Financing for mission congregations

Beautiful Savior, Moncks Corner, S.C., dedicated its first church in May 2016 with the help of Home Missions and WELS Church Extension Fund.

WELS Church Extension Fund, Inc., (WELS CEF) provides financing through loans and grants to mission congregations so they can acquire land and ministry facilities to be used for gospel outreach in coordination with WELS Home Missions. WELS CEF also provides loans to self-supporting WELS congregations and schools for land and facility projects. The money to carry out CEFā€™s mission comes from investments and gifts from WELS members, congregations, and affiliated organizations.

In fiscal year 2015ā€“16, $32.8 million of new loans and $4 million of new grant requests were approved. WELS CEFā€™s loan portfolio ended the year at $139.7 million with 208 loans to WELS congregations and affiliates.

For more information, visit

Professionally managed investment portfolios

WELS Investment Funds is a self-supporting subsidiary of WELS. Its mission is to provide cost-effective, professionally managed investment portfolios exclusively for WELS affiliated ministries. By pooling investment resources through WELS Investment Funds, congregations can take advantage of lower cost, institutional priced investment alternatives that would not otherwise be available.

WELS Investment Funds currently manages $180 million in assets, which includes $36 million for 171 congregations and 35 affiliated ministries.

Visit for more information.

Helping people support ministry

WELS Foundation exists to help Godā€™s people support gospel ministry through WELS. Planned gifts provide funding for WELS congregations, schools, missions, and other affiliated ministries. In 2016, WELS Foundation administered and distributed $6.6 million in donor directed gifts to various WELS ministries. Visit for more information.

NPH celebrates 125 years in 2016

Northwestern Publishing House (NPH) exists to deliver Christ-centered, biblically sound resources within WELS and beyond. NPH publishes Forward in Christ and Meditations, Bible studies, books, music, elementary and Sunday school curriculum, and worship materials. In 2016, NPH released more than 50 Christian resources in print and digital formats, including:

  • two titles in the Bible Discovery seriesā€”A Chosen Land for a Chosen People and Time Between the Testaments;
  • seven devotional/inspirational books;
  • fourteen books and other resources in anticipation of Reformation 500;
  • two resources for pastoral growth;
  • Christ-Light homeschool curriculum;
  • summer vacation Bible school program, Christmas for Kids, and Easter for Kids;
  • twelve music offerings for children and adults; and
  • six new Bible studies for large and small groups.

In 2016, NPH also reached WELS members through 95 book fairs in churches and schools along with displays at 29 WELS conferences.

Visit or stop by the NPH Christian Books and Gifts store in Milwaukee, Wis., to learn more.

WELS visitor center

In fall 2016, a WELS visitor center opened at the WELS Center for Mission and Ministry in Waukesha, Wis. The visitor center includes a visual timeline of WELSā€™ history as well as informational kiosks on areas of ministry. Materials from the archives are also on display. Guests are shown a video highlighting WELSā€™ ministry and receive a tour of the synodā€™s headquarters. To schedule your visit to the WELS Center for Mission and Ministry, e-mail [email protected] or call 414-256-3200.

CAR in Baton Rouge, La.

In August 2016, Baton Rouge, La., received torrential downpours that resulted in flooding that left almost 150,000 homes damaged and thousands of families displaced. After initial assessments and meetings with pastors and members at Crown of Life, New Orleans, and Cross of Glory, Baton Rouge, WELS Christian Aid and Relief put together a plan to rebuild eight homes, only one of which was a home of a WELS member. The other homes are owned by friends of members, like Gloria Ray (pictured here with volunteer Dennis Tennier). In October and November, 26 volunteers helped by hanging drywall, taping, and finishing the spaces. To learn more, visit

WELS Mobile

WELS Mobile, available for Apple, Android, and Amazon users, lets users listen to or read daily devotions and Bible readings as well as access WELS news, videos, and radio stations.

MCG coordinates One in Christ effort

  • WELS Ministry of Christian Giving coordinated the ā€œOne in Christā€ effort that, by Godā€™s blessing, successfully eliminated the synodā€™s $4.7 million debt 18 months ahead of schedule.
  • The Ministry of Christian Giving mailed a series of postcards informing eligible WELS members about a new law that allows them to make qualified charitable distributions from an individual retirement account to their church, synod, and other WELS organizations without counting the distributions as income for federal tax purposes.

CLS better equips WELS teachers for their important work

Lutheran Schools is seeking to address the need for principals and early childhood directors. In 2016, 15 men and women completed a one-year Leadership Candidate Training cohort, which identifies teachers with leadership characteristics and begins to train them for a school leadership role. Three men from the cohort have already transitioned to principal positions in WELS schools. The Principal Training Program and Principal and Director Apprentice Mentoring are two other programs led by Lutheran Schools that focus on the training of new school leaders.

