Advent Devotion – Come, Lord Jesus – Day 5

Come Into My Perspective

Whatever is true . . . noble . . . right . . . pure . . . lovely . . . admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Philippians 4:8

It’s Advent. There are programs to rehearse, parties and presents, caroling and cookies, decorating. There’s a birthday to celebrate, and I want to do it “right” and make lots of memories with my family.

The words in this passage describe qualities my thoughts should be focused on every day of the year. “Think” in this verse means to weigh or ponder and take into account or fix my mind with a pointed effort. The call to action in this passage is to spend time thinking about whatever is excellent or worthy of being praised.

Consider the excellencies of God and his character traits: his unchanging love, his grace in sending his Son, the bringer of perfect peace and joy, the gift itself.

Does an elf on the shelf or a twinkling tree do that? Upon reflection, much of what I do in December is not as important as I make it out to be.

The birthday I’m racing to celebrate is my Savior’s. I sit in quiet wonder and pause over his admirable actions and noble sacrifice in making a way for me to come to the Father as his dear child.


Lord, come into my life and remove temptations that would pull me from you. Guide me as I make preparations to celebrate your birth. Help me to see how much better you are than all the world has to offer. Fill me with your peace and remind me of your love. Help me keep my perspective focused on you. Amen.

Written by Deb Hofland
Provided by WELS Women’s Ministry

During Advent, we eagerly wait and prepare our hearts for the celebration of his birth AND the time when he comes again. WELS Womens Ministry invites you to join us for daily devotion e-mails in the month of December to prepare your hearts for Jesus’ birth.

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Advent Devotion – Come, Lord Jesus – Day 4

Come Into My Fear

At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea.
Luke 1:39

The angel Gabriel proclaimed to Mary the news that she would carry the Messiah. To satisfy her doubt and fear, he informed her that her elderly relative Elizabeth was also pregnant. This information prompted Mary to action and “with haste” (KJV) she went to Elizabeth’s home.

Consider the fear inside a young woman who was facing this voyage. If she was alone or traveling with a caravan, “the hill country of Judea” was approximately 50 miles south of Nazareth. We know very little about Mary’s journey, but we can conclude that most of it occurred on foot. The routes people used to travel were called “ways,” and an average distance covered per day was approximately 20 miles. Mary was likely not burdened with heavy luggage, but the journey required one to two nights in the wilderness. Possibly she stayed with friends or relatives or rested with the caravan.

We know Mary completed her expedition safely. Upon arrival, she may have been tired, hungry, and fearful. How would Elizabeth meet her?

God had already prepared Elizabeth. “Filled with the Holy Spirit,” she calmed Mary’s fears and greeted her with exaltation. Mary responded by bursting into song, glorifying God with a hymn that has inspired worshipers for over two thousand years.

God will meet us in our fears too. He will provide for us in each stage of our journey. And he will put people in places to support and encourage us along the way.


Help us to see you, God, when fear threatens to overtake us. Help us to turn to praise regardless of circumstance, because you are worthy. Amen.

Written by Lou Ann Mokwa
Provided by WELS Women’s Ministry

During Advent, we eagerly wait and prepare our hearts for the celebration of his birth AND the time when he comes again. WELS Womens Ministry invites you to join us for daily devotion e-mails in the month of December to prepare your hearts for Jesus’ birth.

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Advent Devotion – Come, Lord Jesus – Day 3

Come Into Our Perspective

Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
Colossians 3:2

December is a crazy busy, difficult month. Yes, there’s last-minute Christmas shopping and picking out the perfect ham, but even more, Christmas hymns and traditions bring back memories of loved ones now in heaven. Movies and messages point to happy families, but what do we do when we’re lonely and missing those we love?

The apostle Paul tells us to set our mind on things above. Advent is a time to meditate not only on Jesus’ birth but also his second coming. His birth is just the beginning of the story. Jesus is coming back.

First Thessalonians 4:16-17 reminds us: “For the Lord himself will come down from heaven . . . and so we will be with the Lord forever.”

Our days on earth have plenty of sorrow and trouble and heartache, but we have something better than Christmas to look forward to. But not everyone does!

We set our hearts on things above, while being mindful of the people on earth. Someone you know doesn’t have the peace of knowing they will see their loved ones again. Your neighbors or friends or co-workers may watch Hallmark movies only to turn off the TV and wonder when or if they’ll ever see a happily ever after.

This year, as you focus on things above, pray for opportunities to tell others of the hope you have. Pray for boldness to speak about Jesus, who carried our sorrow that we might have joy. And use your grief as fuel to care far less about a perfect here and now, to focus on giving others the gift that leads them to everlasting perfection.


Lord, thank you for the joys of Christmas and the joys of heaven. Comfort us who grieve and motivate us to bring the message of salvation to those around us. Help us focus less on ourselves and more on those who need you. In our Savior Jesus we pray. Amen.

Written by Victoria Schrimpf
Provided by WELS Women’s Ministry

During Advent, we eagerly wait and prepare our hearts for the celebration of his birth AND the time when he comes again. WELS Womens Ministry invites you to join us for daily devotion e-mails in the month of December to prepare your hearts for Jesus’ birth.

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Advent Devotion – Come, Lord Jesus – Day 2

Come Into Our Homes

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
Proverbs 22:6

In my family, Christmas preparations began as soon as the Thanksgiving dinner dishes were put away. Boxes of decorations came up from the basement and down from the attic as music from a tall stack of CDs filled the house. Christmas is coming was the theme of the month, and all of December was a time of joyful preparation and waiting.

Christ did not get lost in the shuffle of cookies, cards, wreaths, and candles. Rather, the home’s transformation made it clear that we were preparing for something, and someone, very special. Candlelit family devotions kept our hearts focused on God during our preparation and celebrations.

My parents’ insistence that Advent be a special time brought Proverbs 22:6 into practice. They wanted their family to understand the magnitude of Jesus’ incarnation. Their traditions filled our home and our senses, putting their children on a lifelong journey pointing to Christ at Christmas. Now I look forward to Advent each year as a special time preparing my home and heart for Jesus.

An Advent season focused on Jesus’ coming will bless your family both now and in future generations. We welcome Christ into our homes with every preparation done through the fruit of the Spirit. We ask him to come in our prayers, hymns, and devotions. When we celebrate Advent with our families, we are starting our children off on a good path—one that will continue to celebrate Christ’s birth and anticipate his return.


Heavenly Father, thank you for the blessings of Advent. Help us keep your Word at the center of our home that we and future generations may continue to follow you. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Written by Abigail Phelps
Provided by WELS Women’s Ministry

During Advent, we eagerly wait and prepare our hearts for the celebration of his birth AND the time when he comes again. WELS Womens Ministry invites you to join us for daily devotion e-mails in the month of December to prepare your hearts for Jesus’ birth.

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Advent Devotion – Come, Lord Jesus – Day 1

Come Into My Darkness

For he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant, from now on all generations will call me blessed.
Luke 1:48

The prophets had been silent. The Roman Empire laid a heavy toll on the Israelites. Taxation and oppression were crushing their spirits, and their cries to God continued. The angel appeared to the virgin Mary, telling her of God’s grace toward her. She would give birth to the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

When God acted, and answered the cries of his people, it certainly didn’t make things easy for Mary or Joseph. Mary humbled herself before the Lord and placed her faith in him. She didn’t have a step-by-step guide to explain the hows and wheres and whens. She simply had to take each next step trusting God.

It’s easy to wonder if God sees us in times of uncertainty when everything seems to be going wrong. Have you felt unnoticed, as if maybe God has forgotten you? You cry to him but still feel as if nothing seems to work out. Where is God? Does he see? Will he act?

This Advent, you do not need to see the answers to honor the Lord. You need only to place your trust in him. Serve others while you wait. Seek the comfort he gives in his Word and through the fellowship of believers.


Jesus, you are the Light of the world, the light the darkness cannot overcome. Give us the light to take each next step, trusting you to guide us. Strengthen us and give us your peace and help us to bring peace to others. Amen.

Written by Jordan Zuniga
Provided by WELS Women’s Ministry

During Advent, we eagerly wait and prepare our hearts for the celebration of his birth AND the time when he comes again. WELS Womens Ministry invites you to join us for daily devotion e-mails in the month of December to prepare your hearts for Jesus’ birth.

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Thankful on Repeat

Thankful on Repeat – Women’s Devotion

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.
Psalm 118:29

Has anyone ever said to you, “I can’t thank you enough!”? Usually that phrase means the person is so grateful to you that they don’t feel they could even convey the extent of their gratitude. You have blessed them greatly and they are truly appreciative. They may even say, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

David proclaims his thankfulness to God. He thanks him for his goodness, mercy, and love. He states that that the Lord is with him, and that he will not be afraid. He declares that he almost fell, but that the Lord helped him. He joyfully expresses that the “gates of righteousness are open for him, and he will enter and give thanks to the Lord.”

Friends, we have what David is thankful for! We can be thankful for the exact same promises because they are ours through Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior. We can wake up every single day and recite the praise of verse 24, “This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” God keeps his promise to be with us always. He never leaves us or forsake us. He has our times in his hands, and he has plans for our future.

We can’t thank God enough for his everlasting love and blessings that he graciously showers over our lives. Our blessings abound, yes in our earthly lives, but most importantly in the promise of an eternal life with him in heaven. Undeservedly, we have inherited the blessing of heaven. Praise God!

Put your thanksgiving to the Lord on repeat. Let it never be something that wanes in the background of your life. “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever” Psalm 118:29.

Written by Jennifer Mueller

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Autumn’s Reminder

Autumn’s Reminder – Women’s Devotion

If you live in a climate where the leaves are turning, you know how beautiful the season of autumn can be. Lush green landscapes transform into brilliant layers of red, orange, yellow, and gold. Breezes carry the whisper of impending change as those leaves hang on, summer’s swan song, portraying God’s beautiful creation with colorful splendor.

Yes, creation has a way of preaching beautiful truths about our Creator God. “The heavens declare the glory of God” (Psalm 19:1). The autumn leaves can prompt us to think about our Creator God who is also our Savior God. Those lovely leaves are about to let go and fall to the ground, their work complete. And that’s a beautiful picture of what Jesus did for us.

The whole story—the words those lovely leaves cannot speak—is found on the pages of Scripture. In God’s Word we learn that true loveliness is more than meets the eye. “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us” (1 John 3:16). When Jesus’ work was fully complete, he let go of his life. His brilliant, perfect season on earth inspired and amazed many people, and it had to come to an end in order to usher in a new season—one in which the world’s sins are paid in full.

Fallen leaves have no life in them. They wither and are trampled and buried. Likewise, our sinful selves died with Christ. That old version was crucified and buried with him, as the apostle Paul describes in Romans 6. But God did not leave us to blow in the wind or wither on the ground. Paul continues: “Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him” (Romans 6:8). That’s a promise of eternal life, and it’s also a promise for this life: Each day we repentant sinners are empowered to lead more love-filled and lovely lives because we are alive in Christ.

