Updated tool to find WELS churches

The WELS Locator tool has received a makeover. The trusted online tool that helps WELS members find churches when they travel the country or recommend churches to friends and acquaintances has new and updated functions.

The previous WELS Locator application was rewritten and enveloped into the existing WELS Online Yearbook. Now, with the locator integrated into the online Yearbook, you can find a church or school by its proximity to the criteria you enter. For example, you can enter an address, city, state, or zip code and find all organizations within a radius of miles you determine.

Also available within the Locator is a function to filter your search results by special criteria including church, pre-school, elementary school, high school, counseling center, and care facility. Other filters relate specifically to worship, like signed services, hearing loop, personal sound equipment, livestreaming, and languages offered.

Besides having enhanced Locator functionality, the Online Yearbook gives you access to called workersā€™ profiles and contact information. You can search by a called workerā€™s name or a specific city and receive a listing of matches. Clicking on a called workerā€™s name will reveal a profile that shows contact information, year graduated, and what organization he or she works for.

The Yearbook/Locator can be found on the synodā€™s Website, wels.net, by clicking on the ā€œFind a Church/Schoolā€ (formerly ā€œWELS Locatorā€) at the top of the page. This will take the visitor directly to the Organization tab of the Yearbook app. You also can visit the Yearbook site directly at https://yearbook.wels.net, or the Locator portion at https://locator.wels.net.

The Locator is available on the side menu of the WELS Mobile app. You also can find the Yearbook in the app under the Synod Reports area. Download the WELS Mobile app at http://m.wels.net.


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Volume 104, Number 7
Issue: July 2017

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