Make the most out of the opportunity

ā€œHis master replied, ā€œWell done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your masterā€™s happiness!ā€™ā€ (Matthew 25:21 NIV)

During the last week of his earthly life, Jesus tells the story in Matthew 25 of three servants who are each given responsibility to manage a varying amount of wealth. Two of the servants manage their masterā€™s funds well and double his investment. They are commended by the master, ā€œWell done.ā€ The third servant is condemned with the words, ā€œYou wicked, lazy servant!ā€ for doing nothing and wasting his opportunity out of fear.

Your WELS Prison Ministry has been given a critical opportunity by our gracious God. After years of searching for a way to distribute our Bible studies digitally, we finally identified Edovo, an organization with which we contracted to put our studies on their learning management system. This opportunity has tremendous blessings and challenges as described in “Bringing the digital age to prison ministry.” The system is available to approximately 150,000 inmates using computer tablets in over 400 correctional facilities (out of 5,000+ total nationwide). Edovo plans to be available to 250,000 inmates by the end of the year.

We need your help to be as diligent and faithful in making the most of the Lordā€™s blessings. The help we covet most is your prayers. Pray that God gives us all the insight, energy, and people we need to take full advantage of this new endeavor. We are having to develop new ways of carrying out our ministry while maintaining many of the methods we have used for decades. The extra effort is taxing our resources, including paid staff and volunteers.

The second form of help we crave is hours of volunteer effort. Currently, we have a significant need for test correcting volunteers. But we also need to maintain or grow other forms of serving, namely writing pen pal letters, visiting inmates in jail or prison, or mentoring them after release. We equip followers of Jesus to find and fulfill these opportunities, especially at correctional facilities in communities near their congregation. If you would like to explore options for serving, contact me at [email protected].

A third form of help we need is financial support. Our faithful donors provide the means necessary to be faithful to Jesusā€™ call and make the most of this golden opportunity. If youā€™d like to support what we do, here are some ways to do that. Through your prayers, time and effort, or donations, we can look forward to Jesusā€™ praise, ā€œWell done, good and faithful servant,ā€ knowing all we give already belongs to him.

Dave Hochmuth, WELS Prison Ministry administrator