The falling leaves serve as a reminder to repent regularly—to let go of the previous season and confidently arise to a new and glorious season in Christ. “If anyone is in Christ… The old has gone, the new is here!” (Ephesians 5:17).

Written by Angie Molkentin

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The Light of Christ in the Family

The Light of Christ in the Family – Women’s Devotion

Light changes things. The discovery of a light switch brings relief to fingers fumbling along a dark wall and makes the space visible. A steady beam from a flashlight makes a dark path take shape during a late-night walk on a camping trip. Light makes the invisible visible and the dangerous more secure. As Christians, we too are changed by the Light. As Saul walked along the path to Damascus on his way to arrest believers, a Light stopped him in his tracks. Jesus called Saul from that blinding light and converted him from a life of sin to a life of service. Now, Saul changed to Paul, but not in name alone. He was changed from an enemy of Christ and a persecutor of the Way to one of the greatest missionaries of all time proclaiming the grace of Jesus to the ends of the Roman Empire.

We too have been changed by the Light. The details of our conversion are different, but in the same way Jesus, the Light of the world, called us to himself and made us his children when we were baptized. Through the work of the Holy Spirit and the Word, we were changed from sinner to saint, from enemy to dear child and from dead to alive. That Light shifted our trajectory from a life of self service to one of Christ service. The apostle Paul reiterated that point in his letter to the Ephesians, “For you were once darkness but now you are light in the Lord.” (5:8) What we once were, we can no longer remain.

The light of Jesus not only changes who we are, but it changes how we live. Because of the grace of Jesus, we want to serve him in every facet of our life and reflect his love and light into the lives of others. Paul’s instructions to “submit to one another out of reverence for Christ” (Ephesians 5:21) become our mantra as we work to serve others in humility out of love for our Savior Jesus. As we reflect the light of Christ in our homes, we pray that the Lord would use that light. We pray that in a sinful world characterized by strife and brokenness, our Christian homes might become a beacon of light in the darkness. A light that draws others to learn of the peace of forgiveness of sins and eternal life that is found in Christ Jesus alone.

Written by Katie Martin

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Impress Them

Impress Them – Women’s Devotion

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.
Deuteronomy 6:6-9

That first day. I’ve dropped off our sons at kindergarten, taken them to college. I’ve sat by the phone waiting to hear how my grandchild’s first day went. Exciting days and if we’re honest, days that have a little bit of anxiousness.

We adults can experience some anxiousness as the new school year begins whether our child is starting kindergarten or college. As a mom, grandmother, aunt, or dear friend of a child, you may be wondering about this year for the child you care for so much. “Have I done enough to get him ready? Now that she is in school, what is my role, my job in preparing her for life in this world?”

What a gift and what a responsibility it is when the Lord blesses us with a child in our lives. We teach them about crossing the street, kindness toward others, and even how to drive a car. In Deuteronomy, the Lord reminds us of the most important lessons we share with our children—telling them about him. These verses provide a great picture of how and when we do this.

“Impress them.” These are not light words. When you teach a child to cross the street, you are emphatic about their safety. How much more so when we teach our children about their Savior. “This is a big deal—the most important thing to know!” you remind them.

“Talk about them when you…” We aren’t to limit our talk about faith to reading a Bible story, mealtime prayers, family devotions. It’s woven into everything we do. Through our conversations and modeling, we are impressing on our children God’s love, forgiveness and mercy.

So, what does this look like? First, pray for and pray with your child every day. Consider a simple prayer or blessing as they leave the house each morning. Recommit to daily family devotions. Encourage your child to lead a prayer in their own words. Ask them to share one blessing and one challenge they had and how God could guide them. Remind them often how they were lovingly and uniquely created by God with their own characteristics and gifts. Tell them again and again about Jesus who loves them, forgives them, and is with them at all times.

As our oldest son drove off for the first time, a dear friend reminded me that the Lord loves him more than I can imagine and will be with him. God loves your child dearly. As you start your day, head off to work, shuttle your children here and there, know that God is with you and with them, with his grace and mercy each and every day. May the Lord bless you and them as you grow in faith in Jesus.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I am so grateful for your love for this child that is so dear to me. Be with them, Lord. Protect them and remind them of your grace for them. Help me to be an encourager for them as they grow in faith in you. In your name I pray. Amen.

Written by Cindi Holman

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Gospel Gems of Ephesians

Gospel Gems of Ephesians – Women’s Devotion

When you were younger, you may have been told to open the card or read the tag before you unwrapped a gift. You know gifts are wonderful—but knowing who gave you the gift and recognizing the love and kindness that has been expressed is truly priceless.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ (Ephesians 1:3).

God’s gift of grace brings forgiveness, love, gifts, and a purpose for this life. But it also brings you into relationships with other believers because the single message of faith in Christ binds us together.

And you also were included in Christ when you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation (Ephesians 1:13).

God joins us in Christ for his glory and strengthens us to share his love and spread his gospel. He guides believers, fills them with his Spirit, and leads them in righteousness.

In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord (Ephesians 2:21).

But even as this holy temple rises with truth and holiness, it will face struggles. It will grieve in hardship and long for Scripture’s wisdom when it faces division.

Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:3).

God equips us for every struggle. His Spirit, sacraments, and Word give believers everything they need to follow his will and obey his commands. His armor provides our greatest defense against the devil, the world, and our flesh. His weaponry is the Spirit-filled truth of Scripture and its glorious Savior, Jesus Christ.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes (Ephesians 6:10-11).

Prayer: Lord Jesus, you have chosen us to be your daughters, washed us clean, and given us a holy purpose. We pray that in this life we would be vessels of truth and witnesses of your love. Bind us together in faith as we strive to love one another and work as one body. Keep us united in your Word and encourage us as we stand side by side in your name. Strengthen us with every perfect truth of Scripture as we live in your victory and righteousness. Amen.

Written by Naomi Schmidt
Reviewed by Rev. Donn Dobberstein

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Citizens of God’s Holy Nation

Citizens of God’s Holy Nation – Women’s Devotion

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”
1 Peter 2:9

Before God gave me the blessing of being a stay-at-home mom, he provided for me through a career working with immigrants. Many had escaped oppressive and corrupt governments. They eagerly anticipated the day they would become naturalized citizens of the United States. This lengthy process includes waiting a required number of years, learning English and civics, passing a citizenship test, and, finally, pledging loyalty to the United States in an emotional naturalization ceremony.

Those of us who were born in the United States became citizens automatically. We did not need to go through a naturalization process. Yet, spiritually, all of us who follow Jesus Christ are naturalized citizens of God’s holy nation.

We did not automatically become citizens of God’s nation by our births. The reality is that we were born into a kingdom darker and more evil than even the worst earthly government. We were born under a ruler more cruel and tyrannical than even the most terrible earthly despot. What is more, we had no hope of ever being able to escape that dark kingdom and live as free men and women. The Bible tells us that we were slaves to sin (Romans 6:6), living under Satan’s control (1 John 5:19), and powerless to do anything about it (Romans 5:6).

We needed someone to break the devil’s power and rescue us from sin. We needed a way to escape from Satan’s evil kingdom and gain entrance into God’s holy nation. For that reason, God sent Jesus to earth. He came to destroy the devil’s work (1 John 3:8) and set the oppressed free (Luke 4:18). He accomplished his mission by living a perfect, sinless life in our place, and dying to pay the penalty for our sins. His resurrection from the dead then proved that he had crushed Satan’s power. The Holy Spirit has called each of us personally out of slavery in Satan’s kingdom of darkness. In our baptisms, God has given us a new status as full-fledged citizens of his own kingdom of perfect light.

This holy nation is comprised of you and me and all other believers from every corner of the globe. We are all holy because Jesus’ blood has cleansed us of sin, and the perfection of his life of obedience has been credited to us. We are all holy because God has set us apart from the rest of the world to serve him alone.

The naturalized U.S. citizens I came to know through my work simply bubbled over with gratitude. They were eager to tell me what this country had given them and why it was the greatest nation on earth. Their love for the U.S. shone not only in their words, but also in their work, their friendships, in short, in every aspect of their lives.

Our new lives as citizens of God’s holy nation are filled with opportunities to declare his praises. The Greek word translated “praises” in 1 Peter 2:9 literally means “excellent virtues” or “excellent works.” Witnessing with our words is one important way that we declare God’s excellent works and virtues. But we also declare his praises in everything we do. First Corinthians 10:31 says that our eating, our drinking, and whatever we do may be done to God’s glory. We declare his praises when we “tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD,” (Psalm 78:4) by having home devotions or by inviting neighborhood families to Vacation Bible School. We declare his praises when we show patience with our cranky children. We declare his praises when we show respect for a difficult boss. Every circumstance becomes an opportunity to give evidence of God’s excellent virtues and works.

Naturalized citizens of the United States know that a great privilege has been conferred upon them. We as naturalized citizens of a much greater nation recognize the tremendous gift that God has conferred upon us. He rescued us from slavery in Satan’s evil kingdom. He cleansed us of sin through Jesus’ blood. He made us full-fledged citizens of his holy nation. He gives us opportunities to serve him, not as slaves, but as free women and men. In every role, every relationship, and every situation, let us declare the praises of our amazing God.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank you for the wonderful privilege and honor of belonging to your holy nation of believers. Forgive me for the times I have failed to appreciate this gift. Enable me to take full advantage of all the opportunities you give me to declare your praises. In the name of my Savior, Jesus, Amen.

Written by Mollie Schairer
Reviewed by Professor Lyle Lange

Thanking God for Dads – Women’s Devotion

Thanking God for Dads – Women’s Devotion

Dads, we thank God for you. We celebrate your godly leadership. We acknowledge the weighty responsibility you carry. We bring our petitions to the Lord on your behalf. We support you, we respect you, and we cherish you.

We thank God that you keep fighting. You realize that this is not peacetime, and the battle is fierce. In a world that seeks to destroy not only godly fatherhood, but even the very concept of manhood, you stand up as the man God made you to be. You strive to fulfill your calling as head of the household. Daily you resist the pressures of our culture and the temptations of the Devil. Rather than chase after every “opportunity” for yourself and your children, you spend time in God’s Word and with fellow believers. Rather than use God’s loaned resources on earthly treasures, you store up heavenly riches for your family. Rather than conform to society’s norms, you teach your children God’s code of conduct, and guide them in following it no matter the consequences. You do battle each day, under the leadership and protection of your own Head, the ultimate Warrior, Jesus Christ.

