Pastoral brief on critical theory available

In recent years there have been concerns about the nature and underlying principles of what has been called ā€œcritical theoryā€ (CT), which includes narrower subsets such as critical race theory (CRT).

The 2023 synod convention responded to these concerns by passing a resolution that asked the Conference of Presidents to prepare a pastoral brief that would evaluate critical theory and provide guidance for our called workers and members as they are confronted with these and other related issues. A pastoral brief is an explanationā€”not necessarily brief in lengthā€”intended to provide pastoral and evangelical guidance. The brief is entitled ā€œA pastoral brief on critical theory (especially critical race theory)ā€ and is available for you online.

This particular brief goes into great detail and depth regarding the history and philosophical foundations of CT and CRT. It was shared with WELS pastors a few weeks ago so they would have an opportunity to become familiar with it prior to a wider release to our synod members. The brief is lengthy and detailed because this is a complicated and controversial subject. A helpful summary of the brief is included as an introduction. Godā€™s blessings as you consider the thoughts shared on this important matter.

Serving together with you in Christ,
WELS President Mark Schroeder