Evangelism lessons from the Savior: Account of the rich young man: Part 2

Always be preparedĀ to . . . ask a question

James F.Ā BorgwardtĀ 

Witnessing to strangers doesnā€™t come naturally for many Christians, myself included.Ā ButĀ like anything else,Ā itĀ becomesĀ easier with practice.Ā Ā 

TheĀ essentialĀ elements for every Christian witness isĀ Godā€™s law and gospel.Ā ButĀ how do we get from a cordial ā€œHiā€ to the message of sin and grace?Ā My favorite tool is a question.Ā 

Actually, there are three specificĀ types ofĀ questionsĀ thatĀ helpĀ moveĀ conversations in the direction I want.Ā The first questionĀ turns the dialogueĀ spiritual.Ā The secondĀ helps toĀ assess and clarifyĀ the non-Christianā€™s views.Ā And the lastĀ draws us to our destination:Ā to the cross of Christ.Ā Ā 

All of them help keep the conversation cordial andĀ non-threatening when they are usedĀ with people like Joe.Ā 

TheĀ firstĀ questionĀ 

Joe sat in the next seatĀ on our flight to Chicago and struck up the conversation.Ā HisĀ story ofĀ leading multipleĀ successful business ventures in the city matched hisĀ style and appearance.Ā My story as a pastor didnā€™t share much in common, except thatĀ I have a brotherĀ serving a congregationĀ on the north side of Chicago.Ā That wasĀ myĀ segueĀ to QuestionĀ 1: ā€œDo you have a church home?ā€Ā 

He didnā€™t.Ā It wasnā€™t long before he shared his view of religions:Ā ā€œAll of themĀ teach basically the same thing.Ā How can Christians insist that theyā€™reĀ the only ones going to heaven?ā€Ā Ā 

TheĀ secondĀ questionĀ 

Would you have given a quick answer?Ā Jesus wouldnā€™t.Ā At least he didnā€™t when the rich young man in Matthew 19 asked himĀ a questionĀ about eternal life.Ā Jesus responded instead with a question of his own.Ā Answering a question with another question was common for Jesus. HeĀ often extendedĀ conversationsĀ with questions and not answers.Ā Ā 

This is another evangelism lesson we can learn fromĀ Jesusā€™ dialogue inĀ Matthew 19.Ā When someone comes to you with a question about the Christian faith, donā€™t always be so quick with an answer.Ā Try a question instead.Ā Ā 

ā€œA man came up to Jesus and asked, ā€˜Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?ā€™Ā 

ā€˜Why do you ask me about what is good?ā€™ Jesus repliedā€ (Matthew 19:16,17).Ā 

Jesus fielded questions from a variety of people with a variety of motives.Ā Some raised question to trap him.Ā  Others were hurtingĀ souls who approached him in desperate need.Ā They pleaded for mercy from the only oneĀ they believedĀ could help them.Ā 

The rich, young ruler fit neither of theseĀ extremes.Ā His question was both serious and seriously misguided.Ā He respected Jesus as a great teacher.Ā He approached him with a genuine desire to receiveĀ new insight intoĀ his godly living.Ā He loved theĀ law of GodĀ and convinced himself that he had kept it.Ā Yet he feltĀ that he was missing somethingā€”something that would finally give him the peace with God that he craved.Ā He figured that the renownedĀ rabbi from Nazareth could prescribeĀ theĀ elusive, extraordinary workĀ that needed to be done.Ā He was ready to carryĀ it outĀ and therebyĀ earnĀ theĀ assurance thatĀ life everlasting wasĀ indeedĀ his reward.Ā 

This young manĀ came to the right manĀ for the wrong reasons.Ā And JesusĀ could have told him as much.Ā But a question was theĀ more effective tool.Ā Ā 

The same is often true inĀ ourĀ witnessing.Ā 

Granted, JesusĀ was far better at this than we could be.Ā He knewĀ theĀ perfect responseĀ to a questionĀ long before it wasĀ asked.Ā Not being God, we canā€™t do that.Ā 

But questionsĀ doĀ serve us well in these crucial conversations.Ā They help us assess the person and their situation.Ā They buy us time as we think howĀ toĀ best lead this soul to the cross.Ā Ā 