We thank God that you keep loving. You understand the need to show mercy and to sacrifice yourself. You convey your love through the words you speak to your children, and the time you spend with them. You communicate to your family, “You are valuable to me.” Your children know tenderness. They know what it means to be forgiven. As you live out your calling, you remember the mercy that God has shown you. Your self-sacrifice is modeled after Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice of a life lived perfectly in your place, and laid down at the cross for you. His sacrifice frees you from a guilty conscience over failures as a father. Your Heavenly Father has no memory of them, and He treats you accordingly. You embrace as your example His merciful love toward you, as you teach your family that they, too, have received mercy through Jesus.

Dads, we rejoice that God has called you to fatherhood. We praise God that you are carrying out this calling by His power. Whether you are our own fathers, our godly grandpas, our sons now raising the next generation, or brothers not by blood but by the Holy Spirit, we thank God for you.

Written by Mollie Schweppe

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When Mother’s Day Hurts – Women’s Devotion

When Mother’s Day Hurts – Women’s Devotion

For many Christian women, Mother’s Day is wonderful. It sparkles with expressions of love and appreciation; it highlights Scripture’s praise of motherhood. There is thankfulness and joy, food, and celebrations. And we rejoice with those who rejoice.

But we also mourn with those who mourn, because for many women, Mother’s Day is not wonderful. There are empty wombs, empty cribs, and empty arms. The hearts of some are not just empty but shattered. Scripture describes the days and nights of one in sorrow: a couch drenched in tears and a bed flooded with weeping. There is silencing grief over the loss of a child or an indescribable aching over that which has not been given. The depth of these pains cannot be expressed with words.

Your sisters in Christ ache with you. We love you and pray for you, longing to comfort you with the hope of Christ. We point you to the Psalms where God himself promises to heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds. He says he is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

God’s comfort and hope is Christ. He comes to you this day as always and stands by your side, so you are never alone. He understands everything you are going through because he knows everything about you and he loves you. He loves you.

Rest in the palm of his hand and find your refuge in His mighty fortress. Trust him in the stillness of your soul and pour out your heart to him. You are loved dear sister, and we entrust you to the arms of your Savior.

Scripture referenced above: Psalm 6:6, Psalm 147:3, Psalm 34:18, Hebrews 4:15, Psalm 139, Jeremiah 31:3, Isaiah 49:16, Psalm 46:1, Psalm 62:5-6, Psalm 46:10, Psalm 62:8.

Written by Naomi Schmidt

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Make It Last – Women’s Devotion

Make It Last – Women’s Devotion

Have you ever noticed that the Gospels share the story of the resurrection in just four chapters? While the epistles often reference the significance of the resurrection, the resurrection story itself is told in just over 100 verses. It’s over so quickly!

And in those accounts women are hurrying, disciples are running, guards are reporting, and chief priests are devising. There’s just so much busyness.

In some ways, the same could be said about Easter celebrations. You get up early to greet others with, “He is risen! Indeed!” But all too quickly the sun is setting. A new week begins. And you have to wait an entire year to celebrate the best thing that ever happened to you.

So, in a fast-paced, over-too-quickly, busyness-filled world this week after Easter, it’s appropriate to pause, ponder, and consider Easter’s meaning for your today.

After the Sabbath, at dawn on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb.

There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were so afraid of him that they shook and became like dead men.

The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples: ‘He has risen from the dead and is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him.’ Now I have told you.”

So the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy, and ran to tell his disciples. Suddenly Jesus met them. “Greetings,” he said. They came to him, clasped his feet and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me” (Matthew 28-1-10).

These women were the first to meet the risen Lord. Their encounter simply and beautifully shows how Jesus makes what happened the first Easter last longer than a one-day celebration.

Jesus Comes to You

Just as the women were met and greeted by Jesus, he will always come to you. You don’t have to find him, prove yourself, get cleaned up, figure it out, or have all the answers for Jesus to meet you right where you are. And there, his Word greets you daily with love, forgiveness, encouragement, and direction.

That’s Jesus. He meets you on the way to whatever you are intent on to give you himself. Jesus comes to you!

Jesus Comforts You

The Bible says the women were “afraid yet filled with joy” while at the same time hurrying and running. Today we’d call that “a mess.” Can you imagine?

Better question: Can you relate?

If most days feel like an emotional, mental, and physical discombobulation, Jesus’ words are spoken to you as well. “Do not be afraid!”

He knows what you’re dealing with, how you’re not coping, and why you don’t understand. But more importantly, He knows that he lived your life, died your death, and came alive on Easter so you will too. And because of that, your mess no longer matters. Instead, with his Word, Jesus comforts you!

Jesus Commissions You

Of all the people in Jerusalem, the fearful, confused, and grieving disciples needed to see Jesus the most. And so, Jesus told the women to, “Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.”

Do you know someone like that? Grieving, fearful, confused, hiding away? Jesus knows them too. As he did with the women, Jesus asks you to go to them. To share the good news that comforts you found in his Word. And to tell them they will see Jesus there. Jesus commissions you!

Though the Easter celebration ends too quickly, the events of that day continue into eternity. Through the Word, Jesus still comes to you, comforts you, and commissions you to share the Easter message with those who need it most.

Easter Blessings!

Written by Dawn Schulz

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When Being Right Rots the Relationship – Women’s Devotion

When Being Right Rots the Relationship – Women’s Devotion

I remember my affliction and my wandering, the bitterness and the gall. I well remember them, and my soul is downcast within me. Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, ‘The LORD is my portion: therefore I will wait for him.
Lamentations 3:19-24

I collapsed onto the couch thinking, “What just happened?” Yesterday my husband and I were laughing together, our relationship light and fun. But tonight had spiraled into an ugly tennis match, with one petty exchange after another lobbed across the nets of driving skills, work schedules, and housekeeping responsibilities. How had we gone from snuggling on the sofa one day to hunkering in opposite corners of the house the next? After 32 years of marriage shouldn’t we have figured this out? Yet we still fall into our sinful, reflexive responses. And each time the pain is fresh, raw, and dividing.

And I begin to ruminate. I turn comments over in my mind, re-think verbal exchanges, and over-analyze situations. I lay blame and nurse my wounds, stubbornly crafting a convincing mental list of why I’m right . . . and why he’s wrong.

Jeremiah, the traditional author of Lamentations, understood pain, separation, and relational discord. His calls for repentance were roundly ignored. He was mocked, beaten, imprisoned, and rejected by neighbors and family for prophesying Jerusalem’s destruction. If anybody had the right to compile a list of why he was right and others were seriously wrong, it was Jeremiah!

Yet Jeremiah knew he had a choice. When he chose to remember his “affliction and [his] wandering, the bitterness and the gall,” his soul became “downcast within [him].” Focusing on his troubles didn’t bring him peace. Ruminating injustice became a weight dragging his soul into depression.

“Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope . . . . I say to myself . . . . ”

Did you catch it? Jeremiah shows us there’s a way to break the cycle of negative thinking, this cycle that pulls us down and away from love, restoration and hope. The first thing to do any time there’s trouble in a relationship is to “call to mind” God and remember his goodness: “The LORD is my portion: therefore I will wait for him.” List out the ways God loves you, from the unfathomable gift of forgiveness in Jesus right down to the extra pairs of underwear in your dresser drawer!

By doing that you’ll stop the cycle of negative rumination. Then it’s time to turn your thoughts to God’s goodness in your marriage. “Call to mind” what’s strong in your spouse instead of what’s wrong. Is he a faithful provider? Does he play with the kids? Is he handy around the house? Can he change a diaper? Does he help the neighbors? Has he made you laugh? Does he worship with you? Focusing on your husband’s strengths can help soften a defensive heart.

Initially, I sat on the couch that evening choosing to “remember” aspects of my husband’s character that I thought needed rehabbing . . . a choice that pulled me farther from him and his love. Worse still, it led me away from God’s love and his will for my marriage. But the Holy Spirit nudged me to a better choice. He turned my heart upward in prayer, peeling my fingers from my selfish need to be right, and focusing instead on how blessed I am by my husband.

We sat down the next day, apologizing and working through the issues of the night before. It won’t be the last time we mess up and have to do this dance again. But God is working in our hearts and our marriage, helping us remember his blessings, call to mind his compassion, and move us to sacrificially offer that compassion to each other . . . new every morning.

Prayer: Gracious God, you desire marriage to be a mirror of our relationship with you. Help me see you when I look at my husband, to remember he also has the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. You desire us to care for others as you care for us. Help me focus on what’s strong instead of what’s wrong in all my relationships, living out the sacrificial love of my Savior with everyone in my life. Your faithfulness is great. I trust you to crush my selfish heart and renew my mind. In Christ’s saving name I pray. Amen.

To Do: Right now, make a list of the qualities you love about your spouse. Why did I marry him? How does he support me? What is he good at? How does he serve others? Ask yourself regularly, “Do I want to be right, or do I want to be in a relationship with my husband?”

Pay Attention: What triggers your emotional responses? Take time to write out what is on your heart, praying God will reveal the backstory to your gut reactions. Ask the Holy Spirit for his peace and insight. Seek counsel from a trusted friend, your pastor, or a professional therapist. STOP the cycle of reaction, retreat, rumination, and retaliation.

Pray: Set a reminder on your phone to pray regularly for your husband. Consider using the WELS Women’s Ministry resource “Prayers to Bless Your Husband”. Ask a trusted friend to pray for you and your spouse. Seek Christian marriage counseling if needed.

Written by Gina Grove
Reviewed by Pastor David Valleskey

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Change – Women’s Devotion

Change – Women’s Devotion

Change is hard. For all of us, at any age.

This past year, we transitioned our two-year-old from her crib in the nursery to a toddler bed in the room she now shares with her older sister. Our five-month-old had outgrown the bassinette in Mom and Dad’s room, and she really needed the crib. Time for my two-year-old to upgrade to a “big girl bed.”

Only she didn’t see it as an upgrade.

I’ll never forget that first night. She was absolutely beside herself—confused, frightened, frustrated, angry. Her torrent of sobs wrenched my heart. I sat by her bed, trying to soothe her, rubbing her little back, waiting out the storm.

Change. It stirs up quite a storm in us big people too. And changes involving our church can be some of the hardest.

We look to our church as a refuge from a stressful and scary world. We take comfort in our Sunday morning routine, in familiar ways of worship, in a church calendar that stays the same from year to year. We love the familiarity of our pastor and longtime staff. We breathe a sigh of relief walking through church doors, finding security in our church building itself.

When change hits, we feel that our security has been ripped away. Then we may let the stormy waves of fear or anger overtake us.

We may even try to stop the change, or make it unsuccessful, with sinful actions or sinful inaction. We may hurt our leaders, and our body of believers as a whole, with sinful words or sinful silence. We may question why God allowed the change, and how it could be good for us or for our church.

God does not keep silent or answer us in anger, though his anger would be justified. In love, this is what he tells us:

“’For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the LORD. ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts’” (Isaiah 55:8-9).

From my vantage point as an adult and a parent, on that difficult night I saw a much bigger picture than my distressed two-year-old could see. This change ultimately was good for her and necessary for our whole family. Always, I explain what I can. But there is much I cannot explain because she cannot comprehend it.