Did you know?Ā In 2016, more than 41,000 students throughout more than 500 congregations were daily fed with the gospel message by attending a Lutheran high school, elementary school, or early childhood center.

Women’s Ministry focuses on mentoring

On July 21ā€“23, 2016, the WELS Womenā€™s Ministry Conference was held at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, Wis. With a focus on mentoring, women left the conference driven by the gospel to share the love of Jesus with others through the relationships and opportunities that God has given them.

Telling the Next Generation

  •, WELSā€™ outreach website, was redesigned and updated. New articles are posted regularly as well the Commission on Evangelismā€™s popular daily devotions.
  • Telling the Next Generation: Utilizing Our Schools for Outreach is a new workshop developed by the Commissions on Evangelism and Lutheran Schools. The program serves congregations with planning, assistance, and resources for implementation of outreach strategies in Lutheran elementary schools and early childhood ministries. Learn more at

Commission launches its School of Strategic Planning

In the past two years, the Commission on Congregational Counseling has helped 40 congregations assess and adjust their ministry to achieve more zealous gospel proclamation.

In 2016, the commission launched its School of Strategic Planning.

CYFM debuts new downloadable resource

WELS Youth and Family Ministry debuted a new downloadable resource for church leaders to help them develop youth ministry programs. Titled Transformed: Equipping Youth Leaders, the resource includes videos, which focus on the importance of the different aspects of youth ministry as well as a collection of Bible studies, recommended readings, and ā€œhow-toā€ resources for youth ministries. Visit to purchase.

Two series of studies held in 2016

Two series of Interactive Faith Bible studies were held in 2016. Rev. Gary Pufahl led a study in January entitled Who is your God? Rev. John Braun led a study in October on the continuing importance of Lutherā€™s Small Catechism.

A new referral link

  • A new referral link,, has made it easier to submit names of people who often have a hard time receiving personal gospel ministry. This includes WELS members in the military, those incarcerated, or people with intellectual or developmental disabilities.
  • A new civilian chaplain, Rev. Don Stuppy, has arrived in Germany to serve WELS military personnel and civilians living in western Europe.

Mike Novotny

Rev. Mike Novotny presented at the Men of His Word Conference in Oshkosh, Wis., about the work of Conquerors through Christ, a Special Ministries team that provides resources to help people avoid or stop using pornography. In 2016, Conquerors through Christ developed resources for parents who want to protect their children from the corrupting impact of pornography.
Visit for more information.

Worship resources for Reformation 500

  • The Commission on Worship has developed resources to assist congregations with plans to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017. These resources will premiere at the June 13ā€“16, 2017, national worship conference and include five Reformation-themed services and several newly commissioned hymns and musical resources.
  • More than 60 people are immersed in the many details of researching and planning for the next WELS hymnal. Field testing of some materials began in select congregations in 2016. More information is available at

2016 WELS International Youth Rally

More than 2,500 WELS teens and their adult leaders gathered for the 2016 WELS International Youth Rally held June 28ā€“July 1 at Colorado State University, Fort Collins. Organized by WELS Commission on Youth and Family Ministry, the rally included Bible-focused worship, education, and fellowship opportunities. Attendees raved about their experiences:

Duke Backhaus, 18, from St. Paulā€™s, Tomah, Wis.: ā€œThe workshops were amazing; I really loved them. They all pointed me towards Christ and taught me a lot. I know now Iā€™m going to be a pastor.ā€

Grant Kloosterman, 16, from Living Word, Gray, Tenn.: ā€œWELS really is like a big family. It seems everyone knows someone, and nobody here at the rally feels like a stranger.ā€

Emily Gage, 18, from Good Shepherd, Woodlands, Tex.: ā€œIt was awesome to praise God with so many fellow Christians my age.ā€

Rev. John Boggs, chairman of the Commission on Youth and Family Ministry, says, ā€œThe young people of our synod are not just the future of our synod; they are the here and now of our synod. They need to be in worship and Bible study, and they need our prayers, support, and attention now. The focus of the WELS International Youth Rally is to share Godā€™s precious Word that speaks as much to them now at the ages of 14-18 as it will as they grow older.ā€

Partnering with Christians worldwide

The Pastoral Studies Institute team of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary gained one more member in 2016. Rev. Jon Bare accepted the call to serve as the international recruitment director. Bare joins Rev. Brad Wordell, world seminary professor, and Rev. E. Allen Sorum, director of the Pastoral Studies Institute. The teamā€™s assignment is to find ways to follow up on requests from groups around the world who want to align with confessional church bodies like the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod and the Confessional Evangelical Lutheran ConferenceĀ through the training of their current church leadership.

