Three-phase approach to fighting pornography addiction
Conquerors through Christ (CtC) is thinking about the future.
You may already know that at you can find a video-based, five-step plan to help anyone hooked on pornography to confront this soul-corroding addiction. We call it the REJECT portion of the battle of godly sexuality against selfish sex and pornography.
But did you know that’s only one aspect of the ministry? The other two parts are RESIST and RECOVER.
RESIST means to continue to stay away from pornography. This happens in the life of the recovering addict, but it is just as important in the life of a child. To help parents lead their children toward God’s version of sex, we are developing a full “Parent Support System” for those with children ages two through twelve. Beyond that, we’re working on a Sixth Commandment Curriculum, a High School Curriculum (almost finished!), and materials to help college and seminary students become compassionate leaders in their communities.
We’ve adopted an aggressive publishing schedule for these materials. Get updates by signing up for the CtC eNewsletter at the CtC website.
Our RECOVER ministry is in its infant stages. We’ve just started conversations about how to help whole families whose lives are torn apart by porn addiction. We’ve begun to delve into best practices for helping wives whose security has been shattered, husbands who are blindsided, and children whose futures are adversely affected by the wreckage of porn.
We’re thinking about the future, and we’d like you to join us. Head to today to discover how you can learn from, support, and pray for this ministry. Find CtC on Facebook too!
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