The change with which we struggle fits into a much bigger whole. The “big picture” our Almighty Creator sees is infinitely, infinitely more than we could ever comprehend. The children’s song has it right: No matter how things look with our limited vision, he’s got the whole world, including our church, including this change, in his hands.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28).

Yes, our faithful God is working all things, all things, even a difficult transition, for our good.

If he promised to send a Savior and did it; if he promised to raise Jesus from the dead and did it; if he promised to send the Holy Spirit to give us faith and power and did it; then let us trust him when he assures us all things.

He works this change for my good, personally. And he works always for the good of his church as a whole, his beloved family.

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the Shadow of the Almighty. He will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge” (Psalm 91:1,4).

God himself provides the security we crave and the protection we need. He knows that these cannot come from a building, a worship format, a routine, a schedule, or our called workers. Change can reveal that we were relying on these blessings from God for our sense of security, rather than on him. He wants to shelter us by the only means we can be protected eternally—through his Word and Sacraments. These he uses to pull us and keep us under the safety and security of his wings.

“The LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you or forsake you” (Deuteronomy 31:6).

Her first night in the new toddler bed, I was right there beside my daughter. Our Heavenly Father, our perfect parent, assures us that he goes with us into those hard transitions, and never leaves our side.

As a mom, I love my children so much, and yet that love is only a dim shadow of God’s love for us. We are so precious to him that he sent his Son to pay for our sins of failing to trust in his presence and his good purpose during times of change. Jesus paid too for our sinful words, actions, and our failures to act and speak. He carried our sins of clinging to God’s blessings rather than to God alone. He was forsaken by God, so that we could become God’s children and live under the awesome assurance that our Father will never abandon us.

For us, his precious children, he employs all his wisdom and strength to work every change for our good, to make us truly secure in him, and to stay with us always. His words of truth, comfort, and love enable us to face any difficult transition with hope and even joy.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, I praise you for your wisdom and power, acknowledging that these are far above my own. Forgive me for sinning against you during times of change. In humility, I thank you for working all transitions for my good, and never leaving my side. Strengthen my church, my church body, and your body of believers everywhere. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.


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Prepared to face the world – Women’s Devotion

Prepared to face the world – Women’s Devotion

As every mom knows, kids’ worlds come with helmets, knee pads, elbow pads, wrist pads and special shoes. Then we send them off with a “Be careful” warning. Why? Because we want them to be alert and safe from the many hazards that surround their young lives.

In Scripture God also gives us many “Be careful” warnings, along with some special pads and helmets to keep us safe from the hazards of our world. Every good warrior knows the ways of his enemy. Peter tells us, “Be controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (I Peter 5:8). The king of the jungle is prowling around, sly, well camouflaged, quiet, but ever so alert, relentless and focused, looking for the smallest crack where he can slip in. He’s hungry and committed, and will not give up until he finds and devours that weak, separated, unprepared or distracted prey. If you are a believer, you are the prey he is after. If you escape him this time, he doesn’t give up but keeps trying over and over.

God in his grace does not simply say “Be careful” and then leave us on our own in this jungle of life. Just as we dress our kids with their “armor”, God tells us how to be a wise soldier, well protected against our enemy and fully covered by strong armor.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God (Ephesians 6:10-17).

The belt of truth, the gospel, teaches us to recognize the lies of Satan, the king of lies. Our breastplate of righteousness is a gift given us through Christ’s death and resurrection. It is Christ’s righteousness alone that covers and protects us, making our hearts his own. As we study Scripture, the Holy Spirit uses his truth to fill our hearts to overflowing, making it harder and harder for Satan’s lies to deceive us. We lean on Christ and use him as our shield to stop the arrows that seek to find their mark in any little spot that is unprotected. Our head is protected by the helmet of his Word. As we keep Scripture at the center of our thoughts, maybe even memorizing verses so they are readily available, our minds are able to recognize and fight against Satan’s attacks with the words of God himself. Now that we have our armor on, we don’t go out and fight, but we stand ready, knowing the battle is the Lord’s. Our faith in God, constantly nourished by the means of grace, allows us to recognize Satan’s lies and tell him we belong to God.

As we continually study God’s Word we use it as our defensive armor, our pads that protect us from Satan’s arrows. Our offensive weapon is God’s Word itself as we use it to fight off Satan’s attacks. We wouldn’t think of sending our children out to play without their protection, so it would not be wise to face a day without God’s Word as our offensive and defensive weapon against our constant enemy.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I praise you for your grace and mercy. Through Jesus, your dear Son, you have defeated Satan and given us the promise of eternal life with you. You have given us your precious Word that we can be protected from Satan’s attacks. For those times when Satan does break through, we ask for your forgiveness and the strength to amend our ways. Lord, help us to constantly study your Word and take it to heart, that we do not find ourselves weak or defenseless. Amen.

Written by Marilyn Miller

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The eternal gospel will be proclaimed – Women’s Devotion

The eternal gospel will be proclaimed – Women’s Devotion

“Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth –to every nation, tribe, language, and people. He said in a loud voice, ‘Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heaven, the earth, the sea, and the springs of water.’”
Revelation 14:6-7

These words we read from one of John’s recorded visions of the end of time, the time when the Lord comes in all his glory to gather “(Those who) were purchased from among mankind and offered as firstfruits to God and to the Lamb,” (Rev. 14:4) are the words chosen to be the basis for Martin Luther’s funeral sermon. At first glance they may seem an unusual choice to share with those mourning the passing from this life to the next of this instrument of God through whom Scripture, Baptism, and Holy Communion were restored to the church as the only way to come to know who God is.

Yet looking more closely, these words also describe the Spirit given confidence in the power of the gospel message Martin Luther had in life. No matter what opposition to the eternal gospel of the love God the Father showering that love through the life, suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus the Christ on all those who sit on the face of the earth, God himself promises the eternal gospel will be proclaimed. Proclaiming this eternal gospel of Jesus’ life for me which gives me eternal hope, joy, and peace mine through grace alone, by faith in Jesus alone, from the words of Scripture alone is the life to which God had called Martin Luther.

Dr. Martin Luther wrote words of hymns that proclaim that Spirit given confidence in the triumph of the eternal gospel message including:

Though devils all the world should fill, all eager to devour us,
We tremble not, we fear no ill; they shall not overpow’r us.
This world’s prince may still scowl fierce as he will,
He can harm us none. He’s judged; the deed is done!
One little Word can fell him. (Christian Worship 200:3)

And that Word is Jesus!

What about us? What about you and me? How can these inspired words from Revelation give us comfort, peace, and purpose in our lives today?

We live in times not so unlike the days of Martin Luther. We see opposition to the eternal gospel in many shapes and forms. Perhaps we see it in the false teachings from many church bodies who claim to be Christian and yet finding the eternal gospel message in their activities and message is a real challenge. Perhaps we see it in the plethora of anti-Christ religions and groups. Perhaps we see it in the competition for our time and talents in the sea of keeping up with our neighbors in material possessions, prestige, or influence. Perhaps we see opposition to proclaiming the eternal gospel from our family, friends, or co-workers as we live our lives today. Wherever God has called us to serve, whichever ministry for which God has created us as individuals, we too can rely on God’s promise that the eternal gospel will be proclaimed to the ends of the earth, “to every nation, tribe, language, and people” through his chosen messengers.

500 years ago, one of those messengers was a man by the name of Martin Luther. Perhaps the faces of “every nation, tribe, language, and people” are miles away and we can be part of sending messengers to them. But for each of us those faces are also in our families; spouses and children, parents and in-laws. Or maybe those faces are our longtime neighbors or new people with strange customs moving into our circle of acquaintances. Or maybe those faces are co-workers or friends with whom we enjoy spending time. We too have been given the eternal gospel to proclaim to those around us.

And God is faithful as he keeps his promises. The day will come when all mankind will kneel before him in fear. Some will kneel in terror of the just God who will deny knowing those who denied knowing his Son. But we will kneel before him in awe at the power and grace he has in the past and continues through the ages to shower upon his own from “every nation tribe, language, and people” because of his Son.

The Word they still shall let remain, nor any thanks have for it;
He’s by our side upon the plain with his good gifts and Spirit.
And do what they will –hate, steal, hurt, or kill—
Though all may be gone, our victory is won;
The kingdom’s ours forever! (Christian Worship 200:4)

Take time now to thank God for his faithfulness to all of his promises, especially his promise to preserve the eternal gospel through all of time. Ask your heavenly Father to help you see those to whom he has called you to proclaim the eternal gospel. Pray he will send his Spirit to give you the words. Also pray he will strengthen and preserve you as to proclaim the eternal gospel in your words backed up by godly actions and attitudes. Work and rest secure knowing you are God’s own child and he will guard and keep you through life because he is the author of the eternal gospel. Come to him through Jesus because we know God promises to hear our every word when we approach him through the Word.

Written by Kathie Wendland

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Helper suitable – Women’s Devotion

Helper suitable – Women’s Devotion

“Excuse me! I need some help here!”

Help. It’s part of life.

Think of all the help you’ve received in the last several days. Our son mowed lawn when we were gone. My husband always dries the shower and makes the salad and helps clean up. The ushers and musicians were such a help keeping order and leading us in worship yesterday. What a help it was to have so many prayers! How thankful we are for just the right help that comes at just the right time.

Helper. The one who brings the help.

Think of all the helpers who brought you help. Suitable helpers. Make a list. Add to that list all those you know who have helped others. We hold them in high regard. We want to be like them. Why, then, is there a slight lowering of that regard when we consider that we, as women, have been given the calling of “suitable helper” from the beginning of creation?

Genesis 2: 18, 20, 22-23 The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him” … So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals. But for Adam no suitable helper was found. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.”

Hmmm…not sure about that kind of helper. Before going further, let’s ponder the fact that the concept of “helper” is even one of the ways God identifies himself. *

Psalm 54:4 Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me.

1 John 2:1 My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate [helper]** with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.

John 14:26 But the Advocate [Helper], the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

What a suitable helper! What a high and holy calling it is to be considered worthy of such a position. To be included in this grand company of suitable helpers is truly amazing!

Unfortunately, Genesis 2 is followed by Genesis 3 and we find the answer to the “why, then…” above. Eve listened to the snake (Genesis 3:1-5), the snake that deceitfully replaced God’s Word with a narrative vastly different in purpose, order and outcome. It’s the same snake who keeps grabbing our attention and directing our wonder and will. But why aren’t we given the headship calling? Authority is so in the past; don’t you know about equality? Who gets credit as a helper? I’ve been given gifts that go way beyond just being a helper! Why should I help him when he’s so rude and bossy?