As a joint project with WELS Missions, the PSI team collaborates with our WELS mission teams already in place and also collaborate with WELS immigrants in North America. In 2016, members of the PSI team visited groups in six states and seven countries. For more information, visit

Did you know? During the 2016-17 school year, 116 students were enrolled at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary.

ā€œOf all the fancy technology that I have at my fingertips, my favorite is the kitchen table. There, teaching takes place. Relationships are formed. Dreams are inspired. Dreams that God blesses so they become travel plans and mission trips.ā€Ā Rev. E. Allen Sorum, director of the Pastoral Studies Institute at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary.

Vicar Year

While serving as a vicar at Water of Life, Las Vegas, Nev., Jason Free gained important insights into the ministry: ā€œSo often we picture full-time ministry as something that happens inside a church. Then we step outside of that building and there is this massive world full of people, all kinds of people, who are just waiting to hear there is a Savior in this world who died for them, for their sins! That was the awesome message I had the privilege of sharing both to an African ministry that was just beginning to get its feet on the ground and a well-established Korean ministry.ā€

Academic success at MLC

ā€œI love what I do,ā€ says Jessica Zahrt, who teaches kindergarten and first grade at Our Saviorā€™s, Wausau, Wis. ā€œThereā€™s nothing better than seeing progress in young studentsā€™ academic and social skills and watching their knowledge of God and faith in him grow.ā€œ

When Jessicaā€™s three children were in school, she began looking into masterā€™s programs. ā€œMartin Luther College (MLC) was the best fit for me,ā€ explains Zahrt. ā€œI loved the undergrad education I received there, which was focused on Godā€™s Word and ministering to children and their families. . . . MLCā€™s completely online format was also convenient for me as a busy mom and teacher, and from what I found, also the most economical choice for our budget.ā€

Zahrt enrolled in MLCā€™s program in 2012 and graduated in 2016.

Reflecting on her time in graduate school, she says, ā€œI most enjoyed the camaraderie of learning with fellow Christian teachers who are in classrooms so similar to mine. . . . These classmates, along with caring professors, encouraged me in my ministry to grow, improve, and faithfully continue to ā€˜run the raceā€™ (Hebrews 12:1).ā€

Nate Wordell

In August 2016, Nate Wordell was ordained and installed as a tutor at Martin Luther College (also pictured is MLC President Mark Zarling). Wordell is a 2016 Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary graduate and a 2012 Martin Luther College graduate. Shortly before Wordell received his assignment to MLC, he reflected on his time there: ā€œMLC taught me about Godā€™s Word. Whether I become a pastor or not, the most important thing I can do is read my Bible. That is hands-down my biggest takeaway from MLC. MLC also helped me better understand people. . . . MLC taught me how much people need Jesusā€”myself included.ā€

Move-in Day

On move-in day, Martin Luther College students were greeted with tables around campus advertising organizations to join and opportunities to build relationships and gain ministry experience. MLC freshman Jonah Backus says, ā€œMLC is an amazing environment for learning and being encouraged in the faith.ā€ MLCā€™s first semester on-campus enrollment in fall 2016 totaled 742. For more information, visit

Taste of Ministry

Michigan Lutheran Seminary (MLS), Saginaw, Mich., and Luther Preparatory School (LPS), Watertown, Wis., prepare high school students to attend Martin Luther College and serve as called workers. For the 2016ā€“17 school year, Luther Preparatory School has 423 students and Michigan Lutheran Seminary has 218.

Both schools offer ā€œTaste of Ministryā€ opportunities for students, which include shadowing called workers to learn more about their work. Students also are given firsthand gospel ministry experiences on campus and during mission trips.

For more information, visit or

Forty-eight Luther Preparatory School students participated in mission trips in 2016. Pictured is Hannah Oelhafen at Cross of Life, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada.


Senior Caitlynn McGill is participating in a Taste of Ministry event at St. Paul, Saginaw, Mich., so that she can experience working with students firsthand.

Christ-centered resources

Christ-centered resources from Academia Cristo (Christ Academy) are reaching Spanish speakers around the world. offers free Spanish video and audio resources. Visitors can ask questions and chat online with national pastors and missionaries. In 2016. Academia Cristo Facebook videos were viewed 8.6 million times.

Lutheran Church of Cameroon

In 2016, the Lutheran Church of Cameroon took a big step toward becoming an independent church body by calling its first full-time Cameroonian teacher and dean of students for its worker-training program. Mesue Israel (pictured) has served as a pastor since 1999. He is responsible for teaching several worker-training courses as well as enforcing rules for campus life. The first group of students for the worker-training program began their studies in the fall of 2016. They will attend Bible institute courses for two years and then complete three years of seminary studies before being eligible for a pastoral call. Currently 10 national pastors serve 32 congregations in Cameroon.

