Faces of Faith – Cesar

Academia Cristo has advanced and changed during the last several years. Technology has changed, curriculum was expanded and revised, new resources for church planters have been introduced. One student who has been with Academia Cristo through it all is Cesar Augusto Narvaez.

When Academia Cristo was just experimenting with live classes, Cesar enrolled. Since 2020, he has completed 16 live courses. He was equipped to gather and lead his own church plant that now meets every week for worship and Bible study. They reach out to their friends, family, and neighbors, and are training members so they can participate in ministry as well. Missionaries from the Latin America mission team regularly make visits to Cesar and his group. On one visit, a missionary asked all the members what prompted them to attend for the first time. Everyone had the same answer, “Cesar invited me.”

Some aspects of mission work may change over time, but some things remain constant. First, the power of the gospel. It’s the good news of Jesus that leads people like Cesar to share their faith. It’s the message of God’s grace, love, and redemption that keep people coming back. Second, the power of a simple invitation. Today, more people are learning about their Savior and growing in their faith because of a simple invitation from someone they knew.

From Matt Behmer, Latin America missionary