We live in a world directed by a narrative intent on turning what God creates as a joyful blessing into something that is redefined as cruel, unfair, unloving, and even hateful. We have a sinful nature that is needy for self-promotion and filled with pride in being our own authority. Yes, God’s plan calls for authority. But unwrapping God’s authority is like opening a wonderful gift! In it we find the man God created as head to love, provide protection, live selflessly with concern for his followers, and to be focused on the ultimate goal of saving souls. Sin taints the calling of both head and helper, but we have a Savior who points us back to the original plan. Renewed in God’s grace, forgiven and set free, we join the ranks of countless sinner/saints who rejoice in the gift of our calling as “helper suitable for him.”

Prayer: Lord God, help me to honor the awesomeness of your creation and to see the calling of head and helper as a holy gift. You are the ultimate “suitable helper” in all aspects of your Godhead as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Forgive me for the times I open your gift and leave my fingerprints of sin and selfishness all over it. Sometimes circumstances are so challenging that I end up looking more like a helper to the evil one. May your Holy Spirit work in me to be a witness to the world as I live joyfully in my calling of suitable helper according to your plan and to your glory. Amen.

* “The Hebrew word meaning “helper” …is found 31 times in the Old Testament…16 of those times the word is used for God.” Gurgel, R. & Wendland, K. Heirs Together 4th ed. p 61.
**Paraclete or advocate is another translation of the Greek Word for helper; refers to one who is called to one’s side or pleads one’s cause before a judge. Christ is the believer’s advocate with the Father.

Written by Sally Valleskey, WELS Women’s Ministry Exec Team

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A cracked wall – Women’s Devotion

A cracked wall – Women’s Devotion

This sin will become for you like a high wall, cracked and bulging, that collapses suddenly, in an instant. It will break in pieces like pottery, shattered so mercilessly that among its pieces not a fragment will be found for taking coals from a hearth or scooping water out of a cistern.
Isaiah 30:13-14

This word picture takes my breath away.

Maybe you’ve had a high wall in your life that makes you feel safe and secure—like a good reputation, esteemed career, or financial success. Those things build high, coveted walls that others dream about. Behind those walls, you feel confident, strong, and secure. Your influence and insight drive you to be assertive and self-reliant. You believe in yourself, and it feels good. This wall stands tall and it seems strong.

The first cracks in your wall aren’t a problem. Your heart races a little as you take the first inappropriate glance or the small amount of money that no one will miss. Your sense of entitlement grows, and your walls feel impenetrable. Recreational drug use becomes more frequent, or you experience the first moment you really need a drink. But your self-control seems unquestionable. One more click, just one more picture. In the false security of your high wall, it doesn’t seem to hurt anyone. No one knows. You’re still in control.

The problem is you don’t see how deeply the cracks penetrate, or how far they reach. You don’t even notice their spidery spread. By the time you do, it feels like it’s too late. It feels like you can’t stop even though you know the wall is bulging. Changing, turning, and stopping no longer seem like options. Just stay behind the wall and indulge yourself. Deny the guilt.

The poignancy of this picture is that it captures the moment your wall collapses. Instantly. Suddenly. Broken chards spewing in every direction, farther than you could’ve ever imagined. And then comes the soul piercing words that describe your life: “shattered mercilessly.”

There are no pieces left to put back together. Not even a tiny sliver that has some small value or redeeming quality. Nothing. It is shattered. The merciless reality tightens around your chest until there is no breath, no hope, and perhaps for a moment you wish there was no life. It is an image of devastation and unimaginable suffering. The shattering cannot be undone. There is no mercy as those you love see your sin and shame, and they suffer heartache and disgrace because of you. There is no mercy as your respect and security become worthless rubble. No mercy in the guilt that is now displayed in broad daylight. The pain is unfathomable.

This is a true picture of sin.

Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. Isaiah 30:18

Yet. It says, “yet.” Despite your sin and the ugly truth of what you’ve done, he will rise up to show you compassion. Listen to these words, “the Lord longs to be gracious to you.” He has already done everything required to bring you forgiveness, and he can’t wait to share it with you. As you sit in the shattered pieces of your life, God wants to be gracious to you. Hear the richness of that word, “gracious.” He’s not just coming to your side to be supportive, he is coming to bring grace. He is Christ Jesus, your Savior from sin who suffered death and the pangs of hell for you. His blood has covered your sin and guilt. The sins which smother you in shame are forgiven; they are as far as the east is from the west. God raised Jesus from the dead to prove with his almighty power that he has accepted Christ’s payment for sin on your behalf. He longs to give you his grace because it is the precious gift he paid for with the blood of his Son.

Therefore, he will rise up. “Therefore” immediately points you back to grace. Because of his grace, he will rise up to show you compassion. God cannot overlook sin. He cannot simply come to you in your brokenness and be compassionate without a payment for sin. But because of Christ’s sacrifice, his complete and timeless payment, he will rise—he will come to you—to show you compassion. He will come. See this God who extends his mercy by coming to you as you suffer alone in your chards. He does not merely call out to you, he brings salvation and compassion to you. He rises to bring it. He is the one making the effort. This compassion comes from a Savior who has been a man and lived among us. Although he was sinless, he walked this earth in our place and took the punishment for sin in his human body. He understands what sin does and has felt the wrath of God demanding justice and extracting payment. His payment for sin means you are forgiven, fully and freely. He comes to you in his Word of Truth to be your Savior and God. He gives you freedom from your slavery to sin and makes you one who loves righteousness. His grace embraces you; it brings you into his arms, into his family. It is a washing, a cleansing; it brings a filling with the Holy Spirit and a righteousness before God. It brings the gift of faith and strength that will stay with you through all that is ahead. The commitment and hope of God are new every morning, even when you struggle. It is his commitment to you, a promise and covenant that he is your God.

He longs to give this forgiveness to you because it cost him so much. He rises to come to you. He is compassionate. He forgives you because of his love for you in Christ. He brings you grace. Full and free forgiveness in Christ—it is yours.

This is a true picture of grace.

Written by Naomi Schmidt
Reviewed by Pastor David Valleskey

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It’s a mess in here – Womens Devotion

It’s a mess in here – Women’s Devotion

Last night I dreamed that my children and I traveled a great distance to visit a dear friend. While my friend and I settled into a long conversation, the kids went off to play. Suddenly, my friend became angry and asked me to leave. Surprised by her anger, I took a moment to survey my surroundings and knew exactly what had gone wrong. In just a few short minutes, my kids had completely trashed the place. Embarrassed and in shock, I attempted to have them clean up. As I helped one child clean up, another child would create a new disaster worse than the first. Finally, after what seemed like hours of cleaning and getting nowhere, I sat bolt upright in bed, wide awake. As I made my way to the kitchen and flipped on the light, the reason for the dream became apparently clear. The mess wasn’t just a dream; it was the reality of my life at the moment.

While I may be hesitant to admit it, my mess isn’t just limited to the house I share with a husband and four kids. It is the reality of my spiritual life as well. This week I was going to master that pet sin. Today, I was going to be patient with my overloaded schedule and my overtired kids. This week I was going to give myself to others instead of getting so overworked about my own problems. Today, I was going to be like Mary. I was going to sit at Jesus’ feet and listen to him. Instead, I was Martha fluttering around absorbed in distractions that really don’t matter. Daily, as I look in the mirror of God’s law, it’s evident that it’s a mess in here. Sins pile up, doubt and worries grow, and guilt threatens to bury me under its weight. Try as I might to clean things up, it just keeps getting worse and worse. Horrified that others might see the chaos, I attempt to create a facade that everything is in order. Yet, that doesn’t change my situation. It’s a mess in here and I can’t get it cleaned up.

Thankfully, that cleaning job isn’t up to me. Again and again, as I look at the clutter and disorder in my life, Jesus redirects my eyes. Right before Jesus began his public ministry, John the Baptist’s disciples thought he might be the Messiah. John redirected their gaze. “Look, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29) When the disciples were dealing with their own denial, desertion and the death of their dear friend, Jesus redirected their gaze. “Peace be with you… Why are you troubled and why do doubts rise in your minds? Look at my hands and feet. It is I myself” (Luke 24:36-38).

When we get too caught up in the mess we’ve made of our lives, Jesus redirects us. Through his Word, he reminds us that it isn’t about us. He invites us to see the Lamb of God walking along the banks of the Jordan River living the perfect life we could not. He invites us to put our fingers in the nail marks and see the death he died for us. He invites us to see him alive on that first Easter morning and to fall on our knees before him, clasping his feet in worship. We too can be filled with joy knowing that our Lord and Savior has arisen and conquered death. ALL our sins have been washed clean. Because of Jesus, our sins no longer condemn us. Instead we stand in His grace. The sins, anxieties and messes of this life will be with us until we leave this world. But in the midst of all those trials, Jesus gives us peace that transcends all understanding.

Even though we are armed with this peace and joy, the devil continues to tempt us with his lies. The devil wants us to turn our eyes away from the one who does all things well and back to ourselves. He wants us to believe that we’re not worthy, that we’re nothing but failures, or that we’re just too big of a mess for anyone to handle. Instead of listening to the devil’s lies, listen to the gentle, loving voice of our Savior reminding us, “I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you” (Isaiah 44:22). Even if my life looks like a catastrophe right now, this moment is part of God’s plan. Yes, this very moment that looks anything but perfect is woven into God’s perfect plan for me. Although I may see only chaos and disaster right now, I know how the plan ends. It ends in eternal perfection and joy at Jesus’ side in heaven.

Even better, I don’t have to make excuses before God. He knows how messy it is in here. I don’t have to explain why it happened or feel embarrassed about it. Jesus loves me in spite of it. I get to come before him daily in repentance confident that he’s already got the mess cleaned up. By his grace, God has washed me clean in the blood of the Lamb. Through faith in Jesus, he doesn’t even see the mess anymore. He sees me completely clean, completely forgiven, and dearly loved wearing a perfect white robe of righteousness.

Written by Katie Martin
Reviewed by Professor-emeritus David Valleskey

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Be patient – Womens Devotion

Be patient – Women’s Devotion

Be patient, bearing with one another in love.
Ephesians 4:2b

My charming, articulate and all-around lovely three year-old daughter still is not potty trained. We were making fantastic headway and had even switched over to big girl panties. Then she started going through three or four outfits a day.

Now, it can be a struggle just to get her on the toilet. Once parked there, she often asks for privacy, and I leave to stand just outside the always-propped-open door. The other day, as I was heading for my post, she called back to me: “Mom, let me know if you need me! And let me know when your patience is gone! I love you!”

Since then, she regularly inquires about my patience, and my husband’s. When I call him on his way home from work, she fires questions into the phone: “Daddy, so, how’s your drive? And how’s your day? And how’s your patience?”

How’s your patience? A great question, really. This little girl, young as she is, certainly comprehends that Mom or Dad’s patience-o-meter is critical to the whole family’s well-being.

Patience running out? Uh oh. Dark clouds ahead. Patience gone? Winter storm warning!