Nigerian church bodies

WELS began its mission efforts in Nigeria in 1936. Currently 26 Nigerian pastors and more than 50 lay leaders serve about 5,300 baptized members in the two Nigerian sister synods. WELS supports one non-resident missionary to mentor Nigerian church leaders with the goal of helping the Nigerian church bodies become led solely by nationals.

Living Savior, Blair, Neb.

On Sept. 11, 2016, Living Savior, Blair, Neb., held its launch service. One adult confirmand was welcomed into membership at the service. The congregation has rented space in a pair of office suites located in downtown Blair. This is where the congregation holds its worship services and Bible studies.

Peace, Liberty Hill, Tex.

When Rev. Stephen Apt arrived to open a new home mission in Liberty Hill, Tex., in July 2015, he noticed that the community was growing so rapidly that it was beginning to lose its small-town feel. He saw this as an opportunity for his new congregation, Peace, to coordinate community events for families so that as Liberty Hill grows, Peace is considered a backbone of the community.Ā 

Since then, Peace has launched many family-friendly events, including a Mornings with Mommy program, Trunk or Treat, Family Bible Night, and Christmas and Easter for Kids.Ā 

In July 2016, Peace hosted its largest community event yetā€”an elaborate Independence Day celebration that included a live band, different booths, food trucks, and a professional fireworks show. A mission team from St. Andrew, Middleton, Wis. (pictured) helped the mission congregation run this event, which attracted more than 1,200 community members.Ā 

Before the fireworks show, Apt led a prayer for the country that included thanking God for our freedom but most importantly thanking him for our Savior who freed us from our sins.

Saviour of the Nations, Vancouver

In March 2009, 13 people met with Rev. Geoff Cortright to worship and consider starting a WELS congregation in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. They chose the name Saviour of the Nations, because they wanted people of every culture, tribe, race, and language to know they have something that unites them above all elseā€”or rather, someone: Jesus. Saviour of the Nations has been building cultural bridges and helping others find peace and forgiveness in Jesus ever since.Ā 

In fall 2014, the congregation was granted funding from Home Missions to start full-time ministry. One important component of the missionā€™s ministry is its free English-as-a-second-language classes and Bible studies. The congregation has a large Asian immigrant population, and Qiang Wang, a Mandarin-Chinese-speaking member, was installed as a part-time lay evangelist in 2016. He is studying with Cortright with the intent of preparing for the ministry through the Pastoral Studies Institute at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary.Ā 

To learn more, visit and view the Moments with Missionaries: Vancouver, Canada.Ā 

WELS Benefit Plans

The WELS Benefit Plans Office (BPO) serves WELS and Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS) workers and organizations through administration of the WELS Voluntary Employeesā€™ Beneficiary Association (VEBA) Health Plan, the WELS Pension Plan, and the WELS Shepherd Plan.

The WELS VEBA Health Plan provides benefits for church and school workers in accordance with Godā€™s Word while remaining compliant with the federal health care reform law. The plan provides comprehensive, nationwide coverage.

One of the important advantages of participating in WELS Benefit Plans is that the coverage and benefits provided are uniform throughout all 50 states. This supports the WELS ministry and call process because worker call decisions are not influenced by health insurance and retirement benefit decisions.

Did you know?Ā The total average cost of U.S. health premiums has increased by 61 percent since 2005. Average WELS VEBA Health Plan contribution rates have increased by only 49 percent since 2005, preserving valuable assets throughout WELS to fund ministry efforts.

WELS Church Extension Fund

WELS Church Extension Fund, Inc., (WELS CEF) provides financing through loans and grants to mission congregations so they can acquire land and ministry facilities to be used for gospel outreach in coordination with WELS Home Missions. WELS CEF also provides loans to WELS self-supporting congregations and schools for land and facility projects. The money to carry out CEFā€™s mission comes from investments and gifts from WELS members, congregations, and affiliated organizations.

In fiscal year 2014ā€“15, $21.2 million of new loans and $1.9 million of new grant requests were approved. WELS CEFā€™s loan portfolio ended the year at $133.7 million with 206 loans to WELS congregations and affiliates.

Photo caption:Ā WELS Church Extension Fund, Inc., provided a low interest loan to help Our Saviorā€™s, Port Orange, Fla., increase space for its early childhood ministry, Small Steps Academy. On March 22, 2015, the congregation broke ground on the addition.

WELS Investment Funds

The mission of WELS Investment Funds, Inc., is to strengthen and enhance the ministry of WELS and WELS-affiliated organizations by providing professionally managed investment portfolios. WELS Funds provide eligible participating organizations with the opportunity to invest in diversified investment portfolios without becoming involved with the detailed accounting and safekeeping procedures required for direct involvement in the various securities in the portfolios.

WELS Investment Funds currently manages portfolios for 169 congregations and 35 affiliated organizations.