Confessions of faith: Bernabe

A woman finds safety and comfort in the gospel message.

Julie K. Wietzke

The world is a dangerous placeā€”for the body and the soul. Ivette Bernabe from Queens, New York, knows that firsthand.

Bernabe, like all of us, want to feel safe from the bad things of this worldā€”whether it be drugs, abuse, hunger, or poverty.

Sure Foundation, the WELS congregation in that neighborhood, is working to protect people from the spiritual hazards of the devil, the world, and sinful flesh.

Sometimes those worlds collide. Now Bernabe truly has met the One who can shield her from all real harm and danger.

ā€œShe is in a safe place for her soul,ā€ says Tim Bourman, pastor at Sure Foundation.

Bernabe has been in New York City since she was five years old. Her dad moved her there from Puerto Rico when her parents split up. Her mom soon followed, moving to the United States to get custody of Ivette and her sisters and brothers.

Her mom brought them up as Catholic, but she didnā€™t have time to take them to church regularly. ā€œShe was raising us alone,ā€ says Bernabe. ā€œShe was working two or three jobs to raise us.ā€ She says the Jehovahā€™s Witnesses came to their apartment to hold Bible classes. The family lived in the Bronx until her mom remarried when Bernabe was 13 years old, and they settled in Long Island.

Life went on. Bernabe got married and soon after had a baby girl. Her marriage ended, however, when her husband brought drugs into the home. She decided to visit her brother and sisters who had moved back to Puerto Rico. It was there she met Luna, who taught her how to read tarot cards. ā€œYou literally felt a presence. This is a spirit,ā€ says Bernabe. ā€œI was young. It was so interesting. How can some cards tell somebodyā€™s whole life?ā€

Bernabe says she was raised knowing she shouldnā€™t be doing this, but she couldnā€™t stop herself. She continued reading the cards for fun until they ā€œtoldā€ her that her then seven-year-old daughter was in danger. It was then that she realized the cards werenā€™t helping her, and she decided to stop. ā€œWe need to pray to God for protection,ā€ she says. ā€œThe devil wonā€™t protect you.ā€

Bernabe spent most of her young working life selling wares on the street and in markets to make money. She did quite well and eventually made enough to buy a four-apartment home in Queens. She tried many religionsā€”Mormonism, Jehovahā€™s Witnesses, Hare Krishnaā€”to see what they were like, but ā€œit never did nothing for me,ā€ she says. ā€œBut I didnā€™t know this until I went to the Lutheran church.ā€

Bernabe met Dan Olson, a pastor at Sure Foundation, at a street fair where the congregation set up a booth to meet local residents. She says she was drawn to his beautiful little girls who were with him. They talked and exchanged contact information, but Bernabe wasnā€™t ready. She had been attending a Jehovahā€™s Witness church and wasnā€™t looking for another congregation.

Olson kept her phone number and called her once or twice a year to see how she was doing. Seven years after they first met, the timing was right. ā€œI donā€™t get rid of peopleā€™s contact information because you never know what issues God is putting in their lives when itā€™s the perfect time for you to call,ā€ says Olson. ā€œShe was so thankful I called.ā€

Bernabe started coming to churchā€”and also asked lots of questions. ā€œPastor Dan made me understand so many things. I felt so comfortable. How could I not want to stay there?ā€ she says. ā€œIt was different [from other religions].ā€

Olson says Bernabe thought that to get close to God, you had to be a good person. ā€œOne of the main things she struggled with was how you can have salvation completely free without having to earn it,ā€ he says. ā€œItā€™s the typical non-Christian idea of how to get to heaven.ā€ He says Bernabe would ask him to pray for her because she thought that since he was a pastor he was closer to God. ā€œI told her, ā€˜You can pray too. Your prayers are just as powerful as mine.ā€™ ā€

He said that after years of teaching and patiently answering her questions, she finally understood that sheā€”like all of usā€”was a sinner but that forgiveness was hers through Jesusā€™ perfect life, death, and resurrection.

ā€œI wish everyone would know of God like I know,ā€ she says. ā€œItā€™s such a good feeling.ā€

Itā€™s a message that Bernabe canā€™t keep to herself. ā€œSheā€™s very excited about the gospel. Sheā€™s one of the best listeners, and she leaves as a different person every week,ā€ says Bourman.

ā€œIn her whole spiritual history she never has been engaged with the gospel the way she is now. She knows it, and she wants her friends and family to know about it.ā€

Bourman says thatā€™s common in the neighborhood. Many live their entire life in the area and make lifelong friends. They want to share what they discoverā€”especially theĀ message of hope the gospel brings. Bernabe already has brought her close friend to church. Her friend was confirmed, and her friendā€™s immediate family was baptized. Bourman says they now are talking to her friendā€™s brothers and sisters. Bernabe also shares the Word with her children and grandchildren. Sheā€™s in church every week, and she appreciates the lessons she learns in the sermons and the Bible classes that further help her understand the sermon message.

Bernabeā€™s life isnā€™t perfect. She says she still is trying to learn how to forgive. She is going through a messy divorce. She has had health issues (but she says, ā€œThanks to God, all is goodā€). Money struggles still happen. But now she knows the One who can keep her safe. ā€œWhat do I have to worry about?ā€ she says. ā€œGod will protect me.ā€

Julie Wietzke is managing editor of Forward in Christ magazine.


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Author:Ā Julie K. Wietzke
Volume 103, Number 10
Issue: October 2016

Copyrighted by WELS Forward in Christ Ā© 2021
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