“Be patient, bearing with one another in love.” St. Paul’s passionate appeal to the Ephesian Christians, and again to the Colossians (3:12-13), is as relevant to my intimate family relationships in 2017 as it was to the first century Christian church.

Be patient.

Be patient with the child who “refuses” to be potty trained. Be patient with the husband who arrives home exhausted from a trying day and harried commute. Be patient with the wife who forgot (again) to pay the medical bill propped up against an old banana on the kitchen table.

We continually bear with our family members and strive to put up with their foibles and faults not because they deserve patient treatment. We know they often don’t. We practice constant “long-suffering” (see the King James Version of this verse) simply for the sake of God’s perfect patience with us.

He bore with us in love when he came to live as one of us. His whole life on earth, his every interaction with others, and his submissive death on the cross displayed the long-suffering that accomplished our salvation. He paid for all our sins of impatience. Through faith in him, Jesus’ lifestyle of humble, tireless patience is credited to us.

And even now when we stumble, his patience towards us never runs out. He is always with us, forgiving us, reassuring us, and enabling us to reflect his perfect patience to those around us, especially to those closest to us.

So, how’s your patience, sisters?

Resting secure in God’s boundless patience, we can say with confidence that, yes, we have the patience to meet the day’s frustrations and challenges. Today and every day.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, you know intimately the challenges that I face in showing patience toward the people you have put in my life. I have failed so often to bear with others in love. Forgive me. Thank you, dear Savior, for paying in full the price for these failures. Thank you for your life of perfect patience, lived in my place. Give me strength today to reflect your patience to others. Amen.

Written by Mollie Schairer

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My people, my God – Womens Devotion

My people, my God – Women’s Devotion

Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.
Ruth 1:16

They were simple baby tears from a precious little girl who was over-tired and missed her momma. So I rocked her, whispered prayers, and sang about Jesus. My singing had softened to a hum and in the quietness of our cuddling a creak in the rocking chair drew my thoughts…

You see, the rocking chair came from her great-great grandmother, and it had been doing its job for more than 100 years. I thought about the weary arms that had rested in this chair; an old pastor from rural Minnesota, godly farmers that loved their land, women that loved Jesus, and mothers that lovingly nurtured their children. They were quiet, humble people that worked hard and were kind to others. This was the family I married into—generations of German Lutheran immigrants who settled in the Midwest; people who recognized that a new life in a new land was a gracious gift from a good God.

As I recounted the blessings to my husband’s family, I thought of Ruth, who spoke the words, “Your people will be my people and your God my God” (Ruth 1:16). Ruth, a Moabite, married into an Israelite family and became a part of God’s family by grace. Does that make you wonder how different it was for her to live in a home that belonged to the Lord of Israel? Do you think she was in awe of a loving God who had made a covenant of grace? Did she joyfully embrace the new life and family she had been given? Yes. Undoubtedly, yes.

But tragedy left Ruth and her mother-in-law widowed and Naomi was determined to return to Bethlehem alone. Ruth would not let her leave. “Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.” Ruth’s famous words did not merely reflect a love for her mother-in-law, but faith in the God of Israel and love for his people. She wasn’t weighing the best place to find another husband, she was being led by the Holy Spirit to walk by faith. She was compelled by the love of God to remain a part of his family; to live with “my people” and “my God.”

My People

The people Ruth had grown to love in Naomi’s home were no different than those we love today. People washed into the family of God through baptism though they didn’t deserve it, sinners who are loved and forgiven because they have a merciful God. Paul points us to the grace of God when he quotes Hosea, “I will call them ‘my people’ who are not my people” (Romans 9:25). He reminds us that we all came from outside the family of God. We were hostile to God and one another, born in the sinful image of man. But now, as his people, we are so intimately connected to the Lord and one another that we are called the body of Christ. We are hands and feet that cherish our eyes and ears and inner parts. We are a people as diverse as the world yet individually designed by a Creator God to be part of a family. Grasp the richness of that concept! We are a family, a body, a people united in Christ; filled with love, called to live in forgiveness and given one purpose!

Ruth’s words, “My people” ring with a sense of confident belonging; and her words continue to echo the blessing that is ours as well. God has given us relationships in Christ that will bless us in ways we cannot imagine. Brothers and sisters that stand beside us in faith when we struggle; unknown people of prayer that lift us up before our Mighty God. My people—our people—are those who have gone before us in faith, those who worship with us in church, and those who share our faith in Jesus as the only Savior from sin. Yes, they are our babies and our grandparents and our family members—but our “people” are those who have been chosen by God and bound together through the cleansing blood of Christ. We are given these relationships to reflect Christ in a world of Moabites; to walk together in a bond of love like Ruth and Naomi through tragedy and blessing. He made us a holy nation, a “people belonging to God” (1 Peter 2:9), to declare his praise in worship, prayer and Christian living. This is what it means to belong and to be a people; to live united in the holiness that was given by our gracious God!

My God

But earthly love and belonging are not enough. God’s desire is to bring all his children home for an eternity of perfect glory. He gave his Son, Jesus to die on a cross and make each one of us a child of God—and being called his child is very, very personal. That is my God. That is your God. It is our God who comes with promises of forgiveness and everlasting life. It is our God who has been faithful to generation after generation. Our God is holy, righteous and all powerful; he searches our hearts and knows our deepest thoughts. God is our compassionate and gracious Father, abounding in love and faithfulness. He is the creator of the earth and the author of salvation, yet he has called us by name and says, “You are mine” (Isaiah 43:1).

It’s hard to fathom the infinite majesty of a Holy God and realize that he not only knows me—he loves me! The personal relationship we have with him comes through the blood of Christ. This is not a generic “spirituality” that strives to transcend social existence but a real, living relationship with a real, living God. And the Lord understands us so well that he gave us ways to grow in our relationship—things we can touch to deepen our faith. We have the Word of God and Sacraments where he comes to us over and over again, not to just speak of love, but to actually strengthen our faith. “My God” proclaims the connection we have with the Lord because of grace and the means through which he strengthens our faith; it is personal, intimate, and living. The power of Ruth’s confession is ours, but even more, Ruth’s God is our God. Rejoice in the overwhelming truth that you have an amazing God who sacrificed his Son to make you his own. He is your God.

Many believers were born into Christian families and renewed through the holy waters of baptism. Some believers have spouses and in-laws that encourage their faith. But all of us have grace from a loving God and the fellowship that comes as a gift from his hand. We have people and more importantly we have our saving God!

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Less about intimacy in marriage – Womens Devotion

Less about intimacy in marriage – Women’s Devotion

Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control. I say this as a concession, not as a command.
1 Corinthians 7:5-6

A glimpse at 1 Corinthians 7:5-6

There are times in marriage that a Christian couple may refrain from intimacy. When Paul addresses that topic here he seems to indicate that the couple may agree on this while they give their full attention to a spiritual focus. Perhaps they want to spend extra time in prayer or bible study and they choose to set aside their intimacy as husband and wife in an effort to grow spiritually. Think of it much like the more familiar practice of fasting, where people set aside food to devote themselves to a spiritual focus. That is the idea Paul is addressing here.

However, fasting and sexual abstinence in marriage are not as familiar today and we may just skip over this verse as if it has nothing to say to us. Our spiritual growth plans don’t include abstinence in marriage so we move on to the next thought. But there are times that married couples abstain from intimacy for other reasons and perhaps Paul’s warning should be given some attention.

There are many situations that may impact a couple’s intimacy. If married couples have a new baby, they set intimacy aside for a time; or one partner may be a military member who is stationed away from the family. There are times of depression, illness, chemotherapy, or caring for a loved one with a prolonged illness. Menopause and aging may change the frequency that a couple is intimate. And to be honest sometimes the days and weeks or even months just go by for no specific reason. To these situations Paul’s words of advice ring loud and clear. “Come together again so that Satan will not tempt you.” God knows that those times may exist in a marriage but he warns that you not let them extend longer than necessary because you may be putting yourself in danger of temptation. It may take a new mother a while before she is interested or able to be intimate, and business trips or military deployments aren’t shortened for lonely spouses. One who is depressed or chronically ill may not be able to engage in sexual activity but their healthy spouse may have desires that need to be considered. Schedules are off, timing is wrong, body clocks don’t match, and time goes by. It happens—but it is your responsibility as husband and wife to keep the time in check.

Paul’s words draw us to see that while sometimes these situations cannot be helped, they should be as brief as possible. Our attention is also drawn to see the realistic truth that marriages without intimacy can be a red flag because they put people at risk of temptation. Yes, there are times it happens and couples need to be patient and understanding; they need to talk about it, and share their thoughts, struggles and possible solutions. They need to be mindful and open about the fact that God’s plan for marriage does include intimacy. If couples face longer periods without intimacy God wants us to exercise caution so that we don’t fall into temptation.

If left unchecked a spouse may be weak in fighting temptation and overlook or excuse sexual sins. Pornography calls out with its vulgar taunting. One might be tempted to find gratification for sexual desires outside the blessing of marriage. The danger here cannot be overstated. Sexual needs and desires are not easily set aside. The door to sexual temptation flings wide open with little more than a glance. It is a quick enticing moment that snares men as godly as David and as wise as Solomon. It snares godly women who are looking for love or longing for a tender relationship. Satan plants the seed that you have unbearable needs and desires that must be fulfilled; he wants you to focus on your needs and forget about God. The Lord’s way out of temptation is for husbands and wives to cling to Christ’s strength. Focus on and emulate his selfless love that looks to the good of the other. Talk about those needs and address them as a couple; get counseling or talk to your pastor. Don’t let time go by without recognizing the importance of sexual intimacy in marriage. Don’t let Satan have a foothold when one spouse is unable or struggling and the other is frustrated. Talk, pray for wisdom, and be sensitive to one another in discussing solutions.

God doesn’t establish a specific number of days or a set period of time because every couple is different and every situation is unique. There is no simple solution that will apply to everything couples encounter. But God does call husbands and wives to be wise; and to be warned; this is nothing to play with or ignore. If intimacy gets moved to the bottom of the priority list for a time, make sure the priority list gets a healthy review fairly soon. When there is failure and weakness remember the grace of Christ and his perfect forgiveness! Be patient, loving and understanding; just don’t be foolish because your flesh is very weak.

The situation Paul describes might not ring true to what you intend for your marriage but his words are the truth of God. The Lord loves marriage and gave it as a gift to husbands and wives. His instruction and encouragement is found throughout the pages of Scripture and we would do well to take these words to heart. Heed the warning, embrace the design, and trust his help and forgiveness. He wants your marriage to succeed; and our faithful Lord will bless you to that end.

