Working together bears fruit

WELS Prison Ministry has been in partnership with Institutional Ministries (IM) for many years. We do many similar types of ministry, though IM has tended to focus on in-person ministry while WELS Prison Ministry has focused on correspondence courses. One effort that has provided both organizations with a great opportunity for teamwork has been assisting former inmates upon release. Hereā€™s one story.

Early in 2024, in rural Wisconsin, three members of a congregationā€™s evangelism team decided to participate in the WELS Prison Ministry online training class ā€œMentoring a Returning Citizen.ā€ The three participants included a former correctional officer as well as a current social worker/parole officer. Their decision to step out in faith yielded mixed results. Before the online class held its final session, God sent a returning citizen to their community. The social worker on the team connected the recently released inmate with Jim, the former correctional officer, who had agreed to be his mentor. But Jim was reminded that only God can change hearts when the former inmate stopped returning calls.

About this time, IM was putting together HelpReturning, a program to make former inmates and inmates nearing release aware of the many resources and assistance programs that can help them. It is intended to help returning citizens find housing, employment, transportation, and other basic needs. WELS Prison Ministry informed the evangelism team of this program and encouraged them to reach out to IM for further assistance in their mentoring efforts if needed.

Then a second returning citizen, Wayne, came to town. Andy, another member of Jimā€™s congregation, worked with Wayne to find housing and employment, while sharing his faith along the way. Fast forward about six months. God blessed the efforts of Jimā€™s congregation. Jim and Wayne became friends (see photograph) and worship together. In fact, Wayne recently became a member. When the congregation hosted another local session of ā€œMentoring a Returning Citizen,ā€ Jim attended with Wayne. The congregation also held an awareness Sunday of the assistance offered by Institutional Ministries. Because Jim is enthusiastic about the value of mentoring, he now joins in new training sessions to share his experience and insight. Both he and Wayne aspire to take the gospel into facilities as well.

WELS Prison Ministries is thankful for our partnership with Institutional Ministries. We recognize the value each organization brings to this ministry and look forward to working more closely together in the future.