house,” says Bourman.
It’s important that all members participate in being a welcoming church. “Care and concern for the members of the church is not just the pastor’s job. It is not just the elders’ job. It is the job of each and every member. Love calls us to participate in their care. None of us sits on the sidelines when it comes to welcoming God’s people home,” says Bourman. “All are coming to church with sin and weakness and brokenness and frustration. Be part of the throng rejoicing to gather for worship with each other.”
All congregations are encouraged to participate in the Welcome Home Sunday, either Oct. 20 or 27, 2019. The mission is to “pack the church” with every member. The four videos and accompanying Bible studies in the Welcoming Returning Members series—“Members drawn away because of sin,” “Members who left after being sinned against,” “Members whose needs were ignored,” and “Members who left for another church”—are available at welscongregationalservices.net/welcome-home.
C19: Sharing the meaning of Christmas with others
/in TogetherAccording to current research, Christmas is the most appealing time for the unchurched and dechurched to attend a worship service. That makes C19, this year’s synodwide outreach campaign for Christmas, a critical opportunity.
Available from WELS Congregational Services, C19 equips congregations and individuals to share the good news of Jesus’ birth with others in their community and to invite them to Christmas worship services. This year’s theme is “God so loved the world.”
“Many people look at the pain and suffering in our world and conclude that either there is no God or that, if there is a God, he doesn’t love the world,” explains Rev. Eric Roecker, director of WELS Commission on Evangelism. “Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem proves that God does indeed love the world, a world that includes every single soul.”
Here are some of the resources that are available:
- Worship materials for Christmas. C19 provides ready-to-use worship folder templates with liturgy and music that edify heart, soul, and mind.
- Evangelism materials for Christmas Eve. Low-cost outreach postcards as well as free Facebook video advertisement and digital files to post on church websites are available to share the message of the theme.
- School resources. C19 provides guidance for using schools as outreach arms during the Christmas season. The program resources help encourage even the youngest WELS members to invite others to worship on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
- Special needs ministry. C19 includes materials to help congregations reach out to families who have children with special needs.
About 70 percent of WELS congregations utilized some or all of the resources provided through 2018’s synodwide outreach campaign, C18. Its goal was to reach one million souls, and Roecker has high hopes again this year with C19: “With the Lord’s blessing, we would like to see more than one million people invited,” he says.
Many C19 materials will be offered as free downloads at welscongregationalservices.net/c19. Some materials are available now; others will be provided in the coming weeks. Pastors and interested laypeople should sign up now to receive updates, which will include notices when new materials are posted online as well as planning tips and timelines to carry out the program successfully.
10 for 10 encourages thoughtful Christian giving
/in TogetherA new congregational stewardship program called 10 for 10 is now available from WELS Congregational Services.
10 for 10 is based on three weeks of preaching and teaching on the topic of giving. Then congregation members are asked to contemplate if they are able to give one-tenth of their income to the Lord for ten straight weeks—hence the name 10 for 10. This is based on the Old Testament practice of tithing.
Rev. Donn Dobberstein, director of WELS Discipleship, explains that the goal of 10 for 10 is much greater than amassing gifts. “10 for 10 is not a church fundraising program,” he says. “It is a gospel-centered stewardship emphasis that asks people to consider how to respond to all of the many graces that God has shown to them.”
Some WELS congregations have already implemented initiatives similar to 10 for 10. Members of these churches have expressed an appreciation for the scriptural roots of these stewardship programs. Notably, 10 for 10 opens the conversation on the often difficult topic of money in a Christlike manner.
“Jesus talked often about money because he knew the vicelike grip it can have on our hearts as it seeks to replace him as our greatest treasure,” Dobberstein says. “When it came to money, Jesus was blunt. He was bold. 10 for 10 strives to mirror Jesus’ biblical boldness.”
While it is not the focus, congregational stewardship programs like that of 10 for 10 have successfully increased weekly offerings significantly during their periods of enhanced giving, explains Dobberstein. Afterward, numbers will often decrease again slightly, but rarely do they fall as low as previous levels.
While 10 for 10 can be held at any time, WELS Congregational Services encourages congregations to begin planning this summer and to implement the program this fall.
Materials to help congregations with their planning, including a step-by-step timeline, are available on welscongregationalservices.net/10-for-10. Other introductory and promotional tools plus worship materials, midweek devotions, Sunday sermons, PowerPoint slides, videos, letters, and more can be downloaded for free to help congregations promote 10 for 10 before and after the period of advanced giving.
Visit welscongregationalservices.net/10-for-10 to begin your congregation’s planning today.
Try our Advanced Search instead.
WELS Center for Mission and Ministry
Stone Ridge Drive
Waukesha, WI 53188
Contact Us
Hours: Monday-Friday
8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Phone: 414-256-3200