More than that,Ā askingĀ questions helpsĀ usĀ inĀ similarĀ waysĀ to how itĀ helped JesusĀ in his ministry.Ā Questions displayĀ that weā€™re genuinely interested in the personĀ with whom weā€™re speaking.Ā And questions leadĀ that person to do someĀ important self-reflection.Ā They areĀ a polite, non-confrontational tool to help the other person re-examine their assumptions.Ā 

When Jesus replied with ā€œWhy do you ask me about what is good?ā€ the manĀ had to start digging into the assumptionsĀ thatĀ were buried beneath his question.Ā 

We wantĀ peopleĀ to do the same thing.Ā This is whereĀ QuestionĀ 2Ā comes in handy.Ā Itā€™s the question, ā€œWhat makes you say that?ā€*Ā 

In my conversation with Joe, I responded to his claim that all religions basically teach the same thing with, ā€œWhat makes you say that?Ā In what way are they similar?ā€Ā 

Like the man in Matthew 19, JoeĀ held the natural opinion that good works gain the reward of eternal life.Ā HeĀ didnā€™tĀ understandĀ grace.Ā Outside of Christ, no one can.Ā 

The third questionĀ 

At the time,Ā I responded with a C.Ā S. Lewis illustration of how the one word that separates Christianity fromĀ all other religions isĀ grace.Ā And that opened intoĀ a law and gospel witness.Ā 

But thinking back on it, I could have asked Joe a third question thatā€™sĀ become my favorite.Ā Sometimes itā€™s the onlyĀ one needed.Ā Itā€™s direct and polite at the same time.Ā Question 3aĀ is,Ā ā€œWhat you do believe about Jesus?ā€Ā Ā 

Try it.Ā And after asking the question, justĀ listen.Ā The responseĀ could beĀ a hundred different kinds ofĀ wrong,Ā butĀ fight the urge to correctĀ the person.Ā PeopleĀ appreciateĀ that youĀ donā€™t want to argue.Ā By listening youā€™llĀ earnĀ theĀ right to speak.Ā When theyā€™re done, askĀ permission to do so withĀ Question 3b, ā€œMay I share with you what I believe about Jesus?ā€Ā ThenĀ share the good newsĀ of Godā€™s eternal loveĀ for all peopleĀ in Jesus.Ā And the Holy SpiritĀ willĀ bless it as he sees fit.Ā 

Someone may be thinking,Ā Thatā€™s all fine and good.Ā But the apostle PeterĀ commanded a different approach:Ā ā€œAlways be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you haveā€Ā (1 Peter 3:15).Ā He told us to be prepared to give anĀ answer,Ā not a question.Ā 

Yes, weĀ need to beĀ prepared to give answersĀ too!Ā Read 1 PeterĀ chapterĀ 3Ā in its entirety.Ā People will ask us about ourĀ eternalĀ hope when they seeĀ us respond to evilĀ with love and grace.Ā Theyā€™llĀ want to know why.Ā Theyā€™llĀ cut right to the point.Ā And soĀ weĀ respond.Ā 

Paul, Silas, and the jailor (Acts 16)Ā lived out the exact scenario that Peter outlined.Ā When theĀ PhilippianĀ jailorĀ fell trembling before them and asked a question of desperation and hope, ā€œSirs, what must I do to be saved?ā€ it was clearĀ to the evangelists that this manĀ was in a far differentā€”and far betterā€”spot thanĀ the man in Matthew 19.Ā He was ready forĀ theĀ gospel.Ā 

So Paul and Silas replied, ā€œBelieve in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be savedā€ (Acts 16:30,31).Ā Ā 

God grant that weā€™re all prepared withĀ questions and answers pointing to Jesus.Ā 

James Borgwardt is pastor at Redeemer, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.Ā Ā 

This is the second article in aĀ three-part series onĀ evangelismĀ lessons fromĀ the account of the rich youngĀ manĀ in Matthew chapter 19.Ā 

*Thanks to Christian apologist GregoryĀ KouklĀ for these insights.



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Author: James F.Ā Borgwardt
Volume 105, Number 12
Issue: December 2018

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
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