An inmate’s personal evangelism

Because of societal trends and other factors, traditional mass outreach programs struggle. But personal evangelism, that is building a relationship with another person and, at an appropriate time, sharing Jesus with that person, appears to have a better chance at gaining an audience for the gospel. Our synod is spending a great amount of effort equipping us to do just that. Perhaps we should take a cue from Kyle (not his real name), an inmate in the Midwest. Though his own struggles have been and continue to be mighty, he made the effort to share his comfort with another inmate.

Kyleā€™s walk with Jesus has had significant ups and downs. He had more than a decade of problems with drugs and alcohol. He had fallen away from worship with fellow Christians. He spent more than a year in county jail awaiting sentencing for methamphetamine charges. Through some extended family members, God in his grace made a WELS pastor in the area aware of Kyle. The pastor began to serve him with both printed sermons and personal visits. A year after starting this effort, the pastor received a lengthy, unprompted letter from another inmate in Kyleā€™s unit. The inmate, John (again, not his real name), poured out his gratefulness for Kyleā€™s willingness to share the Word of God with him.

The friendship started with Kyle allowing John to call his dad using Kyleā€™s funds when John had none. John had been very anxious because his dad was having health problems. Kyleā€™s generosity made a big impression on John.

Then John noticed Kyle reading some of the sermons his pastor brought for Kyle. John asked if Kyle could share them, which he was eager to do. Hereā€™s Johnā€™s comment: ā€œMy absolute favorite was . . .ā€™Lord, It Is Good for Us to Be Here, the Transfiguration.ā€™ I loved it and it spoke to me. God spoke to me through your sermon. Not audibly like he spoke when he said, ā€˜This is my son whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him.ā€™ But he spoke to me none the less. Letting me know this is right where he wants me. Yes in jail . . .

ā€œWhen I came to jail I didnā€™t even think for one second God was orchestrating another chance for me. I thought it was the end and they were going to throw me away and throw away the key as well. My way got me here. Now I know Godā€™s way is going to get me out of here. My prayer has been, Father & Jesus, teach me how to surrender, truly surrender.ā€

So, we donā€™t have to wait until weā€™re fully trained and blameless. Wherever we are at and whomever we meet, we can be a friend, and then pray for an opportunity to give the reason for the hope we have, as Kyle did.