Prayer: Jesus, you are the lover of our souls and the giver of good gifts. Thank you for the gift of marriage and intimacy that brings delight and strengthens love.  In your great wisdom you have brought this truth to light that we must not allow thoughtless periods of abstinence in our marriage. When the situation is difficult and intimacy must be set aside, give us patience in dealing with one another; and keep us faithful to our vows. Grant us the openness to talk about our situation and find solutions that please you and keep us close. And Lord for those times that we are careless with your gift, we pray for forgiveness and awareness. Help us see Satan as a roaring lion seeking to devour us and destroy our marriage. Grant us peace in knowing that your love and good gifts protect us and keep us close to you and one another. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Written by Naomi Schmidt
Reviewed by Pastor Joel Gerlach

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Holy tasks – Womens Devotion

Holy tasks – Women’s Devotion

Last February my pastor asked me if I would be willing to try my hand at making communion bread for church during Lent. He wanted to try something different in worship and thought this might work. Knowing that I am willing to try new things and love to cook he thought I would be interested in the project. I spent time researching recipes, deciding if the bread would be sweet or plain, picking the pattern for the surface, trying different thicknesses, baking it for different lengths of time, tasting it, and breaking it. Overall, the recipe is simple, the process easy. The challenge is that I cannot stop being amazed at what this simple bread will be playing a part of in the Lord’s Supper. At some point Jesus’ body will be in, with and under this bread.

Did you realize the doctrine of vocation is all wrapped up in the project? God is using us to do his work. God using me to make the bread that will be in, with, and under the body of Christ in the Sacrament of Holy Communion bringing his children the forgiveness of sins, life and salvation.  What an amazing miracle wrapped in a humble task! The text from “Lord Jesus Christ thou Hast Prepared” aptly summarizes my feelings:

Though reason cannot understand,
Yet faith this truth embraces;
Your body, Lord, is even now
At once in many places.
I leave to You how this can be;
Your Word alone suffices me;
I trust its truth unfailing.
(Christian Worship 312:5)

My pastor gave me this task to serve my church family. But it has given me the opportunity to reflect on Holy Communion. I have re-read what I know on real presence. I have studied my catechism and God is pulling me closer to him.

I approach the task of making communion bread with care because I know its purpose. What would happen if I approached every task with the same craftsmanship and care? What could be accomplished if I thought of the end result instead of just today? In this task it is easy to see the connection between my task and God’s purpose as there are tangibles and only a few steps between making the bread and Holy Communion. It is harder to comprehend when we cannot see the end and have to trust our Heavenly Father. But the faith that I have in the unseen in Holy Communion is the same faith that I should carry with me in every task.

As you reflect on the miracle of Holy Communion, instituted on Maundy Thursday, also reflect on the miracle that every day in every task you are doing, it is God’s work. It is work that he prepared in advance for you to do.

With the Lord begin your task; Jesus will direct it.
For his aid and counsel ask; Jesus will perfect it.
Every morn with Jesus rise, and when day is ended.
In his name then close your eyes; Be to him commended.
(Christian Worship 478:1)

Written by Rachel Fritz
Reviewed by Professor-emeritus David Valleskey

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More about intimacy in marriage – Womens Devotion

More about intimacy in marriage – Women’s Devotion

The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife.
1 Corinthians 7:4

A glimpse at 1 Corinthians 7:4

The beauty of marital intimacy doesn’t shine very brightly in this unfamiliar passage and we wince, imagining this is about a power struggle. Our flesh will see an excuse for selfishness and our renewed heart simply doesn’t understand. What place do these words have in the setting of a Christian marriage? Do they really apply? Maybe that’s not the right question because these words are from our Savior who knows more about yielding rights than we could ever imagine; so perhaps we should listen. The Lord is calling husbands and wives to look at the needs and desires of each other and yield their rights out of love. He is also making it clear that each belongs to the other and both made a promise to live as one flesh. Sexual intimacy is not a manipulative bargaining tool or spiteful move in a power play. There is no withholding sex to prove a point or get pay back. It is part of marriage—to fulfill needs, draw couples together and build love, a very special love.

You see, the love God has given us for life and marriage affects every part of our lives, including our intimacy. The Greek word for this love is “agape” and we see it most clearly when Christ laid down his life to earn our salvation. It is self-sacrificing love that looks for the benefit of the other. It is love that asks, “What can I give? How can I bless you?” It longs to see the other person grow and thrive. This beautiful, self-sacrificing love influences the sexual intimacy between a man and wife by compelling them to put the needs of the other before their own needs. Each is willing to yield to the other in love, ’s design for sexuality in marriage. A wife will yield to her husband. A husband will yield to his wife. Personal rights are set aside as each serves the other. Christians reflect Christ in their marriage with this love and it is radiant in their intimacy as well. Each understands the important part that sexuality plays in their Christian marriage and the responsibility they have to one another.

It is a perfect design—but living it is much more difficult than understanding it. The reality is, this is really, really hard. The daily life of a Christian is often spent working hard in or out of the home. It is unrealistic to think that after a long day of work the powerful desire for sexual intimacy can simply be set aside as one considers the needs of their spouse. The husband may face a thousand sexual temptations in a day: glances, flirtatious laughs, suggestive comments and unsought images that focus his thinking on one thing. The wife may face a thousand temptations in a day as men appreciate her work, make comments about her femininity, or show interest in who she is as a person. Perhaps the wife is home all day with children who absorb every ounce of her energy and share more than enough physical contact but not a bit of meaningful conversation.

Paul doesn’t address the daily collision of needs at 9pm. The husband does have sexual needs. He comes home to his wife and wants to want her—this is his faith in action! Marriage is the place that God has given for sexual intimacy. But even now, he is called to set aside those needs to think about his wife. It is an incredible concept, that the powerful motion of love can not only pause, but defer to the needs of another. And the wife has needs too, which are often a bit more complex. She may have sexual desires but they are buried under a list of more tangible needs, like help in the kitchen or time to talk about her day. She may recognize her husband’s sexual needs but what about her exhaustion? Now whose needs are more important? Who yields? The Lord answers by giving husbands and wives the directive to consider the needs of the other and yield. Conflicting needs will call each of us to be self-sacrificing in our love. Compromise, consideration, and communication are all so important, especially in times of exhaustion and hurt. Sighs of frustration and emotional isolation don’t resolve conflict. Spouses cannot guess or assume they understand each other’s needs. Talk about it and listen to one another! Speak in love to find a way through it.

A husband can come to see how his help in the kitchen communicates love to his wife and makes her yielding a joy. A wife will begin to understand the importance of her husband’s needs and speak the language of love he longs to hear. Each yields to the other and the bedroom is a continuation of selfless love. It all starts with Christ in each heart as we are washed clean and filled with agape love. Forgiven and empowered with the gospel, we live according to his calling and find new strength and joy every day. Yes, there will be hardship, failures and hurts, but they have all been covered by the blood of Christ. It is God’s love that spurs us on to love one another. Live in his peace, be blessed by his love.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, you are the perfect example of selfless love that blesses others. The sacrifice you made brought us that love as it covered our sins and gave us peace with God. We want to live in that love but it is so hard. How do we give when we feel like we can’t give any more? How do we yield when there are so many reasons not to? Call us to hear your voice and follow, for we know that your words are true and give us the strength we need. Forgive us for the many times we fail.  Continue to teach us, remind us, and bless us so that we may honor you in our marriage and intimacy, and in all we do.  In Jesus name, Amen.

Written by Naomi Schmidt
Reviewed by Pastor Gary Pufahl

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Intimacy in marriage – Womens Devotion

Intimacy in marriage – Women’s Devotion

The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband.
1 Corinthians 7:3

A glimpse at 1 Corinthians 7:3

Conversations about sex can be uncomfortable. Even among Christians, we wonder what should be said. “Less is better” seems to be the advice that many follow. But in the private corner of our heart there is a longing to understand the God pleasing fullness of sexuality in Christian marriage. We desire all its riches, but over time we face a host of insurmountable struggles that attack us at a very personal level.  Intimacy can grow cold or loveless and we’re haunted by inadequacy. We have misperceptions, unspoken hurts and guilt. Our own flesh and a sinful world keep us from the beautiful life and delightful gifts God has given to married couples.

Then we read our text, “The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband.” At first glance it seems Paul isn’t doing us any huge favors here when he simply states that we have a “duty” to one another. He is talking about sex as if it were like keeping up with dishes or laundry. It’s your duty, so… not exactly how we want to describe our sex life.  But God is teaching us something here as he speaks of the responsibility we have to one another. In sharp contrast to the familiar message we love hearing, an individual’s desire to be sexually satisfied is not the foundation of a healthy sexual relationship.  It is sensitivity to the needs of the other that blesses the sexual expression of Christian spouses. Listen to Paul describe this “duty” and note where the responsibility lies! The husband has a responsibility to fulfill his wife’s sexual needs and the wife is called by God in marriage to meets the sexual needs of her husband. It is a desire to meet the needs of the other in an expression of love that draws a man and wife together.

And where is love? Isn’t it passionate love that drives a husband and wife to each other’s arms?  Yes, but Paul is making it very clear that self-centered erotic love isn’t the foundation of their union. The love that a husband and wife share does create sexual desire, but the focus of that passion is to delight the other person and show love, not to seek personal satisfaction. The marriage bed is a place where love seeks the good and fulfillment of the other. Loving intimacy is entwined with sexual desire, and such desires and personal needs are not wrong or sinful. This is part of the beautiful design given in the perfect Garden of Eden!  But Scripture is pointing us to see the loving, giving essence of sex in marriage.  It doesn’t look like one-night stands glorified as steamy sex between strangers driven by their own desire. Marital love is much deeper, more fulfilling and strengthens the relationship according to God’s design. Love, trust and commitment enrich marital intimacy and find their fullest expression as one flesh.  When God calls husbands and wives to faithfulness, he is not short-changing them. The gift of sexuality in marriage is not second-rate; it is rich and shines with beauty like a gem in the perfect setting.

Does marital intimacy for Christians always seem so perfect, selfless and loving? No, it does not. Sometimes it might seem like a duty, but hopefully that is rare. Don’t be surprised that even in the life of a Christian, life in a sinful world diminishes what the Lord gave as a holy and precious gift. It’s okay to be honest that life, marriage and intimacy aren’t perfect; God calls us to work at these things! This can be a reminder of his good gifts and the holy, selfless love he wants us to reflect in our marriages. The Lord is giving us a descriptive picture of how our intimacy seeks to bless each other. But lest we get caught up in all the grace-filled images of marriage, at its core this is a command of God that we are required to keep.

