Boy Scouts
What is the WELS stance on joining Boy Scouts and why?
The Boy Scouts are among the most respected organizations in this country, and the skills, activities, and companionship which they offer could be a benefit to any child. Yet for more than 70 years the Wisconsin Synod has warned its members that their children should not participate in the Scouting program.
Our basic objection to Scouting was that the required promise and law contain religious elements which imply that the Scout can do his duty to God regardless of what religion he belongs to. This contradicts the clear statements of Scripture that no one can perform works pleasing to God without faith in Christ.
Over the years the wording of the Scout Law and its explanation have become vaguer and less offensive, but the religious principles have been maintained. All members of the Scouts must accept the Scout Oath and Law, but they may interpret them in their own way. For example, an atheist boy who refused to promise to do his duty to God was denied membership, but when he took the oath with the understanding that “god” was not a personal being, he was permitted to join. This is certainly a very offensive interpretation of the concept of “duty to God.”
Recognition of the religious basis of Scouting is not limited to the WELS. Advocates of strong separation of church and state have objected to the promotion of Scouting in public schools because of its religious requirements.
Because the religious requirements of Scouting remain unchanged, our WELS congregations cannot make use of the Scouting organizations. We have a better option in the Lutheran Pioneers, which provide many of the same benefits as Scouting, without the objectionable religious requirements.
The religious principles of Scouting remain unchanged, but there has been one notable development. The increased vagueness of the Scouting literature and the fact that some Scout troops may make little use of the religious features make it more difficult for pastors and teachers to convincingly demonstrate from the Scout Handbook the false religious principles which underlie Scouting. This makes it more difficult to convince parents that their children should not belong to the Scouts. The Girl Scouts are a separate organization, but the same principles and observations apply to that group also.