Men are pigs

Earle D. TreptowĀ 

One big name after anotherĀ showedĀ up in the headlinesĀ accused ofĀ sexual impropriety, from harassmentĀ andĀ groping toĀ assault and rape.Ā Included on the list were famous comedians, actors,Ā andĀ film producers,Ā as well as leadingĀ politiciansĀ andĀ journalistsā€”men who took advantage of their positions and exploited others.Ā Ā 

The firstĀ story of a famous man abusing his authority and assaulting a woman might not have registered for many. It was theĀ second,Ā seventh, andĀ tenthĀ stories, following hard on the heels of theĀ first, thatĀ sounded the alarm.Ā Those who took the time to reflect on what had beenĀ allegedā€”and sometimes confessedā€”experienced a range ofĀ emotions, from anger toward theĀ men who had perpetrated such crimes,Ā to frustration with a society that enablesĀ abuse with itsĀ celebrityĀ worship, to disappointment with a sex-crazed culture thatĀ suggests a womanā€™s body exists for the gratification of men.Ā Exploit women and you show yourself toĀ be despicable. Some men are pigs. Unfortunate, but true.Ā Ā 

The stories reported on national newsĀ emboldened other women toĀ speakĀ about the sexual abuse they had experienced at the hands of men from all different walks of life,Ā many of whomĀ had no fame or wealth to speak of.Ā Thereā€™sĀ oneĀ obviousĀ link betweenĀ the famous men and the rank-and-file men who have acted inappropriately toward women.Ā Theyā€™re men.Ā Itā€™s not justĀ someĀ men who are pigs, but many.Ā Ā 

Iā€™d rather not say that, of course,Ā but Iā€™m comfortable withĀ it. Iā€™m comfortable saying that many men are pigs, because it allows me toĀ establish a safeĀ distanceĀ betweenĀ the pigsĀ and me.Ā The argument seems foolproof:Ā Because I havenā€™t done whatĀ theyā€™veĀ done, or havenā€™t been publicly accused of it,Ā Iā€™mĀ different than the pigs. And better.Ā Ā 

Maybe I havenā€™t sinned in the same wayĀ other menĀ have, but IĀ doĀ have something in common withĀ the many pigs out there. Iā€™m a man too.Ā Worse, Iā€™m aĀ sinful man.Ā I have theĀ same sinful nature, capable of all sorts of disgusting thoughts and behaviors, even if Iā€™ve been spared from committing the sins that make headlines.Ā Ā 

IĀ mustĀ askĀ myself some questionsĀ that make me squirm: What have I done to contribute to the situation in which we find ourselves today? Where have IĀ lived selfishlyĀ and self-centeredly, seeingĀ womenĀ as existing for my benefit and purposes?Ā How have I failed to be the salt of the earth Jesus designed me to be, to slow the decay in the world around me?Ā When have I been silentĀ when I should have spoken up about theĀ continuingĀ debt men owe to women, to love and serveĀ and protectĀ them?Ā Ā 

As it turns out,Ā Iā€™m part of those harassment stories, though my name hasnā€™t appeared in the articles.Ā Ā 

Thereā€™s only one thing for us men to doĀ when we recognize ourĀ depravity andĀ complicity:Ā repent. WeĀ humble ourselves before the LordĀ each day, confessingĀ that we are unclean pigs,Ā thoroughly sinfulĀ by nature.Ā And then weĀ listenĀ anew, with astounded hearts,Ā to hisĀ word of full forgivenessĀ in Christ.Ā He absolves us of our failures and declares us righteous in his sight.Ā Ā 

Rejoicing in his steadfast love and continual forgiveness, we commit ourselves toĀ being real men,Ā men asĀ God designedĀ us to be. We take up with joyĀ the taskĀ the Lord hasĀ assigned to usĀ and for which he will equip usā€”to respectĀ women and serve them, considering them better than ourselves.Ā Ā 

Contributing editor Earle Treptow, a professor at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, Wisconsin, is a member at Christ Alone, Mequon.Ā 


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Author: Earle D. Treptow
Volume 105, Number 2
Issue: February 2018

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