God’s demand is that we love each other perfectly and consider the needs of each other before our own, even in the bedroom. We know all too well how hard it is to make marriage and intimacy work and it is no surprise that we cannot do all that is required of us. Sometimes it feels like we can barely do any part of it. This is the weight of sin and the work of God’s law. When we see those failures we don’t just need to forgive each other, we look to Christ who forgives all our sins – who forgives all our sexual sins and failures – and we embrace his righteousness as we seek to move forward. This is the work of the gospel, peace and forgiveness in Christ that flows over to one another. He alone empowers us to do good in all our duties. So we do love one another. We do try to set aside our own needs and serve one another in Christ-like love. We live in the strength of the gospel to the glory of God, even in the bedroom.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, the gift of marriage and its many blessings come from your loving hand. Thank you for these gifts which enrich our home and strengthen our relationship.  Continue to work your love in our hearts that we may grow in grace and our understanding of your plan for marriage and sexuality. Give us an extra measure of selfless love in our intimacy as we strive to set our own needs aside and look to serve one another. Thank you for the grace that forgives us and spurs us on to forgive one another when we fail. Don’t let us lose heart in our journey and sustain us when we face overwhelming despair. Bring us your love and mercy every day as we look to honor you in our marriage and reflect your love to the world. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

For Further Reading: 1 Corinthians 7

Written by Naomi Schmidt
Reviewed by Pastor Gary Pufahl

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Body-building – Womens Devotion

Body-building – Women’s Devotion

It is Sunday morning. In church entryways and fellowship halls around the world Christians are greeting one another.

“Good morning!”

“Good morning, how are you?”

“Fine, how are you?”

“I’m good.”

“Do you think that storm they’re talking about is going to hit us?”

“I hope not, we’re going to a picnic this afternoon.”

That’s a pretty typical exchange. How often do the conversations in your church entryway stay at that level? Do you ever see people hugging in your fellowship hall? What about tears? Is there much exuberant laughter in the lobby of your church? Do people have an earnest look in their eyes as they speak to their brothers and sisters in the Lord?

Our Lord tells us, “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” (1 Cor 12:27) We are the body of Christ? That sounds a little strange at first, but it’s actually quite a beautiful analogy God uses in his Word to describe how his believers on earth are connected to Jesus and to one another. Christ is described as the head, and we the members are each a unique and essential part of his figurative body. “From [Christ] the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” (Eph 4:16) What a wonderful picture! There is support. There is love. There is work. There is connectedness. All of it is from Christ, our head.

It gets even better! The head of our body doesn’t just direct and connect. He also sacrificed. “Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.” (Eph 5:25-27) Christ really did that for us – even if that’s not the immediate impression we get when we look around in the fellowship area. We are full of stains of sin, wrinkles of worry, and blemishes of bad decisions. But by his amazing grace, even as we continue to struggle with sin, worry and bad decisions, we are radiant, holy, and blameless in Jesus! He makes each one of us a perfect, unique, essential part of his body. With that in mind, our conversations can get a little deeper and more personal. We might make ourselves a little more vulnerable. We might get a little more invested.

“Good morning!”

“Good morning, how are you?”

“I’m good—just tired.”

“Everything okay?”

“Yeah, everything’s fine—it’s just that yesterday the kids were bickering and fighting all day long. By the time they were finally in bed, we were so exhausted and frustrated that we stayed up way too late watching a movie. I hope I don’t start nodding off during the sermon.”

“Ugh. We’ve had days like that. They are exhausting. Should we sit behind you and poke you in the shoulder from time to time?”

(laughing) “Maybe you should! Hey, whatever works, right? Anyway, what about you?”

“Doing well. We’re really excited to go to a picnic this afternoon. Did I tell you about that neighbor of ours who’s been going through cancer treatment?”

“You did. How is he doing?”

“He’s good! He finished his treatment and his most recent scans were clear. The treatment was successful.”

“Oh, that’s wonderful! So many answered prayers…”

“Yup, so this afternoon they’re having a picnic to celebrate, and we’re planning to go. I just hope it doesn’t rain…”

Jesus, our head, gives us opportunities to build one another up, “until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” (Eph 4:13) As we express genuine interest in our fellow believers, and as we share our own hopes, fears, joys, and struggles in a way that is more intimate than casual, we are building up the body of Christ!

When we talk to each other about how God’s Word applies to the intimate details of our lives, the word of Christ dwells in us richly as we teach and admonish one another with all wisdom. (Col 3:16) As we encourage one another in our lives of faith through the Word, the Holy Spirit works in us. The body of Christ increases in unity, in knowledge of the Son of God, and in maturity. Day by day the body of believers grows closer to attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Together we look forward to the day when we enter into our heavenly fellowship hall, and that process will be complete.

Suggestions for Prayer:

  • Praise God for his beautiful design for the family of believers.
  • Confess times when you have not taken the time or risked the intimacy of investing yourself in your brothers and sisters in Christ.
  • Thank Jesus for making you a member of his body, for giving you the other parts of the body for mutual support and encouragement, and for his sacrificing headship.
  • Ask the Lord to work within the body of believers so that we grow in unity, knowledge of him, and maturity.

Written by Tracy Siegler
Reviewed by Professor-emeritus David Valleskey

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Clean slate – Womens Devotion

Clean slate – Women’s Devotion

What is it about January 1st that makes us feel so hopeful? Why do we set so many more goals, feel so much more motivated, and leave behind the past so much more easily than we do any other time of year? There is something so nice about a fresh slate. A new calendar does seem to symbolize a new chance at things. Out with the old and in with the new. THIS year is the year. No failures so far. No distractions. New.

It’s like a fresh coat of snow on the ground. Untainted. Can you imagine a small child standing on his back porch steps after the first heavy snow? He is the first to look out at what seems like acres of possibility. The biggest snowman that’s ever been built in the history of mankind. A fort and wall that will defend itself admirably in a battle so great that the local news will come by to report it. And legions of angels.

For me, a clean notebook with not so much as a scratch or scribble makes me feel for the very first minute that I could one day be listed among poets and philosophers, quoted alongside the great writers of our time. There is not a word written so far in this book to suggest otherwise.

A fresh, clean, perfect start is invigorating. It doesn’t take things terribly long in this world to deteriorate. I don’t want to spend too long reminding you of that, because life itself will, but it makes those brief immaculate moments that much more exhilarating.

Now consider Christ whose mercies are new every morning.

As redeemed children of God we have incomprehensible possibility, hope, and perfection in store. Every day we live covered in a robe of righteousness, dwelling in the promise of heaven, and capable of all things through Him who strengthens us.

“In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly” (Psalm 5:3).

With Christ as our head each moment is full of that same possibility. Don’t be discouraged by failures, doubts, and insecurities. Your future in heaven is secure. You are purchased and won. You can live every moment looking out at your own acres of possibility.

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17).

You are not captive to the limitations of this world! God has covered you over! You DO have acres of possibility! I hope that you see that fresh start Christ gives you by his mercy each morning and it lights a fire in you!

With Christ as our head and our focus, there is nothing we cannot do. There is no need to wait for the New Year to set “reasonable” goals. Each moment in grace is a chance to build your life into a stronghold of faith that people feel the need to talk about it. Construct a plan and use what God gives you to build that snowman. And walk in the knowledge that when you’ve lived out your possibilities, creating, building, and inspiring by faith that you will rest joyfully and eternally with legions of angels.

“I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen” (Ephesians 3:16-21).

Prayer: Dear Lord God, cover my sins and guilt with the righteousness of your Son, my Savior. Create in me a pure heart and help me live a new life in you! Amen.

Written by Jes Woller
Reviewed by Professor-emeritus David Valleskey

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The power to love – Women’s Devotion

The power to love – Women’s Devotion

This is my command: Love each other.
John 15:17

Jesus spoke these words to his disciples just hours before his death on the cross. As he speaks them to me today, I am filled with eagerness to keep his command. Then discouragement washes over me. Jesus’ words convict me of my failures: impatience with my husband, anger toward my beautiful child, irritation with fellow believers, avoidance of others who need my love. How can I possibly show true love, Christ-like love, in every circumstance, to everyone whom God has placed in my life?

Yet Jesus did not give this command without also making it possible for me—and for you—to fulfill it. Jesus spoke these words during his last Passover meal with his disciples, the night before his crucifixion. After having loved perfectly everyone he encountered throughout his life, he was about to show the world the extent of his love. He would be taking on himself all our failures to love, and paying for those sins on the cross. Now, through faith in Jesus, God sees in us not the failures, but rather Jesus’ track record of perfect love. What a tremendous gift! Yet God gives us even more. We can love as Christ commanded, because we have the gift of God himself inside us, powerfully and wonderfully at work in our hearts.

Jesus’ last conversation with his disciples assured both them and us that God, the source of our power to love, lives and works inside each believer. Jesus taught the disciples about the believer’s intimate connection with all three Persons of the Trinity. Earlier in John 15, Jesus used the word picture of branches growing from a main vine to describe the connection of believers to himself. While the individual branch stays connected to the main vine, it naturally will bear fruit. We as branches will bear fruit—not by our own power, but by the power flowing to us from the main vine, Jesus. This includes the fruit of Christ-like love! In fact, we will bear “much fruit” (vs. 5). Sisters, let us remember our intimate connection with our Savior, draw in the nourishment of the Word and sacraments, and joyfully anticipate the fruit that we are promised will develop in time.

Jesus also assured the disciples that he would send the Holy Spirit—the Counselor and Encourager. He told the disciples that the Holy Spirit “lives with you and will be in you” (John 14:17). This promise was fulfilled for the disciples at Pentecost. The Holy Spirit transformed the disciples from loveless deserters of Christ into bold lovers of God, distinguished from the rest of the world by their sacrificial love for one another and for those who hated them. Jesus’ promise is fulfilled for us today, sisters in Christ. As we study the Word, the Holy Spirit comes to us and transforms us into bold lovers of Christ and of everyone God places in our lives.

Jesus’ words provide even more encouragement. Jesus promised that he and the Father “will come to [the believer] and make our home with him” (John 14:23). God does not stop by briefly to give us a little boost when he sees we are running on fumes. He has taken up permanent residence inside us! God’s power is ours, every day, in every situation we face. It never runs out. It never fails. As Paul told believers in Philippians 2:13: “for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.” Be encouraged, dear sisters! When we feel we have no strength and cannot manufacture a loving thought, let alone act accordingly, let us remember who resides in us. The almighty Creator of the universe even now is creating in us the desire to love others as Christ loved us. The Provider of everything necessary for the world’s welfare even now is producing through us the acts of love that serve the needs of those around us.

Yes, we can love as Christ loved us. We can fulfill Jesus’ final command before his death on the cross. The power for such constant, complete, and sacrificial love resides in us, because our God resides in us. Jesus assured his disciples of this truth in so many beautiful ways. Sisters, with boldness, with joy, with the power of our almighty, triune God working in us, let us love each other!

Prayer: Dear Jesus, I confess to you my failures to love. I thank and praise you for your work of paying for all those failures, and loving perfectly in my place. I trust your promise that the Father will give me anything I ask in your name. I now pray for greater and greater Christ-like love in all my relationships. Work in me to bear more and more fruit, to your glory. In your saving name, I confidently pray. Amen.

For Further Reading:
John 15:1-17

Written by Mollie Schairer
Reviewed by Professor Lyle Lange

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